BIGBURY NEWS May 2018 Issue 435 VALERIE SCOTT PARISH COUNCILLOR BURGH ISLAND NEW OWNER COORDINATOR for NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NEEDED MEMORIAL HALL Church Bazaar Mon 28th May 2 pm HISTORY SOCIETY Loddiswell Vintage Buses Thurs 17th May 10.30 am FRIENDS of ST LAWRENCE Barn dance 1st June 7.00 pm CIVIC DAY REGISTER SUPPORT by 16 May HOSTS for DUTCH STUDENTS NEEDED £8,416 RAISED for CHARITIES Charterlands Chatter www.bigburycommunity.co.uk LETTER FROM THE EDITOR FREE COPIES By being in the Back Up Crew, you are Fiona Barker’s feature on Plastic, Plas- Bigbury News - to 450 homes in Bigbury not committing to the same extent as tic, not Fantastic (p 5) is a much needed thanks to volunteer DISTRIBUTION TEAM those who have filled the role for years, reminder of the importance of our com- DONATIONS CONTENTS sometimes decades. You are offering mitment to the environment and what welcome all year round these wonderful people the chance to Letter from Editor 3 we can do to make a difference. Fiona is cheques ‘Bigbury News’ take a break without feeling guilty that BACS :Lloyds Bank Sort Code 30-99-12 Environment Matters 4-5 also a second home owner. Do you have they are letting the community down. Acc No: 29305568 Acc Name Bigbury News Burgh Island changes hands 4-5 an idea for a news feature? Please get in Keeping Bigbury Busy 6 Have we taken their commitment for touch with the Editor. SUBSCRIPTIONS 19th Hole 6 granted? When did we last thank them? 2nd class post to UK mainland Crews that keep us Cruising 8-9 I am most grateful to the sixteen individ- £30 per year (12 issues - colour version) Bigbury Life 10-13 Second home owners as well as residents [email protected] uals who have made donations and the Cash in the Attic 15 are welcome to join the Back up Crew. 01548 810991 Common Ground 15 nine subscribers to Bigbury News. Thank Please get in touch with the Editor and HOLYWELL STORES Take a Walk on the Wildside 15 you - your support makes a difference. I Farm Gate 16-17 provide your contact details. If the usual black & white version available hope more of you will consider making a Pull Out Calendar 18-19 volunteers are not well or just need a donation to help support Bigbury News FREE DOWNLOAD History Society 20 holiday break they could contact the production costs and keep this commu- bigburycommunity.co.uk & Old News 20 Editor who will put them in touch with bigburyonsea.co.uk Art Beat 20-21 nity endeavour, supported by volunteers, the Back Up Team. Let’s hope there is a going strong! In the December issue, we Weather Watch 21 Back up Crew! Please make this happen. Bigbury PC AGM 22.23,31 will publish the full list of our donors and BPC Minutes (April) 31,32,34 subscribers. I hope I have to do this in Current community actions that you Neighbourhood Plan 26 very small font size to fit you all in! Garden Gate 28,29 might like to assist with may include: Bigbury Album 30 church events, youth group, toddler We are in the process of developing group, fund-raising in general, Bigbury which will be delivered News, beach cleans, Civic Day initiative, Bigbury eNews Neighbourhood Plan events, Bigbury to subscribers by email on a weekly basis, Parish Council events, Neighbourhood via Mail Chimp. This is a simple flyer ADVERTISE HERE Watch and more. Please - get in touch! update on this week’s events and any Neighbourhood Watch issues that you Dear Readers, I am sure you will all join in thanking should be aware of. To receive it you Valerie Scott for filling the vacancy for must subscribe by emailing bigbury- £150 per year There is a myth that the community is parish councillor that has existed since [email protected] and requesting riddled with complacency. This was well (12 issues) summer 2017. Her amazing contribu- to be on the emailing list. You can and truly busted by Beth Huntley. She tion to the Neighbourhood Plan and the unsubscribe at any time. inspired us to support her endeavours to Bay View Cafe debacle, gives us every [email protected] raise awareness and funding for debili- confidence that she will make an equally We are all watching the horizon with tating mobility diseases afflicting two of useful contribution to the parish coun- more interest as Burgh Island has our parishioners, Rose and Sandy. This cil. Valerie is now a resident of Big- changed hands. The new owners seem shows what communities can do when bury, having once been a second home keen to be more involved with the local they work together and that an individ- owner. She is a wonderful example of community and their ambitions will ual’s initiatives are worth the effort. See how second home owners have much to be reported in full in the June issue of the report on the Himalayan Evening contribute, particularly when they choose Bigbury News under the feature ‘Keeping (p12). to retire to Bigbury. Bigbury Busy” Brief report page 5. There is a need for more volunteers to Neighbourhood Watch needs a new come forward to help the small teams that Contributors: Fiona Barker, Marlene Johnson, coordinator as Steve Comley is stepping organise events that keep Bigbury ticking. Peter Cook, Jill Gubbins, Huw Edwards, Richard down. He has done an amazing job and Have you asked yourself whether you Mathews, Smart Family, Sally Watts, Charles we all thank him for his tremendous can do more to help keep our community Harrington, Rev Matt Rowland, Hazel Osborne, efforts. There are on-going discussions vibrant? Some people have been valiant- Jean Wright, Yvonne Klidjian, Lucinda and Aidan Ellis, Lynn Hiscock. about how our contribution to communi- ly donating their time over many years Photo credits: Mike Wynn Powell, Annika Con- ty policing might evolve. This will be the to help organise our lives and create the nolly, Louise Pitt, Noel Thirnton and Editor focus of the feature ‘Crews that keep us events that we so enjoy attending. They Cruising’ in the June issue. are all people who do it without the need Total Donations 2018 for thanks and enjoy doing this. That £378.50 from 16 individuals. Total Postal Subscriptions 2018 Louise Wainwright should not stop others from offering their 9 subscribers Editor Bigbury News services as the Back Up Crew. Are you Total Bigbury News FREE distribution 2018 [email protected] willing to volunteer? 2,000 copies. 07908 525663 01548 810991 Editor Louise Wainwright [email protected] 07908 525663 (01548) 810991 Long Easton, Easton , Bigbury TQ7 4AN Treasurer: Lucinda Ellis Bigbury Communications Team: Stuart Watts, Rose Owen, Valerie Scott, Mia Morris and John Davies. Distribution Team: Simone Stevens, Jim Bennett, Iris McSherry, Peter & Gill Cook, Trish Bagley, Jill Gubbins, Suzy Owelett, Danny Grace, Burgh Island Causeway, Korniloff, NISA shop, Park Dean, Noel Thornton, Sally Watts, Margaret Singleton, John Simes, Elise Wilson, Jenny Very, Jane Tucker, Ann Lamble, Burgh Island, Pickwick, Hexdown, Oyster Shack, Venus Cafe, Holywell Stores, Dane & Hilary Vanstone. Thanks to the Vanstones for delivering the bundles of Bigbury News to the Distribution Team and allowing Holywell Stores to be a pick up point. 2 3 ENVIRONMENT MATTERS Plastic, Plastic not Fantastic ! I am sure a lot of us watching Blue Planet and butcher to be able to source most food Hams beach cleans in partnership with 2 were made aware of the terrible damage plastic free. Surfers Against Sewage. There was a that plastic is doing to the marine environ- great turn-out for the clean at Bigbury-on- ment. Plastic persists for years and even Locally, there is Save a Packet in Kings- Sea last September. Follow ‘South Hams when recycled remains as a plastic. Every bridge which means it is possible to buy Beach Clean Series’ on Facebook to find piece of plastic produced in the last 50 pasta, cereal, dried fruit and many, many out when and where their next beach years still exists and will continue to exist other dried goods by weight in paper bags cleans are. for the next 400-500 years. And we’re all or your own containers. You only have to adding to the pile every day. travel a bit further to Totnes to visit Dev- Amanda is currently working with a team on’s zero waste shop Earth, Food, Love of local activists to achieve Plastic Free Being so close to the sea in Bigbury we where you can refill your own bottles with Town status for Kingsbridge – part of the are probably more aware than most. It can washing detergent etc too. You can also Plastic Free Communities campaign run seem like a huge, insurmountable problem have a go with their peanut butter ma- by Surfers Against Sewage. The project and it’s very easy to feel small and insig- chine! involves gaining the support from Kings- nificant in the face of this tidal wave of bridge Town Council, persuading at least plastic and blame it on the food packaging I’ve invested in a bamboo toothbrush, 5 businesses to give up single-use plastic, industry or manufacturers. But if we are to cream deodorant in a tin, shampoo bars giving talks to community groups and do something about this, then we must all and washable make-up wipes. We’ve all running events. They hope to complete the own it. got stainless steel cups and water bottles. project by summer 2018. My supportive hubby has gone back to And it turns out there is a lot we can do a traditional razor and razor blades for See opposite some of the materials at an individual level.
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