Public Disclosure Authorized PHILIPPINES Participatory Irrigation Development Project (PO88926) Public Disclosure Authorized ABBREVIATED RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN Banurbur Creek IS, Region 2 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Banurbur Creek IS, Region 2 To increase the irrigated area of the system it was proposed to utilize drainage water re - use and groundwater at strategic points. For these improvement works, ROW for canal system is to be negotiated with 26 farmers for a total area of 1.68 ha wherein 23 farmers donated a total area of 1.5588 ha. Farm - to -market roads will also be constructed to be used as service and operation roads, and for farmers use in transporting their produce. Hence, ROW will also be negotiated with 41 farmers for a total area of 1.3092 ha wherein 0.7512 ha was donated by 23 farmers. The total cost of ROW to be acquired thru deed of sale is estimated at P44,451.00 from 21 farmers (3 farmers for ,the construction of canal, and 18 farmers for the farm - to - market roads). Participatory Lnigation Development Project (PIDP) Banurbur Creek Lnigation System Maddalero, Buguey. Cagayan RIGHT OF-OF-WAY ACQUISITION The Banurbur Creek Irrigation System (BCIS) has a service area of 1,838 ha being cultivated by 1,538 farmers distributed within 14 Barangays in Buguey, Cagayan; 1 Barangay in Sta. Teresita, Cagayan; and, 2 Barangays in Lal-lo. Cagayan. The system has three sources of water, namely: Banurbur Creek, Papira Creek and Sicuan Creek. The Banurbur Creek has an Ogee Dam; while, Papira and Sicuan Creeks have intake type of structure. The average irrigated area are 1,285 ha and 1,438 ha during the wet and dry seasons, respectively. The rehabilitation / restoration of irrigation facilities under PIDP is very necessary in the smooth operation of the system. Additional drainage ditches are also necessary in the effective utilization of drainage water re-use to increase irrigation water in the service area. In addition, 4 deep wells are proposed to be constructed at strategic locations to augment the water supply to increase the'service area to 1,954 ha of the system to attain a 200% cropping intensity. The main canal and laterals have no service and operation roads on either of their embankments. There is existing Barangay road constructed parallel to the canal which is being used as service and operation road. With the installation of pumps at strategic locations, it is proposed to construct two farm-to market roads (FMR) to pass near the deep wells. The FMRs will not only serve as service and operation roads by the system, but also by the fanners in transporting their produce which is projected to increase substantially upon completion of the Project. For improved water distribution, Lateral .4- 2 will be constructed. Construction of Lateral A-2 and the two FMRs would require ROW acquisition. ROW for the canal system is being negotiated with 26 landowners for a total area of 1.68 ha. Of the 26 farmers affected, 23 signified their willingness to donate portions of their landholdings as ROW with a total of 1.5588 ha. Only 3 farmers whose total affected area is 0.121 2 ha opted to be compensated. On the other hand, ROW for the construction of the two FMRs is being negotiated with 41 landowners for a total area of 1.3092 ha. Of the 41 farmers, 23 are willing to donate a total of 0.75 12 ha of their landholdings, and 18 farmers are to be compensated for the total area of 0.5580 ha as ROW. The total cost of ROW being acquired is estimated at P44,450.90. The details ofthe ROW being acquired are shown in the attached compensation matrix. Prepared by: Submitted by: FERDINAND B. RASOS ERNEST0 G. COLLADO Engineer A Lnigation Superintendent - I SANURBUR CREEK IRRIGATION SYSTEM Maldd~Iero,Buguey, Cagayan SUMMARY OF AREAS AFFECTED BY RIGHT OF WAY FOR PIDP IMPLEMENTATION CONSTEUCTIOI4 OF FTME 11 5 1.o Ville Gracia Ecuguey, Cag 21.747 0 657 3.02 0.44'19 0.2151 15.459 24 Deed of SaleiDcnation TOTAL. 48 21 4.8 70.342 2.9892 4.25 2.31 0.6792 44,450.90 67 2.9802 NOTE. Cost of R0.W per hectare 1s bBse frorn Fair Market Value for Maddalero 8 V~llGracia of Buguey = 71,870 00 Irr~gated for Naguil~anof Lal-lo = 35.870.00. un-~rrigated PREPARED - G. COLLADO .-s2Irrigation S ~erintencient1 "\ BANURBUR CREE.ti IFtR!GP.Tl(>l\! SYSTEM Madd~lfro.Buguey; Cagzyafi LIST OF FARIAERS AFFECTED BY RIGHT OF \'JAY FOR PlDP IMPLEMENTATIOIQ BANUREUR CREEK IRRIGATlOI4 SYSTEM hqaddalero. Buguey. Cayayan LIST OF FARMERS AFFECTED EY RIGHT OF WAY FOR PLDP IMPLEMENTATIOIJ BAKUREUR CREEK IRRIC-ATIOI\! S\'STEI;9 Maddalero, EU(IUF~.Cag~yan LIST OF FARIdERS AFFECTED 6)' RIGHI- OF VdAY FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF PIDP . - . .,.-,>.:.......... ,/7",'s.. .. .-;..;: -. .. : ... .- ,-. ...'v,!. ,, 2 : .<'; J Cq;:<'': .<'! ............ ;. ,.,>-: ..: I .< i .4 ....: : ;1: I.:. (7. u;,!! (,,; .:: .,:! L;..<; .<; <;<:<:; , , ,) 2' ~:~;a<j'(-;'L?',,>: . :. , ... .,.. : :. I '>.'. , : ! I.., .J - .. - -- -.I x .. .....* : :..:, ... -.- ;,.*.2; ,.::j:Lc'.. :! !I' ::-I: L 8' . "( .I.. / . ;,<-, , -- -1 - L. .... ,";,,,.. :.:.<:$!;&:,;.,.<'; 1%... !:!I,:-<-. ~' Ld!,..!. L:,! .:.... :..:,.,;, .r. L :! ;,''-.,:;' .~ ', '~,. --J'-, - - ., - . ., - --. .1 . ,1: ~-+u9~3.,-' ~.- . ;,>,;g;d:,;:.j;.<;.::;:<:-:;<,,L,p,,kz: ,a- :;.f;kl;~,,..,;:r: 2 - .< 1.- ,< .--:7; ' ;ri ;' 2, ,.. L ;; :L ,,I LII'L: 21 L. i_ - 1 4 -........ , .--.. ,$.!.!::!!,::! . .; ...-. .- ....!J. .- .. ;.) .J , ,L , ........ Dummun RIS, Region 2 The dani proposed to be constructed across Dummun River requires ROW acquisition for its abutment at one end. For this, the farmer who owns 1.9171 ha at that end agreed that 0.50 ha of his land be acquired by NIA at the market value of farmland prevailing in the locality. A document was signed by the owner stating his willingness that part of his land be acquired by. NIA as ROW for the construction of a11 ogee dam. (Please see attached). The estimated cost for the ROW is PI00,000.00. DEPARTMENT OF AG~~GULTURE NATIONAL IRRIGATION ADMCNISTRATION CAGAYAN VALLEY REGION !.I PUMMUN RIVER IRR1GATION SYSTEM ''"-.=..' Nabaccayan, Gattemn, Cagqan Tel, No. (078)372-0408 -..- ..i I September 23, 2008 NARRATIVE REPORT ACQUlSlTION OF RIGWTIOF-WAY The Oummun River Irrigation System is located at Brgy. Nabaccayan, Gattaran, Cagayan and with a Service Area of 1,502 has. In order to uplift the lives of the people within the area, NIA-DRIS was constructed in 1976. The opmmtion and maintenance hove bean smooth during the past 32 years ., even if ne major rehabilitation has ken dons. Now, NIA-DRIS waa programmed to be rehabilitated under the Participatory Irrigation Deveelaprnent Pr~ject(PIDP) which includes the construction of an "OOEE DAM." No hindrance -on where the Dam is to be constructed and/or lowfed, the arm is fme from inhabitants and no illegel settlers within the service area. Construction of the Darn will require right-of-way (R0W)mquisition for it8 abutment at one end. The owner of the land affected, Mr. Ernesto Duca, is willing to give way for the ROW intended for the construction of the DAM, but it should be costed at the prevailing market value of farm land in the locality (Attached is the amdavit executed by the owner). Therefore, the ROW of 5,0008q.m. ie to &e acquired at P7OQ,000.00 , . .,?$!<@;.,, ()izP:f*,K' 'Ic\E 1\1'1' F t'r;; PI C,I-ILT'(.IK E 4!YkV : , NATIONAL lRRlGATtOW ADMINISTRATION ~~!$.I~LwN5); ,::::q(;,Ll,lr',,~, 1,; 4i,,fi,LLEy(qp I~/L>I,~,/ ,$,>;~+:~:~~l~~!~.jli,..., 1 l,I!l:~;F,~ ..,,\.,., ;"i?', :.-. ' ,$ DUMMUPI ~.\VERIRRIGATbUN B'r'QTEM ?\\=II'j,>:: :: ~Y,:I~I,<~.~I~%I'I>I-I, L?,~<J,A!;.AI-I - - . , . , . , ,, ,. , , - , , ,, -.- --...-.-- - .., .- - --------- . - -. .. -- - -.. -. -- -. -.. - -- . .. .. .. --- .. .-.. _ -.-..-,-- ( - 5.;C\.ST_TP. A?' A'N hil bilulp miii.lnan a ksl.avi~a.o nut~c!.alayauti 1~;ulgkapkt7 liat it'ecl krr~aa1;;. 55~1.i rualhen~ >;,e\uin rltilisii n p:g.ehbr-t~gnnnil. Bal>ncu day toy w 'li,nsuratan ket iininnunong h-cn 11ma1111ogotali 1 i I r.i ani a. n~t~tlfi. lalarwn. ngn n:~;v:lalapo$daytoy Lu!:c/An.ngl:'a,g:i pc&r7iu'm~~id;uili :ii_il;L; TtA h.:l u pa~:t 1.0); hnri~kn~1.a. has ~~nc:lnnr?i..utk kcil iapno o.a.n:rli:n.lfiollrt~r t la. tl3;ii.o. .v a k.as~ir.at~l~lket ipitmfi<k::j Ila,~v.nko ~/iillgii RI~~[V~~~~i~~i 1~ LC- ~L!IZI-J)L,~~?:~/ i~.\~~~~~~~~j~ East Apayao - Abulog IS, Region 2 During rehabilitation works, there are instances where equipment will pass through private properties to reach the work - sites. As there are crops that are likely to be damaged, negotiations with the 46 owners (outside the NIS service area) will be done to request for permit to enter and to agree with the cost for crop damages. For this, an estimated amount of P4.0 Million has been earmarked. The valuation of the cost of' crop damages shall be done by a locally organized committee with membership from the affected persons and the Local Government Unit. Republic of the Philippines " ,'%A . C..::, C..::, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATIONAL IRRIGATION ADMINISTIRATION 69 - EAST-APAYAO-ABULUG IRRIGATION SYSTEM ~DERN4k CAGAYAN VALLEY REGION oRl~W..TURe Matucay, Allacapan, Cagayan - el. No. 0783730042- - 1 5 September 2008 The Acting Asst. Project Mana$er PIDP, SPIS- NIA Central Office EDSA, Quezon City I SIR: This pertains to our programmed Right of Way Damages in the amount of P4,000,000.00 for PIDP APL 1 for East - Apayao-Abulug Irrigation Sytem. The Diversion Main Canal is a supply canal feeding Main Canal East and Main Canal Extension.
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