§ 670.18 45 CFR Ch. VI (10–1–19 Edition) part, permits to engage in a taking or Pinnipeds: harmful interference: Crabeater seal—Lobodon carcinophagus. (a) May be issued only for the pur- Leopard seal—Hydrurga leptonyx. Ross seal—Ommatophoca rossi.1 pose of providing— Southern elephant seal—Mirounga leonina. (1) Specimens for scientific study or Southern fur seals—Arctocephalus spp.1 scientific information; or Weddell seal—Leptonychotes weddelli. (2) Specimens for museums, zoolog- Large Cetaceans (Whales): ical gardens, or other educational or Blue whale—Balaenoptera musculus. cultural institutions or uses; or Fin whale—Balaenoptera physalus. (3) For unavoidable consequences of Humpback whale—Megaptera novaeangliae. Minke whale—Balaenoptera acutrostrata. scientific activities or the construction Pygmy blue whale—Balaenoptera musculus and operation of scientific support fa- brevicauda cilities; and Sei whale—Balaenoptera borealis (b) Shall ensure, as far as possible, Southern right whale—Balaena glacialis that— australis (1) No more native mammals, birds, Sperm whale—Physeter macrocephalus Small Cetaceans (Dolphins and porpoises): or plants are taken than are necessary Arnoux’s beaked whale—Berardius arnuxii. to meet the purposes set forth in para- Commerson’s dolphin—Cephalorhynchus graph (a) of this section; commersonii (2) No more native mammals or na- Dusky dolphin—Lagenorhynchus obscurus tive birds are taken in any year than Hourglass dolphin—Lagenorhynchus can normally be replaced by net nat- cruciger ural reproduction in the following Killer whale—Orcinus orca Long-finned pilot whale—Globicephala breeding season; melaena (3) The variety of species and the bal- Southern bottlenose whale—Hyperoodon ance of the natural ecological systems planifrons. within Antarctica are maintained; and Southern right whale dolphin—Lissodelphis (4) The authorized taking, trans- peronii porting, carrying, or shipping of any Spectacled porpoise—Phocoena dioptrica native mammal or bird is carried out in a humane manner. § 670.20 Designation of native birds. The following are designated native § 670.18 Content of permit applica- birds: tions. Albatross In addition to the information re- quired in subpart C of this part, an ap- Black-browed—Diomedea melanophris. plicant seeking a permit to take a na- Gray-headed—Diomedea chrysostoma. Light-mantled sooty—Phoebetria tive mammal or native bird shall in- palpebrata. clude a complete description of the Wandering—Diomedea exulans. project including the purpose of the proposed taking, the use to be made of Fulmar the native mammals or native birds, Northern Giant—Macronectes halli. and the ultimate disposition of the na- Southern—Fulmarus glacialoides. tive mammals and birds. An applicant Southern Giant—Macronectes giganteus. seeking a permit to engage in a harm- Gull ful interference shall include a com- plete description of the project includ- Southern Black-backed—Larus ing the purpose of the activity which dominicanus. will result in the harmful interference. Jaeger Sufficient information must be pro- Parasitic—Stercorarius parasiticus. vided to establish that the taking, Pomarine—Stercorarius pomarinsus harmful interference, transporting, carrying, or shipping of a native mam- Penguin mal or bird shall be humane. Adelie—Pygoscelis adeliae. Chinstrap—Pygoscelis antarctica. § 670.19 Designation of native mam- mals. 1 These species of mammals have been des- The following are designated native ignated as specially protected species and mammals: are subject to subpart E of this part. 170 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:15 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 247203 PO 00000 Frm 00180 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\45\45V4.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB.
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