S2200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 17, 2007 Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I suggest which he has already marked an ex- Without TED KENNEDY, we wouldn’t the absence of a quorum. traordinary milestone—45 years of have lowered the voting age to 18 and The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. service to Massachusetts and his coun- ended the hypocrisy that 18-year-olds TESTER). The clerk will call the roll. try in the U.S. Senate. were old enough to die for their coun- The assistant legislative clerk pro- Senator KENNEDY began his career try in Vietnam but not old enough to ceeded to call the roll. setting a high standard when it comes vote for its leadership at home. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- to birthdays. It was when he reached Without TED KENNEDY, we wouldn’t imous consent that the order for the the minimum constitutional age, 30, be the world’s leader in cancer research quorum call be rescinded. that he first came to the Senate—1 of and prevention—as personal and mean- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without just 16 Senators elected at such a ten- ingful an issue as there is in all the objection, it is so ordered. der age from a total of over 1,895 Sen- world for TED KENNEDY, not just a fa- f ators in all of American history. By his ther, but a loving father of two cancer 70th birthday he was one of just 28 Sen- survivors. ARVA ‘‘MARIE’’ JOHNSON ators to ever cast over 10,000 votes. Without TED KENNEDY, we wouldn’t Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I rise But what we celebrate along with have had title XI which opened the today to honor PFC Arva ‘‘Marie’’ TED at 75—Democrats and Republicans, doors of competition and opportunity Johnson, who recently retired from the all in awe of a lifetime of achieve- to a generation of women athletes all United States Capitol Police force ment—is the way in which literally across our country. after more than 32 years of dedicated every year since he has been marking TED is such an extraordinary public service. the passage of time by passing land- servant not only because he knows who Marie Johnson made history on Octo- mark legislation. he is, and sticks to his guns, never ber 15, 1974, when she became the first The Boston Globe put it best, writing bending with the political currents, but woman to serve as a uniformed officer not long ago that ‘‘in actual, measur- because he has in his life and in his ca- of the U.S. Capitol Police. She also able impact on the lives of tens of mil- reer proven again and again that holds the distinction of being the first lions of working families, the elderly, progress doesn’t happen by accident, it African-American woman hired by the and the needy, TED belongs in the same doesn’t happen when you stick to the USCP to serve in a law enforcement ca- sentence with Franklin Roosevelt.’’ text of the latest opinion poll or the pacity. That sentence is not constructed whispers of the morning focus group; it This could not have been an easy lightly—it is the measure of a public happens when leaders define and fight achievement. At the time, the force did servant who doesn’t know the meaning the fights that need fighting—when not have locker room facilities or even of the words ‘‘you can’t pass it’’—‘‘it public servants of conscience and con- uniforms designed for female officers. can’t happen’’—‘‘impossible.’’ viction refuse to take no for an answer. It is the measure of a Senator who— But Johnson brought real commitment That is why for TED KENNEDY, the on every issue of importance: health to the job and a positive attitude that ‘‘cause’’ has not just ‘‘endured’’—but care, war and peace, children, edu- helped her earn respect among her col- triumphed, again and again. cation, civil rights, the rights of Agree with him or not, and we all leagues. women—can always be counted on to know that TED has never been afraid to When asked about her historic role in be in the lead, challenging on the be a majority of one, TED is such an ex- paving the way for female and black of- issues, and fighting for the principles traordinary leader because he has ex- ficers in the U.S. Capitol Police Force, which guide a party and lift up our celled while completing the work in Marie Johnson said ‘‘I didn’t mean to country. the U.S. Senate that so many others do it, it just happened.’’ From his maiden speech in the Sen- were afraid to begin. I believe Marie Johnson is being ate demanding an end to the filibuster And, in being a standard-bearer for modest. In fact, she was a founding of the original Civil Rights Act, there an ideal, an ideology, a view of the member of the United States Capitol has not been a significant policy ac- world, TED has also become—as Clymer Black Police Association, an organiza- complishment in Washington over four wrote—‘‘not just the leading senator of tion that advocates fair hiring prac- decades that hasn’t borne his finger- his time, but one of the greats in its tices and performance standards in the prints and benefited from his legisla- history, wise in the workings of this Capitol Police Force. The Association tive skill and leadership. His is the singular institution, especially its de- seeks to eliminate the barriers that record of progressive politics in our mand to be more than partisan to ac- limited the ability of African Ameri- era. On all the great fights that call us complish much.’’ cans to pursue careers in law enforce- to stand up and be counted, from the His partnerships with his fellow Sen- ment. minimum wage to Robert Bork and ators are well-known and oft-recited, The Capitol Police Force has a very Sam Alito, TED didn’t just hear the testimony to his skill and to his con- different face now then it did when call to duty he led the charge. victions. From Howard Baker, Jacob Marie Johnson joined in 1974. Today Run down the list—the rights of the Javits, and Hugh Scott to ARLEN SPEC- there are more than 120 black female disabled a most personal cause for TER, Dan Quayle, ORRIN HATCH, Alan officers on the force. TED—who for far too long were left in Simpson, and Nancy Kassebaum and Marie Johnson is a pioneer. Her long the shadows or left to fend for them- JOHN MCCAIN—TED has never hesitated career is a testament to her determina- selves, TED KENNEDY wrote every land- to cross the aisle to accomplish his tion and strong work ethic. As a Mem- mark piece of legislation that today goals—to further a common agenda— ber of the Senate, I am indebted to prohibits discrimination against those finding always—that ideologies, how- those who, like Marie Johnson, put with a disability. ever incompatible in the currency of their lives on the line to protect our se- AIDS—when a whole lot of politi- conventional wisdom—can be put aside curity here, in this historic building. I cians were afraid to say the word, TED for a greater good when Senators— commend Marie Johnson on her long passed a bill providing emergency re- however different—work in good faith and distinguished career. I know my lief to the thirteen cities hardest hit by to make their country a better place, colleagues will join me in wishing her the AIDS epidemic. to improve the lives of their fellow and her family the very best in the Guaranteed access to health coverage Americans. years to come. for 25 million Americans who move TED has always believed you can put f from one job to another or have pre- aside partisanship—overcome divi- existing medical conditions wouldn’t sion—and that faith in the ability to BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE TO SENATOR have happened without TED KENNEDY. come together has mattered most in EDWARD M. KENNEDY Without TED KENNEDY, there some of the most trying and divisive Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, next wouldn’t have been a bilingual edu- times our Nation has endured. week, on February 22, while the Senate cation in the United States for the 5 I don’t just say this; I have lived it. is on recess, my senior colleague and million students who today have a Through the eyes of an activist, there friend TED KENNEDY will celebrate his brighter future because they are learn- is often a shocking and gaping gap be- 75th birthday, all of this in a year in ing English in our schools. tween those in politics who talk the VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:15 Feb 18, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17FE6.026 S17FEPT1 mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with SENATE February 17, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2201 talk and those who walk the walk. It TRIBUTE TO FRANK AND BETHINE photographer Darin Oswald. No waiting has been that way on Iraq; it was that CHURCH lines, but the ride took four hours. way in the days of Vietnam. But I re- Several days later, she called, saying, ‘‘I’d Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, when I so like to see what you’re up to. Do we really member to this day that more than 35 first came to the Senate, I had the have to wait until I’m dead?’’ My editors years ago, after I had committed my great privilege of serving with Senator chewed on that, deciding she was right: life to organizing my fellow veterans to Frank Church of Idaho.
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