By ROY LADD enrollments to three major factors. News Writer First is the dedication of the facul- Dr. Jerry Smith, Director of Ad- ty. "We have a top notch faculty, missions and Records, reported the strong in tradition and commit- university is experiencing an all ment. " time record in admissions for the Second is an aggressive re- fall semester. crditment program over the past Last year's admissions topped out two years. Smith also believes that at approximately 6900 people. So far although the actual numbers of 18 to this fall, more than 7100 people have 21 year olds are decreasing as the enrolled at JSU. American population grows older, 5 Smith pointed out that these fig- there are more members of this age ures do not include some offcampus group making a college education a locations, such as graduate courses top priority. "We are seeing quality taught at high schools in DeKalb enrollments. ACT scores are higher and Etowah counties. It will be and transcripts look good," Smith another two to three weeks before noted. "These students are choosing the final enrollment figures are in, Jacksonville State." but Smith is convinced a new record Smith also noted increases in out- will be set. "The enrollment record of-state enrollments. "We are was set in 1979 with 7182," Smith seeing a lot of students from said. "We are 61 people short of this northwest Georgia." Schrnitt noted record now. I expect admissions to that in addition to these students be around 7300 this year." choosing to stay in the residence JSU President Harold McGee has halls, many students from within put target enrollment for the 1988-89 commuting distance choose to stay Photo by CHRIS MILLER school year at 7,200. Applications there, too. "Students choose resi- Increased enrollment brought long lines at the bookstore. for admission increased about 30 dence halls to fully enjoy the college percent over last year, according to way of life," he said. McGee. "Activities this year in recruit- The Orientation '88 program, in Accident in Brewer crosswalk ing, outreach, workshops and conti- which Faculty Mentors and Peer nuing education have caused this Counselors were assigned to pros- dramatic surge," McGee said. pective students, also helped to in- Craig Schmitt, Director of Resi- crease the number this fall. Re- highlights- - safety concerns dence Life, noted that the residence cruitment among area high school By CYNDI OWENS stopped at the crosswalk to allow would be ideal." halls are at 90 percent occupancy. students as well as the renovations Editor in Chief pedestrians to cross. She reportedly Nichols added he has expressed "We still have some vacancies, but of the residence halls also con- An accident last Wednesday in told police she saw Prater, but concern about the crosswalk in the students may not get their choice of tributed. front of Brewer Hall left one student thought she was not ready to enter past and said he has talked with the halls." "We have a very pleasant prob- injured and highlighted concern the crosswalk. She looked away, and state highway department about the Smith contributes the increases in lem," said Smith. about the safety of the crosswalk in Prater allegedly stepped in front of possibility of such action. front of the building. her as she began to move forward. Nichols said there were three According to Jacksonville Police Prater was treated and released contributing factors in the number Sgt. Denise Rucker, Shannon from Northeast Alabama Regional of accidents in the area. McGee: Things are Prater, 20, of Amiston, was hit by a Medical Center, and charges will "The first is speeding. Then there vehicle driven by Anita Willis, 18, not be filed against Willis. is the violation of the crosswalk also of Amiston, while attempting The accident brought questions statute, which says if a pedestrian is to cross highway 21 in a marked about the safety of the crosswalk. in one of the southbound lanes or one "going well" at JSU pedestrian crosswalk. JSU's Director of Public Safety, of the northbound lanes, traffic in Police reports stated Willis had David Nichols, said "An overpass (See CROSSWALK,Page 3) By CARLA BYRAM projects on campus. Crowe Hall, the Staff Writer last project approved by the Board, After two years as president of is currently being renovated. The Grades to be based on 4.0 GPA scale JSU, Harold McGee says he feels residence hall is slated for re-open- things are "going well." ing in the fall of 1989. McGee says JSU students will be greeted this try use the 4.u grading scale. change next year. One of his primary concerns dur- these improvements are designed to fall with a different grade point Graduates were being penalized First-time students will start ing his 24 months in office has been, make students living on campus average scale than the one used in because prospective employers, fresh with the 4.0 scale. Students and continues to be, "improving the more comfortable and are much the past. graduate school admissions offices, who attended JSU prior to the fall of quality of student life." needed. Starting this fall, the institution and various government agendes 1988 and are in the active computer McGee feels it is very important will utilize a 4.0 grading scale rath- would see the G.P.A. printed on the data base will be automatically con- for the University to provide its Work has now begun on Stephen- er than a 3.0 scale. An A grade will transcript and not carefully look to son Gymnasium, a sports complex verted to the 4.0 scale so all students students with activities. Working in now generate four quality points per see that the G.P.A. had been calcu- will be on the same grading scale. conjunction with Craig Schmitt in and student activity center to be semester hour; a B, three quality lated on a 3.0 scale rather than a 4.0 the Office of Residence Life and located between Theron Montgom- points; a C, two quality points; a D, scale. Smith thinks JSU students will be Director of Student Activities Sher- ery Student Commons Building and one quality point and a F, no quality Several Alabama institutions, in- long-term benefactors of the change ryl Byrd, the president hopes to Jacksonville High School. McGee points. cluding the University of Alabama and anticipates it will be well re- change Jacksonville's "suitcase col- says the structure will lessen the According to Jerry D. Smith, Di- and Auburn University, converted ceived by students. lege" image. strain on Pete Mathews Coliseum, rector of Admissions and Records, to a 4.0 scale in the last few years. Any questions about the new scale As part of their October 17 meet- which served approximately 56,000 the change was implemented prima- The University of North Alabama is may be addressed to the Office of ing, the Board of Trustee? will make people in the past Year. Completion rily to benefit our students. Almost the only institution in Alabama still Admissions and Records, first fY'r 'a' W5ddn' ad further construction - is expected days- 3 , * :crll+institubians-thrmghonb the coun- 9 7 using. the B.0 %scale*and ib plane to Bibb Graves mfl: - . "* * - - I z 'rhursdav.September 8.1988. The Chanticleer it. Also, thanks to Dr. McGee and Treasurer Gail Storey, Ford, Byrd Dr. Woodward for their concern and the office "glue"--the one who Dwight about student activities and student keeps it all together--Diane Announcements Burton life. Marshall, to thank for our profitable .............................. SGA President We are privileged to have three summer program. Everyone has new faces in the SGA office, other given 100 percent to make this year *The Fort McClellan Model Airplane Club hosts the first Alabama than the newly elected officers. the best and I say "THANKS! ! " Aerobatics Control Line Championships. Sunday. September 18. from Maybell Gardener is now working The movies this year will still be 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Riley Army Airfield. A free Coca-Cola glider in T.M.B. auditorium, they will still Hi! Welcome back to JSU, or, if with the SGA; Jeff Ford, a will be given to the first 50 children under 12 accompanied by their be at 7 and 9:30 p.m., and they will you're a freshman or transfer stu- sophomore from Piedmont, has parents. Free admission, free parking, free seating and free advice still be the best bargain in town for dent, congratulations on your de- been selected as business manager; on how to get started in modeling. From highway 21, enter the $1 but they will be on TUESDAY cision to make JSU your school of and Sheryl Byrd, the new Student Galloway Gates. Strip maps to the flying site will be available at the ..I.,.:,.,. Activities Director, came to us af- nights. I encourage everyone to at- gate OIIVLCC. tend when possible. I would like to open this column ter a very successful stay at the The Smithereens will be here this *The Political Science Department now has a computer LSAT with words of thanks. First of all. University of South Alabama. I be- preparation program on diskette available for student use. Anyone thanks to the Chanticleer staff for lieve these three new additions will Tuesday at Pete Mathews Coliseum. They represent our first "major" who is planning to take the LSAT and who would like to use this to allowing me the privilege of having mean a much more efficient SGA entertainment event of the year.
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