\ THURSDAY. DECEMBER t t , I960 Averigo Daily Net Praaa Ron Tha Weather iVmurlfPster ^ornittg l|rralb For IIm Week Ending rsfewiM at C. a. We Dsermber 16, 198# TaOiy wtntor Xtac David U)dfa. No. tl. I. O. 10,177 cleedlweeei highest I o. wiu opan Its mMtinc at lav- nnto t t i tenight, Bght About Town on o'eiodc tomorrow ntiht bccauM ir o f the A m m iBanriypatpr MpraUi snnw sr m at tow i o f tha Chrlatmaa party which will I nf Clieeletleee etoedy aad eel Okitotanu foOdw. WRAP YOURSELF jUmicfcestor— 4 City of VIttago Chmrm Om OOd raOowa and lu­ ll b « h tH tomorrow at A. briaf meaUng of Manchaatar • t tlw Odd ftUowa ban. Juvanlla Orange will ba held to­ IN THIS BEAUTIFUL V O I^LX X , NO. 70 ICTaasMsd AdvtoUalag ea Pngs 16) MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1950 (SIXTEEN PAGES) morrow evening at 6:30 In Tinker ^ joyous PRICE FOUR CENTS 'a Harald erronooualy UMVP tba party for tonlcbt. halL and will be followed by movleo. A t laat nlghfa meeting of Man- chaaUr Orange In Orange hall Mlaa i t r aai Mn. rtank J. Uaichaae I# td'OaWaad atfoat wlU i5aod tto Edith Winiama of Tolland Turn­ pike, waa elected matron of tha QUILTED \ and and catrUtmas with tala- Ntf^hillawTortt. Jpvenila Orange._________________ ROBE Red China Rejects I J. N. Cease Fire Plea Smartly atylad in wrap around or coachman mod­ els of soft rayon satin. Santa Geta Something Court Delays Report from Brussels West Agrees Assorted cotors. Sixes 12 In Hia Sock-^uch! to 20, 40 to 46. Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 23. Massed Rockets Stab To Big Four Color Video —(;F> . Santa Claus took It on thr chin—literally—today. Until April 1 Parley—If Strolling along the etreet In Sit hie full regalia, Santa (high SI2.98 achool atudent Bill Emery, a Foe Posed for Kill; huaky chap employed by the Judges Rule in Favor Insists That Russia Talk Chamber of Commerce) stoop­ ed down to a four-year-old lad O f CBS System But On All World Prob­ and aaked; "What would you Allow Time for Ap> lems, Not Only Reirh; like for Chrlatmaa, sonny?" to The little tot let go of hla Soviet Spurs A-Plans SI4.98 peal to High Court May Meet in N. Y. mother’s hand and svimng a hard right to Santa'a jaw. say­ Chicago, Dec. 22—(JP)—K three ing meanwhile: "You didn't By The Associated Press give me what I wanted last If You’re Dreaming Of Premipr Chou En-L«i HOLIDAY MEALS Judge Federal Court today ruled The Western Powers agreed to­ year." Defense Bills j White XmaH— Wake Up! la favor of CBS color television day to a Big Four meeting pro­ The mother shook the child Calls General Assenio Advance ordered poultry will be rindy for you any but held up the etart of color tele­ vigorously and hustled him Boston, Dec. 33.— (SX— New time yon eaD Friday or Saturday. Store will no cJoaed casts until April 1. posed by Ruaeia, If the Kremlin hly Committee Unlaw* will agree to broaden the agenda away. Sped by News ^ England ran look forward to a aU day Monday, Chiiatmae Day. Open Friday and Satu^ The decision, split, two to one, cold, brisk dirlstmas day, th* to Include outstanding world prob­ Santa felt hie chin tenderly ful; MacArthur Re^ day h m 1:00 A. M. imUI 6:00 P. M. It la Oaay to r w b dismissed a complaint by Radio Sectetary of State Dess Achesos (light) glvea President Tmmsa Weather Rurrau reported to­ lems in addition to Germany. For­ and went on about his busi­ ptnehnrat without traffic eougeetlon . and our parMng Corporation of America aeeking to first-hand account of the Brussels Conference, after his arrival back ness. day—but there's little likeli­ ports Enemy Ready let la for your con\-enlence. Boy» will carry your order Gift aet aside approval by the Federal la Washington. Acheson returned from the Atlanttc Pact meetings eign Office sources said notes de­ Of Red Effort j hood of snow. to the parking lot. We auggrat that you ahnp early In OommuntcaUons Commission of confident that there Is a good chaaoe to achieve world peace. (N E A livered In Moscow tonight suggest­ For All - Out Smash GIFT SCARFS ed that the Four Powers’ U. N. Some snow Is predicted for the day. If It la convenient the CBS mechanical method of Tekphoto). the "first of next week" but delegates work out the agenda, AEC Chief Tells o f, At Beachhead; Russia Colorful all allk scarie with rolled color telecasting. the forecaster offered little hems. Also, all white sheera. Square The FOC had aet last Nov. 20 time and place for the meeting. Hat Company For There have been reports that the Russia's Feverish A- { encouragement that It would Speeds Atom Bomba and long styles. for the start of commercial tele­ fall before—or on -the holi­ GLOVES casts In color nut the current le­ four Foreign Ministers would be West Set to Remove Invited to meet In February in New Bomb Achievements; day. Stuffing gal prodsedlngs had prevented Going to Drop Tokyo, Dec. 22.— (/P)— Red York City, This was neither con­ Pepperldge Farm or $le25 K>$2e98 ea- CBS from be^nnlng such pro­ Wilson Is Optimistic Chinn rejected today the Arnold's Seaaoned SHp-on Btyles In fabric, grams. firmed nor denied In French offi­ cial clrclea tonight. United Nations’ rejiteted sp- ' Bread Stuffing dndga LnBoy INaaento capeakln, genuine plgakin, Occupation Controls Answer Invltotlaa Drew Pearson Bulletin! pealn to negotiate for a cease- H ie majority opinion was deliv­ President Flies Ptnehurst Farm deerskin and wool lined. ered by Chief Judjge J. Itorl Major The notes were drafted In answer Washington, Dec. t t —UP)— fire in Korea. It could mean Style GIFT STATIONERY of the Seventh U. S. Circuit Court to Russia'a Nov. 3 Invitation to A Housc-Ncnatc Conference war to the bitter end unless BArSAOE MEAT of Appeals, and District Judge the Western Powers for a four- Ailam Firm Says Con­ Ctonunlttcc today approved Attractive boxed paper and envelopes In Western Germany West for Xmas other means for peace can be Lb. BSe Philip L. Sullivan. The dissenter power session on Germany's fU' tract Won't Be Renew­ unanimously a $8,800,060,- Cheatnuta . Hard In Note and Letter sizes. White and was Dtatrlct Judge Walter J. ture. They were approved by the 000 iMMiat In corporation tax­ found. The Peiping radio Ona 8>'and colora. Bread . Freah LaBuy. A ll are of Chicago. Bonn, Germany, Dec. 22— »,parley with the high commission Big Three Foreign Ministers in es, IncluiUng a 77 per cent broadesHt the ntatement of Oyatera' Fabric Gloves . .$1.00 ed; Denies Link With Will Spend Holiday 'H ie majority opinion said the Two-thlpds of Germany and her era o f France, the United Statea BrusMls Tuesday night. The levy an czoees profits. rejection by Premier C!hou En- tat Prise Bag purpose of Its order Is to restrain hotee, which are Identical in vlew- McCarthy Dispute Lai. Pigskin Gloves. .$4.98 t o western foes readied today for and Britain, that "there has been Quietly in Independ­ Saoaage 5 9 c $ 2 e0 0 lengthy negotiations over a swap a big step forward” In plana to in­ Washington, Dec. 22—UP)—Con­ It spurned the proposal o f • mmtmuHmmmmmmt (OonUnoed on Page Fear) of German troops for near-tnde- clude West German troops in the (Contbined on Page Nine) New York, Dec. 22—UP)—Adam gressional action on the multl-bll- ence, Mo., With Family special U.N. Assembly commlttea W e win have fruit eovered Haros and Fruited Shoulders. Deerskin Gloves, $4.98 aa rising Red attacks In western pendence for the Allied-occupied West's projected 1,000,000-man de­ Hat Btoraa aald today It would not lon dollar defense program was Pleaty af Tmder Lean Pork Roaata, Lamb Lego, Boaat Korea prompted a warning by area. fense force against Soviet aggres­ spurred today by a grim warning Washington, Dec. 22 (py-Presi­ Beaf and Corned Beef for your Sunday dinner. Steaka Wool Lined renew Radio Commentator Drew General MacArthur that a big am tender and offer good value for a hurry-up Saturday Gloves ...... .$3.98 Many months o: talking between sion. Pearson's contract when it expires that Russia la making “an inten­ dent Truman went home fdir 3 Boys Drown the West German Government and Three to Die dilneae military offenslva may be See End o f Controls Feb. 18. sive effort" In the field of atomic Christmas today - and the anxie­ on the way. ............... $3.98 the Big Three loomed before Ger­ A communique on the conference LEAN COMMERCIAL Capeskin Dress Gloves . A statement Issued by Charles energy. ties of s war-threatened world In northeast Korea, evacuation OYSTERS man troops could fight alongside disclosed that the thre« Western V, Molesworth, Adam Hat Presi­ Expert teatimony on the Rus- 8 Year Old Pal For Murder rode with him. of nearly 25,000 frightened clvll- HADDOCK ROUND GROUND . lb. 89c White Fabric Gloves . .. $1.50 to $3.25 their former enemies against Powers, offering their first big dent. said sponsorship of Pearson's alan atomic program came from lans from the Red-besieged beach­ Soviet Oqmmuntsm, or West Ger­ concession in return for German Mr. Truman left by plane at PINEHITBST weekly program was being dropped Chairman (Jordon Dean of the head port of Hungnam waa re­ SWORD many would become almost a free participation, have agreed to place because of "a planned change In Atomic Energy Commission.
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