ABCD springer.com Just Released New Books July 2011 All Titles, All Languages Sorted by author and title within the main subject springer.com Architecture & Design 2 Architecture & Design Kunstbank Ferrum - Kulturwerkstätte, Waidhofen / Ybbs, Austria; Niederösterreichische Landesbibliothek, St. Pölten, Austria (Eds.) J. Portugali, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel R. Finsterwalder, Finsterwalderarchitekten, Stephan- skirchen, Germany; W. Wang, Hoidn Wang Partner GbR, Alles eine Frage der Kultur / A Complexity, Cognition and the Berlin, Germany (Eds.) Question of Culture City Álvaro Siza Der Beitrag von Bene zur Entwicklung Complexity, Cognition and the City aims at a deeper Von der Linie zum Raum / From Line to Space eines Architektur- und Designbewusstseins in Österreich und darüber hinaus / The understanding of urbanism, while invoking, on an equal footing, the contributions both the hard and Alvaro Siza gilt als einer der wichtigsten portugiesis- contribution of Bene to the development of chen Architekten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seine Arbeiten soft sciences have made, and are still making, when architecture and design awareness in Austria werden weit über die Grenzen seines Heimatlandes grappling with the many issues and facets of regional hinaus rezipiert. 1992 erhielt er für sein Lebenswerk and beyond planning and dynamics. In this work, the author den Pritzker-Preis. Sein auf der Museumsinsel Bene Büromöbel, 1790 als Tischlerei in Waidhofen goes beyond merely seeing the city as a self-orga- Hombroich gemeinsam mit Rudolf Finsterwalder an der Ybbs gegründet, generiert in Kooperation nized, emerging pattern of some collective interac- errichtetes Architekturmuseum erfreut sich bei mit bedeutenden ArchitektInnen weltweit neue tion between many stylized urban "agents" – he makes den Besuchern großer Beliebtheit. 2010 wurde es Arbeitswelten. „Unser Produkt ist der Raum“, erklärt the crucial step of attributing cognition to his agents mit dem Brick’10 prämiert. Die Ausstellung über Manfred Bene im Interview, das wie ein Fluss durch and thus raises, for the first time, the question on how das Werk Sizas, die am 17. Juni auf Hombroich die Publikation läuft. Durch das Gespräch zwis- to deal with a complex system composed of many eröffnet wird, wird primär bisher weniger bekan- chen dem Unternehmer und seinem langjährigen interacting complex agents in clearly defined set- ntes Material zu bekannten Projekten zeigen. Zeich- Weggefährten Architekt Laurids Ortner führt Thomas tings. Accordingly, the author eventually addresses nungen und Modelle, begleitet von großformatigen Jorda. Die grafische Gestaltung verdichtet Begrif- issues of practical relevance for urban planners and Fotografien. Durch die Skizzen und Modelle wird flichkeiten und Chronologie zu einer vertiefenden decision makers.The book unfolds its message in a Sizas Arbeitsweise unmittelbar sichtbar gemacht. Lesart des Dialogs. Auch historisches Bildmate- largely nontechnical manner, so as to provide a broad Gezeigt werden 10 ausgewählte Projekte. Der Kata- rial kommt nicht zu kurz. Die angesprochenen interdisciplinary readership with insights, ideas, and log ist als zurückhaltendes, einfaches aber bibliophil Themenkreise werden anhand einzelner Beiträge other stimuli to encourage further research – with the gestaltetes Buch konzipiert, das dem Kenner neue aufgerollt: Architektur (Dietmar Steiner), Design twofold aim of further pushing back the boundaries of Einblicke in die Arbeitsweise Sizas offeriert. Alvaro (Lilli Hollein), wirtschaftliche Innovation (Johanna complexity science and emphasizing the all-important Siza is considered one of the most important Por- Zugmann), Kommunikationsstrategien (Theresia interrelation of hard and soft sciences in recognizing tuguese architects of the 20th century, and his works Hauenfels) und Schauraum (Wojciech Czaja). His- the cognitive sciences as another necessary ingredient have garnered praise far beyond the borders of his torisches und aktuelles Bildmaterial ergänzen die Ein- for meaningful urban studies. own country. In 1992 he was awarded the Pritzker blicke in die Erfolgsbilanz eines Unternehmens und More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-19450-4 Prize for his life’s work. The Museum of Architecture seine Rolle im Bereich Architektur und Design. Bene Ships in 3 - 5 business days he founded together with Rudolf Finsterwalder on Büromöbel was founded as a carpentry shop in 1790 the Island of Hombroich is a major attraction for vis- in Waidhofen/Ybbs and has since created, in part- 2011. XXIII, 412 p. 156 illus. (Understanding Complex Systems) Hardcover itors, and received a Brick’ 10 (Wienerberger Brick nership with renowned architects, new work envi- Award) in 2010. The new exhibition on the works of ronments across the world. “Our product is space,” 978-3-642-19450-4 ▶$169.00 Siza, which will open June 17 on Hombroich, primar- explains Manfred Bene in an interview that flows ily presents little-known material on some of his more through this publication like a river. Thomas Jorda famous projects: sketches and models, accompanied accompanies us through the conversation between by large-format photographs, serve to make Siza’s entrepreneur Manfred Bene and his long-time asso- working methods palpable and real. The catalogue, ciate and architect Laurids Ortner. The graphic design Arts which focuses on 10 selected projects, was conceived brings concept and chronology together compactly, as a reserved and straightforward, yet nonetheless bib- ensuring an in-depth reading of the dialogue. There is liophile-friendly book offering those familiar with no lack of historical imagery. Individual contributions C. Poli, University of Bergamo, Italy Siza new insights into how he works. explore highlighted topics: architecture (Dietmar More on www.springer.com/978-3-7091-0853-6 Steiner), design (Lilli Hollein), economic innova- Mobility and Environment tion (Johanna Zugmann), communication strategies Not yet published. Available: Juli 29, 2011 Humanists versus Engineers in Urban Policy and (Theresia Hauenfels), and the showroom (Wojciech Professional Education 2011. 120 S. 150 Abb. Softcover Czaja). Historic and current images complement 978-3-7091-0853-6 ▶$39.95 these insights into the success of the company’s bal- The transportation revolution does not simply mean ance sheet and its role in architecture and design. taking a bus instead of a car. It means centering the political debate on the necessity to shift dramatically More on www.springer.com/978-3-7091-0878-9 from a technical to a political culture, and from an Not yet published. Available: Juli 9, 2011 economic development oriented policy to an envi- 2011. 120 S. 100 Abb. in Farbe. Softcover ronment centered one.A radical proposal to trans- 978-3-7091-0878-9 ▶$29.95 form the currently existing thought on cities, traffic, planning and environment,. Innovative, provocative and best of all ironic.Richard Peet, Clark University, Worcester, MA, USAMobility and Environment is quite an unusual and refreshing contribution to the springer.com Biomedicine 3 literature. Through the analysis of urban traffic prob- Biomedicine lems the book deconstructs the present paradigm of urban development, highlights its deficiencies and proposes alternative solutions. The volume would definitely be of interest to geographers and planners, while it also addresses issues that concern sociology, government, philosophy and communication.Antònia Casellas, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain- Our cities have to cope every day with traffic prob- lems. Corrado Poli’s, Mobility and Environment, introduces an innovative perspective on mobil- P.L. Bonate, Astellas Pharma Global Development, Pharma- ity planning by applying environmental policy cokinetics, Modeling, and Simulation, Deerfield, IL, USA tools.Francesco Musco, University IUAV of Venice, Italy Pharmacokinetic- More on www.springer.com/978-94-007-1219-5 G.S. Berenson, Dept. of Medicine, Pediatrics, Biochemistry, Pharmacodynamic Modeling and Ships in 3 - 5 business days Epidemiology Tulane University School of Medicine and Simulation 2011. XV, 202 p. Hardcover School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine New Orleans, 978-94-007-1219-5 ▶$129.00 LA, USA (Ed.) Since its publication in 2006, Pharmacokinetic-Phar- macodynamic Modeling and Simulation has become Evolution of Cardio-Metabolic the leading text on modeling of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data using nonlinear mixed Risk from Birth to Middle Age effects models and has been applauded by students The Bogalusa Heart Study and teachers for its readability and exposition of That precursors of adult coronary artery disease, complex statistical topics. Using a building block hypertension, and type II diabetes begin in childhood approach, the text starts with linear regression, non- have been clearly established by the Bogalusa Heart linear regression, and variance models at the individ- Study. This unique research program has been able ual level and then moves to population-level models to follow a biracial (black/white) population over 35 with linear and nonlinear mixed effects models. Par- years from childhood through mid-adulthood to pro- ticular emphasis is made highlighting relationships vide perspectives on the natural history of adult heart between the model types and how the models build diseases. Not only do these observations describe tra- upon one another. With the second edition, new jectories of cardio-metabolic risk variables leading to chapters on generalized nonlinear mixed
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