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For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 • MATCHMAKL' G FOR HI\ I AIDS COVPLES AP I PAGE 7 WEATHER 79 57 Tomorrow: 74 • 55 The Daily Student Voice of Howard University I~ tablished ''()Ll ~1E 92. ~(>. 31. \\\\\\ ·.-rH EH ILLTOPO;\ l.l;\ E.CO~ l 1924 Thursday, October 9, 2008 METRO LIFE • STYLE EDITORIALS • PERSPECTIVES JAZZ MUSICIA:.'i'S SHOW MUSIC TRULY HAS NO HOMESICKNESS AFFIJCTS MA?l.'Y FRESHMEN, JAYWALKING BANS ARE BEING ENFORCED IN Thursday's "COLOR". SEE HOW THE CLASSIC ART FOR.I'd IS Bu'T THE UNIVERSITY OFFERS SEVERAL WAYS D.C. DO YOU THINK THE POUCE SHOULD BE Notebook TRA.'liSCE1''1>ING DIFFERE~'T CULTURES. TO CONQUER THE TEMPORARY FEEUNG. WORRIED ABOUT MORE IMPORTANT THINGS? PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 Vice Provost Chambers Personal Protection Of Student Affairs Resigns Act Passes in D. C. rent pn,ition and a lrn-yl'ar ('<lrt'er at the univt'r,it~. BY MELISSA MONTGOMERY of this gun ban," Andrews said Ht· has srrved as a,:,,oriatr di­ On Sept. 29. the House of R1·p­ rector uf Studrnl AcU\itir-, interim Contnbutlng Wnter re rntativC'~ voted 250-171 for ·he D1~­ dran of Rt"s1drncc Lifr and ''llnial trict of Columbia PeNon:il Protection One evening on Elm Street~. \V., a'sistanl lo 1ht ;1rt'sident. Act (HR3193). Anthony Riley was ordered at gunpoint Mar( us Wan-, the 2007-2008 This act loosens the registration H lJS '\ pn•s1dc·nt said, "I'm apprcda­ to empty his poC'kt'ls of all his posses- s1ons. requirements for lirearm& and ammu­ uve of his sc·rvin· to tht' universit). but nition, removes criminal penalties for Doing as the armed robbers or· "hennt·r tht•rt· is a presidential tran­ possessing unregistered weapons and sition at a uni\t·r>ity, student. should dered. Anthony gave the men his cell allow~ residents to kt'ep loaded firearms phone and wallet, which held his credit expect that some administrators will in their homes in the District. .. cards, Social SC'curity card and c<!llh . move on Courtney Sawyer, a Northeast Chambc·r) is the second ad­ Even though Anthony was robbed on the streets of D.C., he has D.C. resident, is in favor of the Person­ ministn\lor to resign from his position al Protection Act. thought about registering for a hand­ in thc.- past wt•rk "Crime will be prcst'nt no matter gun to keep in his apartment for pro­ Jrnnifrr JamC's Pryor, the as­ what because people already have guns tection. sistant vice president of Univer.<1ty illegally," Sawyer said. Communit·ations, has also vacated Keeping handguns out of the hands of criminals is an issue that con­ Kristen Rand, tht' legislative di­ hC'r position. rector for the Violrnce Policy Centcr, a c"rns manv re~ident, \\',ire aclclC'cl, "I wish him well national non-prolit educational founda­ • Some frt'l saft' knowing thev have at his IH'" position at Coppin Stall', tion that researches violence in Ameri­ the right to prot<•ct themselves undt'r but look forward to new leadership in ca, is not optimistic about the act. student affairs." the Second Amendment, with certain limitations. "Make no mistake: such a radi­ In a university-issued state­ .cal reversal of D.C. 's gun policy will • These limitations indicate that ment. Chambers stated, "~1 y yea!') at cost lives," shr said. any D.C. resident who has the desire Howard Unhel'lity have been truly The Personal Protection Act al­ • to obtain a handgun has to register for remarkablr. The wonderful opponu­ lows residents to protect themselves. one - this includes having a criminal nity to work with the students, faculty Andrews thinks that when the moment background check. and stalf here has been amazing. comes, many will get their guns and Once a resident has a handgun, "I am very proud of thc suc­ shoot. cessc5 of the univer,it} and the divi­ it must be kept at home, dissembled, unloaded and lnckrd away. "If yo11 aftl hr.iring arms and sion of ~tucknl ,1ffairs," he added. I am bearing arms, nine times out of • On Sept. 17, the D.C City "The cxperic:m·c, I have gained at ten, I am going to lire and ask questions Council adopted a law that would re­ Ho" ard UniH•t>ity ,.,11 be beneficial later," AndreW1! said strict the handgun possession. By a lo my nrw rdc at Coppin State Uni­ After looking at the statistics, vote of 266-152, tht' House of Repre­ ver.;ity and will provide me yet anoth­ Rand thinks Congress should have con­ sentatives passed the National Capital er opponunity to work with outstand­ sidered the well-being and safety of Ota' i'o"tdl IV Pl"*> Edlb Security and Safety Act (H.R. 6842) ing students and staff while serving in D.C. residents. Dr. Franklin 0. Chembera. vice provost of Student Affelra, has resigned from hla position proposed by Delegate Eleanor Holmes a senior lradership role." "Research and practical experi­ 11ter five years of 11rvlc1. Norton (D-D.C). For his wars of service, Cham­ ence proves that weak gun laws arc as­ bers received the Ht;SA E."<cellence The act is a response to the case BY CHRISTINA L. BURTON "I \\lsh Dr. Chambers \\C'll in sociated with higher rates of suicides, Award in 200 I and 2004 He was of District of Columbia v. Heller, which Busmess and Technology Editor his II<'" rndi:-.1\11r.; at Uoppin State homicides and unintentional gun death given an Oubtandinr.t Sen1ce Award declared a D.C. handgun ban a viola­ l'ni\l·1 it) " said \" hol,1, O" rn, and do nothing to prevent crime," frum th•· Collegt• of An> and Sc1rnc1·s tion of the Second Amendment. llr hanl..ln D Chamlwr' ha.' 1 Rand said. l ln\\,11d l 111\·t•r:-, Stut:< Ill \"nr1o1- Walter Andn·ws, a technici;in \,I{ (IU"ll"ll \It 1· in 1998. ll!'d h ~ .1~ pm\~>st for 1io11 prt·•idc·11t. "Ht''s madr .1 trrnwn· The District of Columbia Per­ fhe stalt'ment indicated that from Prince Grorge's County, Md., S1t1rlt·nt \ll.ur~. to l)(' 111 dli·, 1 hr tht· dou~ 111.111 hl'rt' •II llm' .1rd Univl'r­ sonal Protection Act will only be in ef­ Chamber' worked with studrnt ath­ thinks Congress needs to reevaluate t"t11l 11f l.1l1 't'IO!'<lrr ~it\ ... fect for 90 days. letics. increased Mudent organizatiom their decision. Ch.1mbns \\111 .1 ..umt• the po- 0\H'll •aid that no" thr forn, During this time, the House of 111011 of \If!' pn-•1drnt for Stud1·nt and influenced si~ificant renovations "I am still optimistic about it, or tht• unh fr'it~ ~hould be on linding Reprcsentativrs will be working on per­ in the Punch Out, Burr Gvmna~ium, [but] truthfully speaking, they nred to \!fairs .i.t Copp111 Stair L'nin·nm in I lit'\\ \in· ('l'U\tl,l. manent gun regulation~. the Pulse gym and the Blackburn caf­ go back to the table and discuss the 8,1h1111orc. "lu< h \\lll tal..r eflrct j.\n Ch.unba,· rt»i~n.11inn ('om1·, 1, 200'1 eteria. more sensitive matters about thr lifting .1ftn 11\T .H·ar' of '!'rs in~. 111 his cur- - -·~---·- - --- .., • t I 'I ' Bank of America Leads NBWS . ~ "' I Interest rates were cut in' six different countries I Online Ba -....-· .....g Institutions Wednesday. In the United States, the central bank brought BY CHRISTINA L BURTON the rate down a half-point to 1.5 percent. According to I Bus!ness B!>d Technology EdJor the Federal Reserve, this action was taken because of I B nk of which the weak economy and the possibility of Inflation. 11 " 1\1 I id for l' 1lu ' 1llt • 1 r to t' the gc•t , 111 1 r b. l.u~ u tltuUon Jc,plte Presidential candidates John McCain CR-Ariz.> thr n:·crnt mr~rr t•I JP\lnf!:'an ('h.1,c and Sen. Barack Obama <D-111.) shook fists at each other md \\ 1<hmi:t •II :\lutual and dr•pltr 1 thl· po-•1b1ht\ of a n <'rgt ))('t\\t'cll e1· at Tuesday's debate ouer who Is to blame for the econom­ 1hrr ( '1uB.ink .md \\.1rhm l r \\ell­ ic crisis. Both carddates agreed that the newly lmple- I Fa'l' and \\achmu. C'('ordin In a c<.•mp im that i\n.11\ r~ m.in<'tu i:: and mented bailout plan needs to work properly. hnanc1.1l 11i-t1t11tmm' mfi rn11U<'Il \\'idt·h usc.'d B ink of \mr nl.1 ilru thr mo,t hqu1d drpo t arcount• The Dow Jones Industrial Ave1age struggled over c. ck' Hnt:'S arui the last week with one of its lollest "osings Tuesdal 189 r .ir u ' "1th Ct' • t n I 1tut1 • nd e points to 9258.10.
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