GRAND COUNTY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Grand County Council Chambers 125 East Center Street, Moab, Utah AGENDA Tuesday, March 18, 2014 4:00 p.m. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes (Diana Carroll, Clerk/Auditor) A. February 21, 2014 (County Council Special Meeting: Workshop on Policies and Procedures of the Governing Body), Postponed from March 4, 2014 B. March 4, 2014 (County Council Meeting) C. March 14, 2014 (County Council Special Meeting: Capital Facilities Workshop) Ratification of Payment of Bills Elected Official Reports Council Administrator Report Department Head Reports D. 2013 Annual Review of Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project (Lee Shenton, Moab UMTRA Liaison) Agency Reports E. 2013 Honey Bee Inspection Report (Jerry Shue, Grand County Honey Bee Inspector) Citizens to Be Heard Presentations F. Introduction of John Foster, Director, Museum of Moab, Postponed from March 4, 2014 (Dave Vaughn and Don Montoya, President, Museum of Moab Board) G. Presentation of 2014 Utah Weed Control Association Biological Award to Wright Robinson (Tim Higgs, Grand County Weed Supervisor and Council Member Paxman) H. Presentation of 2014 Nash Wash Wildlife Management Area Habitat Management Plan (Makeda Hanson, Impact Analysis Biologist, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources) I. Presentation on Community Letters Regarding Congressman Bishop Public Lands Initiative (Susan Roche, Deb Walter, Bob O’Brian and Bill Rau, Citizens) Discussion Items J. Discussion on Funding of Proposed Full Time Lead Technician Position for the Weed Department (Ruth Dillon, Council Administrator, Orlinda Robertson, Human Resources Director, and Tim Higgs, Weed Supervisor) K. Calendar Items and Public Notices (KaLeigh Welch, Council Office Coordinator) General Business- Action Items- Discussion and Consideration of: L. Approving Proposed Letter of Support for Forest Legacy Funding through Forestry, Fire and State Lands for a Conservation Easement in Order to Preserve approximately 541 Acres on the East Slope of the La Sal Mountains (Sue Bellagamba, Canyonlands Regional Director of The Nature Conservancy, and Glenna Thomas, Citizen and Property Owner) M. Approve Contract Award for the Purchase of a Polaris Ranger 6x6 UTV and Accessories for the Sand Flats Recreation Area from Morgan Valley Polaris of Morgan, Utah, State Contractor (Andrea Brand, SFRA Program Manager) 3/14/14 Page 1 of 2 N. Approving Proposed Letter to Uintah County Regarding Interest in Participating in Studies to Address Feasibility of an Enhanced Transportation Corridor in Sego Canyon, and Potentially Crossing SITLA lands to the Existing Road Network in Southern Uintah County (Chairman Jackson) Consent Agenda- Action Items O. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Promotional Agreement Between KUBL/KKAT and Grand County for Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $13,005.00 P. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Promotional Agreement Between KOSI and KALC and Grand County for Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $16,675.00 Q. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Promotional Agreement Between 103.5 the Arrow and Grand County for Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $14,040.00 R. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Promotional Agreement Between the Zone Sports Network and Grand County for Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $9,000.00 S. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Promotional Agreement Between KZHT and Grand County for Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $14,500.00 T. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Promotional Agreement Between KSL and Grand County for Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $9,080.00 U. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Promotional Agreement Between KXRK and Grand County for Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $13,563.00 V. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Promotional Agreement Between KBCO and Grand County for Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $16,000.00 W. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Promotional Agreement Between KWOF and Grand County for Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $16,000.00 X. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Promotional Agreement Between 102.3 ESPN and Grand County for Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $6,000.00 Y. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Letter Sent to Adam Trupp, General Counsel, Utah Association of Counties for Drafting of Amendments to State Senate Bill 176 on Local Funding of Rural Health Care (Chairman Jackson) Z. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Location Agreement for Off the Fence to Film at Canyonlands Field AA. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on Building Permit Application for Additional Remodel at Canyonlands Field BB. Ratifying Chair’s Signature on FY 2014 Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Planning Grant Application on behalf of the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Public Hearings- Possible Action Items (none) General Council Reports and Future Considerations Closed Session(s) (if necessary) Adjourn At the Grand County Council meetings/hearings any citizen, property owner, or public official may be heard on any agenda subject. The number of persons heard and the time allowed each may be limited at the sole discretion of the Chair. On matters set for public hearings there is a three-minute time limit per person to allow maximum public participation. All persons, upon being recognized by the Chair, shall advance to the podium, state their full name and address, whom they represent, and their subject matter. No person shall interrupt legislative proceedings. Requests for inclusion on an agenda and supporting documentation must be received by 5:00 PM on the Wednesday prior to a regular Council Meeting and forty-eight (48) hours prior to any Special Council Meeting. Information relative to these meetings/hearings may be obtained at the Grand County Council’s Office, 125 East Center Street, Moab, Utah; (435) 259-1346. Those with special needs requests wishing to attend County Council meetings are encouraged to contact the County two (2) business days in advance of these events. Specific accommodations necessary to allow participation of disabled persons will be provided to the maximum extent possible. Requests, or any questions or comments can be communicated to: (435) 259-1346. T.D.D. (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf) calls can be answered at: (435) 259-1346. 3/14/14 Page 2 of 2 AGENDA SUMMARY GRAND COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 18, 2014 Agenda Item: D TITLE: 2013 Annual Review of Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project FISCAL IMPACT: None PRESENTER(S): Lee Shenton, Moab UMTRA Liaison BACKGROUND: Prepared By: See presentation. KaLeigh Welch, Council Office Coordinator ATTACHMENT(S): (435) 2591346 PowerPoint slide show FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Attorney Review: N/A Mill Site, Disposal Cell, Moab Crescent Junction Progress Environmental Impact Funding What’s Next Liaison Activities Progress To Date • 41% of tailings moved in first 5 years • Disposal cell functioning as planned • 205 million gal groundwater extracted – Intercepted 4,000 pounds uranium – Intercepted 802,000 pounds ammonia • 13 of 15 Vicinity Properties remediated • 2 million hours worked without Lost Time incident (since October, 2009) Environmental Impact 2013 • Offsite air monitoring OK 100 100 mrem/yr – Highest gamma 35% of allowable Allowable impact Allowable impact – Highest radon 47% of allowable impact – Highest radioparticulates 20% of allowable impact 116 mrem/yr 116 • River monitoring OK gamma Highest 81 mrem/yr 81 – Well fields effectively protecting river Moab Background – No ammonia exceedances downriver Funding • FY13 funding $31 million • FY14 funding $38 million – No curtailments for FY14 – Extra FY14 $$$ likely needed for backlog • FY15 $35.8 million proposed What’s Next • Targeting 900,000 tons for FY14 • Might start removing mill debris – Working on rail transport methods – Aiming to remove 100,000 tons by FY16 • Start remediation of final two VPs – Complete by next year – Final notice 1-2 years before Project ends Liaison 2013 Activities • Monitored sites: Moab 47x, CJ 10x • Evaluated environmental impacts • Outreach via print, radio, lecture • Handled or routed public inquiries • Provided online status updates • Staff for Steering Committee and Site Futures Committee AGENDA SUMMARY GRAND COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 18, 2014 Agenda Item: E TITLE: 2013 Honey Bee Inspection Report FISCAL IMPACT: None PRESENTER(S): Jerry Shue, County Bee Inspector Prepared By: BACKGROUND: At the end of 2013 there were thirty beekeepers (23 in Spanish Valley and Jerry Shue 7 in Castle Valley), with 97 colonies, in Grand County, virtually the same as Grand County Honey Bee Inspector in 2012. 867 Rainbow Drive Moab, UT 84532 All but two beekeepers were visited and inspected, some multiple times. 435-260-8581 The remaining two requested to wait until this spring. No American Foul Brood was found in Spanish or Castle Valley, although two colonies in the Elgin district of Green River were found to be infected FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: and were destroyed. Attorney Review: Colonies in the county are typical of those throughout the country, with evidence of Varroa mites, viruses, and poor queens, although the local beekeeping community as a whole is engaged in queen and colony rearing, N/A and sharing local survivor stock. We have several strains of bees that have survived without antibiotics or treatments for two or more years, which is unusual these days. A revised map of spring colony locations will be forwarded to Bob Phillips, of the mosquito abatement district and Tim Higgs, of the weed department, who have both expressed a willingness to communicate and work with beekeepers for the health of the bees. Items of note: Aside from some colonies brought in to pollinate the melon fields of Green River, fifty miles to the north, Grand County does not have any commercial/migratory beekeeping, or the constant influx of disease and stressed, medicated bees that accompany it. Because of this we have the opportunity to propagate colonies from our best surviving stock and develop locally adapted sustainable bees, a practice that is proving, all around the country, to be the best strategy for small beekeepers to keep their bees alive.
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