Philological sciences 61 GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES OF WATER OBJECTS IN «THE SONG OF IGOR’S CAMPAIGN» Sokolova E.N. Tyumen State University, Tyumen, e-mail: [email protected] The article is devoted to the topical problem in modern linguistic science – restoration Old Russian’s system of geographical names. «The Song of Igor’s Campaign» can be considered as important source for description system of hydronyms. Keywords: Old Russian written monuments, geographical names, hydronyms, etymological comments Place names of an era of the Old Russian nalistic list the story about Igor’s campaign «is state, being a cultural heritage of ethnic com- placed in the text of the Kiev chronicle which, munity of east Slavs, store in itself memory of in turn, got data from chronicles of Chernigov» the past of the Slavic people and their repre- [7, р. 92–93]. Igor Svyatoslavich’s entering sentations of a world order. As geographical into the Lavrentyevsky chronicle the history, names differ known stability and conservatism, appeared in it taken of chronicles of Suzdal, the perspective of their studying is on a joint and was transferred to the local chronicle of of history of language, etymology, lexicol- Pereyaslavl Southern. ogy and dialectology. Indirectly refl ecting his- As G.F. Kovalev notes, «from the point of torical and geographical reality, geographical view of proper name theory this work gives names the XI–XIII centuries keep forever so- in hands of the researcher excellent, often ciocultural, historical, lexicological and ethno a unique material. These are personal names of geographical information, refl ect valuable data heroes of the poem, the name of the ancient cit- on language contacts and ancient ethnic com- ies, settlements, the rivers, the names relating munications, migrations of the people, culture, to ancient Slavic mythology» [5, р. 48]. a life and their language consciousness. Cer- The toponymic space of the text develops tifi cates of written monuments are defi ned by of place names (117 units), relating on the ori- that value, «which helps to add our idea of to- gin to different languages and fi xed in differ- ponymic system on any synchronous cut, about ent territories. It in the majority geographical structure of loans, their shifts and rates of ad- names, going back to lexicon of Slavic, Turkic, aptation, about the contacting native toponymy Norman and Finno-Ugric languages. «For the going back to unwritten languages and being most ancient geographical names, especially one of the major sources of data on language of with the indefi nite inner form, only belong- the before Russian population» [4, t. 2, р. 31]. ing to a family of languages usually is defi ned. Value of data of a hydronimiya within For structural and semantic clear geographical studying of history, language and culture of names reference to group of related languages ethnos is diffi cult for overestimating, as water is possible…» [2, р. 192]. objects at an early stage of development of any The most ancient layer of toponymic lexi- civilization had paramount value. In particular, con make hydronyms – own names of any ob- exactly along the rivers there was a moving of ject of hydrography: the seas, the rivers, lakes, certain ethnic groups. a well, a reservoir, suited, etc. [8] – which can Hydronyms (proper names of a body be divided on names of the seas (and also sea of water), the writings fi xed in Old Russian water areas: lip, gulf, bay), names of the riv- monuments, including in «The Song of Igor’s ers, names of lakes (and also ponds), names of Campaign», owing to known stability allow to bogs (boggy places), microhydronyms (names reconstruct the ethno linguistic map of the past of sources, streams, springs, wells, etc.). of the East Slavic people. The multilayered ob- In «The Song of Igor’s Campaign» the fol- jects of hydrography within a certain territory lowing objects of hydrography are fi xed: testifying to their various languages posses- sive, and also about processes of migrations. Names of the seas «The Song of Igor’s Campaign» reached us Pomorie (the coast of the Sea of Azov, the in the list of the end of XV – the beginnings earth on Sula’s right river bank, bordering on the of the XVI centuries which was in library of polovetsky steppe): «Div is aroused, he shrieks a Spaso-Yaroslavsky monastery, and then was a command to the unknown land, to the Volga, acquired by count A.I. Musin-Pushkin. This Pomorie, Posulie, Surozh...» [10, fr. 29]. Geo- list is remote from the original about three graphical name with konfi ks: a prefi x on- + a centuries (1185–1190). In the Ipatyevsky an- nominal basis + a suffi x –jе: Po-mor’-je. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY № 2, 2016 62 Philological sciences Names of the rivers chronicle contains an explanation: «Dvina Bolonie (in English translation thickets) therefore called that moved two (the rivers, – (the low bank of Dniepr where the Kiev Podol the Yug and Sukhona) and made from itself settled down): «In the thickets at Plesensk there the third»: this explanation then repeated up were four brother princes, and they were carry- to the Encyclopedic dictionary of 1901, but ing me toward the dark blue sea» [10, fr. 99]. is recognized naive later [6]. Possibly, emer- N.V. Charlemagne believes that it is a space gence of the name Dvina (from the middle of between shaft – protective constructions on the XIX century Northern Dvina) it is nec- both parties of the bottom watercourse of essary to consider in connection with all hy- Glubochitsa, i.e. in close proximity to Kiev; dronyms from a basis dvin- which have quite this place was called subsequently as Obolon’ extensive area» [8, р. 374]. Considering that [9, t. 1, р. 134]. Bolonie is «a water meadow, names of Dvina Western and Dvina Northern the lowland». According to F.F. Fortunatov, it are conformable in Slavic, Finnish, the Scan- is connected about a bog, lit. bàltas «white», dinavian languages and at the same time are also lit. bàlnas «white» [3, t. 1, р. 189]. separated from the Latvian-Lithuanian name, Volga (the largest river of the Russian Plain) V.A. Bulkin established the phenomenon to «a is repeatedly mentioned in the text hydronym. mirror hydronimiya» when both rivers, in this «In the second fl oor XII century within Old case both Dvina appears are geographically Russia (generally – the Vladimiro-Suzdalsky compatible. «The rivers with the same name principality) there were headwaters of Volga, with the pulled together sources and dispers- approximately to a place of a confl uence in it ing courses served, according to the research- of Sura and Vetluga. Below on the Volga Cur- er, certain reference points on portage sites rent settled down the earth of the Volga Bul- upon transition from the basin of one river to garians» [9, t. 1, р. 223]. «For you can empty the pool another. Fixing of the name of the the Volga with oars; You pour out the Don river at men of Polotsk was promoted clear with your helmet» [10, fr. 124] (Here the men- to Slavs by semantic contents of the term re- tion of Volga is connected with Vsevolod Big fl ecting local geographical feature – merge at Nest’s war with Bulgarians.); «Div is aroused, Polotsk two rivers realized as means of com- he shrieks a command to the unknown land, munication» [9, t. 2, р. 86–87]. «It is possi- to the Volga, Pomorie, Posulie, Surozh and ble, it is more ancient i.-e. the name which by Korsun» [10, fr. 29] (In the specifi ed context Y. Rozvadovsky carries to other – Old Indian means the average and the bottom Volga Cur- dhávatē, dhắvati «fl ows», dhāutís «a spring, rent where there lived the steppe people.). The a stream» [3, t. 1, р. 488]. origin of the name is disputable. «Existence Dniepr Slovutich (modern Dniepr, the river of the rivers of Volgayoka, Vol’ga (Volga), running into the Black Sea): «O Dniepr, Son Volgoma, Volgozero’s lake in space from Oka of Fame!» [10, fr. 178]. Dniepr – «the river to Karelia allows to assume name emergence moistening, impregnating the earth». From Volga in language of the tribes which living *Dunipros > *Duneapar > ; slav. *Dъneprъ > in its headwaters at the time of a neolith and Old Russian Дьнепрь, 1016; Дънепръ, 1214 have extended later on more northern areas. [8, р. 142]. Concerning an epithet «Slovutich» But sources and the headwaters of the river V.P. Adrianova-Peretts noted that «existence in are in a zone where prior to the beginning of the Ipatyevsky chronicle under 1241 of a word II thousand lived the Baltic tribes. In balt. «slovutny» with the same signifi cance «nice, valka languages «small stream; a stream fl ow- well-known» – «slovutny the singer Mitusa» – ing on a bog; small river, spring»; this term enters also defi nition «Slovutich» into lexicon is often compared with the name Volga, i.e. modern to language «The Song...». In its basis the Neolithic population of a wood zone could widespread verb from the most ancient monu- be Indo-European. Some authors allow ori- ments «слути, слову», one of which meaning gin Volga from an ancient word, related slav. «to be known, glorifi ed» [9, t. 2, р. 124]. moisture, volgly; this etymology causes objec- Donets (Severski Donets, right infl ow of tions, and, besides, it is improbable that this Don): «but Prince Igor had dashed like an er- large river before arrival of Slavs remained inine to the weeds... and he sped toward the anonymous» [8, р. 102]. bend of the Donets» [10, fr.
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