JUNE 28, 2015 1 Survey of the New Testament (Abide Conference Series) Copyright © 2015 by Crossing Church of Bardstown, Inc. CrossingBardstown.com All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher, except as provided by USA copyright law. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, maps and map captions are provided by The ESV Study Bible™ copyright © 2008 by Crossway Bibles, Wheaton, Illinois. 2 Introduction What is it? The New Testament is a collection of writings produced by the early church to recount the life and teachings of Jesus and give instructions on how to live as the church of Jesus Christ. Like the Old Testament, men were inspired by God to write what is contained in these writings (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:19­21). The New Testament is God’s word to us. Canon Question Why did these books make it in? Weren’t there other writings? (Gospel of Thomas, Judas, etc?) Criteria of inclusion: ● rule of faith: does the book correspond to the teaching of the church? ● Apostolicity: by an apostle or one who was close to one ● Universality: it was being used everywhere Structure The Story of Jesus:Gospels The Story of the Church: Acts The Teaching of the Church: Letters of Paul General Epistles Revelation What happened between Old and New Testaments? 539­331 BC The Persian Period (Esther) 331­164 BC The Hellenistic Period (Alexander the Great) 164­163 BC The Hasmonean (Maccabean) Period (Judas Maccabaeus) 63 BC­ 135 AD The Roman Period (Pompey, Caesars, etc) The shifts in Judaism: When sacrifices and temple worship became impossible, obedience to the law became central. In order to focus on obedience to the Law, the study of the Law became a central part of Judaism. The teachers and scribes replaced the priests as the heart of Jewish authority. Political Background: Roman control: ethnarchs and tetrarchs: Herod Antipas governors: Pontius Pilate Emperors: Augustus: 27BC­14AD 3 Tiberius: 14­37 Caligula: 37­41 Claudius: 41­54 (deportation of Jews) Nero: 54­68 (Martyrdom of Peter and Paul?) Vespasian: 69­79 (Destruction of Jerusalem) Titus: 79­81 Domitian: 81­96 (Revelation) Geography Judea Galilee Samaria Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria THE STORY OF JESUS Gospels What is a “gospel?” The Gospel= the story of good news that is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16) The gospels= spiritual biographies about Jesus’ life and teachings. Theologically­motivated retelling of history Resources: “Reading the Gospels Wisely” Jonathan Pennington (Baker Academic 2012). Synoptic Gospels­ “Seen together” written in consultation with others Matthew author: Matthew the apostle (also called Levi) a tax­collector Audience­ Jewish Christians Distinctions­ Fulfilment quotations, long discourse sections (5) Main emphasis= Jesus is the one promised. Mark author: Traveled with Peter, likely the one who left Paul and Barnabas Distinctions­ Action oriented, more about what he did than what he said over half of the book covers the last week of Jesus’ life Luke author: traveled with Paul, used extensive sources 4 Audience: Theophilus Distinctions­ purpose Luke 1:4 “that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.” Possible structure: Geographical: Intro: 1­4:13 Galilee 4:14­9:50 Judea 9:51­13:21 Perea 13:22­19:27 Jerusalem 19:28­24:53 John Author: John, “the disciple whom Jesus loved” Distinctions­ “Gospel for dummies,” more emphasis on Judean ministry, deity Purpose­ John 20:31 “that you may believe” (Gospel tract) THE STORY OF THE CHURCH Acts 1­7 The early days 8­9 Saul 10­12 Gentiles included 13­15 1st missionary journey 16­18:22 2nd missionary journey 18:23­20 3rd missionary journey 21­28 Paul’s suffering THE TEACHING OF THE CHURCH Paul’s Letters Romans 1­8­ Righteousness through faith 9­11­ Election of God’s people 12­16­ Life as a Christian Verses to know: Romans 8:1, Romans 8:37­39, Romans 1:16, Romans 5:1, Romans 6:11, Romans 12:1­2 Go here for: General revelation, sin, fight with sin, predestination, government 1 Corinthians A response to their letter to him. Reports of problems in church Divisions in the Church (1­6) Marriage (7) 5 Spiritual Gifts (12­14) Verses to know: 1 Cor 1:18, 1 Cor 10:31, 1 Cor 15:3­4, 1 Cor 15:10 Go here for: handling disagreement, marriage, tongues, love, Gospel summary 2 Corinthians Revisiting Church Issues Suffering and the Power of the Spirit in suffering Ch 1­7­ The Ministry of Reconciliation Ch 8­9­ Giving to Jerusalem Ch 10­13­ Paul’s appeal to the Corinthians about the Power of the Spirit at work Verses to Know: 2 Cor 5:21, 2 Cor 5:17, 2 Cor 6:10, 2 Cor 12:9­10 Go here for: comforting the sick, tithing, Galatians Problem of Judaizers. Deviation from Gospel given by Paul to the Church Gal 1­No other Gospel aside from the Gospel of Jesus Christ (no additions) Gal 2­Paul affirmed by Jewish Apostles in Jerusalem, Justified by Faith Gal 3­Explanation of the old Law Gal 4­Adoption into God’s family for All (Jews and Gentiles) Gal 5­New life in Christ, a calling to holiness not disobedience, Fruits of the Spirit Gal 6­Bear with each other Verses to know: Gal 1:6, Gal 3:3, Gal 4:4­6, Gal 5:22­23 Go here for: Law and Gospel Ephesians Leaner version of Romans Salvation (Depravity, God’s Sovereignty, Ramifications and blessings) Unity Ch 1­Spiritual Blessings for the Believer (Through the work of the Trinity) Ch 2­Salvation explained, Reconciliation to God, Reconciliation to one another Ch 3­Mystery of the Gospel Revealed (Gentiles included!) Ch 4­6­How to live in light of Reconciliation to God (Unity, Marriage, Spiritual Warfare) Verses to know: Eph 1:5, Eph 2:4, Eph 2:8­9 Go here for: Predestination, Unity, Gospel, Marriage/parenting Philippians Theme: Rejoice Ch 1­How suffering and the Gospel coexist ­ furthering the Kingdom of God & his righteousness Ch 2­Christ’s sacrifice defines humility and purpose of believers Ch 3­Paul’s radical identity change, transformational power of the Gospel (To redeem our affections, circumstances) Ch 4­How to properly endure suffering, contentment in Christ ­ Joy in suffering Verses to know: Phil 1:21, Phil 2:9­11, Phil 3:8, Phil 4:12­13 Go here for: Humility, joy 6 Colossians Response to Colossian “heresy” Deviation from Gospel given by Paul to the Church Ch 1­Supremacy of Jesus Christ Ch 2­Addressing of the Colossian “heresy” Ch 3­4­How to live in light of God’s supremacy (Set your mind on Christ, Household life) Verses to know: Col 1:15, Col 2:6­7, Col 3:1­4 Go here for: false teaching, Christology 1 Thessalonians Counseling a young church with questions/concerns ch 2­defending his intentions due to slander ch 4­ concern about those who died missing out ch 5­ end times Verses to know: 1 Thess 2:8, 1 Thess 4:13­18 go here for: funeral, life with the end in view 2 Thessalonians Same ch 1­2 end times ch 3­ idleness (because of end times beliefs) Verses to know: 2 Thess 1:5, 2 Thess 3:13 Go here for: end times Individual letters 1 Timothy Elder at Church in Ephesus, Acts 19 Theme:Warning against false teachers Qualifications of Leaders in the Church Ch 1­Exhortation to uphold the Gospel (Holiness) Ch 2­Gospel shaped living, Pray, Orderly worship Ch 3­Qualifications for Elders Ch 4­6­Practical instructions for the life of the Church Verses to know: 1 Tim 1:15, 1 Tim 4:7­10, 1 Tim 6:6­7 Go here for: church manual, women pastors, 2 Timothy Elder at Church in Ephesus, Acts 19 Theme:Guard the faith amidst the wolves and false teachers of Acts 20 Suffering is a part of the Christian Life 7 Ch 1­Guard the Gospel, endure in suffering Ch 2­How the Christian is to endure in suffering Ch 3­Scripture empowers the believer to endure Ch 4­Preach the Gospel in and out of season Verses to know: 2 Tim 1:6­7, 2 Tim 2:2, 2 Tim 3:16, 2 Tim 4:2 Go here for: church manual (pt. 2), inspiration Titus Elder on the island of Crete young church, no elders, hard place to plant a church ch 1­ appoint elders ch 2­ individual instructions ch 3­ life in the world Verses to know: Titus 2:11­12, Titus 3:4­5 Go here for: church manual (pt.3) Philemon To Philemon, former slave owner of Onesimus. Reconciliation Love Reconciliation on the basis of Christ’s gracious reconciliation of sinners Verses to know: Philemon 7 Go here for: reconciliation, forgiveness General Epistles Hebrews Author unknown Written to Jewish Christians Theme: Don’t fall away (Commentary on Leviticus) Supremacy of Jesus (Jesus is the Great High Priest) over angels, humans better covenant, priesthood, sacrifice Ch 1­2­Jesus is preeminent above all beings Ch 3­10­Jesus as the Great High Priest, better than the Mosiac Law Ch 10­13­Call to Faith, Discipline, Endurance and Worship to God Verses to know: Heb 1:3, Heb 4:14­16, Heb 7:22, Heb 7:25, Heb 11:1, Heb 12:2 Go here for: Christology, Sabbath, OT intepretation James James, Brother of Jesus 8 Be doers of the word, not just hearers 5 Point Inspection Ch 1­How to navigate through trials, how to DO the word Ch 2­”Faith alone saves, but the faith that saves is never alone” Ch 3­Taming the Tongue and Godly vs.
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