Chapter 20 Mycorrhiza Management in Bareroot Nurseries R. Molina and J. M. Trappe potential use of selected beneficial fungi for mycorrhizal Abstract inoculation of seedlings will help ensure the successful 20.1 Introduction production of vigorous planting stock. 20.2 Mycorrhizae Defined 20.2.1 Ectomycorrhizae 20.1 Introduction 20.2.2 Ectendomycorrhizae Nursery managers have long recognized the importance of 20.2.3 Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae well-developed root systems for producing resilient planting 20.2.4 Benefits of mycorrhizae stock. We now realize that adequate development of mycorrhi- 20.3 Mycorrhiza Management zae on seedling roots is equally important—indeed, essential— 20.3.1 Mycorrhiza development and occurrence in for healthy seedling growth in the nursery and desired per- bareroot nurseries formance after outplanting. 20.3.2 The nursery soil system In this chapter, we focus on the major benefits seedlings 20.3.3 Uses and abuses of soil fumigation and other derive from mycorrhizae, how environmental factors and man- pesticides agement practices affect mycorrhizal fungus populations and 20.3.4 Hazards of crop rotation subsequent development of mycorrhizae, and methods to 20.3.5 Seedling manipulations foster mycorrhiza development in bareroot nurseries. We also 20.3.6 Managing VA mycorrhizal hosts provide an update on prospects for artificially inoculating seed- 20.4 Mycorrhizal Inoculations in Bareroot Nurseries lings with selected, highly beneficial mycorrhizal fungi. 20.4.1 Ectomycorrhizal inoculation Soil inoculum "Nurse" seedlings 20.2 Mycorrhizae Defined Spores and sporocarps Mycorrhiza is a Greek word meaning "fungus-root." Nearly Pure fungus cultures all land plants form some type of mycorrhiza with specialized Selection criteria soil fungi. Mycorrhizal associations are classic examples of 20.4.2 VA mycorrhizal inoculation mutualistic symbioses because the fungus and host plant de- Soil and root inoculum pend on each other for survival in natural ecosystems. Pot-cultured inoculum The mycorrhizal fungus is best considered as a far-reaching Application of VA inoculum extension of the root system. A fine network of fungus threads 20.5 Conclusions and Recommendations (hyphae) explores and extracts nutrients from a volume of soil References far beyond the bounds of the roots' capabilities. Many of these nutrients are translocated through the hyphal network to the mycorrhizae, where they are released to the roots for host utilization. In exchange, the host serves as primary energy Abstract source for the fungus, providing simple sugars and possibly Mycorrhizae, or "fungus-roots," involve the intimate other compounds derived from host photosynthates. association of plant roots with specialized soil fungi. Forest- Several different types of mycorrhizae are known, but tree seedlings depend upon their mycorrhizae for ade - ectomycorrhizae and vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizae quate nutrient uptake; those lacking mycorrhizae can be are the most common and most relevant to trees. Ectomycorrhizae severely stunted and their growth in newly sown beds are the most important to western bareroot nurseries because uneven. Nursery managers should avoid practices that all members of the Pinaceae—true fir (Abies), larch (Larix), cause mycorrhiza deficiency. For example, because soil spruce (Picea), pine (Pinus), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga), and hem- fumigation destroys mycorrhizal fungus populations, al- lock (Tsuga) spp.—form ectomycorrhizae. Members of the ternative pest-control measures should be substituted Fagaceae [e.g., beech (Fagus) and oak (Quercus) spp.] and whenever possible. Careful seedling manipulations and Betulaceae [e.g., birch (Betula ) and alder (Alnus) spp ] as well as handling also will reduce damage to mycorrhizae. Soil madrone (Arbutus) and basswood (Tilia) spp. also form ecto- disturbance should only be necessary to meet manage - mycorrhizae. Most other land plants form VA mycorrhizae. ment goals so as to minimize disruption of delicate fungus- The Cupressaceae (cedars) and Taxodiaceae (including red- soil networks. Fertilization can both foster and inhibit woods) are the most important in this regard in western forest mycorrhiza development; appropriate levels are best de - nurseries; hardwoods such as sweetgum (Liquidambar), maple termined by experience. The integrated use of mycorrhiza- (Acer), and yellow-poplar (Liriodendron) spp. are important management tools with other cultural practices and the VA mycorrhizal hosts in eastern nurseries. Alder, eucalyptus In Duryea. Mary L., and Thomas D. Landis (eds.). 1984. Forest Nursery Manual: Production of Bareroot Seedlings. Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publishers. The Hague/Boston/Lancaster, for Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University. Corvallis. 386 p. 211 (Eucalyptus), willow (Salix), and poplar (Populus) are among the limited primarily to mechanical movement of soil. The cones- genera that readily form both ectomycorrhizae and VA quences of this important feature on VA mycorrhizal develop- mycorrhizae. ment in nurseries will be considered later (see 20.3.4, 20.4.2). 20.2.1 Ectomycorrhizae 20.2.4 Benefits of mycorrhizae Several different forms of ectomycorrhizae are shown in In addition to greatly enhanced uptake of nutrients, espe- Figures 1 to 6. The fungi colonize the surfaces of the short cially phosphorus, mycorrhizae confer other benefits to their feeder roots, often forming a thick mantle around them. hosts. They can take up water [5] and increase drought resis- Ectomycorrhizae can frequently be seen with the unaided eye tance of young seedlings [38]. Some mycorrhizal fungi can also or a hand lens because many are white or brightly colored. detoxify certain soil toxins [53] or enable seedlings to with- Similarly, if ectomycorrhizae are abundant, a dense moldlike stand high soil temperatures [22] or extreme acidity [18]. Of fungal growth is visible in the soil when seedlings are lifted. When practical importance to nursery management, some mycorrhi- examined microscopically in cross section (Figs. 9 and l0), the zal fungi can protect roots against certain pathogens [17]. For fungus is seen to enter the root, penetrating between the example, the mycorrhizal fungus Laccaria laccata Scop. ex Fr. has cortical cells to form an interconnecting network called the been shown to protect feeder roots from Fusarium infection Hartig net. It is within this extensive hypha-root cell contact [44]. zone that nutrient exchange occurs. Historically, the absolute dependence of forest trees on The fungi also produce plant hormones that stimulate root their mycorrhizae was repeatedly demonstrated when ecto- branching and elongation, thereby increasing the root's ab- mycorrhizal Pinaceae were introduced to the Southern Hemis- sorptive surface. Branching patterns of ectomycorrhizae are phere. Only when accompanied by their associated ecto- often host determined and are therefore characteristic of the mycorrhizal fungal symbionts could these exotics survive and host-seedling species. For example, pine ectomycorrhizae are thrive (see [32, 33]). A classic example was Monterey pine typically forked or dichotomously branched (Figs. 2, 4, and (Pinus radiata D. Don). Initial attempts to establish pine seedling 21), whereas other hosts may predominantly form structures nurseries in Australia and New Zealand failed. When mycorrhi- that are pinnate (Figs. 5 and 6), coralloid (Fig. 3), tuberculate, zal fungi native to pine stands were unknowingly introduced or variably branching (Fig. 1). It is important to realize that into seedling beds, however, seedlings grew vigorously and thousands of species of mushroom, puffball, and truffle fungi survived outplanting. Today, the pine plantations of Australia (higher Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes) (Figs. 13, 14, 15, 17, and New Zealand are among the world's more productive 19, and 20) can form mycorrhizae on a large array of host forests. species. Thus, the physical and physiological diversity of Similar examples of mycorrhizal dependency were evident ectomycorrhizal forms is enormous. in afforestation attempts in the treeless grasslands of the United States [29] and on the steppes of Russia [9]. More recently, Schramm [42] and Marx [18, 21] have shown the need for 20.2.2 Ectendomycorrhizae mycorrhizal planting stock inoculated with specifically adapted A subtype of ectomycorrhizae is the ectendomycorrhiza. fungi for tree establishment on strip-mined and other severely Because the mantle it forms is thin and translucent, feeder disturbed sites. Thus, tree seedlings must be accompanied by roots display the brown color of underlying epidermal cells. their mycorrhizal fungi when planted in areas lacking suitable Ectendomycorrhizae branch like ectomycorrhizae but lack root mycorrhizal fungi. hairs; in addition to forming a Hartig net, the fungi also pene- trate scattered cortical cells (Figs. 11 and 12). Small Disco- mycetes (cup fungi), which form ectendomycorrhizae [3], are 20.3 Mycorrhiza Management often common and beneficial in temperate bareroot nurseries Because each nursery is unique, each must develop its own [12]. specific mycorrhiza-management strategies through experi- mentation and good recordkeeping. Examples given here are general cases. In no case has research been intensive enough 20.2.3 Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae to provide more than fragmentary understanding of what is Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae do not differentiate
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