CANCERRESEARCH56.728-732.February15. 9961 Advances in Brief The t(6;16)(p21;q22) Chromosome Translocation in the LNCaP Prostate Carcinoma Cell Line Results in a tpc/hpr Fusion Gene' Maria Luisa Veronese, Florencia Bulinch, Massimo Negrini, and Carlo M. Croce2 Jefferson Cancer Center, Jefferson Cancer Institute and Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 Abstract level. We have found that the translocation results in fusion of the hpr gene on chromosome 16 to the tpc gene, a novel gene coding for a Very little is known about the molecular and genetic mechanisms protein similar to nbosomal protein 510. involved in prostate cancer.Previousstudieshaveshownfrequent lossof heterozygosity(40%)at chromosomalregions8p, lOq,and 16q,suggesting thepresenceoftumorsuppressorgenesintheseregions.TheLNCaP cell Materials and Methods line, establishedfrom a metastaticlesionof human prostatic adenocarci Rodent-Human Hybrids. The hybrids seriesA9LN were obtainedfrom noma,carries a t(6;16)(p21;q22)translocation.To determinewhether this translocation involved genesimportant in the processof malignant trans thefusionof thehumanprostatecarcinomacellline LNCaPandthemouseA9 formation, weclonedand sequencedthet(6;16) breakpoint ofthis cell line. cell line as previously described (15). PCR analysis with primers from both the Sequenceanalysisshowedthat the breakpoint is within the haptoglobin shortandlongarmsof chromosome16wascarriedout in 1 X PCRbufferwith geneclusteron chromosome16,and that, on chromosome6,the break MgCI2 (Boehringer Mannheim) with 100 ng template DNA, 100 ng each of occurs within a novel gene,tpc, similar to the prokaryotic SlO ribosomal forward and reverseprimer, 250 @Mdeoxynucleotidetriphosphates(Perkin protein gene. The translocation results in the production of a fusion Elmer/Cetus), and 0.5 units of Taq DNA polymerase (Boehringer Mannheim) transcript, tpc/hpr. in a total volume of 50 @d.Thirty cycles of amplification were carried out at 55—60°Cannealingtemperature as appropriate for each primer. Human pla cental DNA (Oncor) and mouse DNA were used as controls. Primers Introduction 16AC1.1F/R at l6pll.2-qll.2, SM5BAIB at l6pl3.3, 16AC6.21FIR at Carcinoma of the prostate is the most frequent cancer in American 16p12.2-ql3, LCAT.PCR1.1/2 at 16q22.l, CALB2.PCR.l/2 at l6q22.1, males, and its incidence is increasing (1). Although very little is 16AC7.46F/R at 16q22.2-q23.l, HP.PCR1.l/2 at 16q22.l, HPR1/2 at l6q22.I, known regarding the molecular mechanisms involved in prostate HP.PCR2.1/2 at 16q22. I , and APRT.PCRI . 1/2 at l6q24.2-qter were used to characterize the hybrids. The sequence of all oligonucleotide primers used for tumorigenesis, a multistep processinvolving multiple genetic changes hybrid screening are available through the Genome Data Base. seems likely. Alterations of p53 (2), loss of DCC expression, and Rodent-human hybrids containing chromosomes 16, 14, 8, 7, or 6 as the LOH3at theDCClocus(3) havebeenreportedinprostatecancer, only human material were obtained from the National Institute of General suggesting a possible role for these genes in the development and/or Medical Science Human Genetic Mutant Cell Repository (Coriell Institute, progression of this disease.Other, as yet, unidentified genes,possibly Camden,NJ). located at sites of observed chromosomal abnormalities, such as 2p, Cell Lines. Cell linesusedinthisstudy:LNCaP,DU145,andPC3(pros 7q, and lOq (4) may play a critical role in prostate cancer. In addition, tatic carcinoma), SW48 (colon cancer), MCF7 (breast cancer), and Wl38 LOH studieshave suggestedthat putative tumor suppressorgenes (fibroblastic) were obtained from American Type Culture Collection. Other located at 8p22 (5, 6), 10q22-qter (7), and l6q22 may be involved in cell lines [DEL (16), SU-DHL-1 (17), Karpas 299 (anaplastic large cell up to 65% of prostate cancers (5, 7, 8). Indeed, between 40 and 65% lymphoma;Ref. 18),andK9827F(lymphoblastoid;Ref. l9J werealsoused. LOH has been detectedat thesechromosomalregions. DNA Probes Probes HPR, HP.PCR1, LNH, B4, and CL7G4 used in this study were obtained by PCR amplification of normal human DNA with primer Loss of genetic material in tumor cells has been shown to be sets HPRF/R, HP.PCR1.l/2, LNH.l/2, B4A213, and CL7G4/7, respectively. associated with the loss of tumor suppressor gene function. This The sequenceoftheprimersthat werenot obtainedfrom GenomeDataBase region of chromosome 16, exhibiting allelic loss in prostate cancer, are listed in Table I. The hp2a probe was obtained from American Type overlaps with regions of LOH described in breast cancer (9, 10), Culture Collection. hepatocarcinoma (1 1), and Wilm's tumor (12), suggesting that the SouthernandNorthernBlotAnalysis.DNA fromcelllinesandhybrids sametumor suppressorgene(s) may be involved in all of thesetumors. was digested with restriction enzymes (Boehringer Mannheim), electrophore A t(6;16)(p2l;q22) translocation has been described in the LNCaP sed, blotted on nylon membranes (Stratagene), and hybridized according to cell line (13), and similar translocations involving 16q22 have been standardprocedures(20). described in fresh prostate tumor samples (14). To determine whether Total RNA from cell lines and patient sampleswas extractedusing the the translocation results in disruption of the putative tumor suppressor guanidinium thiocyanate method (21). Poly(A) RNA was purified with the gene at 16q22, we decided to analyze the breakpoint at the molecular PolyATractmRNA isolationsystemIV (Promega).Northernblot analysiswas carried out with 1 j@gPoly(A) RNA or 20 @gtotal cellular RNA. A Northern blot containingabout4 @gPoly(A)RNA from severalnormaltissues,includ Received 12/15/95; accepted 1/2/96. ing testis, colon, and spleen (Clontech), was also used. The costsof publicationof this article were defrayed in part by the paymentof page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with Genomic Libraries. A size-selectedgenomiclibrary was constructedby 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. EcoRI digestion of LNCaP DNA. Digested DNA was electrophoresed through I This work was supported by an Outstanding Investigator Award from the National a 0.8% low-melting agarosegel.A bandof the samesize as the rearranged Cancer Institute(CA39860) (C. M. C.), National ResearchFellowshipAward NCI 5 F31 CA60352—02(F. B.), and an AIDS fellowship (D.M. 4.16.92, 2601/SAP 7.2) from the fragment detected by Southern blot analysis of LNCaP DNA with the HPR lnstituto Superiore di Sanita (Italy; M. L. V.). probe was cut from the gel. The DNA was eluted by agarasetreatment 2 To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, Jefferson Cancer Center, Thomas (Boehringer Mannheim) and packaged in A phage DASH II (Stratagene). The Jefferson Medical College. BLSB, Room 1050, 233 South 10thStreet, Philadelphia, PA library was screened by standard plaque lifts with the HPR probe. 19107.Phone:(215)955-4645;Fax:923-3528. 3The abbreviations used are: LOH, loss of heterozygosity; ORF, open reading frame; A phagelibrary wasconstructedinEMBL3 (Stratagene)bypartialSau3AI HP, haptoglobin; hpr, haptoglobin related; tpc, translocated in prostate cancer. digestion of DNA from a chronic lymphocytic leukemia sample which did not 728 Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 29, 2021. © 1996 American Association for Cancer Research. tpc/hpr FUSION TRANSCRIPT IN THE LNCaP CELL LINE to @. 4) ° ‘-0. 0 @: 8@@o) DZO(f) :@@80. Q_o_ -JC@) ,(<U) 0..10 00.. Fig. 1. Southern blotting analysis with chromo @ —@ &1 —17kb —* —17kb some 6 (B4) and chromosome 16 (HPR) probes detecting the rearrangement in the LNCaP cell —18.5kb lines. A, EcoRI digest probed with HPR; B, Hin dill digest probedwith HPR;C, sameblot as in B, probed with B4. Arrows, rearranged restriction — 1 1 .0 Kb fragments present in the LNCaP cell line and in the A9LN3 hybrid. Previously described HP poly . —8.5kb morphisms detected with EcoRI (I 1-kb restriction ..• —5.3kb fragment, A) and Hindill (4 and 5.3 kb, B) are clearlyapparentincelllineDNAs. — —4.0kb — 3.7Kb :4 A show any evidence of rearrangement with the B4 probe. The library was cluster were used as probes on Southern blots of LNCaP DNA. The screened with the B4 probe to obtain germline genomic clones from z'pc. HPR probe detected a rearranged EcoRI and a rearranged HindIII eDNA Libraries. A normalhumanliver cDNA library(Clontech)was restriction fragment in the LNCaP cell line and in the A9LN3 and screened using standard plaque lifts with the B4 probe (Table 1). One of two A9LN5 hybrids (Fig. 1). The HP.PCR1 probe, on the other hand, positive phage clones was subcloned into pBluescript KS(+) and sequenced as detected a rearranged EcoRI restriction fragment in the LNCaP DNA describedbelow. only. These results confirmed our previous finding and indicated the A cDNA library of LNCaPmRNA wasconstructedinthe A ZAP Express vector (Stratagene) and screenedusing standard plaque lifts with the B4 probe. presenceof two derivative chromosomes in the LNCaP cell line, one Eight clones were isolated from the library and sequenced. detected by the HPR probe and the other by the HP.PCR1 probe. SequencingandSequenceAnalysis.DNA fragmentsweresequencedby To clone the rearrangement and to identify the genes involved, we the dideoxynucleotide termination reaction chemistry for sequenceanalysis on constructed a size-selected EcoRI genomic library from the LNCaP the Applied BiosystemsModels373A
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