tt ¦ »:¦/ " : ^" : ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : WATERFORD STEAMSHIP COMPANY ¦ ¦ ¦ ' • : - ;; (LIMITED). "4^ ' ¦ - " C¦ rdrity arid :C ty i -[q f>i-: ^ ' t?^'fe w ¦¦;:|:!.r|: - Wdteiifor<M ^ ^ITA Mpi! , r!l ,: i !i) -|^i:U}, ^p; .!-J;. ' .:{ INTENDED ORDER OF SAILING. VISITORS to DUBLIN j QENERA.L QUABTEn : ; HLts)tTAlilA'f,ond ^i^M.: l &E$SI0FS} ' FEBRUARY, l<110 TRy THE ^TOECANiA"- j isJ'SiiD 0Nos of itHE d6cryirt,i are . the XlaisasS ' and , .Fti£teEA!hnx &els xn tiqOKfrfpRFHEy ¦ 1 Y8JU&f t9J0fL.;-\ ST&AiMIEKS • W«w'; t5t5ni«r i^FRANiOOiNIA;M ' FOUR ; ¦ ¦ ,i Swinr ¦ CLODAGH. DtlNBRODY. REGINALD, Byilqers' ironmo^g'ery. - ' -' : - ' " i::|' -THS ;. , ¦]¦• , ;; ; ; . i , 'i ' : LAKA ; ! ; : . : ': : ;,j v j ; ; ^ . Triple -sc&w, TuiMne | \\. HILAicVS; BB38IONS. -!,-|v • ¦V. , JTKNAPIA, Ett. COURTS 1 ¦ If OAEMANIA¦ ," Iiitnore.dfliB osincOT—Totsday <th January, 1910 • ' [ ' - . ,. : • CrowS ConTentent to- M ' -ifj 20,000. abni' J^T . : BmlDCsS—Tuesday, 4U) piouirj.'9 <? V t^md an4 "VTOTICE.—Tho O Tl PI Household Ironr^on^o ; BANIC Bralllr—Wedoesdiy,5th lanbary, ' '¦ ¦ Water* r^y- CITY :a C9UWTYiiLOAM €i|. blSGQUWT Twuwfecrow- Staapi«j "GARONIA-i'' 20,000 191a , ., .- : 'i : . ¦/ i "V— _3N. ii ford Steamship Cpra» \ : ¦ ¦ ' ' ' DutuRirrisV OTU Daaineov—T»unday,«lh . |ariua»y, Can't bo boaten (or Comfort ' «^€£"^m^ci3 1 ¦ 'a jpuUbei: of yjears) ' : ' : Bg 1910^Crosm BOSISBSS—Friday, 7U1 Jnnnaf^,1910 j Lour) , Pieces^PrbIO T" - (Wli' l ch la estAbHshed for '¦ ¦ ' !lV «iul j ChChi i mhey ' - " - ' ¦ ' ' ; ¦¦ ¦ ' 'i ^6r Stoairdcr i' Bprlty—Friday,^ ¦ ' ; nr) - 7th Jao;ary, ~S-raJ Pibces^^pgl ; - 'VCAlCPAiin-A. ' ^jSf*?l5b?''!! -I' " ima ' • < rt;ey . 1 •! ^WCS, iGowfi li . , ! ' I ' . \i . , - •!• •( ~ ¦ «nd Lite Stock foe Ship. Cleaallnoss & Uoderato Charges. ' I Watcrford. " i i T cotnt on the conditions mentioned , OE^^rMs- ^noTn ^GmlDATT.T jCtyU BmlDtss—Samrii^, )'fXt xJanuary, 1910 ; 1 1 ¦¦ '!¦ ' ' ¦ : Crown BnsWu—Honjliy, 10th Jiaaary,1910 ; Laud and Jn Silling lists, Sc, to be had it coo acDnaocio Ftioa «/ iuPWARDS, in Uy part of Ireland, TO FARMERS, Eonltv—TmiJair'iitb ¦ jthelr Offices. Ranges and d. tates. ! Ii ilaiia oavanccs d4"y '»n» fi3| t<ABG B9T ; . January, 1910,. ! .' ' v . • / : . AND; PAOTW 8JTEAMJ3R8 WsierfortI dry. Crown Bislaess—Tundar, ntb ScJ; Oo early Morning Terras tor Bd&rdora from ' ipHOPKEEPERB, GOVERNJ1JENT| OFFICIAliS, ; 1 | Jaan:rj, < ¦ ' '¦¦ Sailing Cabins of the steamers ^a ^s. bd. H i . i9io \\\ \ \ \ . •1 ,. ;• .. , .- i.. will t>« open to receiTe Passenger* arriving by tin Nl£ht por woott. ; Kitchen Ute^silfi SPONBIBIVB ERSONS aaj ; j ' , -.: OACJi lOflUyASpfi • •. ¦ : ¦- : ' tiill trains. ! \j . 1 , jj iiTOALL E ; ;i :; J !; - ..) . ¦ |' ; ROim;; KPiBCIAL ' ! EASTER t3E5SSr6. HBi:'i'--;- /:f' ii : ' ;! P ••: j iir-"i -:i !BA;nBa] ': ' n-: -: ¦; ' Llraoro—ClTllBn jinea>^-io«ilay, ' Wedding Partici tpecially Catrred 'Jor ; ^ : - 5lh'April,- i9I0 ; ! WATERFORD AND BRISTOL. ' Forid ars and Kerbs, . Fi :r6 lBraaCjQ^ 5ron» jttTVEBIVX)l];; ,(Vj» Queajfitown). Ocown-BosWoJ-^tiieidaystbi >4prit loiq,; • Ltn3 .mil ' ¦ . Eanl&, Wed(ie»da7.'6th April, «9u);: ;; - - FEOU WATERFO :<1> TO- r'ROM BRISTOL TO : I TO WEW YORK ¦' ¦ .. ' .[. rj::^", -: f HENRY - GT KILBEY, ts.1 ' v ' ; ¦ ¦ ¦ | '• i i .tiraxx jiosTfciN: :¦ '' !Onbgaino: Citll Bn«JtiMa-;Tliiirt<i37ISy April, 1410 : - : UKlSTOt. WATERFOKD. I " ah"d/ R ;¦ ¦ ' ¦ Manrtti n(a> ¦: Sat. Jan. J9, Jvtnii, I I Tue« ?anaging Olroollor Dofes. .^ r ;; ' - " :- - i - .'"j -i 'I .j vwiTrioiiT pu'SuferrvJ .' ' V- \'\i' ¦: i ' • ; " , War. « . Sailing from Cumberland Te'ejnimi:—" EICSL, CB N " or ed Umbrla - ..Bjt, D U . : ¦ tw> arran .]:|| -Ff»;»i Itoiila. ^ .: jTnt^ April » UWsueri'bnU .Ci'TO Biulncwt—Saturday,5( fi Apri), 1910 ;[ Basin caUiog at MlUord- Sedding* i i j-Thia amomit borro TC<S oaQ bo ropaifl by lnsialmint^ M iriay g . - :! ' Crown HosIdess—MondjT,uti Havcn. Bpdsteads-arid ,: : ; \ ] I by TOHDIBPASSED¦ 'J [ AOt 0MAJ1ODATION ApriJ, 1910; tand and, i' q:. Ve ' wldijlfiwo not fil^en cpjora baloroj?ntt!ng -, - .! MlU- 1' . ¦¦ " Tcnnsaxe f^ren t^lpi?' tprllcnlloc, . vAfl LOW-i-ElTEg.-!- '. '!- :^:-> . t-irilfJicrt«1 r-SSi-ttB criiriS^TtfaiiyIirUl-iJldli Tuesday i.. 4 0 p-tn Friday «:. ;jo jo a.ra 'enso and will bi> foatd taj1 bottoi th&a others ^tto WtVatjce ?' .:Second} ttn«J . Tuesday « 11'. a Ri ,ni- Friday. "r"W..533 ^ Applicant |to iiQQblo ond e«;p « TASiVjci&iiSa.pa^fengers,:'^ua' .. P^" i BANK to now woll-tntwa'tor tacit cttalBhWoi^Mfiaepnas How- (¦Boric/ .'irjay' ttavet ¦ ¦wfitab'tBt i- . [ i - fj.-i*LN-iTX-BiKBaiONB ' " ; *Boiir ' 15.. « pjn Mday, i!..io 3a a-ru v ;6n Privoto Beonrlty ts fhtai ¦ . 'extra; !¦ LJ.rji r '; - > !¦ • u am' Friday, ra " - : ' itfliiajsg &' : ¦ ¦ . <«v 'CiTij ;Bialna»—VVtdneiiiay, Istijoiie, 1910; Tuesday »i.. 'i »$•• 5 J° P- DGGLEY's * J unu ouenbi;,^ ,:: .! ; ^vV ;:[; .^ .;- . -- -Ui .Q . ! i . :v .v: ,:-i .: .: -; . 'Bc&^ott oiid Pi wla)di<i!j>)jia, OBKI HOTEL ; Farm l iinplomonts ahd Ut©nsi liD; . and tnoatfv rellaM^a. ' I C3" To those rc<i ilrlng a temporary odTonoe, w« Bbovo la tto best ' ¦ ' : ;: delpSla.iI¦ ' ¦:¦ :,. ' i . • hj " l I '! ' I OUoJirTji CifU Businejjr-Krlday,j^ d junt, LIVERPOOL. WATERFORD. --- ^ollorc Scatb, Ai?ehc3. ' . ' , ¦>[' ¦ ¦; ¦ , ¦ ' . Crowa 19W ; WATERFORD AND Gardbli R@QUiSlte3 i : For tortns ami pi;rUonlaxn apply, : -|| , < - :• . | BaEfeengere booked tfcrOTighto oD portfa BusuMJs^&totday, <tt lutm, 1910; Lzuldot ; SFROM'"nVERPOOL. E*ilrj—Sati nlarvathjune, 1910. ¦ " ¦ '|;' FROM WATKRFORD. We beg to draw mention to the superior qtuCt ; ' I " if ; y of ' : , ¦ Wilertortl CW1 XJuslncss-rJIondajr, «h Jvbe, VflOt j.. —a p.rn our Ljqnon ' O'lponnoll. pt«fcqofti|WATEi4Fpi?|p. Api Iv4-The Crxmard ; Steanihfp Crown Busli c35-t-Tu«da>-; Wednesday 12 0 noon Wednesday 3.. j o Firopropf Safes. i Ootr*- 7th>jBrie, 191*¦ ; ¦ Laid ami¦ Friday 4.- u 0 noon Friday, 4.. 6 o a_m I. & S.¦ ••• . piany, I Imited;\ LiverpopT; loir ;.fo Equity—Wednesday,8thJune, 'I 910.! : • jj ' . , • • . J. WHISKEY. ' 4ibaix 1 Waicrford CltV. Ciowo' Sumta? & .. r o a.m Monday, 7.. 8 30 im JOHN POWER'S 3 SWALLOW WHISKEY. ' agieaw—iWard Brothers "and jHarrey and Busings—WWneadiy,; 8fl» Wednesday q.. a o r-.ra Wednesday g.. 9 30 a.m Brujp hes—Household ari$ Stable. ; l-Vilay * ti.. 3 o p.m Friday, u..xi 0 ajn ,1 SCOTCH—GlenliTct. and Long John"i, :^ )!i jradKAiELMASISESSIONfi.; ' diufl } Mtiteiea i U ! [' Sunday, 13.. 7 o , a in Monday 14., 1 o rxxn : the Dew of Ben Nevis. Qttfj WIO IG O EV)iI©y an<S P. Evsu^'Dun- mm. jCltU' Brainess^-Tiiesday, ajthiStptemiKTi i2 oam n Wedac*dayi6., 2 o pjn Harness -- Sllvor-platcd, Bfaob E I 1 ! Wc4aesdayio., ' swvwi.; >9io i Crown Business—Tuesday, HENNESSrs • * • BRANDY. lMi3. Kaite Bejiey^ ) Cbppoirfliia ; .soltf Seplembcr, 1910 £ Friday, iS., 12 o noon Friday 18 .. 5 o a.m L(MSS ' Land and lOilS Equity—W«lne*iay; MN IOiNS Jlatne? 21st September II S ! I Aih'euirne br 'JPos.iJGeiariTf , tgio. ; . I. Sanday, 30... o a.m Uond y it.. 9 ^o a.m HOLLAND'S & WHITE SATIN GIN. and , Ilsinore; ' Dunginao. 7 Hluptin^ Saddles Bridlec. Jajmei 'MQQTMIM CIfUBusiae<*r'7hcrtday,2>iid Sjpterabeti Wednesday JJ un Carraok-on-Bair. Wednesday}?.. 1 o jpm .. 9 30 PURE JAMAICA RUM. ;:• 191a!: Crown Business— Friday. 23rd September,' ijiffi Friday, 25.. 1 0 ip,m *' 'day 25.. it o ajn ' ¦ " Land and Equity—Saturday, Verj Best Brandt of Claret, Port and Sherry. 1 ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' 2|th SeptemberJ 191a ¦; '. \ Sunday 27., a ia.u- Monday i$ ,.ia o ooon : 'I . ::• ;¦ ii| ¦;[ . I Waterford;' aril 7 Guinness's Stobt in Splendid Condition. J he WATEKFORD l p»AN 'COMPANY I ! T Business—Monday. i6Ux Septeaber; Cork Drawers. t9io|; Crown Business—Tuesday, Areragt B«a Passage, 14 to 15 Horn. * to ; NO PROM £E TO ' a7tb September, 1910 J Bass East India Pale Ale in Sparkling Condi'ioo. I Q , \ £1,000. Land and Equltj—Wednesday,s3tn September, iglo. 1 : Loadl-s Berth -Cumberland Basin, Brfite-t, , J OHN S T^BEt^WATERFORD 1 Waferfordj Q( ! Return Tickets Issued at Bristol to Cork Tobacio, Cigars, and Cigarettes, , Trac y. : Crowa Biuincss—Wednesday, HSUV per Drlttel Slidii tig Poor Hangers and ks. September ' ! ¦ ¦ Aro prepared to tro: t, vHtb the greatost conflderjod and secrecy, all appUcatlonB from £2 ; ¦ , raid.^ !' - I ¦ ' . ! " 1 !f jj ¦:/ I' HN. Cc. arc available' (or return from Dublin vrlthoat : TO •tfarrldcb^glOff ' ' «itra ehar«, or from jWaterford to Bristol by Watcrford UPWARDS, to. 1JI per,ona on their OWN AttfROVED PER80NAI. BEOURTTy JTOBLEM'BNJ ! LADIE8! AND 1 Carrick^n-Salr: Courthobje). , OlS Address—30, QUAY. CrEW O i | Basii)esa,. r^ursa3y,39tfa f8eptcmber. rgio. i : ¦ ' ' 'f Steamship Cp.'t steamer* on payment of is. 3d. extra Note In any part of jlroland. MEN, AND i Ati] | OTHERS, l^'- ; Ketum Tickets Issued at Bristol to DubUti per Briitnl 5n; &i y * waterlcrd Division Civil Bills and £lectmedubntr. BaBlneaa carriedon in 0 moat straightforward iana exact manner. |: Wt of; Great ! :Britein ipd Ire- : ' 1 • ¦ ' 8. N Co. art available for return from Waterlord to or Banks In this liaiuf oo ' thedr cswn : j.| . i| I DIVISIONS. : . I i. ; ; [1 j Bristol by Waterford 8tta:D»hlp Ox's steamers »n pay- No connection with )ny o^bor Loan Offices so-called Connly. ¦' ' fliittatrjjj^ e, ii-wtftlhotri 14 more—Tb« Baron/ ol ^MhmomuAlCoebM&l ,, THE WICKLOV7 HOTGL, flrmvtWleaecvl ' ' 'T ! ' " ' ' "~ f. toent of 6s. extra, or frorn Cork on payment of 3s. 9d. extra. sop 'I ! '¦ «na tie Ptrfin]of;A!Urje, la ih» BATCH/ oi Ueefcbi , j i] : ¦ Return Tickets issifcd at Waterford to Bristol by WALTEK WALSH* App ly-THE'\\hlhNAGER, i Wltl mot I)nn: l |; , ' - •; . > | : ¦¦ ii ; i; • : ; r ;. : Waterford Steamship £0. are available for return per WIOK LOW ST., GRA.FTON ffT : ' EABY . lREPA^iEOTS. Di nyirrsn—'rho l BaronlMof Deoles; WithiB Dram.; !j Bristol S V Co. from Bristol to Cork or to Dublin : • ' i 0. JOHN STREET, WATERFORP. Olc atieirj, »nd OobiesWithout Drum, fars 19 mosa , without p-iymenl.
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