DREXEL UNIVERSITY PHILADELPHIA, PA. Friday, Septem ber 26. 1980 VOLUME LVI, NO. 11 Squeezing into the parking garage ing public transportation, par­ before 9 a.m. each school day, ticularly when two or more even though his or her first Office of Safety and Security persons pool the costs of class may be some time later. garage parking> Otherwise, the daily commuter The Department of Safety mav find the parking garage With the beginning of the and Security, which ad­ filled. Fall term, the parking garage ministers on-campus parking, Surface parking lots, such has experienced a large in­ anticipates that by Friday, as the Library Lot, the Creese crease in the number of September 26, over 375 Fall Student Center Lot and “ F” students, faculty and staff Term parking permits for the Lot, 31st and Ludlow Sts., for utilizing this facility each garage will have been issued. faculty and staff, have also ex­ school day. The garage was This is an increase of over 130 perienced “ full houses” each filled to capacity the first few permits over the Fall 1979 day. days of classes, for the first term. Term permit holders are In conclusion, it appears time since the SEPTA strike of guaranteed a space m the that on-campus parking may 1978. This necessitated turning parking garage, plus overnight be more difficult to obtain this away numerous commuters and week-end parking new term than in the past. after 10 a.m. priveleges, to the exclusion of Those students, faculty and This upsurge in usage of the token users. Therefore, this staff members who must drive garage can be attributed to leaves only about 100 spaces to school are advised to arrive several reasons, but the over­ available for token users each early and to plan in advance to The late George Drew whelming cause is probably school day. obtain a parking space. The the recent increase in public It is strongly recommended City Police Department park­ transportation costs, principal­ by the Department of Safety ing violations are still a $25.00 George Drew, Director ly SEPTA and Conrail. For and Security that all students, fine in this area and enforce­ many, driving to Drexel is faculty and staff using tokens ment is as rigid as ever. economically as feasible as us­ on a daily basis to arrive Special Programming by t^awuna Gardesey tions of additional respon­ Drexel life sibility in the future. We’re all pretty much in shock right | Life continues as usual on now,” L i v i n g i n Drexel’s campus but one name Drew had worked withl that will no more be responded Drexel as Director , of Special to is George Drew. Mr. Drew Programs for two years when t h e c i t y was found stabbed and he died. Prior to coming to strangled in his Eastwick Drexel he was acting coor­ apartment on Monday, dinator of the.Talent Search by Francine Douwes August 25th according to project of the Opportunities police reports. Industrialization Center in George Drew was the Direc­ Philadelphia. Drew held a Once again, Drexel’s tor of Special Programs at B.S. degree in education fromi dormitories-Kelly, Van Drexel. In that capacity he was Virginia State College and was] Rensselaer, Calhoun, and the responsible for tutorial ser­ 35 years old when he died. New Dorm, booked fully and vices and other educational Speaking on a more per-] filled 100 per cent. The programs like the Upward sonal level Drew’s assistant! availability of dorm rooms has Bound and Act 101 programs. and friend Michael Hill said narrowed as enrollment has in­ In a statement released to Drew was great not because of | creased; more students than the press Drexel President wealth or achievement, but ever before wish to live near William Hagerty said, because he knew how to treat Drexel rather than to commute “ George Drew did a great job “ people like people.” As one every day. here at Drexel. He was a first- speaker at a memorial held for According to Dr. Arthur P. rate administrator who was in Drew at the Mandell Theatre iJoblin, Vice-President for Stu­ charge of several Drexel pro­ pointed out, it is human dent Affairs, the Drexel stu­ grams for disadvantaged and nature to reserve praise and dent movement to live on or minority students. He had honor for people until they near campus stems from four dramatically increased the per­ pass away. As this writer sat main causes. First, the cost ol formance of these students through that function, the commuting has increased during his two-year term. words of Gray in his Elegy in enormously in the past two George had great potential the Churchyard couldn’t be years. SEPTA fares have and we were looking forward any clearer. The paths of glory John A n d e r s o n nhoto Dy Tom Anovick always been high; but in the to working with him in posi­ lead indeed but to the grave! past it at least was economical for a student to drive to Anderson Speaks school. Now that the price of gasoline has doubledi..and by Sally Lockwood Independents in a new, coali­ tion government” . tripled, and the Drexel parking garage fares have been hiked Presidential candidate John He was opposed to Reagan’s suggestion that each again, it “ may very well prove Anderson was in Philadelphia to be more economical” for a this past Monday, September city keep its own money. In­ stead, Anderson proposed that student to live nearby instead 22nd, to .ddress a rally at the of commute. we “ be one nation-indivisible, Civic Center’s Convention The second reason why a not a nation of city- states.” Hall. Attendance was not im­ Dre?tel student may want to According to Anderson, there pressive; in fact, most of the live near campus is the fact should be no more conflicts seats were empty, but the can­ that a wide range of facilities between the Sun Belt and the didate stated his objectives are close by. The Drexel Gym Frost Belt. Also, there should nonetheless. ^ offers a variety of special ser­ be no more situations in which Speaking to a mostly vices for students, and the “ half the people are rich, half college-aged audience, Ander­ library provides not only a are poor; lialf are free, and son took the American system place to study, but also a place half are slaves” . of government to task. He for research. Thirdly, accor­ Appropriately enough, the pointed out that the system ding to Joblin, in the past subject of public education needs to “ shorten up” so that twenty years there has been a there might be “ another was one of most en­ steady growth in the number thusiastically received. Andei- Declaration of Independence of Drexel people living near son readily admitted that the on November 4th’ Anderson Drexel. “ It’s a sizeable stu­ current system does not work. also called for a “ mixture of dent community down here” , “ Federal funds are not Republicans, Democrats, and Calhoun Residence Hall (continued on po8^ V (continued on page 3) DREXEL TRIANGLE Page 2 Septertiber- 26, 1980 L et’s Folk! S m o k e ? F i n a n c e O f f C a m p u s D a n c e The Resident-Off Campus Harold Williams wiull be At a loss for something to Want to break the smoking Action Committee on Housing The Drexel Dance Ensemble guest speaker at a meeting of do tonight? Come to the habit? You can on the Five will hold it first meeting of the is open to new members - no the Philadelphia Chapter of previous dance experience Dragon’s Den from 8:30 - Day Plan. Register October 6 term. Monday, Sept. 29 at between 6-8 pm in the EAC the Financial Executives In­ necessary. Come to the Main 11:30 for a fun time at Inter­ 7:00 on TKE’s back porch. national Folk Dancing. Begin­ building. Rm 3034/3035. The stitute beginning 5:30 p.m., Refreshments served. All Auditorium, Tuesday Thursday evening, October 2, ners are most welcome; easy program consists of films, lec­ students are welcome. September 30, 6:30-8:00, All at the James Crese Student dances from around the world tures, question and answer Members bring a friend. Welcome! For further info, Center of Drexel University. contact: Dept, of Performing taught from 8:30 - 10:00. Br­ periods, and group discus­ ing a friend! Free for Drexel sions. It has an 80 percent suc­ Mr. W'illiams is Chairman Arts - William McCoy ext. of the Securities and Exchange students. cess rate. Group leaders are 2452 or Margie Morrell Commission. His topic will he 387-4448. Don Shaw'and Forrest Howe. The program will be held from “ SEC’s Role in Financu! Library T ours P I L a m b October 6 - October 13 from Reporting.” 6-8 pm. The cost for the com­ Contact: Carmen Ferraioli Arthur Young & Com­ F o r u m Here is a chance to satisfy plete program in $20.00. Come to the Library for a some of the curiosity you pany lour. Tours will be held in the Freshmen and upr might have about fraternities. (215) 864-3305 library, Sept. 26,29,30 on the perclassmen come on out to Monday Sept. 29. All hour at 10, 1,3 and 6. Meet in the Minority Student Forum Freshman are invited to meet DCF the browsing room.
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