INDEX Abaris, 141 Barbarossa, 4 7, 81 Achilleus Tatios, xxiv Basil of Kaisareia, xxv Agnes of France, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, xvii, Bela III of Hungary, 102 5, 90, 104, 144, 172, 195 Choaspes, 9 Alexander the Great, 16 Christian, bishop of Mainz, 31 Alexios I Komnenos, ix, xiv, 28, 36, Claudiopolis, 134,143,174, 193, 195 39, 69, 81, 82, 99, 104, 105, 107, Constantine Angelos, 214 115,133,179,183,185,187,189, Constantinople, 147, 167, 222 192,197,198,217,220,228 Constantinople's water supply, 6, 211 victor, 190, 197 Crusade, Second, 36 Alexios II, ix, xi, xii, xiv, 58, 59, 144 Cumans, 80 as a young shoot, 150, 157, 159, 162 Dalmatia, 219 as bringer of peace, 163 David, 75, 114, 122 as orator, 165 Demetrios of Lampe, 226 compared with Achilleus, 60 Didymus Caecus, xxv praise of, 59, 60, 61, 160, 162, 165 doctrinal controversies, 226 Alexios III, xv Dorylaion, 103,215,217,218 Alexios Porphyrogennetos. See Alexios Doukas. See John Doukas II earthquake, 7 Alkibiades, 128 Egypt, 224 Amalric, 220, 224 Epiphanios, xxv Amalric, King of Jerusalem, 99, 188 Eterianus, 226 Anatolia, 215 Euthymios Malakes, ix, 77, 90, 106, Ancona,31,33,41,43,44,45,46,53, 122, 123, 124, 145, 179,189,218, 96 222 Andronikos I, ix, 46 fortifications, 217 Antalkidas, 87 Frangipane, 48, 50, 51 aqueduct of Val ens, 211 Genoese, 157 Archelaos, 16 Germans, 37 Ark of the Covenant, 121 Greek Anthology, xxiv Armenians, 20 Greek fire, 60 Arrian, xxiv Gregory ofNazianzus, xxv Athanasios, xxv Gregory of Nyssa, xxv Athenaios, xxv Hagar, 138, 151, 185, 191,193,207 Auson, 35 Hermogenes, xvii, 19 Bacchylides, xxiv Herodotos, xxiv 237 Hetaireiarch, 133, 228 as saviour, 75, 79 Hungarians,93,213,219 as the Good Shepherd, 56, 86, 120 Hungarians (Paionians), 20, 93, 94, Comnenian Restoration, 28 102 Comparison with Achilles, 26 Ikonion, 54, 108 Comparison with Alexander, 16, 26, Isaac II, ix, xi, xii, 17, 62 29,32,42,64, 108,128 Ishmael, 35 Comparison with Caesar, 42 John Chrysostom, xxv Comparison with David, 56, 94, 116 John Damascene, xxv Comparison with Joshua, 24 John Doukas, x, xii, xiii, xiv, xvii, 41, Comparison with Moses, 173 42,46,76,82, 114,133,136,172, Comparison with Solomon, 49, 151 177, 179, 182, 189, 190,199,205, Described like Zeus, 90 225,228 Ending war, 86, 135 as judge of justice, 142 Exacting tributes, 23 likened to Moses, 140 Inspiring loyalty in allies, 46, 47 powerful in battle, 140 Inspiring loyalty in allies, John II, ix, 28, 45, 64, 80, 82, 84, 90, Inspiring manliness in women, 49 99, 104, 107,191,217,220 Inspiring manliness in women, 48, Jordan, xiii, 65, 74, 76, 112, 129, 130 51 jousting, 101 Likened to Christ, 35 Kallimachos, xxiv Likened to God, 173, 178, 180 Kilidj Arslan II, 30, 55, 58, 102, 105, Likened to the Ark of the Covenant, 222 115,116,119 Kroisos, king of Lydia, 19 Monarch of the whole earth, 99, 102 Kydnos, 64 Sun of the world, 15, 17, 54, 74, Kydnos river, 9 125,175,176,181,208 Kythera, 53 Victor, 30, 79, 82, 88, 89, 91, 108, Lakerion, 199,206 112, 153, 182, 197,199,205 Laodikeia, 192 virtuous deeds likened to the Jordan, Leimocheir, 200, 202, 205 74 Lependrenos, 133 wounded, I 08 Lukas Chrysoberges, patriarch, x, 7, Michael Anchialos, x, 61, I 09 120,227 Michael Choniates, ix, xi, 77, 171 Maiandros, 201, 203 Michael Hagiotheodorites, xii manna, 116 Michael III, patriarch, ix, xii, 14, 61, Manuel I, ix, xi, xii, xvii, 2, 3, 11, 99, 77,120,227,228 101,103,104,220,226,228 Moses, 7, 115 as an apostle, 178 Mounychia, 52 as bringer of peace, 136 Myriokephalon, 197, 224 as Emmanuel, 129, 182, 197 Navy, Byzantine, 97 as epistemonarches, 136 Nemanja, 108, 182 as orator, 127, 128, 129 Nicholas Hagiotheodorites, x, xii 238 .
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