THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 MOnday, MarCh 4, 2013 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ Snow pact aids downtown The Iowa City Downtown District partnered with businesses for its first-ever snow- removal program at a cost of KnOW $15,000. By Quentin Misiag [email protected] Iowa City and Downtown District offi- cials are hoping a nearly two-month pi- lot snow-removal program will aid in the yOuR transformation of a heavily traveled city center. From Dec. 1, 2012, through Jan. 31, the Downtown District spent $15,000 in the removal of snow between the traditional downtown core and North Side Market- place, affecting nearly 280 businesses that cover approximately 1.2 million square feet of commercial development. Quality Care Lawn Care and Hawkeye Construction and Snow Removal contracted the first-year comprehensive program. “[With the program], we didn’t want see snow, 3 eIowa City helpsX to finance the itSTAY SAFe installation of sprinklers and fire Officials say patrons alarms in local establishments. should take safety into their own hands. Pork By allie WRight “When you go into a [email protected] place, look for a sprinkler head and make sure it’s a ne security guard said the fire moved sprinkled building. When exports rise quickly, suddenly engulfing the you sit down in a place, look crowd. Another said after the fire around. Your closest exit started, people shoved their way to- may not be the door you U.S. pork exports are projected to ward the exits, but many tripped and came in.” increase slightly in 2013. Ofell. The roof of the building collapsed. Author- – Jann Ream, code enforce- ities found bodies in the nightclub’s restrooms. ment assistant of the iowa It was “like a war zone,” said Brazilian state City Building inspection By Cassidy Riley lawmaker Valderci Oliveira. division [email protected] These reports, taken from a CNN story af- ter the January nightclub fire in Santa Maria, “if you notice that Pork exports hit record highs in 2012, Brazil, has boosted a global discussion on how something is wrong, react. and further success is projected for 2013. to keep fire disasters from happening in local self-preservation is a big In 2012, U.S. pork exports reached a venues. thing.” record 5.38 billion pounds at a value of More than 230 people died at the Kiss night- – John Grier, iowa City fire $6.3 billion. Iowa produces 28 percent of club in Brazil. In the wake of the tragedy, Io- marshal all U.S. pork, bringing in a great deal of wa City officials said they are doing enough to economic benefit to the state. prevent fire disasters from happening locally. “Just like we taught you “It’s extremely important to our econ- But they also advise bar patrons to be fully in grade school, know two omy,” said Tom Wall, one local pork pro- aware of their surroundings at all times. ways out.” ducer. “It creates jobs.” Through an ordinance passed more than – John Grier, iowa City fire According to the Iowa Pork Producers four years ago, the city has tried to help local marshal Association, more than 39,000 jobs are establishments find lower-cost methods to ret- related to raising hogs in Iowa. rofit their businesses with sprinkler systems Wall said the industry produces jobs in and fire alarms. feed production, equipment production, The Iowa City City Council approved the MORe Online Fire/Life-Safety Improvement Loan Program see pORK, 3 in July 2007, which supplied grants and Go to dailyiowan.com to see low-interest loans to local bars and restau- a daily iowan TV story on rants to assist them in financing the install- fire safety in iowa City. ments of sprinkler systems and fire alarms. The program provided $1 million, which was inside borrowed from the city’s Landfill Division, on a first-come, first-served basis, to eligible busi- Classifieds 10 nesses. Crossword 8 Opinions 4 see FiRe COde, 6 Sports 12 phoTos by Callie mitchell/desiGn and illusTRaTion BY aliCia kRamme 2 | The Daily Iowan • Iowa City, Iowa • Monday, March 4, 2013 News dailyiowan.com for more news The Daily Iowan Volume 144 Issue 149 Fundraiser aids Getty BreakiNg NewS STaFF phone: (319) 335-6063 publisher email: [email protected] William Casey 335-5788 Fax: 335-6297 editor-in-Chief Emily Busse 335-6030 CorrectioNS Managing editor Mural conservation Call: 335-6030 Sam Lane 335-5855 policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro editors accuracy and fairness in the reporting Kristen East 335-6063 of news. If a report is wrong or Jordyn Reiland 335-6063 misleading, a request for a correction opinions editor or a clarification may be made. Benjamin Evans 335-5863 Sports editors puBliShiNg iNFo Benjamin Ross 335-5848 The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is arts editor published by Student Publications Alicia Kramme 335-5851 Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Copy Chief Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot 335-6063 except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and photo editors university holidays, and university Rachel Jessen 335-5852 vacations. Periodicals postage paid Adam Wesley 335-5852 at the Iowa City Post Office under the Design editor Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Haley Nelson 335-6063 TV News Director SubscripTioNS Allie Wright 335-6063 Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 web editor email: [email protected] Tony Phan 335-5829 Subscription rates: Business Manager iowa City and Coralville: $20 for Debra Plath 335-5786 one semester, $40 for two semes- Classifed ads/Circulation Manager ters, $10 for summer session, $50 Juli Krause 335-5784 for full year. advertising Manager out of town: $40 for one semem- Renee Manders 335-5193 ster, $80 for two semesters, $20 advertising Sales Staff for summer session, $100 all year. Bev Mrstik 335-5792 Send address changes to: The Daily Cathy Witt 335-5794 Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, production Manager Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004 Heidi Owen 335-5789 Top STorieS Jackson Pollock’s Mural is shown here. (Contributed Photo) Most read stories on dailyiowan.com from Sunday. 1. My baby, not my child: The journey from an unplanned preg- The University of Iowa Museum of Art held a fundraiser March 2 to benefit nancy to adoption conservation efforts for Jackson Pollock’s Mural, which is currently in Los Angeles. 2. Road troubles plaguing Hawkeye men’s basketball 3. Debate over Johnson County SEATS funding heats up By STaCeY MurraY event aimed to raise will première an original Following the contro- [email protected] money for the existing composition inspired by versy, the painting en- 4. UI moves forward with research on organ printing programs at the Muse- the piece next month. tered the conservation 5. Letter to the Editor Jackson Pollock’s paint- um of Art academic re- Knight, a fan of the project. ing Mural at present sits sources, the Senior Liv- painting, said it is an “The painting had suf- in California, where the ing Community outreach invaluable asset for the fered issues related to Getty Museum is work- programs, and the con- university. age and needed a thor- Scan this ing to conserve the prized servation efforts of the “It’s so important be- ough conservation pro- piece of modern art. Pollock painting. cause the piece itself is gram, and this was our A bit fewer than 1,800 Officials were unable one of the most import- chance to work with one code for miles away, the Univer- to provide the amount ant pieces of art in the of the most famous insti- sity of Iowa Museum of raised through the event 20th century,” he said. “It tutions in the world to more news Art held a fundraiser this as of Sunday evening. will be one of those piec- conserve this very, very past weekend titled, “The The museum is seeking es that in another 200 or famous painting,” O’Har- New Deal Fundraiser: $10,000 to cover costs as- 300 years from now, we’ll row said. The Museum Party” at sociated with the conser- look at it and recognize Knight praised Mural the Coralville Marriott to vation project. The Getty the importance of it the and its place at the UI. raise money for the costs Museum is in charge of way we look at Renais- “I think it’s one of the of the conservation, along the conservation effort sance art.” greatest things ever done with many other pro- and is working with the But not everyone has for the university and for grams at the museum. Getty Conservation In- revered the painting as a the state,” he said. “The importance is that stitute. UI asset the way Knight As the painting moves it’s our responsibility as a The two-year process does. forward in its conserva- museum to preserve and began in July 2012. Former Rep. Scott Rae- tion, the museum also protect our state’s trea- “We’re conserving it, cker, R-Urbandale, pro- strives to raise funds sures,” said Sean O’Har- and we’re stabilizing it,” posed a bill in 2011 to for a new facility follow- row, the director of the said Melissa Abraham of sell the painting to fund ing destruction from the Museum of Art. the Getty Institute. art scholarships, but he flood in 2008. The UI Community The painting is under- retracted it after receiv- “It’s just painful be- Credit Union, Willis Law/ going old varnish remov- ing criticism from many cause we don’t have a Security Abstract, and 20 al.
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