District Directory 2021-22 ADMINISTRATION BOARD OF EDUCATION PARENT-TEACHER-STUDENT ORGANIZATION Superintendent of Schools President P.T.S.O. website: www.rhinebeckptso.org Albert L. Cousins IV 871-5520 ext. 5522 Diane Lyons ‘24 266-8861 [email protected] 665 Willowbrook Road District Offi cers Secretary to the Superintendent/District Clerk Clinton Corners, NY 12514 President Whitney Druker 871-5520 ext. 5522 [email protected] TBD - [email protected] [email protected] Vice President Steve Jenkins ‘22 518-316-1461 Treasurers BUSINESS OFFICE 84 Knollwood Road Assistant Superintendent for Support Services Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Lucia White - [email protected] Thomas Burnell 871-5520 ext. 5523 [email protected] Melissa Karchmer - [email protected] [email protected] Secretary to Assistant Superintendent Trustees Corresponding Secretary Donna Ellis 871-5520 ext. 5523 Jacqueline Raccuia ‘22 732-995-4865 Giovanna Seldin - [email protected] 16 Winston Road [email protected] Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Accounts Payable/Transporta on [email protected] Teacher Representa ves: Susan Cross 871-5520 ext. 5527 Chancellor Livingston Elementary School [email protected] Ma hew Van Wormer ’22 901-8399 Doreen Giamportone Accountant/Treasurer 20 Maple Lane [email protected] Chris ne Natoli 871-5520 ext. 5524 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 [email protected] maƩ [email protected] Bulkeley Middle School Payroll Isobel Usawicz Tamisha Greenhill 871-5520 ext. 5532 Megan Barbera ‘23 706-4485 [email protected] 57 Burger Road [email protected] Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Personnel Assistant [email protected] Rhinebeck High School TBD 871-5520 ext. 5521 John Cahill District Tax Collector Jaclyn Savolainen ‘23 876-7334 [email protected] Susan Cross (Sep.– Nov.) 75 Delano Drive 871-5520 ext. 5527 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 [email protected] [email protected] Business/District Offi ce FAX: 845-876-4276 Mark Fleischhauer ‘24 876-5311 CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION 146 Rhinecliff Road ANNUAL AHERA NOTIFICATION Assistant Superintendent for??????? Rhinebeck, NY 12572 TBD 871-5500 ext. 6545 mark.fl [email protected] This no fi ca on is required annually by [email protected] District Clerk the federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Secretary Whitney Druker 871-5520 ext. 5522 Mary Ann Torres 871-5500 ext. 6560 [email protected] Response Act (AHERA). Asbestos Man- [email protected] agement Plans have been developed for SPECIAL EDUCATION each Rhinebeck School. Director of Pupil Personnel Services Emily Davison 871-5500 ext. 6551 COMMUNICATING WITH THE BOARD OF EDUCATION [email protected] The plans are available and accessible to Secretary Regular business mee ngs are open to the the public at each school offi ce or at the Stacy Stoliker 871-5500 ext. 6551 public and are normally held on the second and [email protected] fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the District Offi ce. Please feel free to contact Special Educa on Office Fax 876-4963 BMS/RHS Library, unless a change of Sheldon Tieder at 871-5500, ext. 5529 TECHNOLOGY loca on is posted. Call (845) 871-5520, ext. 5522 for further informa on. Steven Jensen, Director 871-5500 ext. 6557 [email protected] for more informa on. DDistrictistrict DDirectoryirectory 2021-222021-22 CHANCELLOR LIVINGSTON ELEMENTARY Physical Educa on School Psychologist (Cassi Wintermantel) 5546 SCHOOL David Aierstok 5152 School Social Worker (Megan Rodier) 5589 Phone 871-5570 Jennifer Raymo 5610 Fax 876-4174 Guidance Offi ce (Carmela Fountain) 5556 Principal Kitchen 5531 Bre King ext. 6571 Music Dept. (Marla Ulrich) 5762 SUPPORT STAFF [email protected] Nurse (Teresa Costakis) 5536 Assistant Principal Staff Room 5551 Phone 871-5500 Fern Lox 6566 Fax 876-8755 fl [email protected] RHINEBECK HIGH SCHOOL Dir. of Facili es (Sheldon Tieder) ext. 5529 Main Offi ce Phone 871-5500 Computer Tech. (Michele Raimondi) 5567 Lisa Menz 6570 Fax 876-8755 Micro-Computer-Tech. (Brendan O’Hara) Rachel Ranalli 6571 871-5500 ext. 6556 Computer Lab 4425 Principal Edwin Davenport ext. 5501 Custodial Offi ce (Craig Decker) 5564 Custodian (Tina Meyers) 6577 Maintenance Garage 5565 Greeter 6559 [email protected] Assistant Principal Maintenance 5530 Kitchen 6152/6153 Food Service (Larry Anthony) 871-5500 ext. 6579 Librarian (Nora Kindley) 6580 Marc Burg 5148 Library Desk (Cathy Haskins) 4436 [email protected] Nurse (Mary Skeen) 6136 Main Offi ce Physical Educa on 4051 Donna Shellhammer 5501 (Kevin Yarnell/Erik Thomas) Stacey van den Thoorn 5502 School Psychologist (Nicholas Montany) 6576 A endance Offi ce (Katherine Mustello) 5542 Shared Decision-Making School Social Worker (Morgan LoBru o) 6138 Athle c Director (Stephen Boucher) 5535 The Board of Educa on has adopted a Teacher’s Room 6137 Athle c Trainer 5525 Plan for Shared Decision-Making and Struc- Director of Curriculum & Instruc on Faculty Room 5540 TBD 6545 tured Par cipa on that provides a structural Curr. & Instr. Sec’y (Mary Ann Torres) 6560 Greeter’s Desk 5578 framework of powers and responsibili es to Director of Special Educa on Guidance Offi ce further the implementa on of the ideal of Emily Davison 6512 Sheryl Mulkins 5505 shared decision-making with the community Special Ed. Sec’y (Stacy Stoliker) 6551 Lisa Gillman 5507 to improve educa on in our schools. A copy of Guidance Counselors the Plan is available at each school and at the BULKELEY MIDDLE SCHOOL Robert Heywood 5506 district offi ce. Individual copies of the plan will Phone 871-5500 Jeff Palazzolo 5504 be provided upon request. Fax 871-5553 Kitchen 5558 Each school has its own planning team for Principal Librarian (Diane Linenbroker) 5537 the implementa on of shared decision-making John Kemnitzer ext. 5552 Library Desk (Deb Highley) 5593 at the building level. In addi on, the Compre- [email protected] Music Department hensive District Educa on Plan Commi ee Assistant Principal Laura Natalie 5592 (CDEP) operates at the district level to address Marc Burg 5148 Sco Milici 5509 district-wide shared decision-making issues. [email protected] Nurse (Teresa Costakis) 5536 The CDEP meets three to four mes annually. Main Offi ce Physical Educa on The building-level teams meet monthly, as Shawnna Cawley 5550 David Ju on 5582 determined by the members serving on the Regina Messa 5552 A endance Offi ce (Katherine Mustello) 5542 TBD 5160 commi ee. Computer Lab 5210 GGeneraleneral IInformanforma oonn 2021-222021-22 STUDENT REGISTRATION PROCESS Children from households that meet Federal Income Guidelines are eligible for Please call 871-5500 ext. 6560 for an appointment. Bring ID, birth cer fi cate, free meals or reduced price meals. Informa on is sent to all students at the begin- recent proof of residency, and proof of immuniza ons. The District will mail the ning of the school year. Addi onal informa on and applica ons may be picked up registra on packet to you in advance to minimize your appointment me or you can in the Business Offi ce or call 871-5520 ext. 5523. All informa on is considered visit the District’s website at www.rhinebeckcsd.org (under District tab) to obtain the confi den al. required forms. SPECIAL EDUCATION RESOLVING SCHOOL-RELATED PROBLEMS Special Educa on Offi ce 871-5500 ext. 6551/6512 Try to obtain sa sfactory resolu on at the most immediate level. If you are unable to resolve the concern or answer the ques on at that level, contact District HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY INFORMATION personnel in this order: Dutchess BOCES 486-4800 • Teacher AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS (PTSO) • Building Principal CLS Elec ves 871-5500 ext. 6571 • Related Supervisor (transporta on, cafeteria, buildings and grounds, pupil personnel services) USE OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES • Assistant Superintendent for Support Services (business-related ma ers; for Call the Business Offi ce to request the necessary forms. Please submit forms for example, transporta on, cafeteria, buildings and grounds) • Superintendent of Schools approval well in advance of the event. 871-5520 ext. 5523 If, a er talking with the Superintendent, you s ll have not obtained a sa sfac- HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS FOR ABSENT STUDENTS tory resolu on, you may contact the Board of Educa on, either in wri ng or during Chancellor Livingston Elementary School 871-5500 ext. 6571 “Comments”, a me set aside for this purpose at each Board of Educa on mee ng. Bulkeley Middle School 871-5500 ext. 5550/5552 Complaints about specifi c individuals, however, must be addressed to the Board in Rhinebeck High School 871-5500 ext. 5505/5507 wri ng. SCHOOL TAXES EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSINGS Susan Cross, tax collector, will be available during the months of September and Informa on about school closings, delays and unexpected early dismissals are October at 871-5520, ext. 5527. posted on the District’s Website, www.rhinebeckcsd.org, and Twi er feed. Infor- FOR ASSISTANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING TOPICS, CALL: ma on about such events is also reported to the following media outlets: -Withdrawal -Student Academic Progress RADIO: -Summer School Enrollment -Student Transcripts WRNQ FM (92.1) WCZX FM (97.7) WXPK FM (107.1) -College Applica ons Process -Student Referral Services WBPM FM (92.9) WKZE FM (98.1) WRWD FM (107.3) -Financial Aid/Scholarship Informa on WRRV FM (92.7) WCTW FM (98.5) WHUC AM (1230) WBWZ FM (93.3) WRWB FM (99.3) WBNR AM (1260) Chancellor Livingston Elementary Main Offi ce 871-5500 ext. 6571 WZCR FM (93.5) WDST FM (100.1) WALL AM (1340) Bulkeley Middle School Guidance Offi ce 871-5500 ext. 5556 WKXP FM (94.3) WHUD FM (100.7) WJIP AM (1370) Rhinebeck High School Guidance Offi ce 871-5500 ext. 5505 WPKF FM (96.1) WPDH FM (101.5) WEOK AM (1390) WRRB FM (96.9) WSPK FM (104.7) WLNA AM (1420) VISITORS Visitors are always welcome at Rhinebeck schools.
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