financial )11-rontrie INCLUDING Railway & Industrial Compendium Public Utility Compendium Bank and Quotation Section State & Municipal Compendium Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States OCTOBER TO DECEMBER, 1925, INCLUSIVE VOLUME 121—PART 2 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS FRONT, PINE & DEPHYSTER STS., NEW YORK. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Copyright in 1926, according to Act of Congress, by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY In office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. i Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OCT.-DEC., 1925.] INDEX INDEX TO VOLUME 121-PART 2. OCTOBER 1 TO DECEMBER 31 1925 EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES Page. Page. Page. A B. A. Convention Resolution for Exten- Coolidge, President, Attitude Towards Bank Fire Protestion Week, National 1616 sion of Charters of Federal Reserve Loans to Foreign Countries 1832 Fluctuations, The Advantages of—Article Banks—Unwisdom of Such a Step 1603 Coolidge. President, Attitude Toward Dis- by Hartley Withers 1844 Agricultural Bureau Reports on Cotten or armament Conferences 1956 Food Prices, Retail, by Cities 2338 Grain. See Cotton or Grain. Coolidge, President. Discusses Italy's War Foreign Exchange Market, Weekly Review, Allied Indebtedness to United States. See Debt With American Commission 2193 1612, 1721, 1837, 1961, 2090. 2202, 2326, United States. Coolidge, President, Views on Italian War 2452, 2564, 2680. 2801, 2919, 3046 Allied Reparations Commission. See German Debt Settlement 2443 Foreign Exchange Rates as Certified by Fed- Reparations. Corn, Agricultural Bureau Report on. See eral Reserve Banks1614, 1723, 1839. American History, Factors in—Book of Grain. 1963. 2092, 2203, 2327, 2454. 2565, 2681. A. F. Pollard 1727 Cotton, Agricultural Bureau Report on_1712. 2802, 2902. 3047 Anthracite. See Coal. 2081. 2316, 2556, 2791 Foreign Government Indebtedness to United Armistice Day. A Lesson of 2567 Cotton Ginning Returns Continue to Afford States. See United States. Occasion for Surprise 3037 Foreign Money Rates. See Money Rates at Bank of England Weekly Return. See Credits, for legitimate and illegitimate uses, Foreign Centres. England. Seeking to Discriminate Between—Article Foreign Trade. See United States Foreign Bank of France Weekly Return. See France. by Hartley Withers 2336 Trade. Bank Rates at European Centres. See Credit Situation and Federal Reserve Banks France, Fall of Finance Minister Caillaux_ _ - _2092 Money Rates at Foreign Centres. —Unmistakable Inflation in Securities_ __ _2209 France, Five-Year Truce in Debt Settlement Bankers Convention (A. B. A.) Resolution for Crops, Their Part in Prosperity—What if Offered by U.S 1615 Extension of Charters of Federal Reserve They Should Fall for a Single Year 2329 France, Ministerial Crisis in 2566 Banks—Unwisdom of Such a Stop 1603 Czechoslovakia, Bank of, Reduces Its Rate France. The Immediate Outcome of the Call- Banks. National, and Real Estate Loans—A of Discount from 7% to 61.1% 2678 laux Mission 1842 Plain Warning 1733 Czechoslovakia, New Ministry Formed 2797 France— Belgium, Bank of. Raises Its Rate of Dis- Czechoslovakian Indebtedness to United Bank of France. Limit of Bank Note Issues count from 6% to 7% 2678 States, Negotiations begun 1716 and of Advances to State Both Raised, Belgium, Return to Gold Standard 1834 Czechoslovakian Indebtedness to United 2675, 2795. 2799 Bonds and Stocks, Relative Merits as Invest- States, Agreement Reached 1834 Bank of France. Weekly Returns__1611, ments 2337, 2572 1719, 1835. 1960, 2088. 2200, 2324. 2450, British Foreign Trade Statement. See Great Disarmament Conference._ See International 2562, 2678, 2799, 2917, 3044 Britain. Conference on Disarmament. Briand, Aristide, Makes Ills Declaration British Pessimists and the State of Industry of Policy 2674 —By Hartley Withers 2924 Electric Systems, North American Co., Briand, Premier, Gets Vote of Confidence, Book Notices and Reviews— Acquires Control of Mississippi River 2675, 3040 A Prime Minister and His Son—Letters of Power Co 1712 Briand, Premier, Has Difficulty in Holding Lt.-Gen. Sir Charles Stuart, KB 2208 England, Bank of, Weelky RetUrn_ _ _ _1610, His Cabinet Together 3040 Discovery of Japanese Idealism, by Tashi° 1719, 1835, 1959, 2088. 2199. 2324, 2450, Briand, Aristide, What Induced Him to Satomi 1618 2562, 2678. 2799. 2917. 3044 Take Premiership 2672 Factors in American History, by A. F. England, Bank of, Reduces its Rate of Dis- Cabinet, Aristide Briand Forms New_2556,2672 Pollard 1727 count from 41.1 % to 4% 1604 Cabinet Decides on Recall of Gen. Serrall _ _2198 Freight Terminals and Trains, by J. A. England. Bank of, Raises its Rate of Discount Cabinet Disapproves of Plan for Funding • Droege 3060 4% to 5% 2671 Debt to U. S 1957 Horace's Art of Enjoyment, by Prof. 'Europe, Movement Towards Unity of. as Cabinet, Multiplying Troubles of 2194 Elizabeth H. Haight 3052 Result of Conference 1955 Cabinet Resigns Collectively 2085, 2557 Our Competitors and Markets, by Arnold European Opinion and The United States_ -1964 Caillaux, M., Cabinet Meeting Called to W. Lahee 3060 European Banks, Weekly Returns of Gold and Hear Report of 1716 Proteus, or the Future of Intelligence, by Silver Holdings_ _ _ _1614. 1723. 1839. 1963, Calllaux, M., Entertained at Lotus Club Vernon Lee 1618 2092, 2203. 2328. 2454. 2566. 2682. 2803. Before Departure for France 1715 Sumner, Prof. W. G., The Life of__1966, 2331 2921. 3048 Caillaux, M.,Submits Report of U.S. Debt "Twenty-Five Years, 1892-1916". by Sir Exports and Imports of United States. See Negotiations 1832 Edward Grey 2684 United States Foreign Trade. Caillaux, M., the Fall of 2093 Brown, Boyer' & Co. to Have American Capital Levy, Proposal for, Defeated by Branch 1605 Factors in American History, The Fluctu- Finance Committee in Chamber of Depu- Business Failures— ating 1727 ties 2318 In September 1729 Failures. See Business Failures. Capital Levy. Radical Socialists Faxon.— _1957 In October 2192 Fast Living, What If the Crops Should Fall_ _2329 Capital Tax, Some Form of, Necessary. In November 2671 Federal Government. See United States. 1834, 2317, 2674 Federal Reserve Banks and the Credit Situa- Capital Takes Flight with Decline in Calllaux. French Finance Minister, The tion—Unmistakable Evidence of Inflation Franc 2911 Fall of 2092 in Securities 2209 Damascus, Condition Being Restored to Capital Flotations Federal Reserve Banks. Comment on Weekly Normal 2198 In Spetember 1967 Returns- -1611. 1720, 1836, 1960, 2089, Damascus Crisis Serious 2084, 2323 In October 2572 2200, 2325, 2451. 2563, 2679, 2799, 2918, 3045 Damascus, Reported Bombardment of by In November 3053 Federal Reserve Banks, Resolution of A. B. A. French 2084 Cereal Production. See Grain. Convention in Favor of Extending Charters; Dictatorship Suggested 2912 Chinese Customs Conference, The 2454 Reasons Why This Should Not Be Done Doumer, Paul, Becomes Finance Minister: Christmas, The Influence of 2921 Until Law Has First Been Amended 1603 His Plans 2911, 3039 Coal Miners Strike, Anthractie, The—Invit- Federal Reserve Banks, Table of Discount Financial Problems of Chamber of Depu- ing the Usual End 1825 Rates_ _1612, 1721. 1837. 1961. 2090. 2201, ties 2319, 2444 Coal Strike. The Anthracite—Gov. Pinchot's 2326, 2452. 2564. 2680. 2800. 2919. 3045 Franc, Continued Decline in 2912 Opportunity 3048 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Increases Industrialists Propose Financial Plan 2911, 3038 Common Stocks—The Investment Risk of— Its Rediscount Rate 2315, 2326 Inflation, Necessity of 2675 By Arthur Hobart Herschel 2337 Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Increases Locarno Settlement, Suggestion That It Be Common Stocks Versus Bonds as Investments Its Rediscount Rate 2441 Availed of for Readjusting French Fi- 2337. 2572 Federal Taxation. See United States. nances 2669 Congress, See United States Congress. Federation of Labor, American, The Proposi- Loucheur, Finance Minister, His Plans Op- Congress, The Coming of 2804 tion of 1965 posed 2673, 2795, 2796, 2797. 2910 Coolidge, Ms Message to Congress and Other Financial Situation_ _1604, 1711, 1828, 1953, Loucheur, Louis, Forced to Resign 2910 Addresses 2790, 2803 2080, 2191, 2315. 2441. 2555, 2671, 2789. Moroccan Campaign, Developments in.. __ _1719 Coolidge, President, Favors the War Debt 2900. 3037 Moroccan Campaign, Marshall Lyautey Settlements 1832 Finland, Ministry Resigns 2797 Resigns 1607 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [VoL. 121—P4UIT 2. Page. Page. Page. France (Concluded)— Italy— Netherlands, Bank of, Reduces Its Discount Paisleys. Premier. Declares Budget Will Be Arbitration of Labor Disputes Made Com- Rate from 4% to 3Si % 1719 Balanced 2196 pulsory by Parliament 2916 New England, What Is the Matter with— Painleve, Premier, His Ministry Falls 2557 Fascism, Announced Program for the The Worcester Conference 2569 Socialists Demands Respecting Govern- Defense of 2449 New York City Banks, Table of Currency ment 2445, 2558 Loan to Italian Government by New York Shipments_ _1614, 1723, 1839, 1963, 2092, Painleve, Premier, Outlines Plan of Finance Banking Syndicate • 2444. 2798 2203. 2328. 2454. 2566.2682, 2803, 2921. 3047 and Taxation 2317 Mussolini, Benito, Plans a Complete New York City. Clearing House Banks, Com- Painleve, Premier, Presents New Cabinet Fascist Autocracy 1717 ment on Weekly Returns_1611. 1720, 1836,
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