I - .. :'-- - '. ." ',.:" ., . - .. ". ' -"'. to "local atIairs" and institutions .. • '. ,,-'. -i' ,_.', ," , '" -" , ", By the mid_twenties"""l'lye.ch!)es numh.r,.mly 180 came fromCana- tinue anyWaY, he.said, as."the<>.rgan­ also rec.~iv,ed :'. J,onsi!ieration, wi\h lpe".,tion. with ~e P~ ~ were already heard in Winnipeg of dian Hachsharilitraining' institu~ ization hests~itedand oo'~t orjent- Sol . Kanee; ·.western : chairman of THE JEWISH POST ;esting:.their 'benight~d' nat:i,9~­ the Histadrut campaigns, iitaugur- tions. ...... at•. d to carry out the tasks'~ that Canadi.ui J';";'isii Congress, ur~ POALE ZION. it Vias not untU the de~'~ ate.d somewhat over a quarter cen- In his disCUssion lead, ~; Drache Jewry must perform in relation to Zionists to take a more active and The disposal of the Hilisverband, and (COlit. from page 14)' direct ,role 'in, su~h. matters, ~d",,· and founders of the Liberty Temple, of the , CCF, that poale. Zion's." . , t\lry ago in Is);"ael. saw Zionists. today in a· state of Israel. PEOPLE'S' BOOK' STOllE (fanied territorialist, who died in Women's division of Canadia:n Jew­ met and planned their projects and interests on the lo~al. sceJ?e. (This new perioli w'lS cov\>red in "complete hefuddlement" ahout' the· The que~tion of Zionist attention (Cant. from page 14) Russia), Dr. Cha;';' hiUowsky, and ish Congress for collecting funda and institutions at this friendly centre. JOYOUS NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO YOU.ALL Nachman Syrkin. dispatching relief overseas. to German. ltur'al wo.rk. continued .' !luring N, Witman's article on. lfutadrut long-range aims and tasks of their '. In both the first and second wars, Reviewing the past four decades The union of the Maccabe'!llS . The Poale Zion, Peretz school nu­ with such . in. Wilmipeg, appearing .the moyement, te,rming it a problem that· •.• were Abe Goldberg, Baruch the store placed its facilities at the of Jewish reading in Winnipeg, Mr. Poale Zion was guided by J. Hestrjn: ~WI.nties,' outs~<ling in. Zuckerman, A. Glantz, Datileli cleus (before the school was built), . as Dr: Ka¢man, Reuben, . ~ug. 17, 195~, 25th Anniversary . might well not be solved for.'" gen~ SHNIERBROS~ LTD. , Miller rates the period 1916-28 as and was partially inspired by Dr. Chaim. ZhiUowsky, Edition of:The Jewish Post. .More. eration or generations. the peak of Jewish literary life .. , same spirit that led Reuben Brainin . Manufacturers Agents Ban Zwi, ~ryl. ~vzn~l- r;"'ei!t hlghligh~of the L~""r ,. H11'lUbmitted for consideration the . ' , , ';beforethe chesterfield began to to attack the Ganeral Zionist leader_ Dr. N, Syrkin,. -waking Zionist movement,· particularlY. id,,~ that'the ~.. enf"freeing" ~f the Wholesale DiStributors .". .. SINCERE NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO YOU ALL take priority over the bookcase in ship of Clarence I. De Sola, ',un,der Poale Zion ,!"spices. co.vering the. period of tile last Jews of North America from beiDg COATS ". DRESSES SUITS hoine furnishing," Today,. Anglo- '\'lark towardS' a Canadian Je,vish SPO~TSWEAR CHILDREN'S WEAR major develoP!Ilant . 1,\Ili! ~t- . d!,!",<ie, s~· .tl!!I~~!iOD. of ~g,,!ded as "exUes" - Premier ~ LINGERIE Jewish literature has displaced Yid- COngress. The Maceabeans . of an id"al Poale . the . Qurion's new Stand...". "light well be dish as the inain reading fare, while the Brainin "democratizing" crusade,. o.~ .!l!'~ 4c~o!\S '<::'lIllllP~ ~ ~ o BUILT I CAADA .. leaders a~ut 19?(1, VIii" ~e ~" treate:d in fur!'l.er Wi~~ ~ter~ c~ed in future Yl'ars . • • "and' traditional Jewish records still man- and at the time of their ~~~E:~' . of the j ewish "" :!ad tMs C/n mi. \!len we'll bl' starting o"er again. age to hold their own againSt the tion' with Poale Zion, J)\a~ \"l,<~ fo.~ ~I!I~ ~ a~ (Farl@d) .. ' ,,~W l!ltem~'Ylth S!'!!!- ~l'ef)ne, cluoir" l~ wW likely ~6'!D.~etectiol'" ~ the . NEW YEAR GREETINGS" '.'., / modem, humorous musical fare. about 150. Joseph Hestrin ... order of' t1J.e m'lvl!II\en,~, IJl&Do ~1>or, Zi,,!!!!s~ ~et!,o~ ¢O:"l-;' ranks· It will mel,\ll mllTe dUfi~l- We appreciate the good will and patroJJ&J(eof l\llour .. Today, the store is official supplier jciin"~ the movement in the parallel inl!>re~' ~f P9,;I~!, IJIitt~) ti~s; it:-,:il1"be a day for ~alots all , . of teXts to major schools in Winnipeg t,!,eq,t;ies, aod became a fiery . J(!WiBh Frien.dB and take this' opporbinityto. ..... and the west, and serves as the l'aill"er for the Palestine Workers' .. ' !!:~::~ were t1J.e It,rb!'\wr l.\\ng Q,,~r agam. wish them a Yery Happy New Year' Qrey and. P'!'d.~v" ~ MERCJLFsS f'IWB.~~ OF. Meanwhile, Zionism as a . 11'9ve- . - , . " ' , ' .,' ' .' - ' major guide to Jewish culture for' Bank,. and 'Special Tool C,~~:.;:~~~ here) and the I. 1.. Peretz MERCILESSM.!\LADY ment must continue and will con- the modern, Canadian home. ' '.' drives that preceded the' until the hI';;' P,a.ge U) '. ..... :".. ..... ' -- .. - . Both Mr. Miller and his parlner founding of the Histadrut campaign. F~1k ,~~~~ Ww.'(C~nt: in life (and for many years in the . Poale Zion constituted the ,1W,ed, when they transferred' North America to Israel ill the last store), Mrs. Miller, have taken an called left opposition on the Zionist! loyalties to this neW iristitution, .. three years, ,was co.mrmed by Mrs. 'LLSON, STATIONERY··.· active part in affairs of the Peretz Council of the early twenties, a closer. approXimation Raginsky, '. former for' •a New York Brand COMPANy-"-'-LIMIT..,n. '. ,. school and Canadian Jewish Con- injected a note of 'vigorous activity joint ideals of Jew;';}. s;;<,~:" shor{period fo~'the ,. , .. Cap Mfg~ Co .. gress. ~. Miller is also an active with their sponsorship of shekell . .. and the Palestine influance. in Canada, who said that of this , ",.,' COMPLETE OFFICE OUTFITI'ERS Farband member. sa.1es, Workers' Bank shares, and- • , . - i .' exten.ds great COlnmemorative Herzl In'.em- A Very Joyous New Year' to aU our Friends and Customers Stores at , . London-Egypt will continue to .orials. b~t wishes for a Happy Joj ew -' ."" . REGINA. SASKATOON· MOOSE JAW BRANDON bar oil. tankers for Israel from Suez. The local Socialist party ruled out· COMPANY . ,COHEl'-I' & . ' ," , .'.,- tile 1'.51' ' 1:ear to ali their cuStOJ;ne~s and ................ '........ , '. ' " - ' , WINNIPEG _ VANCOllVER - EDMO~N - CALGARY AND WHOLESALE DRY GOODS SMALLWARES friends throughout Westem , ' Best Wishes t~ 6 ; j;;i:i; ·Pe;pi; FORT WILLIAM '. th 2nd Floor. Bate Bldg., 221 ~eDermot Ave. Canada of Western Canada for a . ,_ MANITOBA • \ . - . 208cZI0 Plymouth Bldg: BEST WISHES FOR A BI\IGHT AND JOYOUS NEW YEAR TO '." ' ALL OUR JEWISH PATRONS AND'FRlENDS Joyous Year WINNIPEG -' MANITOBA THROUGHOUT WESTERN CANADA W!W . , i"I~ ~to-' '- \' Canada's· outstanding Car mttJ' , .' , Buffalo Glove Company , Best wishes for a Contented · Year to all our Patrons and JOYOUS, NEW YEAR ,MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY WORK GLOVES " " · , .' -', ., With the NEW 115 HORSE POWER KAISER SUPERSONIC Friends' throughout Western GREETINGS i, .'. mGH TORQUE ENGINE. ~ou have the "extra spurt'" at your Canada. 225 MARKET' AYE. (upstairs) Phone 27 521 ·. ~om~aI?-d, plus economy, effICIency, and dependab~lity, to match ),.,............ ~-""............................ ~....... ..---- .......----...--...,......\ .. ESTABLISHED 1910 , MANUFACTURERS OF , 1ts brilliant performance. Manufacturers of High .Grade Sweaters • Billfolds FREED & FREED .' Best Wishes for a Joyous New Year to all our Friends THE195~KAISER with its Triumph of Anatomic design,brings I • -.. and Sportswear "- Key Cases L'l'D. and Customers',.' , YO e~cluslve.new feat~re~. Th~ single roll body provides exception­ allyll Wide seatmg space InsIde WIth garage-fitting oubside dimensions. • Tobacco Pouches • Change Purses Manufacturers of Men'. and . .!3=!. !<l~T.. e,T.;. .. ... .. .. .. WINNIPEG . ~ys' PANTS, BREECHES .~ • Leather Jackets .. ' ANQ~BREAKERS ......... .......- . See this '!x:autiful 1951 KAISER in colors that will delight the --_ ........ .... ........... , --- "Devon Suspender. Co~ ; ' I • most fastidious eye, now at Our Best Wishes for a Happy New Year. to a 11 ou,,.. VISIT US \VHEN IN WINNIPEG DAYLITE BIJ)G., WINNIPEG " .- MANUFACTURERS' QF . ", " , ,'. , " ' Jewish Patrons and Friends ". CANADIANSTAR' '. ,/ MEN'S AND' BQYS' SUSPENDERS .' , , '. To ....r maiI7 frieads ", ...d castoalCr- bcIn ........ Phone 23715 M. EINARSSON MOTORS LTD. .. foI-. 4th Floor, 164 Prineess st. MANITOBA i , NOVELTV MfG. CO .. WINNIPEG" . ,. '. , KAISER -, FRAZER DISTRIBUTOR: PHONE 26262 JOYOUS :NEW YEAR . for '. MARYLAND ST. • Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Armstrong Cork Canada" Ltd. ' .. A Very .:royous New Year to· all our Friends and Customers' * BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR i " I , ' - \ , 513Confederati~m Life Building PHONES: 44 395 - 43 527 , FASHION FURRIERS GEO. W. PAUL TO WESTERN' CANADA JEWRY . WINNIPEG, MAN . M~11i'acturlllg ~rders 445 RIVER AVENUE Winnipeg'. PHONE 928 147 .. Manitoba .& SOli . (East of Osborne St) i .. FUR COATS MADE TO ,ORDER ~..........- ... _______ '*' II+' ......." +' ... .............................\' Stored Repaired Remodelled Musleal Instnuaenta . and Phone ·935 893 Supplie. .WINNIPEG .,PllOl~I!c BLOCK (Notre Dame & Princess). Phone 932 666 JOYOUS NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO WESTERN CANADA JEWRY .' . .. FROM THE MANAGEMENT OF GALT BUILDING , .. -= ~1)~12 A L W~nipeg • Manitoba \ lA_JERI il~'to mrz;? ~-------.----~ , I.SHIRT'& " ". - . ~, OVERALL",.' eo. _.' LTD.' , (3I2AI~" tity Pant Mam,liacturing Co. A JOYOUS NEW YEAR .." -- - l . ,- , ." ' BROTHERS FRIDELL, . ", '" ,- - .' . lid-West Girments :,:'\ " L I '" I T I:U , :.E1<:te.,d Best Wishes for a 'HaPPY an!I Prosperous Joje.w Year Manufaetnrers of "If better overalls were made­ Men's and Boys' \ .. , ' "GLADIATOR LABEL­ " We'would make them" I '. , .' Manufacturers of Work Shirts and Sportswear " , ,. ." , GREETS: mE JEWISH PEOPLE OF WINNIPEG s and Boys' High Grade Pants and Breeches· . M. MOSER, Prop. MANUFA~~-"\,..L t.J~ 'OF' '" .. / •I MANITOBA ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR . 'J. C. WILSON BIJ)G. 'WINNIPEG. , Quality Leather and' Sporbwear Apparel 6th Floor, Bedford Bldg., 281 Mel)ermot Avenue 288 McDermot Ave.
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