2 NEW YORK'S HOTTEST DAY, West Forty-fift- street, at her home. Hudson street; taken to Hudson street Louis 32 years old, of S37 " ' Langstay, Sit. $mutlvtcs. Ann Kinneally, 27 years old, of 429 hospital. Marion street; taken to City hospital, gvcrwistous, The Mercury Climbed Higher Still East Ninth street, at her home. Charles Doyne, 20 years old, of One He, Conway and Barr collapsed within CO 007 Hundred time Yesterday The Dtath Rate Increased Henry Deastel, years old, ,of and Fifth street and Colum- 100 feet of each other at the same 2S East Eleventh street. bus avenue, removed to New Tork hos- removed once from Fulton, Trunks, inch, $2.t9 DO YOU WANT An Enormous 1.1st of and were at Mutton Accordingly Mary Ann Devlns, 45 years old, of pital from Eighth avenue and Twen- street, near the ferry, Beef, leaf, inch, 3,30 In New 329 Thirty-eight- h 30 Fatalities and Prostrations West street, at her tieth street. Robert Foster, 19 years old, of 1.859 F sh Fish, Oysters and Soollops. Your York and Brooklyn. home. Robert Robinson, 87 years' old, of 200 Dean street, at Fulton street and Roch- Carpets BrisMsM, Elen C. 34 of 224 West Sixty-secon- d LITCHFIELD . 12. hot- Hagan, years old, street, removed to ester avenue; taken to St. Mary's hos- . New York, Aug. Hot, hotter, 446 Chlokens, and Duokc To-da- East Eleventh street, at Eleventh Roosevelt from his home. Turkeys Suit Cases were $5-- 00 test. y was the hottest of this hospital pital. The Moths Killed, and the Vast avenue. 30 36 15 FRESH VEGETABLES. terrific hot Joseph Jagan, years old, of William Heenan, 47 years old, of Boston ' 6.00 Removed, 't spell. Edward Alert, 32 old, of 302 Lettuce au4 Cuuutuber. 4.38, The sun up Us deadly work of years Mornlngalde avenue; removed to his Reld avenue, at Nostrand and Gates kept East One Twenty-sixt- h .... 8.50 WK CAN DO IT. shone Hundred and home from One Hundred and Twenty-fitt- h avenues; taken home. STAPLE GROCERIES v ., 6.00, the past week., By jthe time It home. over of street, at his street and Lexington avenue, Jacob Shanderf of 41 Morrell street, TABLE LUXURIES -- the tops the great Mallch 40 more names were Orunner, years old, a Patrick Brady, 31 years old, of 57 taken to St. Catherine's hospital. and DELICACIES. " Straw Hats 20c, 50c Lace Curtains buildings fourteen 56 street. udded to roll. A few of these watchman, at Lewis Fulton 'avenue; removed to Harlem Lena Oberst, 28 years old, of 304 Of finest oleuued wlthoub the death Patrick 45 found 50c, 1. 00 tho qualities were cases of who were pros- Roach, years old, hospital from 225 East Ninety-sevent- h One Hundred and Twenty-firs- t street, persons in 295 HURLBURT it Injury Wo ore especially (ICtad died dead bed at his home, Second street sent home. BROS., - 2.50 trated by tho heat yesterday and avenue. 1074 vip for tills work. Walter Frank, 23 old, of 836 23 old, of 53 CHAPEL STREET .,.,1.50, in the night. , 31 19 years Adolph Spltzberg, years Owen Rush, years old, of Dry Thirty-eight- h At. X had East, street; taken to South First street, at sugar refinery, 25c and o'clock the police reported Dock street, found dead in bed. Caps He, Dyeing Cleaning thirty-thre- e deattia and sixty-eig- ht Bellevue hospital from 297 Third ave foot of 'South First street; taken to Martin Elchler, 70 years old, of 408 nue. ' Eastern District 22c, Of Meu'i Bulls and Overooats, Ladles' prostrations. Fifth died lii the hospital. death roll ...from the street, night. Charles Otto, 38 years old, of Eleventh 69 old, of 651 Grand D. M. WELCH & SON Dreaaes, fcto. Yesterday the Unknown man, 5i with Mary Long, years 25c, i5c wave years old, avenue and Fifty-eight- h .taken heat was the since the hot street; on Fifth - '. largest who (Continued Page.) - Offer- " , over gray hair and moustache, register- to Roosevelt from Eleventh settled the city and surrounding ed under the name of Doran, was found hospital Laundering a week The record of the avenue and Fifty-nint- h street. FRIEND E.BROOKS, country ago. dead in bed in the lodging house at 5S3 FANCY YELLOW SWEET POTA- Of Cuffs. to John Heller,' 21 years old, of 400 East a Bhlrts, Collars, TJnderolothlng. metropolitan district up midnight '. TOES, 25o peck, 90c bushel. , 141 492 cases First avenue, Fifty-fift- h to hos . showed deaths and of pros- street; taken Flower 795 Street. Mrs. Caroline Buck, 65 old, of ' '' '' Chapel Of sixty-liv- e oc- years from 1.0S2 First avenue. THE FORSYTH CO.. tration. the deaths 505 pital satisfaction comes with PEACHES. e East Eleventh street, died at her 34 of keenest In and twenty-on- in - Frank Sackman. years old. of 220 curred this city home, Beer. 100 Baskets Finest Peaches received FOFJCES 878 CHAPEL STREET, Fast Eighty-nint- h Street, removed to glass of Williams' Root CABINET AND HARD WOOD Brooklyn, Mary 49 old, of 344 Wa f?ery Dally and gold at lowest prices by the 645 ' At 1 a. m. the at the Carey, years Harlem from One Hundred and temperature ter found dead In bed at her hospital Keep it in the house ready to quench quart or basket. , , WORK. office was 81, and at 2 m. 91. street, Thirty-eight- h street and Mott avenue. 23 BROADWAT, weather p. home. will 600 Bushels FANCY NATIVE POTA- The 12 in the Alexander 2 of 41 thirst Your whole family hottest August history 38 of 443 Bedell, years old, your TOES only 55c Bushel. , ALSOSAWING, TURNING, STATE. LA WRENCH! ant was in 1893, Jacob Ulmer, years old, East Bedford to Bellevue of the local weather bureau Sixteenth found dead In bed at street, removed it. It is a temperance drink, Finest Native Whortleberries 9o .And Jobbing in Wood of all kinds. MECHANIC STREETS. 90 street, Twenty-fift- h enjoy when the temperature was degrees. hospital from street and 3 25c. .. his home. - . You quart, quarts EDWARD P. BKETT, Builder, It was not believed this that Lexington avenue, V clear, bright and sparkling. 854-- 3 morning 38 of 223 Shredded, Cocoanut lft Telephone 2 and to- Catherine Byrnes, years old, 45 .Large Package Artisan Street. the mercury would run that high 626 Michael Longfleld, years old, of are to own health 5c I West Sixtieth street, died at West drinking youf only package. .m. Tlepbon6So?-ia- . day, but at 2 o'clock It was 91. 93 Varidam street; removed to Hudson Thirty-fourt- h street. Martlnuque Lime Juice only 20o bot-- were re- . : when drink The following temperatures Street hospital from his home.' you , Prostrations from Heat, tie, large size. , at 8 o'clock from over the coun- Paul Sommer, 31 old, of '211 ported The police these prostra years Try one of our Boneless Ham Rolls Boston, 82 degrees; Philadelphia, reported East Seventy-sixt- h removed to try: tions from heat y: street; only 11c lb. .. 82 82 degrees; Wash- from 1,708 Second degrees; Atlanta, 22 101 Presbyterian hospital - Table 86 C. W. Posterfleld, years old, of " .' Finest Butter obtainable is Our ington, 82 degrees; Norfolk, degrees, West Sixtieth street, at his to avenue. Elgin Creamery 20c lb. in the Cincin- home; '27 275 hottest place country; Roosevelt James Carroll, yeaers old, of Now is the time to use Frank Par- 74 St. Louis, 82 hospital. nati, degrees; degrees; 35 to Hudson street; removed to his home sons' sure death to Water Good 72 St. 80 de- Unknown man, years old, the Bugs,- Kansas City, degrees; Paul, Hudson street from 74 Watts street. Bye to Bed Bugs and Ants, Fatal Food Mont., 48 degrees. hospital. Owen 30 Soever grees; Havre, John Gilltean. 14 years old. of 491 Malloy, years old, residence for Rats and Mice and Buffalo Death The table shows the maxi- to ; following Warren street, Brooklyn, at 57 Green- Unknown; removed Hudson Street for Carpet Bugs. mum temperatures on each day since from 234 street. COOLEST wich street; to his home. hospital West MFES. with the number of deaths Lawrence 54 of WILLIAMS A CARLETON CO, ugust'4 60 resi Rellly, years old, Conn. D. M. WELCH & from sunstroke that occurred on those Kate McGowan, years old, Hartford, SON, dence unknown; to the Hudson street, Third avenue and One Hundred and 28 and 30 dates; Seventy-nint- h removed to Ford-ha- m Congress Avenue, " street; Branches Deaths hospital. from Third avenue and 176CnmpbeU Avenue, Weat Ha ten - - John Reynolds, 25 years old, of 9 hospital ouraau Avenue, nmr Haven Tempera- Humidl- from Seventy-eight- James at Sixteenth street and One Hundred and h T eloihoneiUO ... ture, Heat. street,, ' Date ity. street, DESSAUER-T1100STWY- K Avenue A; to Bellevue hospital. ' THE August 4 87 84 0 Michael Slattery, 43 years old, of 1848 Annie Caplan, 27 years old, of 150 SHOE 5 89 75 5 to SCHOOL OF MUSIC SIR? August Second at his home; , to the Orchard street; removed Gouverneur 6 91 87. 5 avenue,' August hospital from her home; . 1 st. 4 Presbyterian hospital. Will Reopen Sept. August 7 . 91 98 J. McGee, 46 years old,, of One Hun John Lyman, 29 years old, of 414 No. 781 Chapel Street. 8 92 15 tali:; 79, h to August dred and Thirty-eight- street and Man Eighth avenue; taken Hudson Street Slur 91 76 34 MECHANICAL DRAWING. August 9 hattan avenue, at hlB home; to the hospital.
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