l \0 l . '3 e ,r,\. -t.n 0~qob -tel\9:\ e ~ f\'1e_. 10 orcnat' ~ ~ 1. lbblAM 11, IIRAUDE LIBRA.RV " 1..\ ~r,ce 1 '(t4 0 ":. .,. - DF TEMPLE BETH-EL - ' / • 1967 Highlighted By People, '\ Places, Organizations, War (Continued from Last Week) Jewish Theological Seminary of The Miriam Hospital, in its America. new tie with Brown University, Temple Beth Israel dedicated annotmced the joint appointment its new social hall, and the five- of Dr. Robert P. Davis as direc- year-old Barrington Jewish Cen- THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. tor of the department of· medicine ter acquired its first full-time and professor of medical science rabbi, Rabbi Richard A. Weiss. at the university. Dr. Fiorindo A. Congregation Ohawe Shalom, VOL. LI, NO. 45 FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1968 15¢ PER COPY 16 PAGES Simeone was named di rector of P aw tu ck e t , al so engaged a the department of surgery at the spiritu~l leader, Rabbi Chaim ~r:mm:JP'.3P:J!'lrmrmr~nz1~~~~~~~~ hospital and professor of medical Raizman. science at Brown. Later in the Dr. Sidney Goldstein, chair- Bla•iberg's Daughter French Zionists Now fear year, Jerome R. Sapolsky became man of the Brown University De- Attends Hebrew Class executive director of The Miri- partment of Sociology and An- am. thropology, was named · to a During Transplant Possible Action By Police The first annual concert of l.Jnited Nations Ad Hoc Committee TEL AVIV - Jill Blaiberg · PARJS. -c..Rumors about pos- Israel manifestations of recent Jewish music was presented in of Experts on Urbanization to ad- of South Africa , who came to sible police action against Zionist days, the J ewisl!., Agency in Paris March at Temple Emanu-EI, to vise U Thant on the demographic Israel six months ago as a organizations and the possible clearly wishes to avoid any step mark Jewish Music Month. aspects of urbanization. volunteer worker, went to her outlawing of Zionist activities which could be construed by the General Jewish Committee al- A new Hadassah chapter wa s Hebrew cl ass thi s week while have induced an attitude of ex- French as a challenge. locations were increased $52,000 founded, the Jerusal em chapter. her father was under going the treme caution on the part of Jew- This self-restraint has gone to $629,754, of which the largest Menahem ~agen of 5wampscott, third he art transpl ant ever ac­ ish bodies in France. as far as refusal to lend the sum, $412,000, was allotted to the Mass ., was appointed principal of complished. She had not known The Jewish Agency in particu- Agency's name for the renting of United Jewish Appe al . The Bu- the Community Hebrew High before the opera ti on that he r lar appears to have become wary a hall for a meeting of former reau of Jewish Education and the School . father would be the next such of having any connection with volunteers in Israel, who have Jewish Community Cente r came The Hillel Foundation at patient. pro-Israel public bodies, lest it established their own. organiza­ next, with $64,659 and $38,Q54 Brown University celebrated its ''Actually , I cannot afford be accused of "mixing and tion. respectively, and next in line 20th year, .and Rabbi Nathan N. to buy a paper," she said. meddling in internal French mat- The Agency has also stopped were B'nai B'rith Hillel at Brown Ro sen's 20th annivers ary as di- " Since dad had to give up hi s ters." the use of its postal franking ma- ($13,700) and the National Com- rector. A sculp ture by Martin prac tice because of hi s heart This is part of the reaction to chine for communications dis- mittee for Labor Israel ($11,500) . Newman, forme rly of the Rhode condition, we do not have mon­ the accusations levelled by Gaull- patched on behalf of Zionist or- All other allocations were for Island School of Des ign faculty, ey to spare and I must manage {st commentators against the ganizations and now limits its use less than $10,000. Sixty agencies was dedicated in the Hillel House on five pounds pocket money a Agency and the Israeli Embassy to the Agency's official mail only. are benefited by the GJC drive, Garden; the Yiddish write r, Isaac \ month, which my parentc; send in Paris, in the wake of the up- There are definite indications for which Robert Riesman was Bashevis Singer, 1ectured, and me. roar which followed President de that the police are now giving named general chairman in 1967. Singe r Theo Bike! gave a C')ncert. ''I have complete faith in Gaulle's press conference on more attention to Zionist organi- The annual Sharon Ell en Me- The Bure au of Jewi ,; h 1:. -:luca- the operation, the ~urgeons Nov. 27. zations and personalities. Jewish morial Bridge raised money for tion's fa ll ad ult series, pla'Jned and my dad," s aid the 20- The alleged intervention of the Agency emissaries to Zionist the American Cancer Society. by P rof. Benjamin Chinitz of ye ar-ol d girl. "I am sure he'll embassy, according to these groups, who are usually called to Temple Beth El held a Bar Brown, cons idered the prospects get-through it all rtght and will commentators, infuriated the the police "commissariat" for a Mitzvah celebration, to mark its for Israel as a result of the war again be the heal thy man he president of the republic. routine talk when they arrive in 13th year in the new temple at the and the change s it brouglitt about. used to be and which I pray to Despite the fact that neither France (as in the case with all corner of Orchard and Butler Temple Ema nu-El's fall lecture God he may be again." the embassy nor the Agency has aliens), have been recalled in the Avenues. ~ series was als o on the aftermath had any connection with the pro- past couple of weeks and asked ~~~~~~~~~r.m~~~~~~~~~~r.m Mrs. Sumner Pomeranz, Mrs . of the war. detailed questions on their activ­ Rhode Island of 1967, competed in Robert Shapiro, social s tudies ities by officials. ~ the Mrs. Amer~ca · contest -In San chairman at Pilgrim High School, D-efe.nse..Spe.nd.ing-Dominates It is quite possible that these ",I Il Diego, Calif. Warwick, was awarded t~e Valley are routine measures taken by ~ The Temple Emanu-El Garden Forge Teachers Medal Award for zealous officials who, suspecting Club received a " seed grant" "helping to achieve a bette r un- Budget Submitted To Knesset that "Zionists" would react to award from Sears Roebuck and derstanding of the American Way attacks from above, felt it politic Company in recognition of beau- of Life." He was the only New J ERUSALEM - The budget ye ar, primarily because of a cut- from the police point of view, to tification at Hope High School. England recipient of the medal. submitted to the Israeli Parlia- bacl< in heavy public spending to take a greater interest in pos­ Max Alperin received the Many Rhode Islande r s did ment on Tuesday by Finance relieve unemployment during the sible future "customers." Amudim award of the Providence various interesting things: Ken- Minis te r Pinhas Sapir is domi- first 'six months- of 1967. The job This sense of precaution has Hebrew Day School, for dedicated neth Resnick of Cranston, a Ma- nated by defense spending: which crisis declined in the final quar- also extended to wider circles. )' ,' service. The school's new kin- rine, conducted High Holiday accounts for about $600-m1\lion. rer of the year. For example, the owners of a hall . _'t,A dergarten room, with clerestory services at Guantanamo Bay. The overall budget, equivalent Tax reductions we re an- booked for a meeting sponsored and adjoining courtyard, was Norma Trus t Sherman and Riva to nearly $2,000,000,000, is le ss nounced by Mr. Sapir. who s aid by the International League completed. Leviten, Providence painters, than that of the present fiscal security expenditures account for Against Anti-Semitism asked the Robert Starr, Herald bridge held the1r first joint art show . almost two-thirds of all taxes organizers to produce their po­ columnist, was among the players Benjamin Premack, ~music con- ffiC AID NEEDED paid by Israelis. Mobilization had lice permit. Normally, they would selected to compete in a contract sul tant to the s tate Board of -Edu- GENEVA - The Inter- r ~sul ted in a 20 per cent cut in have presumed that the organ­ izers had obtained such per­ bridge exhibition game with the cation, outlined the problems of national Red Cross has advised productivity which caused the na- - ) - world championship team from music education for schoolchil- the Standing Conference of Eu- tional product to decline by 1.5. mission by telephone. Italy. dren, (and, by extendsion, of other ropean Jewish Community Serv- per c.:ent, he said, but a rise be- The fact that the meeting was Judge Frank Licht was elected arts), and came up with a ices here that it can accept funds gan late in the year and should to protest against the President's president of the General Jewish "Grassroots Plan'' which might in amounts up to 1,000 Swiss carry over into 1968.· attitude may well have prompted Committee. Joseph Teverow was meet the needs. It will, at the francs ($250) for remittance to The Finance Ministe r pre- their concern.
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