THE SOCIETY LIBRARY CATALOGUE The BMS Council agreed, many years ago, to expand the Society's collection of books and develop it into a Library, in order to make it freely available to members. The books were originally housed at the (then) Commonwealth Mycological Institute and from 1990 - 2006 at the Herbarium, then in the Jodrell Laboratory,Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, by invitation of the Keeper. The Library now comprises over 1100 items. Development of the Library has depended largely on the generosity of members. Many offers of books and monographs, particularly important taxonomic works, and gifts of money to purchase items, are gratefully acknowledged. The rules for the loan of books are as follows: Books may be borrowed at the discretion of the Librarian and requests should be made, preferably by post or e-mail and stating whether a BMS member, to: The Librarian, British Mycological Society, Jodrell Laboratory Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB Email: <[email protected]> No more than two volumes may be borrowed at one time, for a period of up to one month, by which time books must be returned or the loan renewed. The borrower will be held liable for the cost of replacement of books that are lost or not returned. BMS Members do not have to pay postage for the outward journey. For the return journey, books must be returned securely packed and postage paid. Non-members may be able to borrow books at the discretion of the Librarian, but all postage costs must be paid by the borrower. Certain very valuable and/or large books are unsuitable for postal loan but may be consulted at the discretion of the Librarian. Requests for periodicals should mention the particular paper required, as it may then be possible to send the appropriate part of an unbound periodical, a reprint or a photocopy. A small charge will be made to cover the photocopying service. If members wish to consult the library personally, they should first contact the Librarian. This catalogue was last updated in June 2016. Membership of the British Mycological Society is open to anyone with an interest in fungi, anywhere in the world. Refer to the membership section of this website http://britmycolsoc.org.uk. 1 Registered Charity no: 276503 AA, H.A. van der & VANEV, S. edited by APTROOT, A., SUMMERBELL, R.C. & VERKLEY, G.J. A revision of the species described in Phyllosticta, 2002. AARNÆS, J-O. Katalog over makro- og mikrosopp angitt for Norge og Svalbard. [Catalogue over macro and micromycetes recorded for Norway and Svalbard]. Synopsis fungorum 16, 2002. ACTON, J. & SANDLER, N. Mushroom. 2001. ADHIKARI, MAHESH KUMAR Mushrooms of Nepal, 2000. AGERER, R. (ed.) Colour atlas of ectomycorrhizae. 12th part + contents, keys & appendix + folder,1987- 2002. AGERER, R. (ed) Colour Atlas of Ectomycorrhizae. 13th part, 2006; 15th part, 2012. (now discontinued) AGERER, R. (ed) Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae 6:1-24, 2002. (now discountinued) AGERER, R. (ed) Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 9-10:1-149, 2006. (now discountinued) AGERER, R. (ed) Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 11-12:1-153, 2008. (now discountinued) AGERER, R. (ed) Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 13:1-105, 2012. (now discountinued) AHMAD, S. Fungi of West Pakistan, 1956. AHMAD, S. Ustilaginales of West Pakistan. Mycological Papers No.64, 1956. AINSWORTH, G.C. The Plant Diseases of Great Britain, 1937. AINSWORTH, G C. Introduction to the history of Mycology, 1976. AINSWORTH, G.C. Introduction to the history of Plant Pathology, 1981. AINSWORTH, G C. Introduction to the history of Medical and Veterinary Mycology, 1987. AINSWORTH, G C. compiler, Brief biographies of British mycologists. WEBSTER, J & MOORE, D. (Eds), 1996. AINSWORTH, G C. et al. see MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. AINSWORTH, G C. & AUSTWICK, P K C. Fungal diseases of Animals. Ed. 2, 1973. AINSWORTH, G C. & BISBY, G R. A dictionary of the fungi, Ed. 1, 1943; Ed. 2, 1945; Ed. 3, 1950; Ed. 4, 1954; Ed. 5, 1961 (reprinted 1963) ;Ed. 8, 1995 see HAWKSWORTH. AINSWORTH, G C. & BISBY, G R, 1995 see HAWKSWORTH et al. AINSWORTH, G C. & SAMPSON, K. The British smut fungi (Ustilaginales), 1950. AINSWORTH, G C. & SNEATH, P H A.(eds) Microbial classification. Twelfth Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology, 1962. AINSWORTH, G.C., SPARROW, F.K. & SUSSMAN, A.S. (Eds). The Fungi. An Advanced Treatise. Vol. IVA, 1973 and Vol.IVB, 1973. AINSWORTH, G.C. & SUSSMAN, A.S. (eds). The Fungi. An Advanced Treatise. Vol.I. The fungal cell. Page proof copy – annotated by Ainsworth, 1965. AINSWORTH, G.C. & SUSSMAN, A.S. (eds) The Fungi: an Advanced Treatise. Vol. II: The Fungal Organism, 1966. AINSWORTH, G.C. & SUSSMAN, A.S. (Eds). The Fungi. An Advanced Treatise. Vol. III. The fungal population. 1968. AINSWORTH, G C. & WATERHOUSE, G M. British County Foray Lists, 1989. BMS Misc. Pub. AINSWORTH, G.C. & WEBSTER, J. (Eds) Abstracts of symposia papers. First International Mycological Congress, Exeter, 1971. AINSWORTH, G C. & YARROW, P J. 1958 see BASSI, AGOSTINO. AJELLO, L, GEORG, L K, KAPLAN, W & KAUFMAN, L. Laboratory manual of medical mycology, 1963. ALESSIO, C L. Boletus e Inocybe. Fungi non delineati III, 1998. ALESSIO, C.L. see Bresadola ALEXANDER, M. Introduction to soil microbiology, 1961. ALEXANDER, M. Microbial ecology, 1971. ALEXOPOULOS, C J. Introductory mycology, Ed 2, 1962. ALEXOPOULOS, C.J. Introductory mycology, Ed. 4, 1996. ALLEGRO, JOHN M. The sacred mushroom and the cross, rev.ed. 1973. ALVIN, K L & KERSHAW, K A. The Observer's Book of Lichens, 1963. AMES, L M. A monograph of the Chaetomiaceae, 1963. AMMIRATI, J F, TRAQUAIR, J A & HORDEN, P A. Poisonous mushrooms of Canada including other edible fungi, 1985. Membership of the British Mycological Society is open to anyone with an interest in fungi, anywhere in the world. Refer to the membership section of this website http://britmycolsoc.org.uk. 2 Registered Charity no: 276503 AMPHLETT, I & REA, C. The botany of Worcestershire, 1909. ANDERSON, J M, RAYNER, A D M & WALTON, D W H. (Eds) Invertebrate-microbial interactions. BMS Symposial Series 6, 1984. ANDERSSON, O. Larger fungi on sandy grass heaths and sand dunes in Scandinavia, 1950. (Bot. Not. Suppl.) ANON. Consejos básicos para larecolecció de setas. Junta de Andalucia. ANON. Alla scoperta dei funghi: la flora micologica cuneese. ANON. Fungi received at the Imperial Bureau of Mycology – List I. Mycological Papers No.1, 1925. ANON. [Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms in Thailand] Produced and published by the Royal Institute, ?2000. Filed under THAILAND ANON. Funghi in Provincia di Cuneo. ANON. Fungimap. CD-ROM Compendium of Fungimap Target Species, 2001. ANON. Penicillin: its properties, uses and preparations. The Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 1946. ANON. Problems and progress in banana disease research. Department of Research, United Fruit Company, 1958. ANON. Proceedings of the First International Mycological Congress. University of Exeter, 8-15 September 1971, 1972. TBMS 58(2) Suppl. ANON. Recording and Conservation of Fungi in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems. Proceedings of the workshop held in Bivona (Agrigento), Italy 22 May 1988. ANON. La Famiglia della Tricholomataceae. Atti Convegno Internationale 10-15 Settembre 1984, Borgo Val di Taro, Italy, 1984. ANON. The proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Yeasts, Delft--The Hague, 2-6 June 1969 (Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Vol.35 Suppl.), 1970. ANON. Marine Mykologie II. Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven, Suppl. 5, 1974. ANTONÌN, VLADIMIR. Fungus Flora of Tropical Africa. Vol 1. Monograph of Marasmius, Gloiocephala, Palaeocephala and Setulipes in Tropical Africa. 2007. ANTONÍN, VLADIMIR & SKUBLA, PAVOL. Interesting macromycetes found in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Fungi non Delineati Pars XI, 2000. ANTONÍN, V & NOORDELOOS, M E. A monograph of Marasmius, Collybia and related genera in Europe Pt. 1: Marasmius, Setulipes, and Marasmiellus. Libri Botanici 8, 1993. Pt. 2: Collybia, Gymnopus, Rhodocollybia, Crinipellis, Chaetocalathus and additions to Marasmiellus. Libri Botanici 17, 1997. ANTONIN, V. & NOORDELOOS, M.E. a Monograph of the Genera Hemimycena, Delicatula, Fayodia, Gamundia etc in Europe, 2004 APINIS, A.E. Revision of British Gymnoascaceae. Mycological Papers No.96, 1964. ARITA, I. Cytological studies on Pholiota. Reports of the Tottori Mycological Institute No. 17, Dec. 1979. ARNOLD, G.R.W. International Bibliographie der Hypomycetaceae; 1976. ARNOLDS, E. Ecology and coenology of macrofungi in grasslands and moist heathlands in Drenthe, the Netherlands. Part. 1981. ARNOLDS, E, KUYPER, Th W & NOORDELOOS, M E. (Eds) Overzicht van de Paddestoelen, 1995. Supplement 1: Index; supplement 2: Namenlijst, rode lijst. ARNOLDS, E. & van OMMERIN, G. Bedreigde en kwetsbare paddestoelen in Nederland. 1996. ARTEMCHUK, N.Yu. Mikoflora Moreї SSSR, 1981. ARTHUR, J.C. The Plant Rusts (Uredinales). John Wiley & Sons, 1929. ARX, J A von. Pilzkunde. 1967. ARX, J A von. The genera of fungi sporulating in pure culture, 1970. ARX, J A von. On Thielavia and some similar genera of Ascomycetes. Studies in Mycology No.8, 1975. ARX, J.A. von & MÜLLER, E. Keys to the Genera of amerospored and didymospored Pyrenomycetes [Die Gattungen der amerosporen Pyrenomyceten. Die Gattungen der didymosporen Pyrenomyceten, 1954]. Translated by G.B. Butterfill, 1969. ARX, J.A. von & MÜLLER, E. Die Gattungen der amerosporen Pyrenomyceten. Beiträge zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz 11(1), 1954. Membership of the British Mycological Society is open to anyone with an interest in fungi, anywhere in the world. Refer to the membership section of this website http://britmycolsoc.org.uk. 3 Registered Charity no: 276503 ARX, J.A. von & MÜLLER, E. A re-evaluation of the bitunicate Ascomycetes with keys to families and genera, 1975. ARX, J A von, RODRIGUES DE MIRANDA, L, SMITH, M T and YARROW, D. The genera of yeasts and the yeast-like fungi. Studies in Mycology 14, 1977. ASHWORTH, J.M & DEE, J. The biology of slime moulds.
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