Genomically amplified Akt3 activates DNA repair pathway and promotes glioma progression Kristen M. Turnera,1, Youting Suna,2, Ping Jia, Kirsi J. Granberga,b, Brady Bernardc, Limei Hua, David E. Cogdella, Xinhui Zhoua, Olli Yli-Harjab, Matti Nykterb, Ilya Shmulevichc, W. K. Alfred Yungd, Gregory N. Fullera, and Wei Zhanga,3 Departments of aPathology and dNeuro-Oncology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030; bDepartment of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, 33720, Finland; and cDepartment of Systems Biology, Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA 98109 Edited* by Webster K. Cavenee, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, and approved February 13, 2015 (received for review July 30, 2014) Akt is a robust oncogene that plays key roles in the development disease progression and maintenance, whereas Akt1 does not play and progression of many cancers, including glioma. We evaluated a major role (15, 16). Another study in transformed mouse astro- the differential propensities of the Akt isoforms toward progression cytes indicate that Akt isoform function is potentially modulated by in the well-characterized RCAS/Ntv-a mouse model of PDGFB-driven the genetic landscape of the tumor (17). The underlying basis be- low grade glioma. A constitutively active myristoylated form of hind these differences and the major pathways that the isoforms Akt1 did not induce high-grade glioma (HGG). In stark contrast, Akt2 use remains largely unknown. To our knowledge, our study is the and Akt3 showed strong progression potential with 78% and 97% first to use a glial-specific transgenic mouse model to demonstrate of tumors diagnosed as HGG, respectively. We further revealed that Akt3 as a powerful inducer of glioma progression and to further significant variations in polarity and hydropathy values among the reveal the previously unidentified DNA repair function of Akt3. Akt isoforms in both the pleckstrin homology domain (P domain) and regulatory domain (R domain) were critical in mediating glioma Results and Discussion progression. Gene expression profiles from representative Akt- Akt3 Tops Hierarchy in Mediating Glioma Progression. To gain a broad derived tumors indicated dominant and distinct roles for Akt3, perspective of the Akt isoforms in human cancer, we analyzed consisting primarily of DNA repair pathways. TCGA data from their copy number variation (CNV) across multiple cancer types. human GBM closely reflected the DNA repair function, as Akt3 Akt3 comprised the most frequently amplified isoform in many was significantly correlated with a 76-gene signature DNA repair cancers, including GBM, ovarian, melanoma, endometrial, and panel. Consistently, compared with Akt1 and Akt2 overexpres- breast cancer (Fig. 1A). Moreover, Akt3 was the least frequently sion models, Akt3-expressing human GBM cells had enhanced deleted isoform. In contrast, Akt1 was the least frequently ampli- activation of DNA repair proteins, leading to increased DNA fied and most deleted isoform. These CNV data suggest that Akt3 repair and subsequent resistance to radiation and temozolo- may be the most critical isoform in an array of cancer types. Indeed, mide. Given the wide range of Akt3-amplified cancers, Akt3 a prominent role for Akt3 has been well-documented in melanoma, may represent a key resistance factor. playing a critical role in tumor progression (18) and rendering cells resistant to apoptosis (19). Akt3 has also been reported to be Akt | glioma | DNA repair | RCAS/tv-a mouse model the dominant isoform in hormone unresponsive breast (20) and kt is among the most hyperactivated signaling pathways in Significance Ahuman cancer and is an important kinase that regulates key cellular functions including cell growth, proliferation, angiogen- Glioblastoma is the most common and aggressive type of gli- esis, glucose metabolism, invasion, and survival, among others oma, with a median survival of 15 mo. A major obstacle to ef- (1–3). Analysis of human glioblastomas (GBMs) from The Cancer fective treatment is de novo or acquired resistance to standard- Genome Atlas (TCGA) has revealed that the Akt signaling path- care therapies, including radiation and temozolomide. Enhanced way is one of the top altered pathways in GBM (4, 5). Additionally, DNA repair can allow damaged or mutated cells to survive, con- researchers have observed that the Akt activation status correlates tributing to resistance and tumor recurrence. We have identified with glioma grade (6). However, much less is known regarding the Akt3 as the dominant Akt isoform that robustly stimulates glioma precise roles of the Akt isoforms (Akt1, Akt2, Akt3) in this disease. progression. We also discovered key roles for Akt3 in activating Akt1, Akt2, and Akt3 share roughly 80% overall sequence DNA repair pathways, which led to enhanced survival of human identity and each contain three similar domains: a pleckstrin ho- glioblastoma cells following radiation or temozolomide treat- mology, kinase, and regulatory domain (7). Although they appear ment. Our work has potential broad application to multiple cancer to be very similar proteins, developmental studies as well as as- types in which Akt3 is expressed. Blocking this pathway may help sessment of the isoforms in cancer models have revealed that they prevent or alleviate DNA repair-mediated therapeutic resistance. possess distinct functions (1, 8). The most extensive work on iso- form differences has been performed in breast cancer. Akt2 is Author contributions: K.M.T., O.Y.-H., M.N., I.S., G.N.F., and W.Z. designed research; K.M.T., P.J., K.J.G., L.H., D.E.C., and X.Z. performed research; K.M.T., Y.S., K.J.G., B.B., O.Y.-H., M.N., reported to promote migration, invasion, and metastasis, whereas I.S., W.K.A.Y., G.N.F., and W.Z. analyzed data; and K.M.T., W.K.A.Y., G.N.F., and W.Z. wrote Akt1 is inhibitory (8, 9). Specific phosphorylation of palladin, an the paper. actin bundling protein, by Akt1 led to decreased migration (10). The authors declare no conflict of interest. CELL BIOLOGY Conversely, Akt2 has been found to promote breast cancer epi- *This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor. thelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) through miR-200 mod- Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the Gene ulation (11) as well as an interaction with Snail1 on the E-cadherin Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo (accession no. GSE66177). promoter (12). Functional differences in glioma have been slightly 1Present address: Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of California, San variable by using knockdown systems in transformed cells. The Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093. first studies were reported on Akt2 only, which was found to 2Present address: Sequenom Laboratories, San Diego, CA 92121. mediate invasion in rat C6 glioma cells (13), and inhibition of Akt2 3To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected]. prolonged survival in an orthotopic rat model (14). Subsequent This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. reports have found that Akt2, and possibly Akt3, are important for 1073/pnas.1414573112/-/DCSupplemental. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1414573112 PNAS | March 17, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 11 | 3421–3426 Downloaded by guest on October 1, 2021 Fig. 1. Akt3 frequently amplified in cancer and tops hierarchy in glioma. (A) Copy number variation of Akt isoforms in TCGA cancers, shown in order of increasing Akt3 amplification percentage. (B) Percentage of HGG and representative tumors shown from Akt isoforms injected in conjunction with PDGFB. P values represent Fisher’s exact test. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001. Scale bar for images and insets, 100 and 50 μm, respectively. prostate cancer cells (21), and a recurrent MAGI3-Akt3 fusion gene independent growth in transformed astrocytes (17). Additionally, was recently discovered in triple-negative breast cancer (22). Given the cellular localization pattern of the activated form of Akt (pAkt- that Akt3 represents 50% of total Akt in the normal brain, has 473) isoforms appeared to be distinct, perhaps providing clues of been documented to be essential for normal brain development differential pathways being activated. Tumors derived from Akt1 (23), and was preferentially amplified in GBM, we hypothesized displayed mostly nuclear staining of pAkt; Akt2 tumors displayed that Akt3 is the most critical isoform involved in glioma. primarily membranous staining; whereas Akt3 tumors displayed We directly tested the ability of Akt1, Akt2, and Akt3 to promote strong nuclear and cytoplasmic staining (Fig. 1B). These findings glioma progression in the RCAS/Ntv-a glial-specific mouse system. are consistent with a recent phosphoproteomics screen in immor- As previously reported, injection of the RCAS plasmid carrying talized lung fibroblasts, which revealed more evenly distributed PDGFB transduces normal, nestin-positive glial cells that are nuclear and cytoplasmic substrates in cells expressing Akt3, com- engineered to express the RCAS receptor, tv-a, leading to forma- pared with those in Akt1- and Akt2-expressing cells (27). This tion of low-grade glioma (LGG) in more than 80% of mice (24–26). study highlighted Akt1/3-mediated phosphorylation of an RNA The introduction of Akt1 in conjunction with PDGFB led to only processing regulator, which led to alternative splicing of FGFR2. 16% incidence of high-grade glioma (HGG), which was not statis- Additional studies are reporting potential nuclear functions of tically significant from PDGFB alone. However, when Akt2 or Akt3 Akt3, including Ago2-mediated translational repressive activities was injected with PDGFB, the incidence of HGGs rose to 78% and (28), transcriptional control of IGFBP3 in lung cancer cells (29), 97%, respectively (Fig. 1B), which is significantly higher than andERBB2,ERBB3,andERα in breast tumor cells from a mouse PDGFB alone (P < 0.001, Fisher’sexacttest)andAkt1(P < 0.001, transgenic model (30).
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