Taylor University Pillars at Taylor University Taylor University Bulletin Ringenberg Archives & Special Collections 11-1-1937 Taylor University Bulletin (November 1937) Taylor University Follow this and additional works at: https://pillars.taylor.edu/tu-bulletin Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Taylor University, "Taylor University Bulletin (November 1937)" (1937). Taylor University Bulletin. 352. https://pillars.taylor.edu/tu-bulletin/352 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Ringenberg Archives & Special Collections at Pillars at Taylor University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Taylor University Bulletin by an authorized administrator of Pillars at Taylor University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TAYLOR UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Entered as second class matter at Upland, Ind., April 8, 1900, under Act of Congress, July 16, 1894 VOL. XXIX. NO. 7 NOVEMBER 1937 ISSUED MONTHLY Dr. Robert Lee Stuart Re-elected to Presidency Dr. Stuart was reelected as president of Taylor for the second term POINTED PARAGRAPHS by a unanimous vote of the board of directors at their semi-annual meeting. From my observations in board meetings and financial Dr. Robert Lee Stuart came meetings, Taylor University is into the presidency of Taylor facing a new day financialljr. University April 7, 1931. This The administration of Taylor was at a time of financial diffi­ is a conservative business admin­ culties the country over, and the istration that will not spend difficulties that were plaguing money which is not in sight. every other public institution There has never been a saner, were strangling the breath of life more wholesome, and yet more from Taylor University. A time spiritual atmosphere on Taylor's like this required the wisest campus than now. leadership that could be secured, and Dr. Stuart was elected to the I have often been asked, task. With fighting spirit he has "When will Taylor enter the carried through the hard years North Central Association of Col­ leges?" It seems to me that our that followed until today the in­ stitution is sounder financially chances are improving constant­ than it has been for many years. ly and that the day is rapidly His has been pre-eminently a drawing near when that long de­ sired end will be achieved. business administration. During these years also the school has Our physical equipment is re­ advanced consistently in schol­ ceiving good care and is in good astic training. This has been due condition. Improvement is con­ to the fact that in every move an stantly going on in the buildings. eye has been kept upon the goal Dr. Robert Lee Stuart If every alumnus and friend of higher accreditment. of the school will do what you Dr. Jacobs, President of The can, a new day will dawn for The present five-year term of William Taylor Foundation, Dr. Stuart expires June 1938. Taylor University such as we called for a response from Presi­ have not seen in our fondest At the recent semi-annual meet­ dent Stuart, who declared that he ing of the Board of Directors dreams. had given the very best of his life, Are there young people in your of the William Taylor Founda­ without reservation, to the near­ community that you might in­ tion, he was unanimously and ly seven years that he had been fluence to come to Taylor Uni­ enthusiastically re-elected for President of Taylor University. versity? Taylor has made a fine another five-year term. This He spoke of the difficulty of increase in the student body in will make possible the planning keeping personal ambitions out the last two years. Last year we of a long time program and as­ of the way and declared that, increased fifty-two over the pre­ sures an extended period of con­ "We will give our life for Taylor ceding year; this year we have servative advancement. University, first, last, and all the increased fifty-one over last year. The announcement of the re­ time. Frankly, regardless of the God is graciously blessing Tay­ election in the chapel service was costs we are ready to give to the lor University. Let her friends received by the student body with Board of Directors, our faculty, pray that as we go forward we extreme enthusiasm, and the ex­ student body, alumni and may go forward with Christ, giv­ pressions of appreciation that friends, and Christ's great world­ ing him first place always. have come from many directions wide kingdom all there is of us show the action of the board lias for the next period of our ad­ RoiJ W. Knight been well taken. R. W. K. ministration." President of Alumni Association SECOND SEMESTER begins February 2. Begin now to make your plans to enter Taylor University. Students are already making arrangements for entry. Page Two TAYLOR UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Reaction of new board Gracious outpouring of God's spirit members to Taylor witnessed during Taylor's fall revival Dr. Lindblom met with the Board of Directors of the Wil­ Dr. Turbeville came to us liam Taylor Foundation for the through the ten days and gave us first time at the semi-annual great gospel messages. We per­ meeting, October 27. He was haps had the finest sustained at­ elected as a member of the Board tendance during the entire meet­ ing of at the annual meeting in June. any meeting that has been He is pastor of the Free Evan­ held on the campus. Dr. Turbe­ gelical Church of Chicago. He is ville laid splendid foundations a great pastor, evangelist, and an that led up to these great repro­ outstanding worker with youth. ducible experiences of Christian­ Taylor is to be congratulated ity and by the end of the first on having this splendid Chris­ week these young men and young tian gentleman accept a place on women were seeking to be saved, the Board of Directors. When backsliders were being reclaimed, Dr. A. W. Pugh presented him and believers were being might­ formally to the members of the ily baptized with the Holy Spirit. Board he responded with the fol­ There was one day in the meet­ lowing word, "I feel the associa­ ings when over seventy-five tion is going to be very helpful young people knelt at the altar both for Taylor and our work, seeking definitely either to be and I pledge and promise to do saved, reclaimed, or to be bap­ all I can to make Taylor known tized with the blessed Holy among our people. I enjoy the Spirit. Dr. S. H. Turbeville, Class of 1905 spirit that rests on this campus We are profoundly thankful and I have fallen in love with Dr. to God for the great meeting He Dr. Turbeville speaks fine word Stuart and you men as I have gave us. This wonderful fall re­ for his Alma Mater met you." vival is one of the secrets of the On his return to Chicago he blessed spiritual life that Taylor "It was my delightful privilege sent to the President's office this maintains through the year. We to spend ten days at Taylor Uni­ delightful paragraph: "I have wish our parents, alumni and versity this fall, having been in­ been living in the happy thrills friends could have been with us vited to be the evangelistic all day. I was so happy for all and have seen how wholeheart­ speaker for the fall revival there. that I saw and heard at Taylor. edly this splendid student body The student body was as fine and I am thanking God for His won­ responded to the message of full as receptive as any that I have derful blessing upon the work. salvation. ever addressed. A beautiful Your influence for Him upon the spirit of harmony and coopera­ youth of Taylor's campus is tre­ tion obtain throughout the col­ mendous. I feel we are going to Grounds Committee of the Board lege among both faculty and stu­ see great things as we move on of Directors. dent body. President Stuart seems to have the united support in this needy field of service, * -t * •? reaching college youth with a of the whole college force, and saving, sanctifying Gospel mes­ Dr. Herbert Lyon, a prominent the prospects for the future of sage. The Lord bless you abun­ physician and surgeon of Buf­ the college are very encouraging dantly. I was so glad for the falo, New York, is another new indeed. God bless and continue Board meeting yesterday and the member of the Board of Direc­ to prosper Taylor University for good feeling that prevailed." tors. Dr. Lyon graduated from we need colleges of her kind in * :jc * * Taylor with the class of '26. He these days." (In a personal let­ Mr. J. C. Bontrager, one of the is not only outstanding as a phy­ ter Dr. Stuart received from Dr. newer members of the Board of sician and surgeon but is a great Turbeville he said, "The thrill of Directors, is a splendid Christian spiritual leader among laymen of joy still lingers for the victories layman and contractor. At the the city of Buffalo. He has or­ the Lord gave in the revival." close of the semi-annual meeting ganized a Bible Conference out of the Board of Directors he said by the lake and it is succeeding Sammy Morris booklet has to President Stuart, "In two in a tremendous way. blessed people all over the world. years time it will not be a prob­ Taylor is always happy to see Many a revival has been started lem of getting students, but a her graduates succeeding in their through the reading of the life problem of knowing what to do chosen profession and we appre­ story of this spirit-filled black with the students who want to ciate the fact that this busy pro­ boy.
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