$1 Early Week Edition Tuesday, June 9, 2015 Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — www.chronline.com Journey on the Cowlitz River Bends From Packwood to Randle Spell Difficulty / Main 7-10 All-Area Softball High-Speed Chase Lewis County Athletes Round Out Top Chehalis Man Arrested in Morton After Perfomers on the Diamond / Sports 1 Allegedly Stealing Car at Dealership / Main 5 Legislature No Decision on Winlock Police Sen. Braun: MOTION FAILS: Councilors lock city councilors consider- thinks is best, the four remain- Pedersen said of the option to ing police service options for ing councilors seemed evenly contract with Toledo. Engage in Heated the city became heated, and no split on the city’s options — “We would be paying for No Deal Discussion Over Law decision was made on whether contracting or keeping a de- a service,” councilor Aaron Enforcement Options to contract services or fill posi- partment. Mummert said. tions in its department Mon- “If we give (Toledo) our cars “Well, we’d be paying for a Yet on State By Kaylee Osowski day. and we give them our money service if we had our own po- With one councilor ab- to pay for police coverage I just lice force as well, but it would [email protected] staining and the mayor not don’t see how that’s mindful Discussions among Win- vocalizing the direction he of our city,” councilor Barbara please see POLICE, page Main 13 Budget Spending W.F. West Graduation SENATE NEGOTIATOR: Centralia Republican Refutes Governor’s Office Claims OLYMPIA (AP) — A Senate bud- get negotiator disputed statements made last week that indicated law- makers had reached a tentative deal on the size of Washington state's next two-year budget, saying Monday that the announcement was "premature." Talking with reporters before a Monday after- noon meeting with Gov. Jay Inslee, Re- publican Sen. John Braun of Centralia, said that talks with John Braun House Democrats R-Centralia are still ongoing, and that progress was made over the weekend, but that there's still no agreement on the overall spending level of the budget, tentative or oth- erwise. please see BRAUN, page Main 13 Kaylee Osowski / [email protected] Above: Sam Moore runs away from his fellow gradu- ates spraying aerosol string Lawmakers to spray someone in the au- dience following W.F. West High School’s graduation Claim $180K ceremony Saturday. in Daily Left: W.F. West High School graduating girls clap during Payments for their graduation ceremony Saturday in Chehalis. Special Session MORE PHOTOS OLYMPIA (AP) — The price of running the Legislature for an extra See more photo- month included more than $180,000 graphs from gradua- in daily expense payments to law- tion on page Main 13 makers. and at www.chron- line.com. Those $120-a- day per diem pay- Legislature ments and mileage 2015 reimbursements will continue to add up as lawmakers con- tinue to negotiate a Feasibility Study for Tacoma Rail Line Purchase to Begin state budget in a sec- By The Chronicle develop a business plan for “If it doesn’t make sense, competitive for grant money. ond special session. the $3 million purchase under we’ll stop,” he said. If the study shows the pur- The Daily Herald Next week a Portland- newspaper of Everett based agency whose services consideration by the county The Tacoma Rails Work- chase is a good move and at and the city of Chehalis. ing Group recommended the least $2 million in grant fund- reported. include business feasibility Friday marked and rail operations analysis is “We don’t know if it’s a good county contract with Tangent ing is available, the agencies will deal,” Commissioner Bill Schul- after reviewing responses likely move forward with the the eighth day of a second extra ses- scheduled to begin a study for te said. “This study will give us from three firms for the study. purchase, he said last month. sion for the 147 lawmakers. The final the potential purchase of 20 a recommendation of whether The estimated completion The county and the city of total for those expenses could double miles of the Tacoma Rail line. (the purchase) makes sense.” date for the $58,350 study is Chehalis entered an agreement before lawmakers pass a two-year The Board of County Com- Schulte said if the study Nov. 1 of this year. with Tacoma in February 2014 spending plan and adjourn for the missioners approved a con- shows that the purchase is a Schulte previously told The to have three years to pay $3 year. tract with Tangent Services good idea, the agencies will Chronicle a completed study million for the track between Inc. to conduct the study and continue pursuing the line. will help make the agencies Chehalis and Maytown. please see PAYMENTS, page Main 13 The Chronicle, Serving The Greater Big Fish Rewards Pot Business Deaths Lewis County Area Since 1889 Onalaska Grand There are no death notices Follow Us on Twitter today. See obituaries on page @chronline American Mound Main 12 and Main 13. Legion Hosts Gets First Find Us on Facebook Annual Recreational www.facebook.com/ Fishing Marijuana thecentraliachronicle Derby Enterprise / Main 3 / Main 4 Main 2 • The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., Tuesday, June 9, 2015 PAGE TWO News Daily Outtake: Just Missed It of the Weird She says getting through that makes her feel like she can cope with what life has in store for her. Seattle Police, Blind Athletes Square Off in Beep Baseball SEATTLE (AP) — A group Does Free Ping Pong of blind athletes beat the Seattle Police Department in a game in Seattle Parks of beep baseball. The game was Stop Crime? organized in an effort to encour- SEATTLE (AP) — The city age visually impaired people to of Seattle is wondering if free get active. ping pong in its parks may help KOMO-TV reported that stop crime. the Seattle South King Sluggers, KING-TV reported that the a baseball team for visually im- Brandon Hansen / [email protected] city’s experiment with a free paired players, beat Seattle po- A Titus-Will player tries to get control of the ball after attempting a diving catch during a Junior Legion baseball game ping pong table seems to be lice 2-1 Saturday at Rainer Beach between Sobe-Toyota and Titus Will Friday in Chehalis.. The story and many other photos are available to subscrib- making a difference. High School Playfield. ers at www.chronline.com. See more at www.lewiscountysports.com. A ping pong table was in- The game was sponsored in stalled at Hing Hay Park in Chi- part by South King Council of natown four years ago. Since the Blind. Notable Quote then, crime data from the Seattle To accommodate the visu- Police Department suggests in- ally impaired, the ball and bases cidents in the area seem to be go- beep and there are four strikes ing down, although there have instead of three. Officers wore been ups and downs. blindfolds or darkened shades. “As far as rivers go this time of year, she’s a lazy, There were 46 crime inci- There are about three dozen dents in the area in 2009 and 16 beep baseball teams across the wide-mouthed stream, now that humans have in 2014. country, including Seattle and anesthetized her fiery personality with three No one is willing to draw a Spokane. direct connection between the The Sluggers hope to make hefty concrete dams. But that doesn’t mean she’s it to this year’s Beep Baseball ping pong table and the crime World Series. statistics, but the city has in- without risk or personality.” stalled four other tables since then. Officials believe the posi- Woman Arrested Dameon Pesanti tive community activity could be crowding out crime. for Drunken Street describing Cowlitz River Racing — With (see page Main 10 for the full story) Wenatchee Firefighter Children in Vehicle Reunites With Baby He POST FALLS, Idaho (AP) — A Washington state woman that Saved in 1998 police in northern Idaho say Editor’s Pick WENATCHEE (AP) — A street raced while intoxicated Wenatchee firefighter who saved with two children in her car has Buzzards Are Circling a baby from a house fire 17 years been charged with driving un- As a dozen buzzards circled essentially have been a cooked one, the effects of the Cowlitz Falls ago was reunited with the child der the influence. overhead Sunday, the thought had they decided to give us a taste. Dam, which renders the river al- at her high school graduation. The Kootenai County Sher- occurred to me that they were The day on the Cowlitz River most lake-like. KOMO-TV reported that iff’s Office told KREM-TV that hedging their provided some fresh perspective It took them twice as long to Mike Hughes fished a 9-month- Spokane valley resident Shariah bets on our po- on the duo’s ambitious journey cover half the mileage they had old girl out of her crib years ago L. Whitney was charged Mon- tential as a meal. to the Columbia River. passed through only a day prior. based mostly on a hunch — re- day. I hopped While the river is far from The days ahead don’t seem sponding officers did not know Police arrested Whitney on there was a baby in the house Sunday after officers say another into the raft raging, it’s the lack of action that much more promising, though when they arrived on scene. vehicle she was street racing in with our two in- has spelled difficulty thus far.
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