4-—THE RECORD, CHARDON, OHIO, NOV 19, 1958 | Rodgers, executive secretary, Christmas seal funds pay for predated and important in the Jacobs of Chicago, and point­ ties a Christmas of joy, bight , was awarded a “Blue Ribbon all Chest X - ray referrals by tuberculosis control program. ed out the importance of edu­ /. C. ’s Make lights, and song -touched with Christmas Seal Goal in Geauga Banner’’ for the association. For the Health Department and phy­ The Health Education pro­ cating the school 'children the the silent beauty of giving and this record of the 1952 seal sale, sicians; all follow - up chest gram was reported by Mrs. meaning of the Christmas seal. Plansfor receiving. This Year Is Set at $9,950 the association received a 10 X - rays resulting from the Mary Corey in the absence of By the purchase of one seal This yea, the Chardon Vill­ per cent refund check in the mass survey and the patch tests F. R. Schofield, chairman. The for one cent each child is tak­ age J. C.’S (for joyful Christ­ mas) will present just such a Approximately 85 members the piano. The official 19 5 3 amount of $933.01 which is giv­ given in the schools. Mrs. Flor­ association offers a voluntary ing part in the fight against Christmas speakers bureau service to any TB. Mr. Foft stressed the fact program. The pride that Char- participating in the annual! Christmas seal sale song - “Hap en to only qualified TB Associa­ ence Landon, county TB nurse, Once again, the great cities donites have in their h omes Christmas seal sale, officially organization. There is a month­ that each one has a “Selling py Christmas Little Friend’’ was tions in the State conducting a reported Christmas seal funds ly health poster service to Job’’ to do - not only selling and small, the v illages and will be reflected in the house had paid for 313 large chest opening on November 16, at - > featured by John Aumick and year - round tuberculosis con­ Geauga industries and dairy TB Health Bonds and Seals, but hamlets of three fourths of the lighting contest. The spirit of tended the joint meeting of the trol and health education pro­ X - ray films. She noted 52- companies. Monthly TB ab - Christmas will burst forth Mrs. Eardley, then joined by selling the associations year - world prepare the way for Geauga county TB and Health gram. 14x17’’ films were required for stracts are furnished to mem­ round health program financed through the carol singing and the group. the follow - up of the mass sur­ Christmas. The gay and the Association Tuesday evening for Dr. W. A. Reed, program bers of the Geauga county by the annual Christmas seal music; through the traditional Mrs. Carl Law, secretary, chairman and medical consult­ vey and 39 films required for Nurses association, Geauga Med sale. He stated it was teemend solemn, the misery and hap - sleigh, with Santa Claus, and the board of directors, execu­ read the minutes of the last ant for the association report­ follow - up of the patch tersts cal society, county commiss - ously important that we do a piness of our world gravitates his children; their candy and tive committee and seal sale meeting. Mrs. Ray Hensel, Mun­ ed on the excellent work done in the schools. T. L. White, loners, the Health commission­ good selling job to meet the toward the central theme of their wishes. All to be held in workers. Goal this year is $9,- son, Geauga’s epresentative on the past year in the • f i g h t county commissioner was call­ er and county nurses. Supple­ amount needed to carry on the Christmas, and humanity is the Village square. 950. the state’s board of directors against tuberculosis, especially ed upon for comments on the mentary health material of vis­ rapidly expanding programs. In The love of giving will mani­ Tuberculosis program. He stat­ focused for a brief portrait of B. A. Broughton, president, reported on the annual meet- in Case Finding, Health Edu­ ual aids, posters and booklets closing he displayed his young­ a holiday. fest itself in the making and was in charge of the meeting. ing of the Ohio TB and Health cation and Rehabilitation, Dr. ed last year the county com­ are furnished to teachers in sters outgrown wheel barrow Throughout America, the distribution of large Christmas The dinner was served by the Association. She noted that the Reed stated there are 7 Geauga missioners spent $19,562.95 for every school for both element­ and said, “Let’s not put this baskets, filled with the good the care of tuberculosis in Geau Junior Chambers of Commerce Alert group and choir members Geauga association again was TB patients hospitalized at this ary and upper grade levels. aside - let’s push it”. see the bright star of Bethle­ will of the Junior Chamber of of the Pilgrim -Christian church honored for holding the highest time and within the last year ga county which includes the Financial assistance is offered hem and begin once more to Commerce and given to the Music was furnished by Mrs. rank in per capita seal sales 4 have been medically discharg- salary of the TB nurse. The to any teacher who desires ad­ deserving families of Chardon. Welfare department spent $2332. STATE OF OHIO give their respective communi- W. J. Eardley of Hambden at in Ohio for which Mrs. Myrtle ed from TB hospitals. Th e vanced training in health teach-, »EI*ARTMEXT OF HIGHWAYS This is but a broad outline of 94 for the care of families of) ing. .NOTICE OF HEARING the* activities which the J. C.‘s a chord which bears North 69 de­ TB. patients. At the present' Olfiee of 4'oiitrnct Sale* l.caal Copy In the absence of James Dins­ No. 63-8*1. Columliun. Ohio. grees 12 minutes 15 seconds East, (for joyful Christmas) of Char­ time the county is paying ap-! more, chairman of the Legis­ Novemlwr 10. 1053 199.93 feet. Thence continuing don will instigate and carry proximately $10.50 per month In accordance with the provis­ along a curved line deflecting to lation committee, Mrs. Rodgers the left 242.78 feet to a point of through, with the spirit of Christ for the hospital care of our ions of Section 5511.01 of the commented on the volunteer General Code of Ohio, the Director compound curve, said curved line mas and the people of Chardon. TB patients, Mr. White com -1 services extended by Mr. Dins­ of Highways of Ohio will hold a having a radius of 1432.39 feet and mented the program of the TB public hearing at 10:00 o’clock a chord which bears North 61 de­ 7 A more and his part in the pro­ A.M., Eastern Standard Time, on grees 20 minutes 55 seconds East. and Health association in i ts gram for the interest of Health December 2, 1353. in the office of 242.49 feet. Thence continuing efforts to find TB early is ap- legislation. r; the County Commissioners in the along a curved line deflecting to Geauga County Court House in the left 200.02 feet to a point of Robet T.’ Walsh, chairman of Chardon. Ohio for the purpose of tangency, said curved line having the rehabilitation program re­ hearing arguments tor and against a radius of 1910.02 feet and a the proposed change in location chord which bears North 53 de­ ported several sales booths had of part of State Route No. 87, grees 29 minutes 35 seconds East. been sponsored by the associa­ Section 7.72. Geauga County, Ohio, 199.93 feet. Thence North 50 de­ grees 29 minutes 35 seconds East, tion for the sale of handicraft the same being more fully de­ scribed as follows: 532.53 feet to a point of curve. and that the entire proceeds of I’KOI’OSED NEW LOCATION: Thence northeasterly along a $778.36 was given to patients.! Situated in the Township of New­ curved line deflecting to the right bury, County of Geauga, State, 866.89 feet to a point of tangency He urged everyone to see the of Ohio, known as being part of in said centerline of Kinsman exhibited handicraft for sale original Newbury Township Lots Road, as heretofore established E IS A SANTA C Nos. 2, 15, 16 and 17, Tract No and there terminate .said curved made by Geauga county pati­ 2 and being more particularly line having a radius of 5729.58 ents at this meeting. Mrs. Rob­ described as follows: feet and a chord which bears ert Button of Middlefield was Beginning in the centerline of North 54 degrees 49 minutes 39 State Route No. 87, the Burton- seconds East. 866.06 feet. Said in charge of this project. In Bloonif ield-K insman Road, known point of termination being Station Send your child a personal cooperation with the Federal locally as Kinsman Road, as now 115 plus 57.54 of said centerline Bureau of Vocational Rehabili­ established, at a point therein dis­ survey and which point of termin­ letter from Santa himself. tant Easterly along said center- ation bears Soutli 59 degrees 09 tation. two medically discharg­ line 4669.69 feet from its inter­ minutes 43 seconds West, along You may select one or more of six ed TB patients have been plac­ section with the centerline of said, centerline and its prolong­ beautifully printed, full color letters. Auburn Road (C.H. No. 4>. said ation northeasterly 2718.79 feet ed into normal living.
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