Books By Category Saturday, September 08, 2012 File Ref Book Title Cover Type Copyright Pages A - Reference A-COM-WEL A Family Tree: The Message of 1 Chronicles (Welwyn Paperback 1997 224 Commentary) A-COM-WEL A House of Prayer: The Message of 2 Chronicles (Welwyn Paperback 2002 480 Commentary Series) A-COM-WEL According to Promise (Numbers) Paperback 2010 224 A-COM-WEL Alive in Christ (Ephesians) Paperback 1994 144 A-COL Apologetics Study Bible-HCSB Hardcover 2007 2048 A-COM-WEL Apostasy, Destruction and Hope: 2 Kings Simply Explained Paperback 2002 270 (Welwyn Commentary Series) A-COM-WEL Balancing the Books: Micah and Nahum simply explained Paperback 1994 128 A-COM-WEL Building for Gods Glory: Hag/Zech (Haggai & Zechariah) Paperback 1993 240 A-COM-CAL Calvins Commentaries (22 Volume Set) Hardcover 1996 22224 A-COM-WEL Dare to Stand Alone (Daniel) (Welwyn Commentary) Paperback 1993 176 A-COM-WEL Dawn of a Kingdom (1 Samuel) (Welwyn commentaries) Paperback 1993 272 A-COM-WEL Doing a Great Work (Ezra/Neh) (Welwyn Commentary) Paperback 1996 224 A-COM-WEL Even in Darkness (Judges) (Welwyn Commentary Series) Paperback 1993 134 A-COM-WEL Free in Christ (Galatians) (Welwyn Commentary Series) Paperback 1996 336 A-COM-WEL From Glory to Ruin (1 Kings) (Welwyn Commentary) Paperback 2000 256 A-COM-WEL God Strengthens: Ezekiel Simply Explained (Welwyn Paperback 1993 320 Commentary Series) A-COM-WEL Great Is Your Faithfulness (Lamentations) Paperback 1989 160 A-JEN Jensen's Survey of the New Testament Hardcover 1981 320 A-COM-WEL Knowing Where We Stand: The Message of John's Epistle Paperback 1998 160 (Welwyn commentaries) A-COM-WEL Living for Christ: 1 & 2 Peter (One and Two Peter) Paperback 2006 256 A-COM-WEL Losing Touch W/The Living God: (Malachi) (Welwyn Paperback 1993 144 commentary series) A-COM-HEN New Testament Commentary Set, 12 Volumes Hardcover 2002 10084 A-COM-WEL Passing on the Truth (Welwyn Commentary) Paperback 1997 320 A-COM-WEL Patience of Hope: 1 & 2 Thess Paperback 1997 160 A-COM-WEL Practical Christian (James) Paperback 1993 256 A-COM-WEL Preacher on the Run (Jonah) (Welwyn Commentary) Paperback 1993 144 A-COM-WEL Prophet of the Coming Day of the Lord: The Message of Joel Paperback 1996 112 A-COM-WEL Saving a Fallen World: Luke Paperback 1993 336 A-COM-WEL Shining in the Darkness: Phillippians (Welwyn commentaries) Paperback 1998 192 A-COM-WEL Slandering the Angels: Jude (Welwyn Commentary Series) Paperback 1999 192 Page 1 of 26 File Ref Book Title Cover Type Copyright Pages A-COM-WEL Storm Breaks (Job) Paperback 2003 352 A-COM-WEL Straightening Out the Self-Centred Church: The Message of Paperback 1997 192 Titus (Welwyn Commentary) A-COM-WEL Strength in Weakness: 2 Corinthians Simply Explained (Welwyn Paperback 2004 256 Commentary Series) A-BER Systematic Theology Hardcover 1996 784 A-PAC The Bible almanac Hardcover 1980 765 A-COM-WEL The Coming of the Warrior-King: Zephaniah Simply Explained Paperback 2004 190 (Welwyn Commentary Series) A-COM-WEL The Gospel As It Really Is. Romans Simply Explained Paperback 1987 A-COM-WEL The Lord Is His Name: Studies in the Prophecy of Amos Paperback 2000 144 (Welwyn Commentary) A-MAC The Macarthur Study Bible: New American Standard Bible, Hardcover 2006 2043 Black Bonded Leather A-COM-WEL Travelling Homeward (Exodus) (Welwyn Commentary Series) Paperback 1999 352 A-COM-WEL Triumph of the King (2 Samuel) (Welwyn Commentary Series) Paperback 1993 272 A-COM-WEL Turning Back to God (Hos/Obad) (Welwyn Commentary Series) Paperback 2001 256 A-COM-WEL Unspoken Lessons about the Unseen God: Esther Simply Paperback 2001 144 Explained A-COM-WEL You Are My Witness - Acts (Welwyn Commentary Series) Paperback 2003 352 B - Theology and Doctrine B-GAN 20 Controversies That Almost Killed a Church: Paul's Counsel to Hardcover 2003 259 the Corinthians and the Church Today B-SCH 25 basic Bible studies: including Two contents, two realities Hardcover 1996 144 B-HOU A faith to confess: the Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 Paperback 2005 66 B-GER A Primer on the Deity of Christ Hardcover 1984 38 B-KEL A shepherd looks at the Good Shepherd and His sheep Hardcover 1978 187 B-RYR A survey of Bible doctrine Hardcover 1972 191 B-SPU According to Promise Hardcover 1995 189 B-SPU All of Grace Hardcover 1985 144 B-LOC All the Miracles of the Bible Hardcover 1988 320 B-GRA Angels Hardcover 1991 179 B-EAT Baptism with the Spirit: the teaching of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones Hardcover 1989 253 B-RYR Basic theology Hardcover 1986 544 B-HUN Beyond Seduction: A Return to Biblical Christianity Hardcover 1987 282 B-GRU Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith Hardcover 1999 528 B-BRE Biblical and theological studies Hardcover 1968 580 B-TER Biblical Hermeneutics: A Treatise on the Interpretation of the Hardcover 2003 782 Old and New Testaments B-DAV Biblical numerology Hardcover 1968 174 B-SPU Charles H. Spurgeon, the best from all his works Hardcover 1988 283 Page 2 of 26 File Ref Book Title Cover Type Copyright Pages B-MUR Christian baptism Hardcover 1980 90 B-ERI Christian theology Hardcover 1998 1312 B-SCH Christianity Is Jewish Hardcover 1975 224 B-MUG Chronicles of Wasted Time Hardcover 2006 576 B-MUR Collected Writings of John Murray: The claims of truth Hardcover 1976 374 B-BRE Counterfeit Miracles Hardcover 1982 327 B-RYR Dispensationalism today Hardcover 1965 221 B-LOV Dynamics of spiritual life: an evangelical theology of renewal Hardcover 1979 455 B-CAL Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life Devotional Classic Paperback 1975 96 B-BRA Hard sayings of Paul Hardcover 1989 278 B-MOR Here Is Your God: A Study in the Nature and Attributes of God Hardcover 1989 142 B-NEW How to Fear God Without Being Afraid of Him Hardcover 1994 128 B-CAL Institutes of the Christian religion Hardcover 1845 1286 B-GRE Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism Hardcover 1964 B-THI Lectures in systematic theology Hardcover 1979 450 B-RID Lectures on the Tabernacle Hardcover 1991 512 B-STR Love Or Die: Christ's Wake-up Call to the Church Hardcover 2008 112 B-WEL Moral Basis of Faith Hardcover 1986 28 B-BUN Prayer Hardcover 1989 172 B-YAN Prayer: does it make any difference? Hardcover 2006 351 B-GER Primer on Dispensationalism Paperback 1983 38 B-GER Primer on Free Will Paperback 1982 28 B-BOE Reformed Faith Paperback 1983 28 B-BES Regeneration and conversion Hardcover 1975 126 B-SIS Scofield or the Scriptures: a comparison of certain notes by C.I. Paperback 65 Scofield with the Holy Bible B-MUR Select lectures in systematic theology Hardcover 1977 417 B-SPU Sermons of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon: 1st series Hardcover 1869 383 B-WAR Shorter Writings of Warfield Hardcover 1985 B-WAR Shorter Writings of Warfield Hardcover 1985 B-VEN Sin, the plague of plagues Hardcover 1969 366 B-BER Summary of Christian Doctrine Hardcover 1939 198 B-MOR The Atonement, its meaning and significance Hardcover 1983 219 B-HOE The Bible and the future Hardcover 1979 343 B-GRA The Billy Graham Christian worker's handbook: a layman's Hardcover 1984 270 guide for soul winning and personal counseling B-BON The cost of discipleship Hardcover 1963 285 B-FRA The Days of His Presence Hardcover 2000 155 B-ROB The difference in being a Christian today Paperback 1972 92 Page 3 of 26 File Ref Book Title Cover Type Copyright Pages B-WHI The fatal flaw Hardcover 1990 225 B-BRO The Final Hour Hardcover 1992 355 B-SEA The Five Points of Calvinism Paperback 1979 20 B-PAL The five points of Calvinism: a study manual Paperback 1972 109 B-STE The five points of Calvinism: defined, defended, documented Paperback 1963 95 B-SCH The Francis A. Schaeffer trilogy: the three essential books in Hardcover 1990 368 one volume B-SCH The God who is there: speaking historic Christianity into the Hardcover 1968 191 twentieth century B-MCC The Greatness of the Kingdom: An Inductive Study of the Hardcover 1968 556 Kingdom of God B-BRU The hard sayings of Jesus Hardcover 1983 265 B-CHR The Heidelberg Catechism Paperback 1988 77 B-EPP The Holy Spirit and the believer Hardcover 1979 163 B-SIM The holy spirit: or, Power from on high. An unfolding of the Hardcover 1896 doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments B-TOZ The Knowledge of the Holy Hardcover 2008 147 B-KEV The Lord's Supper Hardcover 1982 71 B-SCH The Mark of the Christian Paperback 2007 59 B-ADA The Meaning and Mode of Baptism Paperback 1992 63 B-LAD The Meaning of the millennium: four views Hardcover 1977 223 B-GRO The modern tongues movement Hardcover 1967 165 B-BRE The Person and Work of Christ Hardcover 1989 575 B-PAC The person and work of the Holy Spirit Hardcover 1954 223 B-KEL The reason for God: belief in an age of skepticism Hardcover 2008 293 B-BOI The sovereign God Hardcover 1978 252 B-PIN The Sovereignty of God Hardcover 1981 160 B-THA The Splendor of Easter Hardcover 1983 B-ADA The time is at hand Hardcover 1966 123 B-SPE Theology of Prayer Hardcover 1979 93 B-YOU Thy word is truth: some thoughts on the Biblical doctrine of Hardcover 1957 287 inspiration B-SCH True spirituality Hardcover 1971 180 B-WHI What does it mean to be born again Hardcover 1977 123 B-DEW What is the reformed faith? Paperback 1981 24 B-MEA What the Bible is all about Hardcover 1980 675 C - Apologetics C-MCD Beyond Belief to Convictions Hardcover 2002 336 C-ZAC Can Man Live Without God Hardcover 2004 218 C-ZAC Deliver Us from Evil Paperback 1998 272 Page 4 of 26 File Ref Book Title Cover Type Copyright Pages C-BLA Does God believe in atheists? Hardcover 2000 655 C-MCD He walked among us Paperback 1988 366 C-ZAC
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