15342 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 18, 1979 By Mr. MARKEY: H.R. 4156: Mr. SHELBY. AMENDMENTS H.R. 4522. A blll !or the relief of Annette H.R. 4157: Mr. COELHO, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Jutta Wohrle; to the Committee on the Mr. PANETTA, and Mr. LUNGREN. Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, pro­ Judiciary. H.R. 4158: Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland, Mr. posed amendments were submitted as By Mr. QUILLEN: SYMMS, Mr. GRISHAM, Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. follows: HoLLAND, Mr. WINN, Mr. McKINNEY, Mr. NEAL, H.R. 4057 H.R. 4523. A bill directing the President to Mr. BAFALIS, Mr. EDWARDS Of California, Mr. By Mr. KELLY: award a medal of honor to Jordan M. Robin­ FRENZEL, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. AMBRO, Mr. son; to the Committee on Armed Services. -on page 1, line 8, Insert the following new MINETA, Mr. CHAPPELL, Mr. DoRNAN, Mr. ED­ section 3: GAR, Mr. BURGENER, Mr. WEISS, Mr. McHUGH, SEc. 3. Section 5(e) of the Food Stamp Act Mr. AKAKA, Mr. HoPKINS, and Mr. CoURTER. of 1977 is amended by inserting the following ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 4443: Mr. SOLARZ, Mr. MURPHY of new sentence: "Any individual 1s entitled to Pennsylvania, and Mr. STGERMAIN. claim a deduction from his household in­ Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors H. Oon. Res. 59: Mr. CHENEY. to come, above the standard deduction, !or his were added public bills and resolu­ H. Con. Res. 1:l4: lvLr. n.N.LJ.E.R.::ION of Illinois, medical and dental expenses, to the extent tions as follows: Mr. ANTHONY, Mr. BADHAM, Mr. BAUMAN, Mr. such expenses exceed $10 a month." H.R. 1836: Mr. MATSUI. BAFALIS, Mr. BEREUTER, Mr. BREAUX, Mr. H.R. 1850: Mr. ABDNOR, Mr. ASHBROOK, Mr. BRINKLEY, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. BURGENER, H.R. 4387 BAFALIS, Mr. BEARD of Rhode Island, Mr. Mr. BUTLER, Mr. CARNEY, Mr. CARTER, Mr. CLEVELAND, Mr. COELHO, Mr. DERWINSKI, Mr. By Mr. BROWN of Callfornia: CLEVELAND, Mr. COURTER, Mr. DANIEL B. -Page 9, line 4, after tlhe period 1ruiert the CRANE, Mr. DAVIS of Michigan, Mr. DAVIS Of DEVINE, Mr. DoRNAN, Mr. ERDAHL, Mr. FLOOD, Mr. FRENZEL, Mr. GINN, Mr. GooDLING, Mr. following: "Special Grants: For research au­ South Carolina, Mr. EDWARDS of Alabama, thorized by the Native Latex Commercializa­ Mr. EMERY, Mr. ERDAHL, Mr. GINGRICH, Mr. GRADISON, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. HAGEDORN, Mr. HANLEY, Mr. HIGHTOWER, Mr. HUGHES, Mr. tion and Econoinic Development Act of 1978, HANSEN, Mr. HARSHA, Mr. HOLLAND, Mr. HUB­ $2,600,000.•• BARD, Mr. !CHORD, Mr. JoHNSON of Colorado, KEMP, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. LEACH Of Iowa, Mr. LEVITAS, Mr. LEWIS, Mr. LIVINGSTON, Mr. By Mr. MOORE: Mr. JoNEs of North Caronna, Mr. KtLDEE, Mr. -Page 47, line 12, insert the following new KOSTMAYER, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. LUJAN, Mr. Me• McCoRMACK, Mr. MARRIOTT, Mr. MAzzoLI, Mr. Mn.LER of California, Mr. MONTGOMERY, Mr. Section: HUGH, Mr. MrrcHELL of NEW YORK, Mr. "SEc. 612. None of the funds herein, ap­ MITCHELL of Maryland, Mr. MURPHY of Penn• NICHOLS, Mr. NOLAN, Mr. PASHAYAN, Mr. PAT­ TERSON, Mr. RAILSBACK, Mr. RINALDO, Mr. RoE, propriated shall be available to pay the ex­ sylvania, Mr. MURPHY of Tilinois, Mr. MYERS penses of parties intervening in any regu­ of Indiana, Mr. NICHOLS, Mr. PERKINS, Mr. Mr. RoussELOT, Mr. RuNNELS, Mr. ScHEUER, Mr. SEBELIUS, Mr. SNYDER, Mr. SoLOMON, Mr. latory proceeding or of any person acting as PURSELL, Mr. RAILSBACK, Mr. STENHOLM, Mr. a witness, an expert, or an advisor, for or TAYLOR, Mr. THOMPSON, Mr. TRAXLER, Mr. STOCKMAN, Mr. STUMP, Mr. SYMMS, Mr. WALKER, Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. WHITTAKER, upon. behalf of any organization appearing VANDER JAGT, Mr. VENTO, Mr. WEAVER, Mr. before the United States Department of Wn.LIAMS of Ohio, and Mr. WINN. Mr. WINN, Mr. WYDLER, and Mr. YOUNG Of Alaska. Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration, H.R. 2461: Mr. PATTERSON. Commodlty Futures Trading Comxnission or H.R. 3169: Mr. GARCIA, and Mr. WOLPE. Farm Credit Administration." H.R. 3685: Mr. RoE, and Mr. PEASE. PETITIONS, ETC. H.R. 4394 H.R. 3786: Mr. COTTER, Mr. DODD, Mr. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions GIAIMO, Mr. McKINNEY, Mr. MoFFETT, Mr. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk By Mr. LAFALCE: RATCHFORD, ?vir. EMERY, Mrs. SNOWE, Mr. Bo­ and referred as follows: -on page 8,11ne 23, befOre the "$10,000,000," LAND, Mr. CONTE, Mr. DONNELLY, Mr. DRINAN, add the following: "and for contracts, grants, 152. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the and other assistance to states, local govern­ Mrs. HECKLER, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MAVROULES, New Jersey State Federation of Women's Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. SHANNON, Mr. STUDDS, Mr. ments and nonprofit organizations as au­ Clubs, New Brunswick, N.J., relative to plac­ D'AMouas, Mr. STGERMAIN, and Mr. JEFFoRDs. thorized by the Liveable Cities Act of 1978 ing phencyclidine in schedule 1 of the Con­ (42 u.s.c. 8141-8146) ,". H.R. 3854: Mr. GUDGER. trolled Substance Act; to the Comxnittee on -Page 12, line 18, strike "$233,568,000" and H.R. 3855: Mr. GUDGER. Interstate and Forei~n Commerce. substitute in lieu thereof "$243,568,000". H.R. 4024: Mr. BROWN of California, Mr. 153. Also, petition of the city council, _:_Page 12, line 22, before the period insert: KlLDEE, Mr. EDGAR, Ms. HOLTZMAN, Mr. GLICK­ Thousand Oaks, Calif., relative to construc­ ", and for carrying out section 504 of the MAN, Mr. YATRON, Mr. DIXON, Mr. TAUKE, Ms. tion grant funding for water reclamation F'ederal Water Pollution Control Act, $10,- FERRARO, Mr. COURTER, Mr. PEYSER, and Mr. projects; to the Comxnittee on Public Works 000,000, to remain available untll September BONIOR Of Michigan. and Transportation. 30, 1981". E.XTENSIONS OF REMARKS AN APPEAL TO CONGRESSIONAL gion to the individuals that are affected requested that I convey their message to CONSCIENCE by it. They also decried the continuing the House and urge this body to consider discrimination taking place in this carefully the full impact of restrictions country by which more aftluent women on funding abortions, the cost in human HON·. LOUIS STOKES are able to secure superior quality health tragedy of such restrictions and their OF OHIO care not available to poorer women who, effect of diminishing freedom of religion IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by virtue of their poverty, are dependent and freedom of conscience. Monday, June 18, 1979 upon the Government for health Mr. Speaker, I would like to insert at services. this point in the RECORD a copy of the e Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, today I Today these religious leaders led a had the pleasure of meeting with 12 "Appeal to Congressional Conscience" large number of their colleagues and an as it was presented to me by the Reli­ highly respected members of the clergy even greater number of committed lay who are representative of many of the gious Coalition for Abortion Rights. people in an interfaith service on the AN APPEAL TO CONGRESSIONAL CONSCIENCE major denominations in the United Capitol Grounds. In solemn ceremony States. They share a deep concern over We--clergy of many diverse faiths--peti­ they committed themselves to protect tion our Congress to restore full funding the direction this Congress has taken in diligently the freedom of religious con­ legislation affecting the right of a for abortion services. This matter goes to science in abortion for all, and especially the heart of our First Amendment rights of woman to choose a safe and legal abor­ for the poor who suffer most tragically. tion according to her own religious be­ religious Uberty and our country's commit­ The service was sponsored by the Reli­ ment to principles or social justice and liefs. They believ.e that antiabortion gious Coalition for Abortion Rights, an equality. legislation defies one of the most basic organization composed of 27 national We have been both saddened and an­ principles on which our Nation was religious groups. gered by the callous disregard of ma.ny founded-the separation of the church Following the service these men and members of Congress for the right of eco­ and state-and that this legislation women of faith presented to me an "Ap­ nomically disadva.nta.ged !ainilles to make denies a very precious freedom of reli- peal to Congressional Conscience." They decisions about abortion in light of their • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. June 18, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 15343 own consciences and religious beliefs. By Women's Division-Board of Global Minis­ ignores history, control always follows depriving these women of access to this tries, United Methodist Church. money. To hope that a federal bureaucracy necessary medica.! procedure, Congress has Church and Society Unit-United Presby­ would be sufficiently flexible to generate etrectively deprived them of their con­ terian Church, USA. rules, policy guidelines and aid requirements IStitutiona.l rights of privacy, choice and Washington Office-United Presbyterian that would meet the needs of rural, subur­ conscience. Church, USA. ban and urban schools is to hope what never AS PASTORS AND RELIGIOUS LEADERS Women's Program Unit-United Presbyte­ was and what never will be. We declare our concern and support for rian Church, USA. The schools of this or any other state need all women, rich or poor, and their right to Women's League for Conservative Judaism. the opportunity to experiment in order to choose the act of childbearing. We view Young Women's Christian Association.e find innovative approaches to chronic prob­ with deep regret the use of women as pawns lems of 1lliteracy, disruption, desegregation in a.
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