Section ross~ Pointe ews A ---------------------------------------------_._------------_._-------_._----- -------------"------- ------------_._-------_ ... ------ VOL. 43 - NO. 21 Publl.hed a. Se<:ond Ct ••• Mltter at the GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1982 3lk Per Copy 40 Pages - Three Sections Po.t OffIce .t Detroit, Michigan $13 Per Vea, --------------_._- --------_._------------ _._-----_._-----~._---------_._------------------------------ Board of Education will .hold the line on taxes By Joanne Goult'l'he lev.l'. Instead, the board opted to oper- and administrators also want to see Because of cutbacks in Washington Board members also added a $22,800 future organization of the school sys- The Grassl.' Pointe Board of ate Its $37 million spending plan based the outcome of the June 14 ballot and Lansing, administrators plan to expenditure into the budget for girls' tem are known this December. Education wrapped up study 011 last year's tax revenues. question regarding a $125,000 feasibil- begin paying nearly $116,000 for fed. varsity soccer, ity study for a swimming pool for eral and state mandated programs Included in the budget this year is sessioJls Monday on the school "The community should be happy South High School athletes, beginning this fall. The 1982-83budget is the first riscal system's $37 Irlillion budget about that," Board President Jon an enrollment projection chart which The schools will also spend $2,000 to document proposed by Supt. Brummel reveals a decrease of more than 1,730 Gandelol S"did. since he stepped into (,ffice last July. cognizant of ever. present en. During the coming school year, ex- develop a program for assisting stu. students from elementary classrooms penditures will be 7.6 percent over rol1m('nt declines in the dis- The board 11lhitlled down a $6.1 dents with alcohol and drug abuse over a 10 vear period rrom 1976 to 1981.82. Budgeted salaries, including "It's the most important policy deci- trict and virtually no state aid sur,~lus to ~,~out,~,OOO after the $5.3 those of teachers, make up 63 percent problems. The budget also illcludes 1986, The same comparison reveals a ........... ~.... , '" .... ~?O j:!'co I"' ..,,....;.'" 1 ; ,.,.~'n ~ ~.;,'h c.:inn thp R()~rrl £)( J;'n",...~t,nn m-:::.\rp~ ,,,. ,. .- ".f 01')" r.f-•• "',.., ......("" r_r.O'V'l .... ,.,. .........iArH~ ~. Jlj.lU1Vit JUtIUc:H •.I\.. J I ......."' , _,... ,... , , . It"'."'\." ..''--'''''10. U..,')l~~~ lIot~u Jl 01 the schooL,;' total spending plan. mark!, the first time in anyone's the lion's share going to new equip- each year." he said. The superinten- ~~h~~;~d-i,9il.~.tud~~i.~r'~~-m~~rth The good news corning out of memory that taxpayers will be paying ment in the high schools and other dent emphasized the budget took note and South high schools. projecting those budget meelings for next year's school taxes at last year's School Sup!. Dr. Kenneth Brummel building remodeling and site im. of the school system's enrollment ae- total enrollment near 4,400 by the levels. noted there is a "Iikelihood" tha I provements. clines, adding "we paid close attention 1986-87 school year. The projections Grosse Pointe taxpayers is Grosse Pointe Education Association to staffmg schools this year." The include special education enroIlmenl. less school taxes nexl year. Board members have made it clear members will not receive their con- Other expenditure highlights include schools have dropped from an early there IS still room in the budget for a tractual 5 percent cost of living ad. a $36,000 security system in each of 19705 peak of 13,700 students to about The Board of Education has At its fln ..l ~tudy meeting -"Ionday. millage rollback rrom the current 30.83 justment at the end of June as antici. the high school libraries and a $130,000 B,OOOthIS year. scheduled a public hearing on the Ihl' board dl'cldl'd to hold the Jille on ratl' Trustees wun't decide how much pated because the inClation rate ap- cafeteria renovation at Soulh High budget for 8 p,m. Monday, June 7, at Ill'xt y('ar~ tax rt'\ ellUl'S. reJl'<:tlllg a of a break to give taxpayers until Sep- pears to be leveling off at 4.1 percent. School. Major roofing projects are Some capital Improvement projects board offices. 389 51. Clair. Trustees ta.\ Illcrease that would have gener. tember because some schooi employe He added a 5 percent COLA payment being planned at Parcells, Ferry and were put on hold, Brummel said, until are expected' to adopt the budget at ,Ited $5,3 ml!lllln the 19B2.83 tax groups are stili negotiating contracts has been left for the 1982-83 year. Kerby. conclusions of a current study of the their ~fonday. June 21 meeting. Just a j()I)? ~V()t Judge orders county for Marsha, Dave & Pat to repair Lakeshore By Joannt' Goulecbe Pally Lane say~ she has no particu. By Tom Gree-nwood Iar fa\"urill.' \I hell 11 comes to chees- Two years of conflict bet- The Farms refused to contribute. cakl';. Shl' likes them all .-\nvhow. she ween the Farms and the stating that the county must "assume ,lfes"es, '"I'm nut here to eat them I" Wayne County Road Commis. responsibility for those things for Promptly at 9 every .\Ionday, sion came to a conclusion last which it had been and is receiving tax Thur~da.\' and Fnday morning, Patty week when Circuit Court Road work monies." ,teps off a l.us JIl £ ront of the Chees- Matters came to a head when the cake Shoppe on .\tack Avenue. In a Judge James A. Hathaway ruled that the county must trial was assigned to Judge Hathaway h'w minutl's. she's in the shop's won"t cost on !llonday, May 17. A last ditch, pre- kitl'hen in a \lo hHe baker's apron de- bear the total cost of repairing trial settlement proved fruitless and terminl"d to makl' some of the damest Lakeshore Road between city a cent court proceedings began the next l'hl'eSl'take (TU,ts \'ou have tasted, "1 morning. don't klloll" how many we make. bul Provencal and Warner. we make a lot." While Farms Mayor James The Farms was represented by City .\lanager Andrew Bremer. .\layor She's careful to pat down the crust Dingeman expressed pleasure Dingeman and city attorneys Kathleen e\'E.'nly Ilhlle turninl'( the circular bak. over the ruling stating that "it the Farms' portion of Lakeshore Lewis and Larry Campbell. ing pan "I like II here a lot" It's only affirmed the Farms' position," would probahly be dropped into a low 9 15 ~lnd .;he ha;, alreadv made at least .total victory could not be priority status as far as total repaving Among those testifying for the 10 ('rusts. "People aM!' very Aiee .1114- efforts were concerned. Farms were Farms Chief of Police kind," she continues. "I:'s kind of a claimed by the city-since -the- ". &berI;-K.. Ferber, Robert Beckley and big fan'lily. We work together as a county's repair order is li- This prOject IS gomg to cost us a lot Mothers Against Potholes OfAP) team .. mited to "heavy maintenance" of money,. more than w~ feel we Chairman Susan: La mbrecht. should put m, although that IS my per- and not total resurfacmg of the sonal opinion," said Sugo. "This will MAP was earlier involved in the Dand Brown IS on his knees bent road as the Farms had hoped put the road on a low priority list for dispute when its members bought bags ol'er the dairY case at ~ino's .\larket for. resurfacing. This wijl be all for of asphalt, donned helmets ar.d con- Lakeshore for awhile," struction gloves. and spent a morning on Ea~"t Warren in Detroit With a bot- According to Louis Sugo, director of tle or Fanlastic and some paper towel cold patching the worst potholes on public information for the Wayne' Sugo said the repairs should begin Lakeshore Road. in tOll'. his task for a good part of the County Road Commission, the county within a week or so and be completed m<lrning will be LDclean the plastic had offered to conduct "heavy by mid-June. Thursday morning. ~lay 20. Judge strips that hang over the dairy dis- maintenance" repairs on Lakeshore Hathaway ruled against the county, play. all along. Litigation between the Farms and stating the governing body must "re- the WCRC began in the summer of pair Lakeshore Road in accordance !\{anager Tom Vargo said Da\"id "WE FULLY intend to follow the 1980 when the county and city came to knows how to keep busy in between with sound engineering standards." f~,:~!1J. court's order for heavy maintenance a stand of! over sharing Lakeshore re- The judge also stated the road was stacking beer and maintaining the which, by the way, we offered to do a pair costs. • __- .I ~ ~__ \!",!"-,,. ~ >'.' "presently unsafe and in need of dairy case in tip top shape. David, long time ago. But this in no way . ' ~ t " ~ , heavy maintenance." who sports a bright red head of hair. .~ .,' .,' ~ \. means re-surfacing of the road such as The county. pleading poverty, asked S3)'S he likes "learning the business" was done in the Shores," said Sugo. the Farms to contribute to the repair The judge also ruled that the court most of all. Photo by Tom GreenwOOd of the road that runs the length of the David Brown on the job at Nino's would retain jurisdiction over the case "Heavy maintenance isn't as exten- city.
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