Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-20-1987 The BG News October 20, 1987 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 20, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4709. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4709 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Rockets offenseless in 20-6 BG win; see page 7 THE BG NEWS Vol. 70 Issue 33 Bowling Green, Ohio Tuesday, October 20,1987 Reagan supports U.S. naval shelling WASHINGTON (AP) - Powers Act. President Reagan yesterday "I support the action as a called the U.S. naval shelling Bush suggests Iranian terrorists may retaliate measured and restrained ac- that destroyed two Iranian plat- tion," said Rep. Dante Fascell, forms in the Persian Gulf a were injuredred in the attack, Hoel, Young and Leftwich For his part, Bush said, "No- Uon as the attack bee ,n -»» 7 o CDT A* l f;-., ,.«j; t\... c...; twviv thinks that thiQ will pnH it " tion,.,in__. as the • attack i began.. D-Fla„ chairman of the House "lawful exercise of the right of which began at 7 a.m.,™ EDT. At openednnnnnr fire, poundingnn Mn the faci- body thinks that this will end it." "What is important is ... for Foreign Affairs Committee. self-defense" but Vice President least some of the 20 to 30 Iran- lity with an estimated 1,000 Fitzwater said he wanted to Iran to realize that they cannot House Minority Leader George Bush suggested Iranian ians on board abandoned the shells. emphasize "the restrained make unprovoked attacks on Robert Michel, R-ni., said, "It terrorists might strike back. platforms after the U.S. forces nature of this action. The pre- neutral, non-belligerent, legiti- was a measured, appropriate White House spokesman Mar- radioed 20 minutes' warning. He said he had no information cision with which we tried to i- mate snipping in the gulf with- response." lin Fitzwater said gunfire from Fitzwater said the shelling on whether any Iranians were dentify a target was proportion- out some cost to them," Wein- Fascell and Michel agreed four destroyers destroyed "the lasted about 90 minutes. picked up by Navy vessels. ate to their attack by a Silkworm berger said. that new debates are likely over two platforms at one location. If Iran retaliates, Defense missile" on Friday of the Sea Legislators generally ap- the War Powers Act, the 1973 They both collapsed." Fitzwater said the Iranians Secretary Caspar Weinberger Isle City, a Kuwaiti tanker fly- proved, but there were also pre- law that limits a president's au- were seen leaving the platforms said, the United States is pre- ing the U.S. flag. dictions that the attack would thority to send U.S. military Pentagon spokesman Fred on boats before the five-inch Ered to again attack Iranian Hoffman said the Soviet Union touch off a new congressional personnel to areas of imminent Hoffman said no Americans guns on the destroyers Kidd, -gets. and Iran were notified of the ac- debate about invoking the War danger. Concert success for GAO by Judi Kopp chief copy editor Sunday's INXS concert at- tracted 4,100 and went "really well" said Gale Swanka, direc- tor of University Activities Or- ganization. The doors had to be held for an hour because INXS had prob- lems setting up its equipment, she said. "They were doing their best to get done (set up) on time, but there was a problem with the slide projector," Swanka said. "I guess if there had to be a problem, I'm glad it wasn't with sound and lighting." Because of the delay, the Brandos could not do a sound check, she said. Students did not cause any problems at the concert, Swanka said. UAO started setting up for the concert around 8 a.m. Sunday, after getting the stage set up Saturday night, she said. "The band people were really nice," she said. "Thev really BG News Mark Thalman appreciated all the effort the Uplifting performance students put into the set up. and Michael Hutchence. the energetic lead singer for INXS. raises the roof at Anderson Arena minule set. The INXS concert, sponsored by (JAO, was the first major concert at the Uni- Sunday night. The concert attracted 4,100 people who roared continuously during the 90 versity in two years. See concert review and more photos on page six. D See INXS, page 3. USG doubts budget plan Stock market "It is obviously in the best interest of the feel oppression. by Julie Wallace students to include residence halls under the Robinson said students who have prob- copy editor capital budget if the University can since lems with their professors are often afraid to suffers big loss there is a need for more funding in this talk to them or to the chairs of the depart- The Undergraduate Student Government area," Perry said. ments because they feel it will affect their is voicing concerns about the proposed capi- The plan, which calls for an $8.5 million grades. tal planning budget which was revised last addition to the Fine Arts building and a This, he said, should not occur. NEW YORK (AP) - The scribe this," Suresh Bhirud, an summer and sent to the Ohio Board of Re- renovation of the bursar's office, will "No one has the right to abuse their power stock market suffered its analyst at Oppenheimer & Co, gents. receive final recommendations in late at the University; if a student complains biggest drop in modern times said. The plan proposes renovation and resto- December. about a professor and suffers repercussions, yesterday as the storm of selling "What we have is a full-scale ration projects of state funded buildings on The construction of a parking garage then something is wrong," he said. that hit Wall Street over the past financial panic," Hugh Johnson campus. The plan includes 47 projects di- would solve the student parking problems Robinson suggested talking to the profes- two weeks reached panic pro- at First Albany Corp, said. vided up into three bienniums with the first which, Tim Peterson, student welfare coor- sor about the problem first. portions. biennium beginning in the 1988-89 school dinator said, is "a major concern" on cam- "If he (professor) is not responding to you, The Dow Jones average of 30 Brokers said the market was year. pus. then talk to the chair of the department, he industrials plunged 508.32 points caught up in a chain reaction of At the meeting last Thursday, Dave Rob- Peterson is currenUy preparing a report said. "Chairs of departments do not want to 1,738.74, tor a loss of 22.62 per- events that created what Wil- inson, USG president, expressed doubts about the lack of parking while the Parking bad faculty members on their staff because cent. liam LeFevre at Advest Inc. about the plan because it does not address committee, which is one of the 36 Faculty they reflect badly on the department. Trading volume records top- called "a terrible washout" as issues concerning students, such as the Senate committees involving USG, is also "They are going to want to help students pled as prices plunged, wiping the trading week began. renovation of residence halls and the con- confronting the problem. as much as they can with the problem, so a out a big part of the gains they Stock markets in Tokyo and struction of a parking garage. The committee is directly responsible for student shouldn't have to be afraid to talk to amassed through the bull mar- London fell sharply in reaction The plan, he said, may not be responsible the allocation of budgeted funds tor parking. them, "he said. ket of the past five years. to Wall Street's severe break for the renovation of the residence halls and At the meeting, Robinson also addressed In other business, Amy Bahl, Ward 5 rep- Since it reached a record high last week. U.S. bond prices tum- the construction of a parking garage, but the problem of the educational atmosphere resentative, said the legality of students of 2,722.42 on Aug. 25, the aver- bled in early trading yesterday, "obviously should, if possible. on campus, which was brought to light by having second phones in residence halls has age has fallen more than 980 although they later recovered Jim Perry, USG vice president, said a se- the Faculty Senate. been determined. points, losing about half of the much of their losses. parate fund is "set aside" for the residence The Faculty Senate report indicated the Bahl said in the student code for 1987-88, on ground it gained over the pre- While the situation appeared halls, but the funding is "not enough" to work environment of the University is "op- page 24 in section B, a clause is included vious five years. grim in the early stages of the keep the halls in decent condition. pressive," but Robinson said students also . See USG, page 3. "I don't have words to de- n See Market, page 4. Tuesday News in brief OUniversity and student groups line up events for alcohol awareness week. AIDS kills women sooner f?®£ffil^&tt^& Two claim record jackpot see story page 3.
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