REGIONAL DISTRICT OF OKANAGAN-SIMILKAMEEN Thursday, June 01, 2017 RDOS Boardroom – 101 Martin Street, Penticton SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS 9:00 am - 9:15 am Public Hearings: Zoning Bylaw Amendment 137 Taggart Crescent, Kaleden Electoral Area “D” Zoning Bylaw Amendment 2870 Gammon Road, Naramata Electoral Area “E” Amendment Bylaw No. 2710, 2017 Electoral Areas “A”, “C”, “D”, “E” & “F” 9:15 am - 9:30 am Protective Services Committee 9:30 am - 10:15 am Planning and Development Committee 10:15 am - 11:30 am Corporate Services Committee 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Environment and Infrastructure Committee 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm RDOS Board "Karla Kozakevich” ____________________ Karla Kozakevich RDOS Board Chair Advance Notice of Meetings: June 15, 2017 RDOS Board/OSRHD Board/Committee Meetings July 06, 2017 RDOS Board/Committee Meetings July 20, 2017 RDOS Board/OSRHD Board/Committee Meetings August 03, 2017 RDOS Board/Committee Meetings August 17, 2017 RDOS Board/OSRHD Board/Committee Meetings NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Electoral Area “D” Zoning Bylaw Amendment 137 Taggart Crescent and LUC-23-D-77 Date: Thursday, June 1, 2017 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: RDOS, Board Room, 101 Martin Street, Penticton PURPOSE: To discharge LUC-23-D-77 on the subject property and replace it with a Small Holdings Four (SH4) Zone; and to initiate the termination process on the remaining 10 parcels within the LUC-23-D-77. • Amendment Bylaw No. 2457.18, 2017: proposes to amend Schedule ‘2’ of the Electoral Area “D” Zoning Bylaw No. 2457, 2008, on the subject property described as Lot 2, DL 411, SDYD, Plan 29328 (137 Taggart Crescent), from LUC-23-D-77 to Small Holdings Four (SH4). • Amendment Bylaw No. 2457.19, 2017: proposes to initiate the termination process on the remaining 10 parcels and amend Schedule ‘2’ of the Electoral Area “D” Bylaw No. 2457, 2008 on these properties from LUC-23-D-77 to Small Holdings Four (SH4). Bylaw No 2457.18, 2017 Bylaw No 2457.19, 2017 VIEW COPIES OF THE DRAFT BYLAWS, THE RESOLUTION DELEGATING THE HOLDING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING & SUPPORTING INFORMATION AT: Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen 101 Martin Street, Penticton, BC, V2A-5J9 Weekdays (excluding statutory holidays) between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Basic information related to this proposal is also available at: www.rdos.bc.ca (Departments → Development Services → Planning → Current Applications & Decisions → Electoral Area “D-1”) Anyone who considers themselves affected by the proposed bylaw amendments can present written information or speak at the public hearing. All correspondence received for the public hearing will be made public and should be addressed to: Public Hearing Bylaw No.(s)2457.18, 2017 and 2457.19, 2017, c/o Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen at 101 Martin Street, Penticton, BC, V2A 5J9. No letter, report or representation from the public will be received after the conclusion of the public hearing. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: Telephone: 250-490-4107 | Fax: 250-492-0063 | Email: [email protected] Donna Butler, MCIP Bill Newell Manager of Development Services Chief Administrative Officer NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Electoral Area “E” Zoning Bylaw Amendment 2870 Gammon Road, Naramata Date: Thursday, June 1, 2017 Time: 9:00 A.M. Location: RDOS, Board Room, 101 Martin Street, Penticton PURPOSE: To facilitate the development of an accessory dwelling on the second floor of an existing detached garage (i.e. “carriage House”). • Amendment Bylaw No. 2459.25, 2017: proposes to amend Schedule ‘2’ of the Electoral Area “E” Zoning Bylaw No. 2459, 2008, by changing the land use designation on the land described as Lot A, Plan KAP36242, District Lot 207, SDYD (2870 Gammon Road) from Agriculture One (AG1) to Agriculture One Site Specific (AG1s). The site specific regulation will allow an accessory dwelling to not exceed a maximum height of two stories and 6.2 metres and will further limit the number of accessory dwellings permitted on the parcel to one (1) “accessory dwelling”, “secondary suite” or “mobile home”. Amend Zoning Bylaw No. 2459, 2008: from: Agriculture One (AG1) to: Agriculture One Site Specific (AG1s) (YELLOW SHADED AREA) ARAWANA ROAD N GAMMON ROAD VIEW COPIES OF THE DRAFT BYLAWS, THE RESOLUTION DELEGATING THE HOLDING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING & SUPPORTING INFORMATION AT: Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen 101 Martin Street, Penticton, BC, V2A-5J9 Weekdays (excluding statutory holidays) between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Basic information related to this proposal is also available at: www.rdos.bc.ca (Departments → Development Services → Planning → Current Applications & Decisions → Electoral Area “E”) Anyone who considers themselves affected by the proposed bylaw amendments can present written information or speak at the public hearing. All correspondence received for the public hearing will be made public and should be addressed to: Public Hearing Bylaw No.2459.25, c/o Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen at 101 Martin Street, Penticton, BC, V2A 5J9. No letter, report or representation from the public will be received after the conclusion of the public hearing. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: Telephone: 250-490-4107 | Fax: 250-492-0063 | Email: [email protected] Donna Butler, MCIP Bill Newell Manager of Development Services Chief Administrative Officer NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment Bylaw No. 2710, 2017 Electoral Areas “A”, “C”, “D”, “E”, and “F” Date: Thursday, June 1, 2017 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: 101 Martin Street, Penticton, BC (RDOS Boardroom) PURPOSE: Amendment Bylaw No. 2710 represents the culmination of a multi-year review and update of the environmental and park/recreational policies and objectives, including a comprehensive review of the Environmentally Sensitive Development Permit (ESDP) Area designations found in the Okanagan Electoral Area Official Community Plan Bylaws and Zoning Bylaws. VIEW COPIES OF THE DRAFT BYLAWS, THE RESOLUTION DELEGATING THE HOLDING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING & SUPPORTING INFORMATION AT: Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen 101 Martin Street, Penticton, BC, V2A-5J9 Weekdays (excluding statutory holidays) between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Basic information related to this proposal is also available at: www.rdos.bc.ca (Departments → Development Services → Planning → Strategic Projects → ESDP Update) Anyone who considers themselves affected by the proposed bylaw amendments can present written information or speak at the public hearing. All correspondence for the public hearing to be addressed to: Public Hearing Bylaw No. 2710, 2017, c/o Regional District of Okanagan- Similkameen. No letter, report or representation from the public will be received after the conclusion of the public hearing. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: Telephone: 250-490-4107 | Fax: 250-492-0063 | Email: [email protected] Donna Butler, MCIP Bill Newell Manager of Development Services Chief Administrative Officer REGIONAL DISTRICT OF OKANAGAN-SIMILKAMEEN Protective Services Committee Thursday, June 01, 2017 9:15 a.m. REGULAR AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF AGENDA RECOMMENDATION 1 THAT the Agenda for the Protective Services Committee Meeting of June 1, 2017 be adopted. B. EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTRE UPDATE Mark Woods will update the Board of Directors on the emergency response. C. ADJOURNMENT REGIONAL DISTRICT OF OKANAGAN-SIMILKAMEEN Planning and Development Committee Thursday, June 01, 2017 9:30 a.m. REGULAR AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF AGENDA RECOMMENDATION 1 THAT the Agenda for the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of June 1, 2017 be adopted. B. BUILDING DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY UPDATE – For Information Only [Page 7] To provide information on building department activity levels. C. REVIEW OF ZONING REGULATIONS – DOMINION RADIO ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY [Page 9] 1. Bylaw No. 2777, 2017 (Draft) [Page 13] To discuss amendments to the Electoral Area “C” Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws and Electoral Area “D-1” Zoning Bylaw as they relate to the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO). RECOMMENDATION 2 THAT Bylaw No. 2777, being a bylaw of the Regional District to amend the Electoral Area C OCP and Zoning Bylaw, and the Area D-1 Zoning Bylaw to update the mapping and policy around DREO, be initiated. D. REGULATION OF METAL STORAGE (“SHIPPING”) CONTAINERS [Page 22] To discuss the possible introduction of regulations governing the use and placement of metal shipping containers within the Okanagan Electoral Area zoning bylaws. RECOMMENDATION 3 THAT the Regional District introduce regulations governing the placement of metal storage containers as part of preparation of the draft Okanagan Electoral Area Zoning Bylaw. E. ADJOURNMENT ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT TO: Planning & Development Committee FROM: B. Newell, Chief Administrative Officer DATE: June 1, 2017 RE: Building department activity update – For Information Only Purpose: To provide information on building department activity levels. Background: The 2017 budget process estimated the annual building permit revenue to be $500,000. As at May 23, 2017 the revenue received to date from building permits is $496,743.11. $270,000 of this revenue is associated with a winery valued at $30,000,000.00 which is being constructed on Black Sage Road in Oliver The average processing time for issuing a building permit from application is 4 weeks, depending on complexity. In order to accommodate the extra workload and maintain process efficiency, the Regional District has hired additional staff to assist throughout the summer. 1. Additional clerical assistance for permit entry and issuance three days/week. 2. Planning student – assists two full-time planning technicians ensure building applications comply with zoning regulations. 3. Part-time plan checker two days/week to review applications for building code compliance. The additional staff will maintain an acceptable level of service throughout the persistently busy summer building season. Incomplete building permit applications are accepted, or a supporting application such as a development variance permit are occasionally received, which does cause a delay in issuing the permits.
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