Induced Representations and Frobenius Reciprocity Math G4344, Spring 2012 1 Generalities about Induced Representations For any group G and subgroup H, we get a restriction functor G ResH : Rep(G) ! Rep(H) that gives a representation of H from a representation of G, by simply restricting the group action to H. This is an exact functor. We would like to be able to go in the other direction, building up representations of G from representations of its subgroups. What we want is an induction functor G IndH : Rep(H) ! Rep(G) that should be an adjoint to the restriction functor. This adjointness relation is called \Frobenius Reciprocity". Unfortunately, there are two possible adjoints, Ind could be a left-adjoint G G HomG(IndH (V );W ) = HomH (V; ResH (W )) or a right-adjoint. Let's call the right-adjoint \coInd" G G HomG(V; coIndH (W )) = HomH (ResH (V );W ) Given an algebra A, with sub-algebra B, tensor product ⊗ and Hom of modules provide such functors. Since A HomA(A ⊗B V; W ) = HomB(V; ResB(W )) we can get a left-adjoint version of induction using the tensor product and since A HomA(V; HomB(A; W )) = HomB(ResB(V );W ) we can get a right-adjoint version of induction using Hom. So Definition 1 (Induction for finite groups). For H a subgroup of G, both finite groups, and V a representation of H, one has representations of G defined by G IndH (V ) = CG ⊗CH V and G coIndH (V ) = HomCH (CG; V ) and 1 G Theorem 1 (Frobenius reciprocity for finite groups). IndH is a left-adjoint G functor to the restriction functor, coIndH is a right-adjoint. It turns out that for finite groups, the Ind and coInd functors are isomorphic, so you can use either one to taste. An important special case to consider is induction from the trivial representation, where Frobenius reciprocity says H H HomG(CG ⊗CH C;V ) = HomH (C;V ) = (HomC(C;V )) = V G which implies that the multiplicity of V in IndH C is given by the dimension of the H-invariant subspace of V . So, in general induction from the trivial repre- sentation will give a reducible representation with an interesting endomorphism algebra, a Hecke algebra: Definition 2 (Hecke algebra for pair of finite groups). Given a pair of finite groups H ⊂ G, one can define the Hecke algebra G G G H Hecke(G; H) = HomG(IndH C; IndH C) = (IndH C) Note that for any G representation V this algebra acts on H G V = HomG(IndH C;V ) For some choices of H and G, for example G = GL(n; Fq), H the Borel sub- group of upper triangular matrices, this allows one to study representation of the algebra CG in terms of a much simpler algebra Hecke(G; H) (which is commutative in this case), at least for representations such that V H 6= 0. Co-induction from the trivial representation gives G coIndH C = HomCH (CG; C) which is the space of functions on G, right-invariant under H (G acts on the left). Here the Hecke algebra is G H (coIndH C) which is the convolution algebra of H-biinvariant functions on G. It acts on ∗ H HomH (V; C) = (V ) 2 Induction for Lie algebras To make life confusing, it turns out that the first of these is what is most useful for Lie algebras, whereas it's the second that is most useful for Lie groups. So, for us, induction for Lie algebra representations will be the first version, for Lie groups something like the second. You just need to be careful to use the proper version of Frobenius reciprocity (left-adjoint to restriction for Lie algebras, right-adjoint to restriction for Lie groups). So, for Lie algebras 2 Definition 3. Given a Lie algebra g with subalgebra h, if V is a representation of h, the induced representation of g is U(g) ⊗U(h) V This satisfies the Frobenius reciprocity relation Homg(U(g) ⊗U(h) V; W ) = Homh(V; W ) (where I'm dropping making explicit the restriction operation). Verma modules, which we'll use in highest-weight theory, are an example of this. They can be defined as Mλ = U(g) ⊗U(b) Cλ + where b = h ⊕ n is a Borel subalgebra, and Cλ is the one-dimensional rep- resentation of b on which n+ acts trivially, h with weight λ. Here Frobenius reciprocity tells us that Homg(Mλ;V ) = Homb(Cλ;V ) Note that these representations will be infinite dimensional, and not necessarily irreducible. One of our constructions of the finite dimensional representations of a complex semi-simple Lie algebra g will proceed by starting with this induced module, then looking for a finite-dimensional quotient by a sub-module (also infinite-dimensional). 3 Induction for Lie groups For Lie groups what is easy to work with is an analog of HomH(CG; V ). We'll define induction by Definition 4. Given a Lie group G with subgroup H, and (π; V ) a representa- tion of H, the induced representation of G is G IndH (V ) = MapH (G; V ) where −1 MapH (G; V ) = ff : G ! V; such that f(gh) = (π(h )f(g)) 8 g 2 G; h 2 Hg One has Frobenius reciprocity in the form G HomG(V; IndH W ) = HomH (V; W ) Depending on the sort of group one is dealing with, note that one additionally has to specify what class of maps one is dealing with. In the first problem set, one exercise will be to prove Frobenius reciprocity in the Lie algebra case, and in the Lie group case, for compact Lie groups with continuous maps. 3 For non-compact Lie groups and various choices of spaces of maps, one needs to separately check whether Frobenius reciprocity will hold. In the non-compact case, induction won't necessarily take unitary representations to unitary repre- sentations, and one may want to change one's definition of induction to a unitary version. There is an analog of the Hecke algebra in the Lie group case, using the convolution algebra of bi-invariant functions on the group (or bi-invariant dif- ferential operators). Cases where this algebra is commutative give "\Gelfand pairs" of groups H ⊂ G. Note that another language for describing the same space of maps is that of homogeneous vector bundles. For any representation V of H, one can define an associated vector bundle EV over the homogeneous space G=H, and its space of sections Γ(EV ) can be identified with MapH (G; V ), giving another interpretation of the induced representation. For more details of this, see an earlier version of these notes[2]. For the case of the trivial representation of H, the induced representation is just a space F un(G=H) of functions on G=H and Frobenius reciprocity says that HomG(V; F un(G=H)) = HomH (V; C) For compact H; G and V a finite dimensional representation irreducible rep- resentation of G, this says that the multiplicityof V in the decomposition of F un(G=H) into irreducibles will be given by the multiplicity of the trivial rep- resentation of H in V . Some suggested places to find much more detail about this are [3] and [4]. 4 An Example: spherical harmonics A simple example of how this works is behind an analog of Fourier analysis for the sphere, where one decomposes functions on the 2-sphere using orthog- onal functions called \spherical harmonics". These are often written using the notation l Ym(φ, θ) where φ and θ are angles parametrizing the sphere, l is a non-negative integer and m is an integer taking on the 2l + 1 values −l; −l + 1; ··· ; l − 1; l. This is a crucial example to understand, since it's the simplest non-trivial one for the geometric approach to constructing representations of compact Lie groups. Consider G = SU(2) = Spin(3);T = U(1) = Spin(2) and the quotient G=T = SO(3)=SO(2) = S2 The irreducible representations of T are labelled by an integer n and the irreducible representations Vk of SU(2) correspond to non-negative values of k 4 (dominant weights in this case) where k is the largest integer that occurs when you restrict Vk to be a U(1) representation. These irreducible representations of SU(2) are the same as those for sl(2; C), and you should have seen a construction of these last semester as homogeneous polynomials of degree k in two variables. The U(1) weights of Vk are −k; −k + 2; ··· ; k − 2; k and Frobenius reciprocity tells us that dim HomSU(2)(Vk; Γ(Ln)) = dim HomU(1)(Vk; n) Here Ln is the complex line bundle over SU(2)=U(1) constructed by the asso- ciated bundle construction using the U(1) representation on C labeled by n, and SU(2) IndU(1) (n) = Γ(Ln) The right hand side is the multiplicity of the weight n in Vk. We can see that the decomposition of Γ(Ln) into irreducibles will include, with multiplicity one, all Vk where k is the same parity as n and k ≥ n. Spherical harmonics correspond to the case n = 0, in this case L0 is the trivial C bundle and Γ(L0) is just the space of complex-valued functions on 2 S . All Vk with k even will occur in Γ(L0), each with multiplicity one. The Vk with k odd do not occur since they do not include the weight 0.
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