./ + $% Forest Entomology "# ! 5%6 4.78!5Scolytus spp.% -3* /4 )* *+%,- !.&/012 0 '(% GIS $%& 016< 167=-;% Zelkova carpinifolia(Pall.) DIPP. 9 :-% 45%Ophiostoma ulmi >?7$ F CD.E519%.7A ?B@!4.'! % &'( $ ! " # [email protected] *+ ,-.)/0-1 %-.) *0./ :F/0 #9G.0 HC= DE= = B &A.' 0 #;(75# * /0 ,23"45678#0)9:#;-<*=)-&0);! >?@ 0G;:6)0 C= MD;@=/;. ;1/0'H)-&;. 7& DK.G L78#0)0)*H0) C=:,2 H I ? @ 0 ) / 0 # ? @ J * ! # 9 & ; @ R B @) )5=(GIS)@ LP2+"QM =J./0%=)/= HI.%+"*)1 G00 N;# O=?@#B ) VVV ; . . ! > G ) 5 = # / 0 ) # ; . . B) #50T"@ LP2J2U &;-T.9&L D /; @ R 0 # * H 0 ) S = = 0 M H ;# &C^].J2\@C !G QM =[GPS,=);: = #;. ./;!>GC !G B &A.ZVYVV;W&)!##L)XQN0;#!# 9 /0 # @ S= =0MH _/ ;-T.0 `;#a@. B &9T/0 #S= =0MH7_D/; - T . 0 N ; # GIS Q M = B &#/0 #0 J4 &#^ 9 ?@JS= =0 b6? U &;_))*-.2H/;-T. B @) ; JE L D GIS application to make distribution map of bark beetles Scolytus spp. and Dutch elm disease Ophiostoma ulmi on Zelkova carpinifolia in box tree forest reserve of Cheshmehbolbol Mollashahi, M.1, Sh. Ghalandarayeshe2 and A.Sahragard3 1.Dep. Palnt Production, Gonbad High Education Center, [email protected] 2.Dep. Natural resource, Gonbad High Education Center 3.Dep. Plant Protection, Guilan University This study was carried out in Cheshmaebolbol Box tree community in protective section of Livan Banafsh Tappeh forest management plan in Bandar-e-gaz. The bark beetle is vector of Dutch elm disease as most important disease in this forest reserve.It attacks persian zelkova in overstory of a shade tolerant species-caspian Buxus tree. Accordingly, GIS was used for digitizing, saving and manipulation of spatial data and layers. Layers included beetles damage, diseased tree and topographic characteristics consist of slope, aspect (Cardinal sides) and elevation classes.Sampling was done using plots of 1000 m2 area and systematic-random method with 50*100 m grid dimension. Position of Plots were recorded by GPS (Global positioning System) and transferred to GIS to make distribution maps of beetle damage and disease. Overlap maps were produced by beetle damage, disease and topographic layers. Output maps showed that slop and presence of beetle was most important factors affecting on abundance of disease. 19th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 31 July3 August 2010 414 G"# ! J% $ D4745% Monosteira unicostata (Mulsant & Rey))*4%HI( !0,2! L,E,C!5.!M *%A DH$.* !K$4'! [email protected] -_J:,2T Tc;M=d / J = " B &#K_/J@0_# `J.M J.0) # `*H0)QJLW@Monosteira unicostata (Het.: Tingidae)# `S= '_0)0W;=#L)X9_/J_ :#3"U G0)$eh=H;_# ` # g #?:_Z/0CL?@/'@0Q8*' $ef $e P. albaPopulus nigra/ ; . ; #i :! J:_? @BC L 0 G# @0)0 .) # &; &_K _ T Tc /0)#;. @) \8._k=0)hJ.;:`f &;&_hJ.j-@_0)B .) #P. x. euramericana F0)P. deltoides @ LP2;. 0J<J20)hJ.l:8m50F#f) !/0)#;. .C# .0) BCL 0 `0W@0$V;:`L;#J ))H/J" _ #k = J #Q -.0D9H)) 2 Q8) !,-@;#;. .hT.nDBCL 0GW =+D/;M _9H) &C&)#L)X0 ";# . = S @ [F # o > = 6 0 ) Q 8 ) ! ? !nDB &/ .Leaf area meter,=))5=#J #?@3 >= @) 0& B &)5 =?W.)/;) < * ? ,. ;M@T/#CL 0G/09 :c;@')0 SAS0'LA.)5=# ))?@? ,. B]# B)0)) 2# `/?:_;. ? # `0)S@o>=0)/0)!5 ;_))*-.h=;="S=Q8) ! C=);#/))n.@0;@' ) !?@- #P.alba. 58.57P. alba 44.9?:_)=0#)0 /?:_* 0) `0)S@o>=0)]?W.)* [? ,. / # [email protected]=# P. x F0)? :_? pP. deltoides 69.55P. deltoides 73.51P. deltoides 77.51 / ? : 1 ) 0 0 ) ; W 6 0 ) &)0S =Q8 B & @)S=Q8*' 9G 6euramericana. 561.41 A comparative study of Monosteira unicostata (Mulsant & Rey) ovipositing parameter on poplar clones in Karaj Babmorad, M., S. E. Sadeghi, R. Omid and M. Hesamzadeh Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Iran,[email protected] Poplar lace bug, Monosteira unicostata (Het.: Tingidae) is one of the most important insect pest of poplars in nurseries and plantations. During 2003-2005, number of poplar lace bug eggs laid was studied on 15 native & exotic poplar clones belonging to Populus nigra, P. alba, P. deltoides and also P. x. euramericana in Alborz Research Center of Karaj. In the first step, clones were planted as randomized complete block design with 3 replications In late March of 2002. Every experimental plot included 16 seedlings. In each plot, 4 seedlings were evaluated for female adults ovipositing at 30 day intervals starting in early June until mid October. In order to sample, 4 leaves of each seedling were randomly taken and number of the eggs were recorded. Leaf area meter was used to measure leaf surface and the average number of eggs was determined on one cm2 .of leaf area. The data modified and were analyzed by SAS software and Duncan test (=1%) was applied to compare the means. Based on the three years results, there was significant difference (=1%) between poplar species and clones. Of all poplar clones, Populus alba 44.9 & P. alba 58.57 had the highest density of eggs and P. deltoides 77.51, P. deltoides 73.51, P. deltoides 69.55 and also P. x. euramericana 561.41 showed the least number of eggs. 415 19th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 31 July3 August 2010 "# ! N $R S$%;9% Tortrix viridana L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)Q 7$% -0 =4O P $ ,ET?U [email protected])#J 6+=),-.)%&'( ! "#/0-1 %-.))#J )0 #g*@#0Ir X8#0 -_/J.=H#0)0q :#/J:,2! =78#Tortrix viridana L.q :#0 H;. 2;.D H/J =0) /J. ._0)q :#*H0)l:8/;. ,5/J@0)#;. .#T. viridana=&CM@=0#?@0)BC=))0G) H? ,=0MHA &v8-,-@=0#l:8? =0R) tuuu) !=h M(_s/ .#BCL 0G#@0)0 ])# *.)D[* ) QJ ;. 2)0Q8KHnD 5=/; .*.)D0)?J#H)# 0)T. viridana. w./0RB &#/0R?=aD/0)CL?@;_ Q ) 5 = H #y)XU ;#*.)D)# 0)*?@;_ &/0RA)?=)0 ; . 2 9 H ) ; @ x P n D 0 R B . ) q : # / 0)) .; 0J #;@xPQD?=0R;#9@ !#) .;@xPq :#*H0)/;. 2J #9_A0J<A =?=/0R &#?@)0L 0);5S@) #C-J@)0HC-J@)0QM ##y)XU ;#*.)D)# 0);:6?@B . & 5&;:6)0;@xP9c* ))HQ)0)U ;#*.)D)# 0)' .*DK;&);) 9@T. viridana9_-6D0)B .) K0H9_-6 !# /;H&/0@| t/;=)0)0) H/J8/ ,52nD);&)C !L0{u zu) 60)9_-6B &#))HQM # C J 2 R 6 [ .) ;H&}. 0)/ JG}.0;#a @ 0 # ) # , . 0 ' = 7 & D / 0 ) # 0 ) Q 8 B ) 0 G q : # * H 0 ) L ; T>/)? ,. *) #R#;#;2 #B _/(= D@)0 X#0h= ~ T. viridana/J8B]! "*&)##0)C456 ' .*/'@8*' /0R0)/0' .T. viridana;@xP*' B) &g)0)) 60)CL?@C !L0)\ "Q :G?&))# Q. brantii.@q :#/0*/0R0)h "- #0)) 60)Quercus infectoria Oliv.0)/0/0R0)h ";W@0 >#) #0x ^ B) #- #' .0)q :#/0h!L/0R9`6)-6/ &;&x /J8) !? ,. ;=c The bioecology of green oak moth Tortrix viridana L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in West Azarbaijan Hosseinzadeh, A. Department of Entomology, Agricultural and Natural Recues faculty, Islamic Azad University, Branch of Mahabad, Mahabad, [email protected] In recent years, green oak moth (Tortrix viridana L.) has invaded and caused heavy damages in a vast part of oak forests in some of the provinces of the country, especially in Iran. In this reserach, the biology of the pest was studied through weekly samplings from various oak species in important foci of infestation, Pardanan and Mirabad. Measuring head capsules of 1000 larvae of different stars revealed 5 larval instars of the pest. Neonate larvae of T. viridana in Mirabad and Pardanan enter oak buds after being hatched in 19th Februray and 6th March, respectively. Larvae enter 2'd instar after eating the internal contents of oak buds in Mirabad and Pardanan regions respectively in the late of March and early April. The third and 4th instar larvae consume whole buds and even oak leaves and after development to the 5th larval instar roll the leaves and enter pupal stage in Mirabad and Pardanan regions respectively in 10th May and 21th May, the adalts emerge 7-10 days later. The occurrence of the peak of adult insects in Mirabad and Pardanan was recorded in 2th June and 11th June, respectively. Adult insects remain active till a round of 30-40 days, and conceived females lay their eggs singly or in couples onto young oak branches. The eggs are of a green cover that gradually turn to brown, the same color of the branch. The pest subsists about 8-9 months as an egg in diapause till the end of the year. Considering higher temperatures and the humid climate in Mirabad region, the activity period of T. viridana starts earlier about 10 days. The level of feeding of the pest affects its growth period, so that larval stage of the pest that feeding on Q. infectoria, was determined about ten days longer than other and the laid egg by the females on this oak species also was the more. 19th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 31 July3 August 2010 416 V"# ! $ 6 D 4 7 50 45% Camarotosena fulgidipennis (Hom.: Psyllidae)$ D>,/+%,-*%$ J% P %:*5 -UH$ !K$4'! [email protected]*JJ:,2T Tc;M=dC@6C456T Tc ;. ?@0MH 9!#=0#0)B &#*@0)# `*H0)QJ WLCamarotosena fulgidipennisLoginova # `9 MD T Tc'_0)J.\ <)W:*' /0 =? !0 N;#0W;=#L)X9_/J_ :#3"U G0);_# `?:_;. Z/09 MD Populus trichocarpa # g/ ; . 9 &7@ )0 A G0BC L 0 G# @0)0 .) # &; &_K _ h=0)J J./00MH=0#B .) #Populus albaPopulus nigra/;. ;#i:!/J:_? pPopulus ciliataPopulus simonii 9@C-J@)0H @) \8._k=0)CH0)) ! &;&_hJ.|) !-@_0)B & A .
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