Abrar A bi-monthly newsletter published by the Abrar Islamic Foundation 45 CrawfordEdior: Place, DrLondon Saeed W!H Shehabi 4LP A bi-monthly newsletter Abrar Tel:Published 020 7724 by the 3033 45Fax: Crawford 020 7724 Place, 7219 LondonEmail: W1H 4LP Vol 16, No 14 (398) 16th –31st January 2021 [email protected] Tel: 020Website: 7724 3033 End of Trumpism is the only good news from Washington www.abrar.org.uk Where is the US heading to? What is its politi- can argue that without deep faith politicians Email: cal ideology? And have the recent elections will not adhere to the ethics of the political abrarhouse been a wake-up call or a symphony that encour- play. The presence of God in the hearts and @hotmail.com ages deep sleep? What happened on 6th January minds of people is necessary to secure good Website 2021 was a unique event in the US. It reminded governance. Exploitation of laws, looking for www.abraronline.net the people only of one major incident that led to loopholes and using concessionary powers are Charity no. 293802 the burning of the cradle of American democra- not compatible with deep faith. The person at cy. The “Washington Fire” of 1814 that was the helm of power must feel that he/she is in started by the British forces destroyed the service of the people, protects the spirit and White House and Congress and forced officials letter of law and is equal in rights duties with to flee the city. That sour experience confirmed others. The political position or status must not We stand for: the need to defend democratic institutions and be used to enjoy extraordinary privileges not prevent further attacks on a way of life that had available to the rest. Faith is the protector of • Inter-faith and inter- been adopted by the “enlightened” Americans. law. This is why oaths are used in courts or civilisational dialogue Thus for Donald Trump to challenge this histor- upon holding a public office. What does it ical narrative is a great gamble. Many see mean? What is invoking God necessary in these • Respect for the human Trump’s attempt as a failure that could eventu- situations? Real faith is that which tames evil race and rights ally lead to his prosecution. But others see it as desires in people. Without it evil can find its an irreversible damage that the US establish- way to the human souls. • Cooperation for the ment could not put right. There is a lack of will The next few months are crucial for a return to good of people due to lack of vision. These are cemented by normal politics free from the Trump’s leader- hunger for material wealth even at the expense ship style that had made the world less safe. • Moderation of the needy, the dispossessed and the hungry. People of faith must continue to remind people • Modernity Can the US reform its experience? And, moreo- of the power of the divine in public life. The ver, can it overcome the tragic Trump experi- loud anti-religion slogans must not be allowed • High standards of ence? The disavowing of the president by sen- to blur the natural vision of men and women. spirituality ior figures like the Vice President are not indic- While the rule of law must be held, it is also ative of the willingness to reform or turn the necessary to encourage people to embrace faith, noose tight around his neck. Instead the Ameri- love and virtue ethics to prevent corruption, can establishment is expected to resort to its old dictatorship, immoral behaviour and oppres- style policies that can only exacerbate the suf- sion. The world is disappointed by the events In this issue fering and downturn plunge of the democratic that happened in Washington, but it will still wagon. For a president to fan outrageous feel- have the will to adopt divine guidance in its Local Events 2 ings among the crowd who were ready to com- struggle to overcome the disappointment. In the mit violence is an unwarranted experience with court of God there is only hope, love and truth. Muslim Affairs 3 devastating consequences. The loss of life that We aspire to be part of that. occurred on that fateful day with five people dead and many injured or de- Ayatullah Mesbah Yazdi 4 tained was a serious breach of trust in the person of the President who will Al Aqsa threatened with leave the White House accused of destruction 5 “blood-stained hands”. The way he has dealt with the election results was not Twitter urged to act on dignified or civlised. It is clear such Chinese Muslims people pay only lip service to democra- 6 cy. They embrace it only when it serves their personal ambitions. If it turns Story: Blue cheese 8 against them it becomes an enemy that must be destroyed. The Western world needs a moral com- pass to lead it to safety. It is clear that the political ideology which in circula- tion is incapable of providing that. We Page 2 Local Events Seminar: Embrace divine nected with different levels of exist- not adopt individualism, fame, power, teachings to change life ence. This imposes a duty on us to limit dominance. How does one attain the the damae. freedom? Prophet Mohammad said that An online seminar was held on Tues- We have to abandon the illusion of con- I have come to perfect the character day 12th January 2021, organized trol as we ask: Is it allowed or banned? and free human being from his desires. jointly by The Gulf Cultural Club and Is it correct or wrong? Am I being hum- Character is a set of traits when proper- The Open Discussion. It was titled: ble or arrogant? Am I accountable or ly groomed, moral autonomy is Achieving inner satisfaction and outer totally free from it? If you do not be- achieved. It allows us to understand the peace, Embrace divine teachings to lieve in the hereafter then it does not rights of others. We have to accommo- change life, chaired by Mohsin Abbas work. It is time for us to look into the date social life around us. But we have and addressed by two speakers; horizon to see the greatness of the di- biases. Unless I have strong character I Sheikh Fadhlullah al Ha’eri and Ali vine. Once you have connected with won’t be able to act rationally How can Azam. Sheikh Fadhlullah al Ha’eri soul then there is no loss or gain. You we live honourably? We have to free is a renounced scholar and Sufi mystic will then think of how to survive as a our character. We have to live with residing in South Africa. He said that person who has been touched by the what we believe and be loyal to it. human human beings are surviving soul. It is damage limitation. We caused Islam provided ways of training. If you between the unseen and the physical, so much damage to the earth, the sea teach student mathematicss and physics material world which we can share and the air, yet God’s mercy pre- do not expect them to be doctors. We together. The soul is a divine entity vails. Patience knows no time or space. do not really have character education. with no beginning or end. We have Go to patience for two days. Winter is It is not theoretical education. It is the been given a treasure beyond measure. coming. You do not plant flowers in mid methodology that transforms the per- While the soul takes us towards divin- -season, but you ask yourself: Is it the son. We have to go through this char- ity, the ego side of us (the self) makes right time and space? Guilt emerges acter education. Human beings are us act us like animals. The nature of because I did something without God in essentially self-interested and self- animal is in me. We have created lead- it. This is where confusion comes. It is a centred. We must have social-contracts ers who are mis-leaders. I will die but deficiency and illness. We have not co- to fulfil our duties. Once humans un- the light in me is timeless. We have to ordinated between our physical and spir- derstand freedom then they respect maintain the balance between the hu- itual existence. If we do not do our du- each other’s dignity. In this environ- man and the animal in us. The past ties we live in misery. The least we do is ment we can uphold our values and centuries have gone but are we happi- to reduce the misery of others help raise divine principles. er? Is it the case that when death Ali Azam: How can we have the inner comes we are truly in cheerfulness? and outer peace? We need to understand At Abrar’s weekly We have carried mischief in this uni- the essence of human being existence. meeting on Thurs- verse. We filled the oceans with rub- Humanity is at loss, Why is that? Man is day 31st December, bish. We created pollution in the air, greedy, hasty and not thinking wisely. Dr Khalid Al Shafi, our minds and bodies. I have deep Man is driven by utility. The physical talked about the trust in the unseen (ghayb) which is laws of nature governs mankind also. Vaccines that were vast and boundless. What we see is that man is driven by his introduced against You have to recognise the animal in desires, trying to live his moment.
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