Church of the Epiphany +)$"($"+&%! 827 Vienna Street &%&$0!"!!&$!& San Francisco, CA "'%&+%)&)& 94112 $+% "&$2+ #$"%&$&& %(%! Tel. (415) 333-7630 " 2 Fax. (415) 333-1803 www.epiphanysf.com # ( : 6:30am & 8:00am !# ( $ 8:00am & 5:30pm !# ( ' 6:30am, 8:30am, (2'!'!"*&19@ 10:00am, 11:30am (Spanish), 1:00pm & 5:30pm. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/ (2 "*&19> Exposición del Santisimo: First Friday/Primer Viernes 8:30am-8:00pm nd th do to (2"!"($&*&1:> 2 to 5 Fridays/2 a 5 Viernes 7:00pm-8:00pm Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions/ Oración a "!!$0 $2*&19< la Virgen del Perpetual Socorro Wednesdays/Miércoles 7:45am ! "!6!%70 #' "$&"$3 (6#!%7 >88 &+(2!$!%"0A<99: 1<9=3;;?3<8;8 % *1<9=3;;?3@=@; $$+4 ! !' !!+ "#,*&198 "!+3$+@1;8 5=188# 6=188# 3?188# ("'!&$%7 ! 2 %-%$",*&19; &'$+%.'!+%1@1;8 3;188# ! " 6("'!&$%7 $!$ '&'$+<188# 3=188# # "!+=1;83>1;8# 1"%<188# 3=188# $! ""%& ( !%"! $!+0#%"!&&& (2 ".($ !%% #$%"&<9=3;;;3?>;8!+"'$"& '(2 ". +"$!&2 Reflections ˜ Reflexiones Gospel: Luke 15:1-32, or Luke Evangelio: Lucas Lucas 15:1-10 Es tiempo para celebrar. La oveja perdida ha sido 15:1-10 encontrada. La moneda perdida ha sido localizada. It's celebration time! The lost sheep has been found. Jesús cuenta dos parábolas de "cosas perdidas y The lost coin has been located. Jesus tells these two encontradas" para mostrarnos el deleite de Dios cuando "lost and found" parables to show us how delighted God un pecador es bienvenido a casa. Dios no se queda is when a sinner is welcomed home. Notice that God esperando que el pecador vuelva. Dios sale, como el does not just "sit around" waiting and hoping that the pastor, a buscar la oveja perdida, como la mujer sinner will show up. God goes out like a shepherd buscaba su moneda. Entonces dios dice: "Alégrense seeking that one lost lamb, like a woman seeking that conmigo. Un pecador se ha arrepentido." one special coin. Then God says: “Rejoice with me! A sinner has repented.” 1.) Algunas veces parece que nosotros "perdemos" a Dios. Nos olvidamos de él. Nos olvidamos que valemos 1.) Sometimes it seems we "lose" God. We forget about para él. ¿Qué pasa con nosotros y nuestras vidas him. We forget that we are valuable to him. What cuando olvidamos nuestro valor como hijos de Dios? happens to us and to our lives when we forget our value ¿Qué sucede cuando olvidamos que los demás son as children of God? What happens when we forget that también valiosos para Dios? all other people are valuable to God, too? 2.) Una forma de celebrar nuestro valor por Dios es 2.) One way to celebrate our value to God is to celebrando el sacramento de la Reconciliación. celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Pastors Message˜ Mensaje del Pa´rroco THE FORGIVING FATHER EL PADRE INDULGENTE In Jesus' time, a first-born son inherited two-thirds of his En los tiempos de Jesús el hijo primogénito heredaba las father's property; younger sons got dos terceras partes de las propiedades de su the rest. The younger son in today's padre; los hijos menores se quedaban con la Gospel cannot wait, demands his porción restante. El hijo menor en el evangelio de portion, and leaves. The money is hoy no puede esperar, exige su parte y se va. El quickly gone and he is reduced to dinero se acaba pronto y no le queda otra herding pigs. He returns home, alternativa que cuidar de los cerdos. Regresa a intending to confess his guilt and casa con la intención de confesar su culpa y pedir request to be a servant, not a son. que se le trate como un siervo y no como hijo. Sin Yet the father runs out to meet him, embargo, el padre sale a su encuentro con la clothes him in finery, and orders a mejor ropa y ordena que se ofrezca un banquete. huge feast. The older son is hostile, El hijo mayor reacciona hostilmente, aunque ya although he is guaranteed his tiene garantizado el amor de su padre y una father's love and a fine inheritance. The father knows buena herencia. El padre sabe cómo perdonar y olvidar how to forgive and forget; sadly, the older son knows pero, tristemente, el hijo mayor desconoce ambas cosas. neither. Whatever the younger son did is nothing Lo que hizo el hijo no tiene importancia comparado con compared to who he is--the beloved child. This story quién es el hijo: el hijo amado. Esta historia nos invita a invites us to consider whether we act like the younger considerar si actuamos como el hijo menor o como el son or the older son, or if we strive to act the way that mayor, y si nos esforzamos en actuar como Dios actúa God does toward us, as the forgiving father. Copyright (c) 2009, con nosotros, esto es, como un padre indulgente. Copyright (c) World Library Publications. All rights reserved. 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Living Stewardship Now La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora Make a list of everyone you have not completely Haz una lista de esas personas a las que no has forgiven. If you cannot make peace with them in person, perdonado del todo. Si no puedes hacer las paces con pray for them once a day until you know you can forgive ellas en persona, ora por ellas una vez al día hasta que and forget. Copyright (c) 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. puedas perdonar y olvidar. Copyright (c) 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. LOST AND FOUND Meeting / Reuniones Intentions/Intenciones: Sunday, September 15, 2019 S Welcome to “Lost and Found unday, September 15, 2019 8:30am: OKH Knights of Columbus Sunday”! Just in case being in 6:30am: Merle Espaldon † 2:00pm: OKH Ep. Filipino Society 8:30am: Sofia Panopio † church makes us proudly 2:30pm: CAF Year of Faith consider ourselves especially 10:00am: People of the Parish 2:30pm: CH English Baptisms 11:30am: Ken Ponce † religious, today’s Gospel 6:30pm: CH San Lorenzo Ruiz 1:00pm: Eddie Tolosa † suggests that we’d be wiser to Novena 5:30pm: Domingo Nayal Nillo † admit that we’re sometimes lost. 7:00pm: OKH English AA Then we’ll eventually be happily Monday, September 16, 2019 counted among Jesus’ “found,” Monday, September 16, 2019 6:30am: Marcelino & Leograda Naval † because today Jesus focuses on 5:30pm: CH Confessions 8:00am: Felino Sr., & Marcelina Ibay †, a lost sheep, lost coin, lost son. 6:00pm: CH San Lorenzo Ruiz Rodolfo Javier †, Asuncion M. Gelle †, Jesus does so because the Novena Maria Bermudez †, Lucena Soriano Pharisees and scribes, proudly 7:00pm: OKH Grupo Progreso Antonio †, considering themselves 7:00pm: 7W English Choir Practice Thanksgiving: Conchita R. Anis, especially religious, “began to Rosalia Rodriguez complain” that Jesus “welcomes Tuesday, September 17, 2019 Tuesday, September 17, 2019 sinners and eats with them.” So 6:00pm: CH San Lorenzo Ruiz 6:00pm: OKH Knights of Columbus 6:30am: Dorothy Rosi † Jesus warns them—and us—to 6:30pm: RH Legion de María 8:00am: Maria Giovanna Lombardi † stop judging others. Marvel 7:00pm: CAF Movie Night instead that God’s amazing grace has found us! Indeed, we should Wednesday, September 18, 2019 6:30am: Vicente Gilbuena † become Jesus’ friends lovingly Wednesday, September 18, 2019 8:45am: RH Legion of Mary 8:00am: Theresa Huynh † trying to find others. So Exodus 6:00pm: CH San Lorenzo Ruiz asks, if God “relented in 6:30pm: CAF School EPA Meeting Thursday, September 19, 2019 punishment” and pardoned us, 6:30pm: RH Social Responsibility 6:30am: Thanksgiving: Matea O. shouldn’t we forgive fellow 7:00pm: OKH Grupo Progreso Benavidez sinners graciously? Even Paul 8:00am: Thanksgiving: Jocelyn Silva admits his “arrogance” as Thursday, September 19, 2019 “foremost among sinners.” We 6:00pm: CH San Lorenzo Ruiz Friday, September 20, 2019 too, happy at being “mercifully 6:00pm: RH Epiphany of the Lord 6:30am: Vincenzo & Rosina Cava † treated,” should share with 8:00am: Remedios S. Ramos † 7:00pm: CAF Confirmation everyone else Jesus’ unfailing Parent’s Meeting patience. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 7:00pm: OKH Grupo de Oración Saturday, September 21, 2019 7:00pm: CVT English AA 8:00am: Benjamin T. Sr. & Perlita C. Diao † 5:30pm: Virgilia Adelantar † Friday, September 20, 2019 6:00pm: CH San Lorenzo Ruiz S 6:30pm: OKH Ep. Youth Group unday, September 22, 2019 7:00pm: CH Eucharistic Holy Hour 6:30am: Francisca & Maribel Aquino † 8:30am: Frantin Family † 10:00am: People of the Parish Saturday, September 21, 2019 11:30am: Francisco Chang † 10:00am: CAF School of 1:00pm: Tony Omalin & Family † Religion Parent’s Meeting 5:30pm: Sergio Santana † 4:00pm: CH Confessions 6:30pm: CH San Lorenzo Ruiz SAINTS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS th rd OBSERVANCES September 8 The 23 Sunday of Sunday, September 22, 2019 8:30am: SCH Confirmation 1&2 Ordinary Time Sunday: Twenty-fourth Sunday in 11:00am: OKH RCIA Ordinary Time; Catechetical Sunday 1st Collection: $8,621.54 12:30pm: CAF Grupo de Oración 2nd Collection: $2,265.27 Monday: Ss. Cornelius and Cyprian Deacon Ocón Talk Tuesday: St. Robert Bellarmine Thank you for your generosity! 2:30pm: CH Spanish Baptisms Thursday: St. Januarius 2:30pm: RH Filipino Consultative Friday: Ss. Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn Second Collections: 6:30pm: CAF San Lorenzo Ruiz Today: School of Religion and Paul Chŏng Ha-sang and Novena Reception Companions Next Week: Priest’s Retirement 7:00pm: OKH English AA Fund Saturday: St. Matthew Epiphany Parish News SAN LORENZO RUIZ RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF SERVING THE POOR The Epiphany Filipino community ADULTS Our Epiphany conference of St.
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