24266 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 28, 2005 1989 World Alpine Ski Championships, prov- again raised questions about the competence nipulate the Cambodian judiciary. More broad- ing to the world that Colorado could success- and independence of Cambodia’s judiciary ly, concern is widespread that the current at- fully host major international ski champion- and constituted further intimidation of opposi- tacks on free speech are not an isolated event ships. Due to his support, Vail later hosted the tion voices. The U.S. urged appropriate review related solely to the border issue, but part of 1999 World Alpine Ski Championships. of this case. In addition, the U.S. also called an ongoing campaign to silence political oppo- George Gillett is still active in the ski commu- on the Cambodian National Assembly to im- nents and stifle other critical voices. nity, running Booth Creek Ski Holdings and mediately restore the immunity of the Sam In this context, it is incumbent on the United managing resorts throughout North America. Rainsy Party, SRP, parliamentarians that was States and other interested countries to urge In 1999 Ski Magazine voted him one of the stripped by the National Assembly on Feb- in the strongest possible terms that the Prime ‘‘100 Most Influential Skiers of All Time.’’ His ruary 3, an action which Washington strongly Minister take immediate, credible steps to innovative thinking and passion for redefining condemned. strengthen Cambodia’s democratic institutions, the ski industry have left a lasting mark on In the view of many observers, the current fight corruption, and respect basic human Colorado skiing. deteriorating environment in Cambodia is not rights. Absent such steps, Cambodia’s back- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join an isolated event but part of an ongoing trend sliding on human rights can only have nega- with me in expressing our gratitude to Mr. Gil- toward silencing dissident voices and cement- tive implications for Phnom Penh’s relations lett for contributing to his community and in- ing the power the incumbent Prime Minister. with the United States and other members of dustry in far-reaching ways. We recognize his According to reports from the field, attacks the international donor community. accomplishments in making Vail & Beaver on freedom of speech have escalated signifi- f Creek world class ski resorts. I’m proud to cantly since the signing of a border treaty be- offer warm congratulations to Mr. Gillett on his tween Cambodia and Vietnam on October 10. HONORING CORA FAYE DIXON well deserved honor in entering the Colorado Relations with their larger neighbor Vietnam CLAYTON Ski Museum’s Hall of Fame. has traditionally been a neuralgic issue for f many Cambodians, and as a consequence the HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ treaty (the terms of which have not been re- OF TEXAS THE SITUATION IN CAMBODIA vealed to the Cambodian public) has been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES highly controversial. In response, the govern- Friday, October 28, 2005 HON. JAMES A. LEACH ment of Hun Sen has filed criminal defamation OF IOWA complaints against persons who have criti- Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cized the treaty. The Prime Minister appears to honor Cora Faye Dixon Clayton, a San An- tonio native and civil servant for the 20th Con- Friday, October 28, 2005 to be particularly sensitive to accusations of having surrendered Cambodian territory to gressional District of Texas. She worked for Mr. LEACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ex- Vietnam. my father, Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez, press concern about heightened threats to Two arrests have been made in connection for 30 years and truly epitomized public serv- fundamental freedoms in Cambodia. with criticism of the treaty. Mam Sonando, di- ice. Dad trusted her as one of his most able As my colleagues know, since the 2004 for- rector of the independent Beehive Radio sta- employees, and knew she would do every- mation of a new coalition government, Prime tion in Phnom Penh, was arrested earlier this thing possible to help those who came to his Minister Hun Sen of the dominant Cambodia month on charges of criminal defamation for office in dire need of help. Sadly, Ms. Clayton People’s Party (CPP) has steadily consoli- broadcasting an interview with a Cambodian who had battled cancer with the same vigor dated his authority. According to credible non- activist in France who criticized the border she fought for the people of San Antonio governmental organizations like Human Rights treaty. Rong Chhun, president of Cambodia’s passed away in September. Watch, threats to opposition figures, trade Independent Teacher’s Association, was also Born and raised in San Antonio, Ms. Clay- unionists, journalists, human rights defenders arrested this month in connection with a press ton graduated from Phyllis Wheatley High and civil society leaders have intensified. statement issued by a coalition of groups that School and later earned a business degree at Freedom of assembly has become increas- was critical of the treaty. He has been charged Our Lady of The Lake University. She began ingly restricted, while freedoms of speech and with criminal defamation and incitement to her career at the Fort Sam Houston library, association have likewise been significantly commit a crime. and after Dad won a special election in 1961, curtailed. Meanwhile, the government’s long- According to Peter Leuprecht, Special Rep- he honored a promise he had made to the standing influence over the judiciary has been resentative of the UN Secretary General for NAACP to hire an African American for his extended through a so-called ‘‘Iron Fist’’ policy Human Rights in Cambodia, these arrests ap- staff, so he brought Ms. Clayton to Wash- which has included the dismissal or suspen- pear to be procedurally unlawful. Both men ington, DC for his first term. sion of judges and prosecutors. The courts are are now detained in Phnom Penh’s Prey Sar Dad knew well the barriers people of color increasingly being used to harass and silence prison. faced before the enactment of Civil Rights leg- government critics. It is my understanding that other Cambodian islation and was more than willing to hire a The coalition between the CPP and the figures also fear imprisonment because of person others shunned because of the color of former Royalist opposition party FUNCIPEC widespread rumors about further imminent ar- her skin. So, at the height of the Civil Rights has also resulted in ominous new pressures rests. At least four persons are believed to movement, she became the first African Amer- on Cambodia’s political opposition, the Sam have entered Thailand for safe haven, and a ican Congressional staffer for a Southern Rainsy Party, SRP. The immunity of three number of others have apparently gone to Member. She pulled double duty as his per- SRP parliamentarians, including its leader other countries. According to credible sources, sonal secretary and handled constituent case- Sam Rainsy, was lifted in February. One of among those who may be subject to possible work for 30 years. Dad never could find any- them, Mr. Cheam Channy, was convicted and arrest are at least two human rights NGOs, one who could transcribe his dictation as ac- sentenced to seven years imprisonment in Au- several opposition parliamentarians, and a curately, and what truly amazed him is that gust for the alleged creation of an illegal army. number of political party and trade union activ- she did so with very few errors. After a few Party leader Sam Rainsy fled Cambodia when ists. Indeed, it would appear that the current years on Dad’s Washington staff, she returned his immunity was lifted in February and, fear- climate of fear in Cambodia among civil soci- to San Antonio yet would often help him as a ing arrest because of criminal defamation law- ety leaders and the political opposition is personal secretary until the end of her service suits against him, has not since returned. worse than it has been since the violence of some 30 years later. Here it should be noted that the United 1997, when the current Prime Minister first Her heart made her an indispensable and States condemned the August 9 conviction by sought to consolidate his power, and the sub- loved member of my Dad’s team. Co-workers a military court of Cheam Channy and convic- sequent 1998 elections. recall the compassion with which she helped tion in absentia of Kong Piseth on charges of Mr. Speaker, while Cambodian-Vietnamese constituents resolve their claims. She would fraud and establishment of an illegal armed relations are of an historically sensitive nature, bring her years of experience to each and group. According to a State Department that issue should not be used by the govern- every case and could untangle the toughest spokesperson, the conduct of the trial ap- ment in Phnom Penh as a pretext to imprison red tape so someone’s life could be just a little peared to violate international standards, critics of the Prime Minister or to further ma- better. VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:09 Mar 01, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK18\NO-SSN\BR28OC05.DAT BR28OC05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE October 28, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24267 I often think casework is the most important CONGRATULATING DICK EFLIN ON Counties. I have had the particular pleasure of function we have as members of Congress. Of BEING INDUCTED INTO THE COL- working with Ken on enhancing and pre- course, passing laws that improve the lives of ORADO SKI AND SNOWBOARD serving the Pico Blanco Boy Scout Camp in Americans is very important, but making sure HALL OF FAME Big Sur that I enjoyed in my youth.
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