E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1996 No. 119 House of Representatives The House met at 12 noon. amendments bills of the House of the S. Con. Res. 52. Concurrent resolution to The Chaplain, Rev. James David following titles in which concurrence recognize and encourage the convening of a Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- of the House is requested: National Silver Haired Congress; er: H.R. 2428. An act to encourage the dona- S. Con. Res. 68. Concurrent resolution to We pray for Your blessing, gracious tion of food and grocery products to non- correct technical errors in the enrollment of God, in all the moments of life from profit organizations for distribution to needy the bill, H.R. 3103; and the morning light to eventide, from the individuals by giving the Model Good Samar- S. Con. Res. 70. Concurrent resolution to rush of activity that greets each day to itan Food Donation Act the full force and ef- correct technical errors in the enrollment of fect of law; and the bill, H.R. 1975. the quiet and solitude when work is H.R. 3269. An act to amend the Impact Aid over and time is past. Our petitions program to provide for a hold-harmless with The message also announced that reach out to You, O God, from the respect to amounts for payments relating to pursuant to Public Law 104±132, the early instants of life through all the the Federal acquisition of real property, and Chair, on behalf of the minority leader, encounters of daily living until we rest for other purposes. appoints Donald C. Dahlin, of South from our labors and the burdens of life The message further announced that Dakota, as a member of the Commis- are over. As we contemplate the oppor- the Senate agrees to the report of the sion on the Advancement of Federal tunities that are before us, we pray committee of conference on the dis- Law Enforcement. that Your benediction will ever be with agreeing votes of the two Houses on The message also announced that us, Your counsel will lead us in the the amendments of the Senate to the pursuant to Public Law 104±132, the right path, and Your grace will be suf- bill (H.R. 3754) ``An act making appro- Chair, on behalf of the President pro ficient for our every need. In Your priations for the Legislative Branch for tempore, appoints Robert M. Stewart, name, we pray. Amen. the fiscal year ending September 30, of South Carolina, as a member of the f 1997, and for other purposes.'' Commission on the Advancement of The message also announced that the Federal Law Enforcement. THE JOURNAL Senate has passed bills and concurrent The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- resolutions of the following titles in f ined the Journal of the last day's pro- which the concurrence of the House is ceedings and announces to the House requested: COMMUNICATION FROM THE his approval thereof. S. 1130. An act to provide for the establish- CLERK OF THE HOUSE Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ment of uniform accounting systems, stand- nal stands approved. ards, and reporting systems in the Federal The SPEAKER laid before the House Government, and for other purposes; f the following communication from the S. 1559. An act to make technical correc- Clerk of the House of Representatives: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tions to title 11, United States Code, and for other purposes; OFFICE OF THE CLERK, The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman S. 1662. An act to establish areas of wilder- U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC, August 5, 1996. from Mississippi [Mr. MONTGOMERY] ness and recreation in the State of Oregon, and for other purposes; Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, come forward and lead the House in the The Speaker, House of Representatives, Wash- Pledge of Allegiance. S. 1735. An act to establish the United States Tourism Organization as a non- ington, DC. Mr. MONTGOMERY led the Pledge of governmental entity for the purpose of pro- DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- Allegiance as follows: moting tourism in the United States. mission granted in Clause 5 of Rule III of the I pledge allegiance to t he Flag of the S. 1834. An act to reauthorize the Indian Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, United States of America, and to the Environmental General Assistance Program the Clerk received the following messages Republic for which it stands, one nation Act of 1992, and for other purposes; from the Secretary of the Senate on Monday, under God, indivisible, with liberty and jus- S. 1873. An act to amend the National Envi- August 5, 1996 at 2:35 p.m.: that the Senate tice for all. ronmental Education Act to extend the pro- agreed to conference report S. 1316, that the f grams under the Act, and for other purposes; Senate passed without amendment H.R. 1975, S. 1931. An act to provide that the United that the Senate agreed to conference report MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE States Post Office and Courthouse building H.R. 3103, that the Senate passed without located at 9 East Broad Street, Cookeville, amendment H.R. 3139, that the Senate agreed A message from the Senate by Ms. Tennessee, shall be known and designated as to conference report H.R. 3448, that the Sen- McDevitt, one of its clerks, announced the ``L. Clure Morton United States Post Of- ate passed without amendment H.R. 3680, that the Senate had passed with fice and Courthouse''; that the Senate passed without amendment b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9927 H9928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 4, 1996 H.R. 3834, that the Senate passed without H.R. 3870, to authorize the Agency for of the House that I have been served with a amendment H.R. 3870, that the Senate passed International Development to offer subpoena issued by Superior Court of without amendment H. Con. Res. 208. voluntary separation incentive pay- Muscogee County, Georgia. With warm regards, ments to employees of that agency. After consultation with the General Coun- OBIN ARLE sel, I will make determinations required by R H. C , And the Speaker signed the following Clerk. Rule L. enrolled bill on Thursday, August 15, f Sincerely, 1996: MAC COLLINS, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER H.R. 3734, to provide for reconcili- Member of Congress. The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to ation pursuant to section 201(a)(1) of f the concurrent resolution on the budg- announce that pursuant to clause 4 of COMMUNICATION FROM THE HON- Rule I, the Speaker signed the follow- et for fiscal year 1997. f ORABLE TODD TIAHRT, MEMBER ing enrolled bills on Friday, August 2, OF CONGRESS 1996: COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- H.R. 782, to amend title 18 of the CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER United States Code to allow members fore the House the following commu- of employee associations to represent The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. nication from the Honorable TODD their views before the United States WICKER) laid before the House the fol- TIAHRT, Member of Congress: lowing communication from the Chief Government; CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, S. 1316, to reauthorize and amend Administrative Officer of the House of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, title XIV of the Public Health Service Representatives: Washington, DC, September 4, 1996. Act (commonly known as the Safe CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, Drinking Water Act), and for other DC. purposes. Washington, DC, August 22, 1996. Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to formally no- And Speaker pro tempore WOLF Speaker of the House, House of Representatives, tify you pursuant to Rule L (50) of the Rules signed the following enrolled bills on Washington, DC. of the House that I have been served with a Tuesday, August 6, 1996: DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to formally no- subpoena issued by the District Court of the H.R. 1975, to improve the manage- tify you pursuant to Rule L (50) of the Rules Eighteenth Judicial District for Sedgwick ment of royalties from Federal and of the House that I have been served with a County, Kansas. outer continental shelf oil and gas subpoena issued by the United States Dis- I am consulting with the General Counsel leases, and for other purposes; trict Court for the Northern District of Illi- to determine whether compliance with the H.R. 2739, to provide for a representa- nois. subpoena is consistent with the privileges After consultation with the General Coun- and precedents of the House. tional allowance for Members of the sel, I have determined that compliance with Sincerely, House of Representatives, to make the subpoena is consistent with the privi- TODD TIAHRT, technical and conforming changes to leges and precedents of the House. U.S. Congressman. sundry provisions of law in con- Sincerely, f sequence of administrative reforms in SCOT W. FAULKNER, the House of Representatives, and for Chief Administrative Officer. THE WAR ON DRUGS other purposes; f (Mr. BALLENGER asked and was H.R. 3103, to amend the Internal Rev- COMMUNICATION FROM THE HON- given permission to address the House enue Code of 1986 to improve port- ORABLE PETER DEUTSCH, MEM- for 1 minute.) ability and continuity of health insur- BER OF CONGRESS Mr.
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