THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT. SIXTH YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1884. NUMBER 300. to Arthur. If this can be prevented they hope deavored if possible to counteract the enthusi- portionment of delegates to future national of the railroad between Poplar Bluff, Mo.- and Bill Nyc on Portraits. The pony was taken along with a com- THE NOMINEES. conventions and of a revised apportionment for a favorable result. asm totton up by the friends of Blaine a few the Arkarsas State line, and, as amended, the pany of soldiers as far as Cheyenne, of members of the national committee be re- THE THIRD DAY. minutes previously. His speech in support of bill was passed. Without further action the ferred to the eommi.tee on rules and order of Arthur was a resume of the events of his ad- House adjourned. No mau knows how much ho can en- and from there shipped to Washington, business with leave to report at any time be- Chairman Henderson called the convention ministration beginning with the time the oath dure and yet not burst until he has seen where ho arrived early last fall. — Wash- James G. Blaine for President and to order at 10:50 a. m. The delegates and of nfflc* was administered that eventful night JUNE 7—HOTJSE—On motion of Mr. Culber- his portrait published a few times. PUBLISHED EYErtY FRIDAY AT fore the ballot for president. audience took their seats with commendable- son of Tuas a bill was passed amending the ington Mar. Postmaster Conger of Washington moved to hi New York, soon afler the eptrit of Garfleld act to determine the jurisdiction of United Then ho realizes the wealth of woe that John A. Logan for Vice-President. strike out the words "at any time." Hauk of alacrity, when the Chair said: had taken its flight. He deserved the "well m « m "This convention this morning will be opened done, good aud faithful servant," and should States circuit courts and to regulate the re- one soul may wrestle with, and yet not ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN, Tennessee moved to lay the whole matter on with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Fallows." After moval of causes from the state to federal become unhinged and loosed from its Tlie Barber on Modern Marrying. the table. Thu motion was lost by a thurder ri ci ive the reward in the shape of the nomina- courts. The bill increases the minimum juris- of "Noes," and after a tedious debate on prayer tbe report of the committee on creden- tion to be nunlc by th is convention. frail tenement of «lay. Men go on, "A front uf mine gits marrit Sun- BY JOHN L. BURLE1GH. The HallotM. tials was called for and presented by Mr. Bal- diction of circuit courts from $500 to t2,0OiJ, tay," said the German barber in the technicalities the resolution was adopted. S. lard of Vermont. The decision of the com- takes away *rom those courts jurisdiction of year after year, gaining the esteem of W. Curtis asked iu behalf of the Irish national II. H. Bingbam of Pennsylvania seconded causes In favor of assignees of pi omlssory notes their fellow-men by an upright course, Bowery last week. "He bopped der lepgue that the committee on resolutions ac- mittee allowing the Mahone. delegates to be the nomiuntion of Mr. Arthur, thus voicing, THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. admitted to the convention was greeted with he said, the unanimous sentiment of the Re- and bills of exchange, and also of suits of a civil only to lose it all by forgetting them- quosdion in der ladost sdvle. Der olt- cord them a hearing on the subject, of foreign- a storm of applause. nature arising between corporations and the iashioned-luf-in-a-coddnge-grackers— ers holding real Estate m this country. Loud publicon convention of Pennsylvania and of :itizenE of any state in which the corporation selves at an unfortunate and weak mo- TERMS: calls for an adjournment followed. Ex-con- The committee on rules of order submitted all the other states. Unknown four years ago, may have been carrying on business at the ment, and permitting their portraits to und-kisses-peesness pcen blayed owid. gressman Dounan of Iowa ri quested permis- their report, which, after being amende J, was Mr. Arthur was to day the best known man lime the cause of action occurred, and restricts Mine front ho leans ofer his swocdheart sion to read a br of memorial, which proved to adopted. within the confines of the Republic, aud no bo published and their shame proclaim- PER to tbe defendant the right to remove a cause ed upon the housetops. und dakes her lily-vite hant, und, seez- be from the Wc»mau"s Christian Temperance Mr. McKinlejr, of Ohio, submitted the report from name was so typical as his of the peace, from tbe state to the federal court. An adverse Union for an Incorporation of their princi- the l.'omiirt eeon Ko-ulutions. He reviewed the prosperity and high honor of the nation. ing a momond podween der raddle uf triumuf of six p csidentiul elections ar.d Minted [Applaui-e.J After three years of administra- report was made on the bill to repeal the civil Some years ago an alleged engraving If paid at the end of six months, or • • dwo elevated drains, ho sayt: "My ples In the platform. witn pride to its legislative ac!hi*-vera -nts. The re- Eervice act. A bill was pascel authorizing the was made from one of my photographs, tion ha brought to this convention the great brecious, my sveet und hilly darling, I The convention adj mrned until Wednesday publican -ja.ty cou posed the beBt thought and in- Republican party reunited. [Cheers.] national academy of science to receive and but the proof was sent to me in time, so tellige .ce of the couniry. it pledged i self to trio tiold funds for the promotion of science. vould like to bronouncc yoursolluf my $ I .OO IN ADVANCE. morning at 11 o'clock. preservation o: labor and refi»,«i. lie pud a that I could by telegraph prevent its tribute to tile rupnior> ijfun field >'Ed commended When Ohio was called Judge Foraker came A bill was also passed declaring forfeited tin: Tile.' COMMITTEE MEBTINU3. the wise and eonseivative adm i.-trution of Presi- unearned Atlantic and Pacific land grant. The publication. I H. E. H. BOWER, Editor. The committee on organization were in srs- dent Anhur ;cheers). The flrstdutyofilioguvern- on the platform and presented the name of bill repealing tte preemption and timber cul- "'Chonny, my own sweet luf,' she u.ent »as to protect the rights of its own pe pie In John Sherman. Sherman's nomination was In that portrait the wood engraver sion until a late hour at night. Alter electing the mposu Ion of ihe duties on foreign mpor s the seconded by John Holt of Kentucky. ture act and amending the homestead laws was hat sayt, " 'are you sure you can afford George B. Ailliums, of Indiana, chairman, the custom outit-s should not be levied tor reven e taken up and discussed until the hour of ad- had taken tlie liberty to tamper with Office, Rooms G and 7, Opera House Block, cor- committee proceeded lothe election of perman- "nly. but while securing an adequate revenue iit*se journment. the face, and put iu little improvement it? I vould not deceefe you, tarling; ner Main and Ann Streets. con d be so dlst lbuted as to prut ct and «i.< ourase Vermont was the next state to respond to you liaf calt me brecious und you vill ent chairman and' secretary of the convention, our diversified Induttiies.and to shield the wo.King the roll-call Governor Long of Massachusetts here and there, according to his own The Hem. Galusba A Grow, of Pennsylvunia. men of the t.ountry irom the oppress on of ror. ign was the speaker, and in weil-chcsen words pre- JUNE 9 -SENATE—A committee of confer- ideas of beauty. tint mo so. Aftegshun cosds noding3, was put. in nomination by the friends of Biatue, com ptt.tion. but sdylishnes3 und high-tone cosds a COOK HOUSE, sented Hon. George F. Edmunds of Vermont ence was appointed on the labor statistics bill. Among the rest, I remember that ho and J. B. Heud' rson, of Missouri, by the op- It denounces the economical po'lcy • t the Demo- to the Convention. At the conclusion of Cur- A bill was favorably reported granting to Cali- lieab uf mono)-. Can you all dot affort, j> H. HUDSON, Proprietor, cratic purty ,-.nd protests aj-;un?t the fatlu e or that had unscrewed the lower jaw and let it position. Henderson was elected by a vote of party to wisel/ reduce the treasury surp us- The tis's sptech the clerk continued the call of the fornia 5 ppr cent, of tbe proceeds of the pale of my own dear luf?' Id • Newly Furnished. 'I he leading house in Ann 2) toll CLas, W. Ciisbee, of Michigan, wlis hepuolieaus promise to reduce this.n tbyho zon- roll of ihe Rtntes until ttc completion thereof. public lands in that state. The Mexican pen- fall down about an inch, so that the ArborE . tat reduction ol tlie tarlrt, but by measur^a designed "He von arm blaced her vaist arouut ucauiineusly elected Secre-tary. at once t»> re ieve the tjople withoutinjur tolaoor No other st:ite rsspemaing with a nominee, Bion bill was taken up, several times amended face had the expression of a vacant lot The committee on resoluiions met at the and productive entei prise Mr.
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