WELCOME TO THE ALPINE GARDEN SOCIETY’S 60th SEED LIST 2011-12 Please read through these notes and also the notes on the back of the order forms before completing the forms. The main distribution will begin in December and will continue into the new year. The seeds offered originate from various sources and cannot be guaranteed true to name. Neither The Alpine Garden Society nor any official of the Society can be held responsible for what is supplied. Members are reminded that named cultivars and hybrids cannot be relied upon to come true, and plants raised from seed from cultivars should not be labelled with the names of those cultivars. Seeds of many species are in short supply and we can never have enough to meet all requests. Members who request very rare or popular species must realise that they are likely to be disappointed and are advised to spread their requests throughout a variety of seeds on the list. Surplus seeds are those remaining after all applications for main distribution seeds have been met. Please see the notes on the back of the order form for futher information. On-line ordering will again be offered this year. You will be able to view the seed list, make your selections, order and pay for your seed order on line. We will take care to ensure parity between on line ordering and postal ordering so neither system will get priority. Please go to http://www.alpinegardensociety.net/seed/exchange/ and follow the instructions on the page. Overseas Members: Members outside the UK and the EU are reminded that most countries restrict the import of some species. It is the responsibility of members from overseas to check the laws covering seed importation before ordering to make sure that anything they request is not on their country’s list of banned imports. Failure to do this could cause confiscation and destruction of all the seed within the imported packet at the point of entry to your country. Overseas members should pre-check the list of approved species by contacting their local Ministry of Agriculture. Guidance on restricted species may be found on the following sites: New Zealand: http://www1.maf.govt.nz/cgi-bin/bioindex/bioindex.pl USA: http://www.nargs.org/ USDA regulations do not permit the importation into the USA of any parasitic species, any species of the genus Lathyrus (without treatment), any member of the families Berberidaceae and Rutaceae, nor the seed of any trees or woody species. Wild Collected Seed The initials after the plant name refer to the donor, please refer to the donor pages at the back of the booklet for codes. A species with 2 or more donors is indicated by >2. Details of some of the collection sites may be available on request from: Diane Clement, 194 Compton Road, Wolverhampton, WV3 9JX or by e-mail: [email protected] 001 Acacia dealbata JJ 050 Antennaria dioica >2 002 Acantholimon hedinii VH 051 Anthericum liliago >2 003 Acantholimon sp compact GHe 052 Anthyllis montana SHo 004 Achillea clavennae RN 053 Aquilegia atrata >2 005 Aciphylla aurea LCo 054 Aquilegia atrovinosa VH 006 Aconitum anthora KF 055 Aquilegia formosa >2 007 Aconitum columbianum columbianum LV 056 Aquilegia vulgaris vulgaris RN 008 Aconitum japonicum montanum STa 057 Arabis bellidifolia bellidifolia RN 009 Aconitum lycoctonum vulparia RN 058 Arabis pumila JA 010 Aconitum napellus Nb 059 Arctostaphylos alpina RN 011 Aconitum septentrionale VD 060 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ON 012 Actaea asiatica STa 061 Armeria alpina >2 013 Adenophora triphylla japonica STa 062 Armeria maritima >2 014 Adonis vernalis IDa 063 Arnica cordifolia >2 015 Agapanthus praecox SV 064 Arnica montana >2 016 Agastache urticifolia MK 065 Artemisia caucasica ZR 017 Allium acuminatum LV 066 Arum italicum GG 018 Allium aflatuense GB 067 Asclepias incarnata PB 019 Allium akaka SHo 068 Asclepias purpurascens PB 020 Allium angulosum PS 069 Asclepias speciosa RL 021 Allium barsczewskii GB 070 Asclepias tuberosa >2 022 Allium gomphrenoides DB 071 Asclepias viridiflora PB 023 Allium gunibicum GB 072 Asparagus persicus KK 024 Allium komarowii GB 073 Asphodeline lutea >2 025 Allium oleraceum EL 074 Asphodeline taurica ZR 026 Allium rosenbachianum GB 075 Asphodelus albus >2 027 Allium rotundum jajlae GB 076 Aster alpinus >2 028 Allium schoenoprasum sibiricum ON 077 Aster amellus >2 029 Allium sewerzowii GB 078 Aster linosyris PAK 030 Allium sphaerocephalon EL 079 Astragalus eugenii GB 031 Allium tolmiei LV 080 Astragalus glycyphyllos JPP 032 Allium victorialis RN 081 Astragalus monspessulanus DB 033 Aloe marlothii PvW 082 Astragalus penduliflorus RN 034 Alyssum daghestanicum GB 083 Astragalus siliquosus KK 035 Alyssum tortuosum ZR 084 Astrantia major MM 036 Anacamptis pyramidalis RC 085 Atropa bella-donna RN 037 Androsace flavescens VH 086 Bartsia alpina RN 038 Androsace hausmannii JP 087 Berberis repens LV 039 Androsace helvetica PAK 088 Billardiera longiflora GJ 040 Androsace laevigata ciliota DH 089 Biscutella laevigata >2 041 Androsace squarrosula VH 090 Briza maxima STS 042 Anemone baldensis >2 091 Buphthalmum salicifolium IDi 043 Anemone narcissiflora >2 092 Caiophora coronata MF 044 Anemone narcissiflora fasciculata >2 093 Calochortus eurycarpus LV 045 Anemone parviflora TB 094 Calochortus aff eurycarpus LV 046 Anemone sp 20cm France VD 095 Calochortus lyallii LV 047 Anisotome aromatica MCE 096 Calochortus macrocarpus LV 048 Antennaria alpina TB 097 Calochortus nuttallii KC 049 Antennaria chilensis M F 098 Caltha palustris FS 099 Camassia cusickii LV 158 Drosera arcturi AJC 100 Camassia quamash LV 159 Dryas drummondii DH 101 Campanula barbata >2 160 Dryas integrifolia TB 102 Campanula cespitosa >2 161 Dryas octopetala >2 103 Campanula cochlearifolia >2 162 Dryas octopetala hookeriana MK 104 Campanula latifolia AP 163 Dryas octopetala minor OB 105 Campanula piperi DH 164 Dryas sp ex Urals LB 106 Campanula raineri JA 165 Echinospartum horridum PVe 107 Campanula rhomboidalis IM 166 Ephedra major KK 108 Campanula rotundifolia AP 167 Epipactis helleborine FB 109 Campanula saxifraga PK 168 Epipactis palustris FB 110 Cancrinia tianshanica VH 169 Eremurus altaicus VH 111 Cardiocrinum giganteum VH 170 Eremurus robustus VH 112 Carex aurea >2 171 Erigeron acer IM 113 Carex crinita PB 172 Erigeron alpinus RN 114 Carex eburnea STR 173 Erigeron aurantiacus VH 115 Carlina acaulis MM 174 Erigeron hyssopifolius TB 116 Celmisia viscosa >2 175 Eriogonum ovalifolium DH 117 Centaurea scabiosa alpestris IM 176 Eriogonum thymoides DH 118 Centaurea valesiaca IM 177 Eriophyllum lanatum lanceolatum DH 119 Centaurium erythraea JBu 178 Erysimum cheiri IM 120 Chamerion angustifolium album HH 179 Erysimum ochroleucum >2 121 Chamerion dodonaei PS 180 Erythronium elegans DH 122 Chamerion fleischeri MM 181 Erythronium grandiflorum >2 123 Chorispora bungeana VH 182 Eulophia ovalis PvW 124 Cirsium aff acaule MW 183 Euphorbia pekinensis STa 125 Cistus cf albidus PVe 184 Frasera aff fastigiata LV 126 Cistus creticus eriocephalus >2 185 Frasera speciosa LV 127 Cistus monspeliensis JJ 186 Fritillaria affinis LV 128 Clematis alpina GS 187 Fritillaria atropurpurea LV 129 Clematis hirsutissima >2 188 Fritillaria camschatcensis MS 130 Clematis marata MH 189 Fritillaria drenovskyi SHe 131 Clematis virginiana PB 190 Fritillaria karelinii >2 132 Clintonia uniflora LV 191 Fritillaria pudica LV 133 Colchicum autumnale >2 192 Fritillaria raddeana GB 134 Colchicum sp Kazakhstan DJ 193 Fritillaria stenanthera DJ 135 Coprosma propinqua MH 194 Fritillaria thessala >2 136 Coreopsis lanceolata STR 195 Fuchsia magellanica MF 137 Corokia cotoneaster MH 196 Gaultheria depressa >2 138 Coronilla coronata IDi 197 Genista sagittalis KF 139 Corydalis lineariloba STa 198 Gentiana aff acaulis FS 140 Corydalis stricta LB 199 Gentiana acaulis >2 141 Crocus vernus albiflorus MM 200 Gentiana asclepiadea >2 142 Cruciata taurica KK 201 Gentiana clusii PK 143 Cucumis metulifer PvW 202 Gentiana clusii dwarf form OB 144 Daphne laureola RuK 203 Gentiana clusii rochelii RR 145 Daphne mezereum >2 204 Gentiana cruciata IDa 146 Daphne mezerum dwarf form RN 205 Gentiana gelida SHo 147 Delphinium elatum RR 206 Gentiana lutea >2 148 Delphinium pictum HR 207 Gentiana punctata >2 149 Dianthus barbatus >2 208 Gentiana purpurea >2 150 Dianthus carthusianorum >2 209 Gentiana sp ex Kop Dag SHo 151 Dianthus sp Greece HR 210 Gentianella amarella ON 152 Dianthus superbus ON 211 Gentianella campestris >2 153 Digitalis grandiflora RN 212 Gentianella germanica >2 154 Dodecatheon dentatum LV 213 Gentianella serotina MH 155 Dodecatheon jeffreyi LV 214 Gentianopsis thermalis KC 156 Draba aff lonchocarpa LV 215 Geum montanum >2 157 Dracocephalum stamineum VH 216 Geum triflorum LV 217 Gladiolus italicus >2 276 Lotus maritimus IDi 218 Gladiolus sp Spain LCi 277 Lupinus polyphyllus KC 219 Glaucium squamigerum VH 278 Lychnis alpina GS 220 Globularia nudicaulis >2 279 Lysichiton camtschatcensis >2 221 Globularia repens JP 280 Lysimachia davurica STa 222 Globularia sp Turkey GHe 281 Macropiper excelsum AJC 223 Gymnostachys anceps DS 282 Meconopsis cambrica AP 224 Halerpestes salsuginosa VD 283 Medicago littoralis GE 225 Hedysarum candidum ZR 284 Microula tibetica pratensis VH 226 Hegemone lilacina VH 285 Moraea stricta PvW 227 Helianthella quinquenervis MK 286 Myosotis traversii yellow AJC 228 Helianthemum nummularium IDi 287 Narcissus bulbocodium RuK 229 Hemerocallis esculenta STa 288 Narcissus poeticus FS 230 Hepatica nobilis KK 289 Narthecium ossifragum TJR 231 Hieracium sp Urals LB 290 Olsynium douglasii inflatum LV 232 Hosta sieboldiana
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