MIAMITIMES, MIAMI,FLORIDA Have You a New First Grader PAGE TWO SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1949 Beginning School This Fall? Is your child going to enter the Miami Stadium Opener First Grade this fall? And have you heard the teachers use that strange word “readiness" especially “reading readiness”? Do you wonder Figures To Be Sellout if your child is ready? flip' Being ready for First Grade i With the White reserved section means having an all-round maturity sold out, boxes and reserved grand- Crowned Queen Os for a six-year-old. It includes physi- stand, for the opening of the Miami cal development, a background of on August 31, there still Stadium experiences of various sorts, a fa- Laymen’s League are a number of choice miliarity w’ith and love for books, seats available in the Negro section. an ability to work in groups with seat Bleacher sales have not yet other children, and a desire to learn started. things out of books. This last kind “reading Reserved box seats at $1.50 and of readiness is readiness.” reserved grandstand seats at $1 are It is very important to the First ,3| moving fast at the branch ticket of- Grader, and essential to his readi | BlBR* 1: I I fice operated by Charles C. North ness for the entire new school ex- g&t perience. at the Sweeting and North Station- ery Store, 164 NW 10th st. WHAT YOU CAN DO :;:*l .?.- ;:>; : The Negro section must be filled Can you help your child to be to capacity if the decision of the hw m ’ pH| ready for his new life? Indeed, yes. i §H Miami Stadium to set aside ade- *lll There are many little ways - quate accomodations for Negro fans even : between now and September in .JMB||pp^|, J is vindicated. The section will ac- which you can help him, and most comodate more than 1,000 Negro the ways continue after he fans in reserved seats and boxes. of can enters school. Even older elemen- In the early ticket sales there was tary children can be helped in these a spirited demand ways. CAR- for box seats. As The charmingly beautiful Urylee cause of last performance of space in the section diminished Spring, she box Let him carry oral messages for Leonardos, whom critics have ac- MEN JONES last when reservations increased the grand- in New in you very simple orvas at first. claimed the greatest "Carmen ’ ably played “Carmen” here stand, North observed. The majority City time to be at the Holly- Send him after things and let him since the famous Emma Clave, is York in of the box seats were purchased in August to begin carry out simple directions for you now readying herself for her appear- wood Theatre on 24, blocs of six a box, indicating role. seats to Whatever he does, tell him very ance as “Carmen" again in CAR- rehearsals for her that many civic sports leaders former con- and carefully and clearly what you ex- MEN JONES, but this time she will Hattie King-Reavis, o fthe Negro community will attend singer, personal mana- pect before he starts, and be sure portray “Carmen" at the Greek cert who is the inaugural in group par- protege, Urylee, stadium that he understands. Then expect Theatre in Hollywood from Septem- ger to her talented ties. appearance for him to carry through independently, ber sth to the 18th inclusive. states that the next Miss Leonardos, the hr as Carmn might be out in Cleve- Bleacher seats, numbering 1,000, and praise him happily for what he who has won plaudits critics the nation be- land during the Fall Season. will go on sale the day of the stdi- does. How much further we all can of of um opener at 74 cents. go when honestly praised! For those who are unable to at- Let him have certain definite, in working out how the task is to library will give you what you need. regular about Above is the likeness of Mrs. tend the stadium dedication when tasks the house for be done. If an excursion is a happy one, Rebecca Kelly, who recently won the Miami Sun Sox will play the which he is responsible. He needs to there is likely to be some rehashing. the title of “Queen of the Laymen’s Havana Cubans at 8:30 p.m., a feel that he is a part of the family DEVELOPING OBSERVATION Encourage the child to talk about it League the Florida Confer- series of special nights to follow’ has group because he, too, is taking his in the in things happen- of South Take little excursions to interest- order which been arranged. share of responsibility. Unless every ed. And there may be some oppor- ence of the AME Church. This ing places. Perhaps the whole family lovely lady capped the title by rais- member of the household fulfills his tunity to help him to see that one Thursday will can go, or you may wish to take a ing the amount of $254.70 She came be American responsibility, something will be thing occurs as the result of another Night in honor the visiting small group of children. Be interest- first among her many competitors. of lacking. The full cooperation of thing. Cuban delegation. ed in what you see, and answer The runner-ups were, Mrs. Alma One group of 300 every single one is necessary. —Christian Science Monitor is bringing its own band from Ha- questions carefully. Thfc is an ex- Wade of Payne Chapel AME church On night, Speed Sox Os course, care must be taken cellent w’ay to increase background at West Palm Beach. She reported vana. this the will play that the tasks assigned to a little experience, and also vocabulary. $l9O and Mrs. Maybelle Brayon of the second ame of their series with the Cubans. child are not too difficult or burden- Do not be afraid to use correct St. Paul AME church at Miami, HOW To Find some, and that he terms for what you explain. It is reported $lB9. Total amount raised Understands Friday will be Civic-Fraternal clearly what is expected of him. not necessary to talk down to child- was $1,003. Night large with delegations repre- Adults often assume that a child ren. If you fear being too technical, HAPPINESS senting organizations in attendance. watch and stop the instant begins knows what is wanted when he has he Success, Loce, Money, Fame can be This should provide an opportunity knowing. to lose interest. He willpick up European Assembly no waiy of much yours if you understand the secrets for clubs and societies to attend in more general than you information and mysteries of life. You ushoukl WillNot Discuss groups with identifying banners. On We must also be careful not to realize, and will add a of number have the “7 rules for happiaess" this night, the Sun Sox open a two- form the habit of repeating needless- new words to his vocabulary. And Rights FREE —Send name and address for Human game series with the Tampa Smok- ly. That makes a child inattentive. it will be mutely to a very incidental your copy, enclose a dime to ers. If possible, give him some freedom good time. STRASBOURG, France (ANP) cover expenses. Never feel that you do not know The so-called forerunner to a uni- Saturday has been designated as HAPPINESS CIRCLE—Box 354 enough to answ’er your fied Europe, the European Consul- Labor Night, marking the fact that offspring’s Newport News, questions. Just tell him that you Va. tative assembly, through its com- the stadium was a 100 percent union do not know’, and that you mittee of ministers, voted last week project. Representatives of various will find out together. Perhaps you not to discuss the topic of human crafts which built the sports center Bridgewater’s have books An Miami J at Ad In The rights during its coming discussion. will be introduced. Union Musicians home in which to look for the in- 0 Grocery & formation. Although the foreign ministers of are expected to furnish a largo band. Market Or perhaps a trip to the Times Pays Dividends the 12 nations involved gave lip ser- The baseball fare again pits the Sun vice to human rights they did not Sox against the Smokers. | The Finest Foods At give vote service. It was believed A Common Sense Prices that only Great Britain, Ireland, and Winding up Baseball Week in France, and possibly one other na- Miami Stadium, will be Players' Ap- tion voted for discussion of human preciation Night on Monday with 608 N.W. 19h St the <I rights. Sun Sox clashing with ‘-he Mi- Phone 2-7430 ami Beach Flamingos. J Just across from Its former For Lease Or Sale A location. As for other stadium events, re- \ Carrying showpiece A MEMBER the same top grades The of the downtown Colored Section ‘ARE YOU OF served seats in the Negro section K of meats and groceries. can be secured in the is now for sale or leaae. Completely modern air con- THE “Y”? JOIN THE advance at Sweeting and North Stationery dition grill and luncheonette with beer license, foun- YMCA NOW store. tion on main ave. Allnew and finest equipment, facilities possible. Also adjoining ice cream plant a. with 180 gal. storage capacity included. Busy loca- tion on main ave. All new and finest equippment. Business For retiring. preferred. Printing Sale Or Owner Colored client Job immediately.
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