Lord Bohmoro Deckle Edge - STATIONERY Imi Kid and Unen PlnUh. Price per box 60c. ttahoneky VANHOUTEN’S __ rexall drug btorh ---- rrss VANHOUTE»r3 nmETHYEAR. NANAIMO. VANCOUVER ISLAND. BRITISH COUJMBIA. TTJESD.AY, JUNE 26. 1923. NIMBER6I. ItDTFEWlTTEllS NATnUS OF INDIA Pa^ngera, Awaiting Laborites Refuse TrantkK>rtation CYCLOffiCiUSED To Affiliate With CONSERTATITES iKnattn BPRE COUNCIL ASAKEIAUATOKy Are Bombed the Communii Oermany. June 26 — HILUONLOSS London. June 26— An emphatic NIDESVEEP Bomb throwing has been resorted to vote against the afflllatlcs of Com­ liSTPENING LEUON n an effort to deter German civil­ munists with the Labor Party waa ians from patronising trnlnn con­ eaat by the Labor Party at Its 22rd INONTIRKI trolled by the Fn^ch. A bomb was nimr hual conference here today. The thrown early today in the waiting a cast for the afmiatlon waa 266- The full Board wat preaent at Uit Simla, India. June Id.—In connec­ room of the Wiesbaden station where 000. while 2,880.000 votee were cast JgM••—The s.._____ night’ll meeting of the Cily Council. tion With the problem relating to a Urge number of Germans were against H. The conference which eoart has dwdded t« retoose HU Worablp Mayor Busby presld the autua of Indians oversaaa, tbera nwalUng the Iriln. The explosion opened thU motning wae presided btMbo, mhoa, paading hls trial am la a growing demand here for re­ wounded two persons seriously and • by Sidney Webb, Labor mem- B chargeof restotlagSoviet -sThnrt communlcatlon\waa recelred Toronto, June 26— The loaaea ’Toront'^^. Juae 26.—Ron. E C taliatory legUlatluuliupoalngon the caused considerable damage. Of parllameat for Beaham tllvl-, Drury wUl, tlaa. It anaoBacad totey- The dMh* fri;m Miss Wilde, llalhiurton street caused by a cyclone which swept rury wUl. it la expected, place rhe subjects of the Dominions and Col­ elon of Durham. alon to the reaali of a totter wWak asklag that the city make prepara Western Ontario last night to eatlm- rMi^tlona of himaMf ..d mambwa onies similar dlsablllilea to th government etroles tMSMly «p. tions necessary for the InsiallaUon oted at a million dollara. At 10 o’­ of the cabinet In tha handt iK the imposed on the Indian settlers. lleutenajil-governorthis week as tha patrianto had of a permanent fence In front clock today there was scarcely n written from his prtaon eaU nrpr— The leading Democrats have telegraph line working through the resnH of the decUlve defeat her property which she proposed given noUce of a private Bill In the LEUON TO ing regrat for hto paal aetkm. sag west of Port Credit WUh very few United Farmert-Labor Qovo orect. The letter was left to l legislatureand three unofficial reso­ mETmiGHES d«:Urtnghto readlneae u. swear nl- exceptions every telephone line in the eleetloni for the provlhelal Btreet commit tea for consideration. lutions have also been laid on tha leglaneeto the Bovtot govaraMBt. reaching west waa also out of order leglalture yesterday. Hon. Howard 9dni. a Penny wrote expressing table urging the government to leg­ GH EFFECT FergvKin, (Jonservatlve leader, who Lofiden. Jai 80 that the only reporU so far have islate Id the direction of a reci­ paUh from Rigasays tt Is genereBp : her thanks for the city’s kind consld been those recatred during the ear­ WOP EXTEND If assured of a backing of 77 mem­ procity. Meanwhile the Indian eratlon of her request for a cancella­ lier part of the night. bers in the I. (leiatare of 111 aeau. beUevad in the Lctvtoa ea^tal thah s government ic being preaaed to ad­ tion of taxes on her property, dealt T0T8EAT! The damageIn Peel county to esti­ Is said to have pretty wcU made up dress the home authorities and of all RasSu^’^^STto a™t^’^^^2t ^ ___ ___ with tho week previous. The letter mated at 1100.000 and there to equ­ TDREE-ffiLELIiT hit mind as to the eompesHion of strongly Impress on them the ne­ rreaponslbillty due to tortnra, was filed. ally great damage In Holton, cessity for the removal of the In­ when he was indacad to alga the tot. '““cl Mr. John Thompson, who wrote in the Interest of velocity of the wind waa eetimated e the (Soviet a——------------- week ago complaining of tho cate 70 miles an hour, and lasted London. June 26— The text of the the solidarity of the lOmplro. proposal from the iTnlted BUtee Se­ It U consideiwd that W. F. Nickle lag hto readlaeas t( pllUrs infesting the trees In front adverse decision by the United Sutaa shout 46 minutes. At Ctwdit Grove t and askingftet of his pUee. submiued a written give effect to the >rortli>adflc hali­ 50 trees were token out by the roots cretary of State Hnghes to extend of Kingston wUt have the important supreme court regarding thi but Hsheries treaty recently conclud­ the twelve mile limit wUhln which post of Altorney-OenenO. while proposition to tho Council last even­ urallxallon of the Indiana __ On the farm of James Crogle ed between the United States and irchee for liquor mightbe carried Hoq. F. G. McDIarald, elected in ing. He offeri-d to culMown tho In­ strengthened the elements favoring full grown trees were destroyed In Canada and the tignatnre of which one strip. Two houses were blown Weet Elgin, Is pracUcaUy ear# of a fested trees, provided the Council retallstloni. place In the new cabinet. Hon. 0. S. CTOWaCBACT MWr ______ gave rise to eoaalderable contror- down at Etobicoke and many chlm- would have same carted away. This Henry, who was Allntoler of Agri­ the Council decided to do. and Mr ercy. In accordance with the treaty, leys wrecked. the bill will provlue for a close sea- by the Britlah foreign office, culture In the last Conservative Paris. Jnae 26— In the pirsinra Thompson will be so Informed. French Seize Money At Cooksvitle the Methodist church Government, wUI probably receive for halibut In tho .Vorth Pacific i brick building, was almoat com­ panmental expene now engagedin of repreeMtatiraa of nU the forelga Mr. E. Turner. In a communication the same porttoUoIn the new admin­ ----------- ^ Uied for Strike Fund and the appointment of an Interna­ pletely wrecked. A despatch from studying the document and the text Informed the Council that he waa istration. Hon. ‘Thomas Crawford Ion. the MV Proteauuat ahnreh ’ tional tiaherlea commission of four Brampton to»d of houses being of the United Blatee Supreme € tryingto build up a grocerybusiness Basen, June 26— Sixteen billion members, two to be appointed by the liquor dectoion. was former Speaker of the House. .helms wae txMMetvUl yaatae- roofed and widespread damaged< Ill probably have that honor again. on the corner of Noedham street, marks, which the French assert waa While the Brlllah Governmei day Part of tha ahnrdi to la the United Stales ond two by Canada. 1 for the rest of the cabinet, Pre- bat that the street ni^ed grading sent Into occupied regions for The bill also will make It on offence foym of a coverad gallery and to • mled-elect Fergaaon to reported to memorial to thoas who wm ktOti and clearing. He askeil that this be strike fund were seUedd by the 1 for any fishing vessel which engages If occupaUon. Half of tbU am- have said that he has ao mach good In the war. done. His request was referred tc In prohibited Hsblng to use a Cana­ int, the Foreign Of­ Umber that he will have difficulty the Street Committee. waa confiscated fn the Mdel- dian port. Premier. King bna nUo mm fice to deslrona of accommodating The orlgtnal chnreh waa daotioy- ■ In making the choice. For the Lib­ Mr. K. K. ICvans. who reeldes out­ Brancn of Relebibank and given notice of n motion providing American views so far as consistent ed by Gen eral OpposlUon a new leader matt 1214. side of the city limits, asked that his other eight billion marks are In ablp- for the approval of the treaty by with existing maritime law and Bri­ be appointed end W. & Staelelr, name be placed on the waiting Hat througb Mayence. Parliament. TMSREiCH tish policy. It to predicted In member for Ontario county South nnder the lietter housing scheme. He petent quarters, however, that Great and J. S. Fisher. Liberal from Ot­ win be Informed by letter that only Britain To Have Britain will reject twelve mile limit tawa West, are both mentioned for resldenta within the city Halts UNDERSTANDING principle SB sbe did preTlousIy when this post. With Uie personal de­ dMIdS eligible for this scheme. Standing Air Force similar proposal waa made by feat of Premier Drury the United Mr. A. O. Johnson, secretary ROTAKIANSTO the Washington Government. the Junior Football Association i.ondon. Juno 26—Prime Minister ELIONS nil #11 granted permission to hold a pare- Baldwin announced In the House of to Pn-SH Reparations Cnaimii Doherty and Hon. P. C. Biggt, who mant danco on Wallaco street on C^ommons ihia afternoon that tha MEET GYROS ON for Bum Bctocd by Alliea. survived the election yee'urday. wlU probably have first choice of the July 7ih. Government had decided to establish a homo defence air force sufficient­ Lausanne. Jone 26—Ttlrkey ANNIYERSARYOF postion. RAILWATS J. Steele and son were granted per the Allies today agreed io mutual minion to make a water tapping on ly atrong to defend the country ade­ THEDIAMOi Toronto, June 26.—«-The latest renunciation of war indemnities. check-up ol returns from the On- BUwan avenue, and the reqnest of quately from an attack by the slroi The Turks, however,, bound thei Ottawa.
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