Algemeen (incl. Kunst en varia). Behoud de Begeerte : een literaire geschiedenis, 1984–2014 / Aanwinsten van Anet — Periode 2015/11 Matthijs de Ridder. — Antwerpen : De Bezige Bij Antwerpen, 2014. — 477 p. : ill. — 978–90–8542–622–6 [1]Algemeen (incl. Kunst en varia). Aanwinsten van Anet bmp UA–CST: T&L 839.3 J 20 RIDD 2014 EHC: 793614 Algemeen en varia LH: x 7de Geitestoet, zondag 20 september 2015 : samen Wilrijk al The Sage encyclopedia of intercultural competence / Janet M. 1250 jaar : programmabrochure / [edit.] Hugo Cassauwers ; Bennett. — Los Angeles, Calif. : Sage Reference, 2015. — 2 Antwerpen, Stad. District Wilrijk. — Antwerpen : Stad v. — Titel varieert: Intercultural competence. — Antwerpen, 2015. — 35 p. : ill. — D/2015/0306/102 978–1–4522–4428–0 EHC: 803560 UA–CST: PSW 301.173 A–BENN 2015 1–2 De abdij van Park in Heverlee : erfgoedsite en museum.— Antwerpen : Openbaar Kunstbezit in Vlaanderen, 2008. — 40 Portraits : John Berger on artists / John Berger ; [edit.] Tom p. : ill. — (Openbaar kunstbezit in Vlaanderen ; 46: 6) Overton. — London : Verso, 2015. — 512 p. : ill. — KdG–ABK: 700.2 978–1–78478–176–7 ; 978–1–78478–178–1 EHC: H 210892:2008,6 [C2–193 b] KMSKA: MONO–BB 10811 Born this way : een filosofische blik op wetenschap en Dutch art and urban cultures, 1200–1700 / Elisabeth de homoseksualiteit / Pieter Adriaens ; Andreas De Block. — Bievre.` — New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2015. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2015. — 263 p. — 475 p. : ill. — 978–0–300–20562–6 978–94–014–0432–7 EHC: 803392 [C5–081 ab] UA–CST: HB–FIL–HENSK UA–CST: FILO 167.23 G–ADRI 2015 De Bijbel in de Lage Landen : elf eeuwen van vertalen / [edit.] Paul Gillaerts ; [edit.] Henri Bloemen ; [edit.] Youri Desplenter ; [edit.] Wim Franc¸ois ; [edit.] August den Arts education beyond art : teaching art in times of change / Hollander ; [edit.] Anne Jaap van den Berg ; [edit.] Nelly de [edit.] Barend van Heusden ; [edit.] Pascal Gielen. — Hommel-Steenbakkers. — Heerenveen : Royal Jongbloed, Amsterdam : Valiz, 2014. — 192 p. : ill. — (Antennae ; 16). — 2015. — 980 p. : ill. — 978–90–8525–039–5 978–90–78088–85–1 UA–CST: RG 2151 D 1 KdG–ABK: 700.8 HEUS MPM: BM 35694 EHC: 798589 TPC: LZ 113/444 EHC: 803648 Aus dem Alltag der mittelalterlichen Stadt / [edit.] Jurgen¨ Wittstock. — Bremen : Focke-Museum, 1982. — 234 p. : ill. — The engaging museum : developing museums for visitor (Hefte des Focke-Museums ; 62). — Tentoonstelling: involvement / Graham Black. — London : Routledge, 2009. — Focke-Museum [Bremen]. 1982/12/05 - 1983/04/24 308 p. : ill. — 978–0–415–34557–6 DB: ARCH 710 WITT ARK: 069 BLAC 2009 KMSKA: TENT–TB 7284 Waarom staat kikkervet niet in de Dikke Van Dale? Alles wat je Archaeological discoveries in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem : altijd al wilde weten over de Dikke Van Dale / Ton den Boon. — second temple period / N. Avigad. — Jerusalem : The Israel Utrecht : Van Dale, 2015. — 123 p. — 978–94–6077–278–8 ; Exploration Society and the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 978–94–6077–279–5 1976. — 26 p. : ill. ; 1 losse bijl. — Keerdruk UA–CZU: L 803.93 M–B 47710 DB: ARCH 449 AVIG Introduction to meta-analysis / Michael Borenstein ; Larry V. Hedges ; Julian P.T. Higgins ; Hannah R. Rothstein. — Cultuurhistorische effectrapportage ‘Leidsche Rijn’ / Chichester : Wiley, 2009. — 421 p. — 978–0–470–05724–7 [edit.] H.L. de Groot ; S. Barends ; S. van Dockum ; M. UA–CDE: HB–GEN–BEUTP Kooiman ; E.M. Klystra. — Utrecht : Gemeente Utrecht, AP–NOO: GW 301.08 BORE 2009 1995. — 60 p. : ill. — 90–73448–05–0 UA–CST: FILO 167.1 G–BORE 2009 DB: ARCH 441 GROO UA–CST: PSW 301.08 G–BORE 2009 Macht en onmacht : een verkenning van de hedendaagse The Botticelli renaissance / [edit.] Mark Evans ; [edit.] Stefan aanslag op de Verlichting / Tinneke Beeckman. — Amsterdam : Weppelmann ; [medewerker] Ana Debenedetti ; De Bezige Bij, 2015. — 243 p. — 978–90–8542–609–7 [medewerker] Ruben Rehmann. — Munchen¨ : Hirmer, 2015. — UA–CST: HB–FIL–EEKEG 359 p. : ill. — 978–3–88609–768–5 ; 978–3–7774–2370–8 EHC: 803342 [C5–061 da] KMSKA: TENT–TC 11633 Sir John Ramsden, Bart., and from various sources. — London : Die 101 besten Museen in Berlin / Julia Brodauf. — Berlin : Via Christie, Manson & Woods, 1944. — 14 p. — (Christie, Reise, 2015. — 144 p. : ill. — 978–3–935029–87–2 Manson & Woods, London : auction catalogues ; 1944: 5). — KMSKA: LZ 069 (058.7) Aantal loten 180 RUB: 1 V 2 / LON 3 / CHR 4 / 1944–03–07 / a / 1 The masters of the dark eyes : late medieval manuscript painting in Holland / Klara H. Broekhuijsen. — Turnhout : Catalogue of the third and final portion of valuable printed Brepols, 2009. — 472 p. : ill. — (Ars nova: studies in late books and fine bindings from the Hurn Court Library, the medieval and Renaissance northern painting and illumination ; property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Malmesbury.— 10). — 978–2–503–51510–6 London : Christie, Manson & Woods, 1950. — 48 p. — UA–CST: MAG–OW–C 22161 (Christie, Manson & Woods, London : auction catalogues ; EHC: 728469 [C0–463 b] 1950: 12). — Aantal loten 801–1186 KMSKA: MONO–BB 5948 RUB: 1 V 2 / LON 3 / CHR 4 / 1950–04–27 / a / 1 The Disneyization of society / Alan Bryman. — Los Angeles, Catalogue of valuable books : being a portion of the library, the Calif. : Sage, 2009. — 199 p. : ill. — 978–0–7619–6765–1 ; property of the fifth marquess of Hertford, deceased (sold by 978–0–7619–6764–4 order of the trustees, and by permission of the High Court), and UHasselt: 301.173 BRYM 2009 removed from Ragley Hall, Alcester, Warwick, mostly in French bindings of the 17th-18th centuries, with some works on travel Die geschenkte Reformation : Bucher¨ als Geschenke im and voyages, including : The Atlantic Neptune of Joseph des England des 16. Jahrhunderts / Tobias Budke. — Frankfurt am Barres, in the original paper parts : also the property of Miss Main : Peter Lang Edition, 2015. — 432 p. — (Munsteraner¨ Jane Cameron, deceased, and from various sources.— Monographien zur englischen Literatur ; 37). — London : Christie, Manson & Woods, 1938. — 23 p. — 978–3–631–64667–0 (Christie, Manson & Woods, London : auction catalogues ; UA–CST: MAG–OW–BB 9922 1938: 9). — Aantal loten 139 RUB: 1 V 2 / LON 3 / CHR 4 / 1938–05–23 / a / 1 Catalogue d'une tres` importante collection de livres delaiss´ ee´ par feu mr. le dr. A. Minne, professeur em´ erite´ a` l'Universite´ de Catalogue of valuable books, being the residue of the library at Gand dont la vente publique aura lieu les jeudi 20 et vendredi Rufford Abbey, Nottinghamshire, which were acquired by the 21 octobre 1960 = Catalogus van een zeer belangrijke ancestors of the Savile family during three centuries.— verzameling boeken nagelaten door wijlen de heer dr. A. Minne, London : Christie, Manson & Woods, 1938. — 10 p. : ill. — professor emeritus aan de Universiteit te Gent, waarvan de (Christie, Manson & Woods, London : auction catalogues ; openbare verkoping zal plaats grijpen op donderdag 20 en 1938: 13). — Aantal loten 26 vrijdag 21 oktober 1960 / [medewerker] D. Martens ; RUB: 1 V 2 / LON 3 / CHR 4 / 1938–11–17 / a / 1 [expert] Gaston de Tavernier. — Gand : s.n., 1960. — 40 p. : ill. — Titel varieert: Bibliotheek A. Minne, professor-emeritus Catalogue of valuable printed books, illuminated manuscripts, aan de Universiteit te Gent, 1874–1960 ; aantal loten 635 early documents and seals and autograph letters from the EHC: 804039 libraries of J.T. D'Arcy Hutton, Esq., the late Lady Cunard, the late Sir Philip Panton, the late Mrs. H.C. Tarleton, the late J.M. Catalogue of art reference books, sold by order of the trustees of Cargher, Esq., and others : also : a magnificent copy of Birds of the Cook collection, and books and mss. from other sources.— America by J.J. Audubon (four vols. Edinburgh, 1827/38), sold London : Christie, Manson & Woods, 1947. — 19 p. — by order of Charles A.J.O. Silvertop, Esq., by permission of the (Christie, Manson & Woods, London : auction catalogues ; High Court of Justice. — London : Christie, Manson & Woods, 1947: 24). — Aantal loten 203 1951. — 34 p. — (Christie, Manson & Woods, London : RUB: 1 V 2 / LON 3 / CHR 4 / 1947–07–14 / a / 1 auction catalogues ; 1951: 26). — Aantal loten 198 RUB: 1 V 2 / LON 3 / CHR 4 / 1951–07–03 / a / 1 Catalogue of important autograph letters and manuscripts and printed books, the property of the late Sir Wathen Arthur Waller, Catalogue van eene kostelyke verzaemelinge van schoone Bart. (sold by order of the executors) : also : art reference geencadreerde en andere printen, print-boeken en andere, books, the property of A.L. Nicholson, Esq., and printed books land-caerten, principia van de teeken-konst, etc. de welke sullen and manuscripts, the property of a Lady, and from various verkocht in de zaele van het oude paleys, omternt de merkt, tot sources. — London : Christie, Manson & Woods, 1947. — 32 Mechelen, op dynsdag den 9sten october 1810. — Mechelen : p. — (Christie, Manson & Woods, London : auction P.J. Deladderjous, 1810. — 270 p. — Aantal loten 3987 catalogues ; 1947: 35). — Aantal loten 275 SESA–Mechelen: M.3537 (a) RUB: 1 V 2 / LON 3 / CHR 4 / 1947–12–15 / a / 1 Research methods, design, and analysis / Larry B. Christensen ; Catalogue of the library on modern art formed by Sir Michael R. Burke Johnson ; Lisa A. Turner. — 12 ed. — Boston, Mass. : Sadler, K.C.S.I., C.B., Ll.D., deceased, late of The Rookery, Pearson, 2015. — 542 p. : ill. — Eerder verschenen als: Headington, Oxford (sold by order of the executor) : and Experimental methodology. — 978–1–292–05774–3 miscellaneous books, the property of the Right Hon. Viscountess UA–CST: ONTW 301 G–CHRI 2015 Wakefield, colonel R.F. Ratcliff, C.M.G., deceased, late of Newton Park, Burton-on-Trent (sold by order of the executors), Compendium van dieren als dragers van cultuur : hun rol in Crowdsourcing our cultural heritage / [edit.] Mia Ridge.
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