TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD 873 Overconsolidated Clays: 11 Shales 001411672 Transportation Research Record Issue : 873 - ------ - --------------1 ~IT"ID TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1982 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Officers DARRELL V MANNING, Chairman LAWRENCE D. DAHMS, Vice Chairman THOMAS B. DEEN, Executive Director Members RAY A. BARNHART, JR., Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio) FRANCIS B. FRANCOIS, Executive Director, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (ex officio) WILLIAM J. HARRIS, JR., Vice President, Research and Test Depart1111mt, Association of American Raili'oads (ex officio) J. LYNN HFLMS, Admi11istro1or, Ji'f!deral A11iatio11 Admi11is1ratio11, U.S. D<:par/111(1 111 of 1'rrmsportation (ex officio) Tl IOMAS D. LARSON, Secretory of '/)'a11spor1a/io11, Pen11sylva11ia Deµart111 e111 of 1'ra11sporration (ex officio, Past Chair111an , 1981) RAYMOND A. PECK, JR., Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Ad111i11ls1rotio11, U.S. Department of 'f'ronsporta1io11 (ex officio) ARTHUR E. TEELE, JR., Administrator, Urban Mass Transportation Admi11istrotio11, U.S. Deparrmenr of Tro11spor1ation (ex officio) CHARLEY V. WOOTAN, Director, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University (ex officio, Past Chairman, 1980) GEORGE J. BEAN, Director of Aviation, Hillsborough County (F1orida) Aviation Authority JOHN R. BORCHERT, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota RICHARD P. BRAUN, Commissioner, Minnesota Deportment of Transportation ARTHUR J. BRUEN, JR., Vice President, Con tinentol Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago JOSEPH M. CLAPP, Senior Vice President and Member, Board of Directors, Roadway Express, Inc. ALAN G. DUSTIN, President, Chief Executive, and Chief Operating Officer, Boston and Maine Corporation ROBERT E. FARRIS, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of 1'ronsportation ADRIANA GIANTURCO, Director, California Department of Transportation JACK R. GILSTRAP, Executive Vice President, American Public Transit Association MARK G. GOODE, Engineer-Director, Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation WILLIAM C. HENNESSY, Commissioner of Transportation, New York State Department of Transportation LESTER A. HOEL, Hamilton Professor and Chairman, Department of CTvil Engineering, University of Virginia MAR VIN L. MANHEIM, Professor, Department of CTvil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology FUJIO MATSUDA, President, University of Hawaii DANIEL T. MURPHY, County Executive, Oakland County, Michigan ROLAND A. OUELLETTE, Director of Transportation Affairs for Industry-Government Relations, General Motors Corporation RICHARDS. PAGE, General Manager, Washington (D.C.) Metropolitan Area Transit Authority MILTON PIKARSKY, Director of Transportation Research, Illinois Institute of Technology GUERDON S. SINES, Vice President, Information and Control Systems, Missouri Pacific Railroad JOHN E. STEINER, Vice President, Corporate Product Development, The Boeing Company RICHARD A. WARD, Director-Chief Engineer, Oklahoma Department of Transportation The Transportation Research Record series consists of collec­ Academy of Sciences, or the sponsors of TRB activities. tions of papers in a given subject. Most of the papers ia a Transportation Research Records are issued irregularly; Transportation Research Record were originally prepared for approximately SO are released each year. Each is classified presentation at a TRB Annual Meeting. Al l papers (both according to the modes and subject areas deal t with in the Annual Meeting papers and those submitted solely for pub­ individual papers it conlajns. TRB publications are available lication) have been reviewed and accepted for publication by on direct order from TRB, or they may be obtained on a TRB's peer review process according lo procedures approved regular basis through organizational or individual affiliation by a Report Review Committee consisting of members of the with TRB. Affiliates or library subscribers arc eligible for National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of En­ substantial discounts. For further information, write to the gineering, and the Institute of Medicine. Transportation Research Board, National Academy of The views expressed in these papers are those of the au­ Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, thors and do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsoring DC 20418. committee, the Transportation Research Board, the National TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD 87 3 Overconsolidated Clays: Shales TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES WASHINGTON, D.C. 1982 Transportation Research Record 873 Sponsorship of the Papers in This Transportation Research Record Price $9.20 Edited for TRB by Mary McLaughlin GROUP 2-DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF TRANSPORTA­ modes TION FACILITIES 1 highway transportation R. V. LeClerc, consultant, Olympia, Washington, chairman 3 rail transportation Geology and Properties of Earth Materials Section subject areas David L. Royster, Tennessee Department of Transportation, 61 soil exploration and classification chairman 63 soil and rock mechanics Committee on Exploration and Classification of Earth Materials Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Robert B. Johnson, Colorado State University, chairman National Research Council. Transportation Research Board. Jerome V. DeGraff. Carl D. Ealy, Martin C. Everitt, Edward A. Overconsolidated clays- shales. Fernau, Robert K.H. Ho, C. William Lovell, Donald E. McCormack, Olin W. Mintzer, Alex Rutka, Robert L. Schuster, James Chris (Transportation research record; 8 73) Schwarzhoff, Andrew Sluz, Sam/. Thornton, J. Allan Tice, A. Keith Reports presented at the 61st annual meeting of the Trans­ Turner, Gilbert Wilson portation Research Board. 1. Soil consolidation-Addresses, essays, lectures. 2. Clay­ Committee on Soil and Rock Properties Addresses, essays, lectures. 3. Shale-Addresses, essays, lec­ C. William Lovell, Purdue University, chairman tures. 4. Slopes (Soil mechanics)- Addresses, essays, lectures. C.O. Brawner, William F. Brumund, Carl D. Ealy, James P. Gould, I. National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Ernest Jonas, T. Cameron Kenney, Charles C. Ladd, Gerald P. Board. II. Series, Raymond, Robert L. Schiffman, Hassan A. Sultan, William D. TE7 .HS no. 873 [TE210.4] 380.Ss [624.l '51362) 83-2262 Trolinger, David J. Varnes, Harvey E. Wahls, John L. Walkinshaw ISBN 0-309-03402-7 ISSN 0361-1981 Committee on Engineering Geology Robert L. Schuster, U.S. Geological Survey, chairman Robert K. Barrett, Robert C. Deen, Martin C. Everitt, Robert B. Johnson, C. William Lovell, Peter V. Patterson, Douglas R. Piteau, Rodney W. Prellwitz, David L. Royster, Dwight A. Sangrey, Berke L. Thompson, J. Allan Tice, A . Keith Turner John W. Guinnee, Transportation Research Board staff Sponsorship is indicated by a footnote at the end of each report. The organizational units, officers, and members are as of Decem­ ber 31, I 981. Dedi ca ted to ALEKSANDAR S. VESIC August 8, 1924 - May 3, 1982 As an administrator, researcher, teacher, and par­ and Western Europe, South Arner ica, and the Far East. ticularly as a scholar, Alex Ve sic contributed to In addition, he had been a principal lecturer at the advancement of the geotechnical engineering of several international and regional conferences on the world, There will be a void in the work of the soil mechanics. Transportation Research Board, as well as in our Alex received many awards and honors. The one he profession, with his passing. valued most was an honorary doctorate in science As a researcher he developed a second generation from the University of Ghent in 1981. The Highway of bearing capacity theories for both spread foot­ Research Board presented him its Research Award in ings and piles. These supplement, and in some cases 1967 and ASCE its Thomas Middlebrooks Award in supplant, older, established theories. He extended 1974. Duke University presented him its Engineering these concepts to such diverse applications as eval­ Alumni Award in 1981 and the Chi Epsilon Outstanding uating anchors on the ocean bottom and predicting Civil Engineering Professor Award in 1967. He was the craters produced by intense explosions. appointed J.A. Jones Distinguished Professor of As a teacher he inspired students to use advanced Civil Engineering in 1971. theory as a tool in solving engineering problems, He was a consultant on geotechnical engineering both at the Georgia Institute of Technology from to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. 1958 to 1964 and at Duke University since 1964. He Navy Civil Engineer Corps. He also served as was an Overseas Fellow, Churchill College, Cam­ consultant on such diverse projects as bridge bridge, England (on leave from Duke) in 1971-1972. design, building and industrial plant foundations, As Dean of Engineering at Duke since 1974, he empha­ exploration of the sea bottom, and port structures. sized scholarship and ingenuity in a period when He was coauthor of two books and author of more than numbers of graduates had become more important than 80 technical papers. quality in u.s. universities, Alex was born in Yugoslavia. He received his BCE Alex was very active in advancing our profession. degree with highest honors at the University of He became a member of the Transportation Research Belgrade in 1950 and his Doctor of Science degree in
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