{ I !t i ; I I I i 1 I l Ë I I i I I i I Lionel Hompton # Jozz Fes'tivol '"?iÆFY o '- c) o =o- o ! p o C f ol o-- (I) Dr. lionel Hampton, producer *rJ assisted by Dr. lynn J. Skinner Welcome to the 3lst University of Idaho Lionel HamptonJazzÏestival! The Lionel HárirptonJazzEestivalhas become one of the greatest jzzzfestivals in the world. join Pleæe us in celebratin g a clæsically American art form - Iazz. At the Lionel HamptonJazzEestivalwe seek to enrich the lives of young people with this music - year after year. "GAtes" Keeps on Swingin' Lionel Hampton started his musicalcareer æ a drummer. Hamp wæ playing drums with Louie Armstrong and one night at the gig, Louie turned to Hamp and said, "Swing it Gates, Swing!" Hamp asked Louie what he meantand he said, "l'm calling you Gates because you swing like a gatel" From that point in time until this very day Hamp is known as "Gates" because of his incredible ability to "swing". The story came to Dr. Skinner directly from Hamp. 1 I Welcome to the 1998 Jazz Festival atthe University of Idaho - Moscow, Idaho! Page For more informoÌion concerning the Concert Schedule Lionel Homplon Jozz Feslivol, contoct: 5 Lionel Hampton School of MusicJøz Ensembles 11 Dr. Lynn J. Skinner, Execulive Direclor Welcome Letters 13 Lionel Homplon Jozz Feslivol Clinic Schedule t5 Lionel Hompton School of Music Lionel Hampton - Biography 17 Universify of ldoho Guest futist Biographies .......... 23 Moscow, ldoho 83844-4014 Adjudicator Biog*pfri.r .................. 53 (208)885-ó513 l208l88 5-67 65 Fox: Lionel HamptonJazz Festival Staff ,... 59 Send e-moil 1o [email protected] Velcome Lionel Hampton 6r or visit oi hfi p: //www. uid oho.edu /iozz / Student Winners from Past Festivals 63 Donations and Special Awards from Coqporate Sponsors ........ ot For Medio lnformotion, conloct: Virginio Wicks, Festivol Publicisf 97 Donations to the Lionel HamptonJazz Festival Endowment 121 31822 -9 97 7 F ax: l.21 31822-9 9 6 6 99 Acknowledgements l0l PorTions of this progrom ore ovoiloble Campus Map 103 in broille ond lorge print. A reoder will High/MiddleÆlementary Competition Schedule - be mode ovoiloble upon requesl. All Jr. Wednesday, February 25,lg99 - progroms ore occessible 1o disobled Choirs.. Admin. Bldg, University Auditorium..... 0t individuols. For specific occommodo- Vocal & Instrument¿l Soloists ....,................ SLts Borah Theatre 66 lion needs reloting fo o disobilily, tJ/ conloct Sue Weover ot (208)BB5-ó7ó5 Jr. HighÆlementary Bands and Instrument¿l Combos ........... LDS Institute ........,........,..... 68 {pleose ollow i0 working doys noiice}. This orgonizotion prohibils discrimino- College/University Competition Schedule - Thursday, February 26, lggï iion on the bosis of roce, color, notionol Choirs & Vocal Combos ........,..... ................ Hampton Music Bldg. Recital Hall ......... 7t origin, sex, disobilily or oge. College and Open Division B¿nds... ............. SUB Ballroom.......... 7r Vocal Soloists.... .........,..,.. tDS Institute ............ 72 COVER ARTWORK: Dovid Fleming Comm. College Bands and Instrumental Combos .................. Admin. Bldg. - University Auditorium .. 73 PHOTO OF ARTWORK: Joe Pollen, Ul Instrumental Soloists .................. ................ SUB Borah Theatre 73 PhoTo Services COVER DESIGN: Jill Hooper, Ul Prinling ond Design High School Vocal Competition Schedule - Friday, February 27,1998 Services Multi-Microphone Division Choirs Hampton Music Bldg. Recital HaIl .,....... 75 AAAA/AM Choirs ............ SUB Ballroom.. /tJ M&Non-MixedChoirs..........,.... ....,..........Admin.81dg.-UniversityAuditorium..... 77 COVER PRINTING: AAAA/AAA Soloists ....................... ,..,............ SUB Borah Thearre 77 Printed os o Public GTE A,/B Choirs & Vocal Combos ........................ tDS Institute 78 Service by GTE. AA Soloists ...,.................... St. Augustine's Catholic Center............,.. 78 A Soloists .........,............... North Campus Center ,........................... 79 UPCOMING LIONEL HAMPTON JAZZ B Soloiss ......................... Moscow High School ..,............ 80 FESTIVALS: Februory 24-27 ,1999; High School Instrumental Competition Schedule - Saturday, February 28, l99B Februory 23 -26, 2O0O F ebrvory 21 -24, ; (I) 2001; Februory 20-23, 2002 AAAA Bands ......,... 83 B Bands 84 AAAA (ID Bands .............,. Hampton Music Bldg. Recital Hall ..,,... 84 (I)4HS/Middle LIONEL A,4A School B¿nds Physical Educ. Bldg.- Dance Studio ...... 85 M (II) Bands .. 86 HA][!TON Guitar&BæsSoloists............. ....................St.Augustine'sCatholicCenter..,............ 87 AAA (ID &AA (I) Bands ................ .............Admin. Bldg. - Univ, Audirorium......,...,. 87 Piano & Percussion Soloists ..,..................... SUB Borah Theatre ................................ 88 AMA Combos .....,....,....., .Agricultural Science Auditorìum .....,...... 88 AAA/AA Combos .....,.......... Education Bldg. KIVA.... 89 Alto & Baritone Saxophone Soloists ...........,...........,.............. Niccolls Bldg. IL........, 90 Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute & Violin Soloists ........,....,.. Niccolls Bldg. I .....,..,.........,..... 9o Unt"ttityotldaho Brass Soloists.... ................North Campus Center 9r ff jr. Secondary Bands & AÆ{r. Sec./Middle Combos .....,...,.... Law School Courtroom 92 ............. Moscow High School Auditorium .... 93 2 3 Fly the airline f¡t for the King. \Ye Dedicate this Festival to Lionel Hampton The Man andHis Music -Jazz The Thirty-First lionel Hampt on Jazz Festival Wednesday, February 25, t998 3:30 p.M. - SUB Ballroom Jr, High \T/inners Conc ert Elementary School Instrument ol. Juz Ensemble It Middle School V ocøl, Jazz Ensemble Jr. High Y ocd, lazzEnsemble { Jr. High Instrumental Jazz Ensemble Elementary Sch ool Y ocal ¡azz Ensemble Middle School Instrunental Jazz Ensemble V/ednesday, February 25,1998 6:30 p,M. - Kibbie Dome (doors open at 6:00 p.M,) Andy laVerne, piano You always get the royal trcatment when yor-r fly )Vednesday, February 25,1998 7:00 p.M, - Kibbie Dome Northwest Airlines. And with our global travel partners, yor-r PEPSVGIB s get that service to mole than 400 cities around the world. ol\ü Intern ational J azz c o n c ert All while earning benefits as a member of our r'.1,''a' \X/oddPerks@ 1. a).:/ free travel prograln. !!t)i/' Kenny Ba*on rrio, rearuri"r, -.il,iäiiîíåä;i3iï., drums; Ray Drummond, bass That's wþ the King of the Blues, B.B. King, travels Paquito D'Rivera, saxophone & clarinet (Cuba) around the world with Northwest. Ancl wþ you should, too. Claudio Roditi, trumpet (Brazil) Because on Northwest, everyone gets treated like a King. Slide Hampton, trombone Alex Acuna, drums (peru) Bdward Simon, piano (Venezuela) Brian Bromberg, bass Dee Daniels, vocals andpiano (Canada) I NORTHWEST Jane Jarvis , piano 1:.t¡l :¿l Ii AIRLINES Kuni Mikami, piano "r Çapan) Sergio Tchernyshov, vibes (Russia) BRIDGING Som,e People.lu,st Kn.ou, Hout to F'l\" ,l¿¿PACIFIC Greg Abate, saxophone 7-800-225-2525 / www.nwa.com Wally "Gator" Watson, drums Lanceßryant, saxophone @ 1998 Northwest Airlines, lnc. Northwest recycles enough paper products in one year to fill 27 747s {t John Stowell, guitar 4 5 (Germany) Christian Bausch, bass Friday, February 27,l9g9 7:30 p.M. - Kibbie Dome (|apan) Lionele Hamanaka, vocals (doors open at 7:00 p.M.) Kao Temma, dancer (Japan) Jim Martinez,pizno Tomoaki Sakura, clarinet Qapm) Introducing 12year-old jazzviohnist,ßilly Contreras of Nashville, Tennessee ßnday, February 27, tgg9 8:00 p.M. - Kibbie Dome All-Star Concert Thursday, February 26,1998 6:30 P.M, - Kibbie Dome Lionel Hampton, vibes (dools open at 6:00 P.M.) Ray Brown Trio, featuring: Ray Brown, Arnie Carruthers. piano, andJoe Kloess, piano bass; Greg Hutchinson, drums; Geoff Keezer, piano Freddy Cole, vocals, and his trio, featuring: Eric Vaughn, drums; Herman Burney, bass;Jerry Byrd, guitar, with a special tribute to Thursday, February 26,1998 7:00 P.M, - Kibbie Dome Nat King Cole Kenny Barron Trio, featuring: Kenny Bznon,piano;Ben Riley, drums;RayDrummond, bass Wallace Roney, tflrmpet I.{ORTHWEST NRTIT{ES Dthel Ennis, vocals Jon Faddis, trumpet Special Guest Concert Frank Foster, saxophone Frank Wess, saxophone & flute Lionel H4grpton, vibes U AJ Gre¡ trombone Abbey Lincoln, vocals, tyith Marc Cary, piano c Bill Watrous, trombone o Super Bass, featuring: Ray Brown, bass;John Clayton, bass; Christian McBride, bæs Ron Aprea, saxophone U Maúan McPartland, piano Andrei Kitaev, piano Terence Blanchard, trumpet Student Vinners from the Vocal Solo Division Kenny Barron Trio, featuring: Kenny Barron, piano; Ben Riley, drums; Ray Drummond, bass Billy Marcus Tribute to Hamp, featuring: Billy Marcus , piano;Brenda Alford, vocals;John Allred, trombone; Pete Minger, trumpet; Bílly Ross, tenor saxophone & alto flute; Eric Allison, flute, clarinet, saxophone;John Michalak, tengr saxophone; Mike Brignola, baritone saxophone; Don Coffman, bass; Gary Duchaine, drums Saturday, February zB, t99g 4:45pi.M, - Kibbie Dome Andy laVerne, piano (doors open ar 3:30 p.M.) Bvelyn White, vocals and piano Student Vinners from the College Vocal & Instrumental Competition SI¿{SHI¡{GTO¡{ VATER POWER Friday, February 27,1998 4:45P.NL. - Kibbie Dome Instrumental Winners Conc (dools open at 3:30 P.M.) ert Claudio Roditi, trumpet with the Lionel Vocal V/inners Concert Hampton school of MusicJazzßandl - Robert Mccurdy, director Pørtialþ sþonsored by the Moscow-Pullman Daily News High/i\4.iddleÆlementary Jr. School lnstrumenral Jazz Ensenlble Jim Martinez,piano
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