The Bulletin of the Parapsychological 2019 Association 11.2. Volume 11 Mindfield Issue 2 The Institut Métapsychique International Issue Celebrating a Centennial WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 11 Issue 2 2019 Mindfield 51 The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association 11.2.2019 Volume 11 Mindfield Issue 2 From the 54 Mindfield Team by Renaud Evrard, Annalisa Ventola & Nikolaos Koumartzis 52 Mindfield Volume 11 Issue 2 2019 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG | Mindfield Editors Renaud Evrard, Annalisa M. Ventola Art Director Nikolaos Koumartzis Staff Writer Anastasia Wasko | 2018-2019 Board of Directors President: Dean Radin Vice President: Marilyn J. Schlitz Secretary: Renaud Evrard Treasurer: Everton Maraldi Board Members Sally Ann Drucker, Joseph W. McMoneagle, Peter Mulacz, Alejandro Parra, David J. Vernon Past President Chris A. Roe Student Representative Bruno A. Silva Executive Director Annalisa M. Ventola The The Differences 81 Library 55 of Temperament of Hauntings Between English by Philippe Baudouin and French Supernormal Researchers in 70 Knowledge: Articles the 1920s The Work of Relevant to by Antonio Leon Eugène Osty 93 Parapsychology by Carlos S. Alvarado in Journals of The Various Fields Establishment of 61 Interview with (XXVIII) Metapsychics Mario Varvoglis 75 by Maurice van Luijtelaar During the by Renaud Evrard and Renaud Evrard Roaring Twenties by Renaud Evrard WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 11 Issue 2 2019 Mindfield 53 From the Bulletin of the of Bulletin Mindfield Team The Parapsychological Association 11 Volume Issue 2 2019 | BY RENAUD EVRARD, to France, the country of Des- agenda. For this generation, Université de Lorraine cartes, and the particular con- it is important to extend the ANNALISA VENTOLA, texts it offers. Parapsychology studies of their predecessors Parapsychological Association - or metapsychics according to while anticipating the obsta- Nobel laureate Charles Richet’s cles they may encounter. Such & NIKOLAOS KOUMARTZIS, term - has experienced cycles a generation is born with the SEIKILO Cultural Organization of enthusiasm and marginal- reading of Bertrand Meheust’s ization. The articles presented masterly work Somnambulisme he centennial here trace several moments of et médiumnnité (1999) which of the Institut this story, shared between the reestablished the clandestine Métapsychique past glory of the Roaring Twen- history of animal magnetism, T International (IMI) ties and the current activities hypnosis, psychical research is an event to celebrate. This of IMI. with contemporary thinkers. institutional persistence is Coincidentally, the annual This issue of Mindfieldcontrib - not a guarantee of prosperity convention of the Parapsy- utes to this direction, hoping or stability; it is primarily the chological Association is back to celebrate one day the bicen- victory of a struggle led by in France for the third time tennial of IMI or other sister passionate people. It is also in the 21st century, where the societies. the outcome of the desire to situation seems to evolve very keep alive a unique historical slowly. A new generation is tradition of psi research. working to include parapsy- This issue of Mindfield turns chology in their official research 54 Mindfield Volume 11 Issue 2 2019 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG The Differences of Temperament Between English and French Researchers in the 1920s he purpose of this The Backstage of article is to expose the the Foundation differences of tem- of the Institut perament between Métapsychique T International English and French researchers in the 1920s. For this purpose, I will use primary sources such as At the end of World War I, San- toliquido, a public health offi- letters and speeches obtained cial, sent a letter to Arnaud de from the archives of The Insti- Gramont, physicist and member of tut Métapsychique International the French Academy of Sciences, (IMI) and official journals. These to found the Institut Métapsy- differences were evident after chique International. Gramont’s | by ANTONIO LEON World War I (Evrard, 2016), during response was approval, only Rocco Santoliquido’s exchange recommending the consultation would be ready to do whatever it of letters prior to the foundation of the great physiologist Charles took, but Santoliquido should do of the Institute and during the Richet (Santoliquido, 1918a). what Gramont asked, that is, go experiments with Eva Carriere Santoliquido wrote to the indus- to Richet’s house in Paris. San- (pseudonym of Marthe Béraud, trialist Jean Meyer, a committed toliquido then went to Richet’s 1886-1969) in the Society for spirit, and the answer was that house; however, it became clear Psychical Research (SPR) and it would be impossible to create in the conversation that he had an Bisson’s letters. such an institution in Paris amid opposite point of view in regard official hostility. Meyer said he to the creation of such an insi- WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 11 Issue 2 2019 Mindfield 55 The Differences of Temperament Between The Bulletin of the Parapsychological English and French Researchers in the 1920s Association tute. Richet understood that the al (Santoliquido, 1918a), was the On the English island, government would never admit laboratory of Gustave Geley, the such a thing. To put an end to one that was overseeing diverse the various autom- the conversation, Richet asked experiences with Béraud (from atisms and mental Santoliquido to write a proposal December 10, 1917 to March 11, anyway, so he could reflect upon 1918) (Geley, 1924, p.196; and see activities were con- it. Santoliquido then sent a letter below). directly to Richet, dated October Santoliquido’s final words in the sidered; the English 3, 1918 (Santoliquido, 1918a). letter presented an idealistic goal were interested in In the letter, Santoliquido of the institute, a goal aimed at expresses his conviction that it is encouraging a thinking humanity those processes and the right moment to realize the for a new and superior phase in the question of sur- great project so long dreamed of which peace prevails. This was by the metapsychics (Lachapelle, implicitly an idealistic goal. These vival after physical 2005), that is, to found an inter- men had just gone through a national organization that will world war, and many lost close death. centralize everything related to relatives. There was a great psychical studies and will allow thirst for peace in each one. But tional action. In his first argument, to address all related questions it wasn’t only about peace; these Lodge said that the genius of each (Santoliquido, 1918a). men understood that by removing nation had particular characteris- Santoliquido, persuasive- the veil of metapsychic phenom- tics. The continent, that is the rest ly, proposes the creation of an ena, mankind could mature and of Europe including France, saw international organization while evolve and enter a new, more the subject treated medically and considering the difficulties of the evolved phase. psychophysically. On the English task, and its importance, because Richet, after reading the letter, island, the various automatisms it is such a vast undertaking. He expressed appreciation and asked and mental activities were con- states that the institution he permission to send the letter sidered; the English were inter- has in mind would not have the to the physicist Oliver Lodge in ested in those processes and the purpose of replacing or rivaling London for advice and guidance. question of survival after physical national or local organizations. On Santoliquido authorized, there- death. Lodge claimed that the the contrary, it would constitute fore Lodge, after a few days, sent question of survival of the phys- a kind of federation, allowing the his reply (which was very similar ical body was little explored by best yield of individual efforts and to Richet’s opinion), giving his Latin people, arguing that they ensuring the joining of all good contrary opinion. In his response, study these facts in such a man- wishes (Santoliquido, 1918a). Lodge states that there was no ner that they didn’t reach any con- Santoliquido also explained that doubt about the importance of clusion, either in one way or an- there was a precursor in Paris to research and work, and that both other. For Lodge, French scientists such an institute; that foundation, France and England would contin- cared little about problems of this in his eyes, seemed destined to ue on the path of peace. However, nature. He also mentioned that form the nucleus of the future In- he questioned whether it was time not a single publisher allowed stitut Métapsychique Internation- to undertake allied and interna- him to publish a French edition 56 Mindfield Volume 11 Issue 2 2019 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 11 The Differences of Temperament Between Issue 2 2019 English and French Researchers in the 1920s of his book Raymond or Life and In view of the above issues, opening of hearts to metapsychic Death, a book named after his son Lodge was inclined to question facts, but he did not consider it an who died in the war. After having the possibility of a combined ideal condition for the lessons to abbreviated the original transla- action, understanding that it happen in the public arena; he did tion, Lodge submitted it to several would be better for each country not want to try to convince people publishers, one after another, for to continue its research in iso- against their will. Lodge under- several months (Lodge, 1918). lation. However, he emphasized stood that all progress was slow, It is evident through the words with urgency the need to create a but overall, slowness was benefi- of Lodge, in his first argument, central organization, especially for cial. (Lodge, 1918). that there were two schools of finances (Lodge, 1918). In his fourth argument, he metapsychic studies—the French In his second argument, Lodge affirmed that there was no in- school, aligned with objective cited the antipathy that science, ternational institution that was metapsychics and material phe- the Church, and the law have over carrying out important scientific nomena such as ectoplasm, and metapsychic researches, maybe work, except for the catalog and the English school, aligned with even paralyzing them.
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