resultater liichtathletik Lafmeeting Celtic 07/08/2021meeting nom cat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Steffen Rachel C.F.100 metres13,48 4 520 00 Weber ThomasM.M. 100 metres12,73 11 519 0 0 PB Steffen Rachel C.F.200 metres28,41 5 442 00 Weber ThomasM.M. 200 metres26,52 8 518 00 Olympic Games Tokyo 03/08/2021Olympic Games nom cat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Bertemes BobS.M. poids seniors 7,260kg20,16 21 828 0 0 Challenge Tageblatt 6 17/07/2021challenge tageblatt nomcat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Baustert Margot D.F.hauteur1,15 6 281 0 0 PB Schmit Vicky D.F.hauteur1,00 17 175 0 0 PB Scheiden Alice D.F.hauteur0,90 14 099 0 0 PB Mallinger Nahla D.F.hauteur0,90 7 099 0 0 PB Baustert Margot D.F.balle 80gr16,00 9 226 0 0 PB Mallinger Nahla D.F.balle 80gr14,50 5 204 0 0 PB Schmit Vicky D.F.balle 80gr14,00 16 196 0 0 PB Scheiden Alice D.F.balle 80gr9,50 19 121 0 0 PB Baustert MargotD.F.800 metres3:06,12 11 351 0 0 PB 3:52,65 Mallinger NahlaD.F.800 metres3:06,88 12 348 0 0 PB 3:53,60 Schmit VickyD.F.800 metres3:15,59 21 319 0 0 PB 4:04,49 Scheiden AliceD.F.800 metres3:42,03 40 244 0 0 PB 4:37,54 Kaell Eva M.F.longueur3,98 13 433 00 Kaell Eva M.F.100 metres15,04 16 402 00 meeting Darmstadt 16/07/2021meeting nomcat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Bertemes BobS.M. poids seniors 7,260kg21,15 1 857 0 0 lundi 16 août 2021 Page 1 of 8 Championnats individuels Jeunes 11/07/2021championnat nom cat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Andresini MarinoC.M. 100 metres11,94 3 finale 596 0 3 Huremovic Mara C.F.400 metres66,55 4 446 0 0 PB Huremovic MaraC.F.800 metres2:36,41 7 477 0 0 PB 3:15,51 Steffen Rachel C.F.100 metres13,30 1 finale 535 0 1 PB Steffen Rachel C.F.100 metres13,39 1 2 527 0 0 PB Weber Ina M.F.100 metres13,53 1 2 515 0 0 PB Weber Ina M.F.100 metres13,68 3 finale 503 0 3 Steffen Rachel C.F.100 metres haies cadettes16,37 1 505 0 1 PB Weber Ina M.F.hauteur1,43 5 463 0 0 PB Weber Ina M.F.javelot 400gr20,05 9 400 0 0 Weber Ina M.F.longueur4,75 1 522 0 1 PB meeting Trier 10/07/2021meeting nom cat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Krumlovsky Gina Sc.F.75 metres10,54 2 472 0 0 PB Krumlovsky GinaSc.F.800 metres2:48,12 8 422 00 3:30,15 Challenge Tageblatt 5 03/07/2021challenge tageblatt nom cat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Krumlovsky Gina Sc.F.hauteur1,25 12 349 0 0 PB Pandolfi LorisSc.M. poids 3kg7,69 3 364 0 0 PB Kaell JimSc.M. poids 3kg6,31 8 293 0 0 PB Wallig MikaM.M. 100 metres15,47 15 314 0 0 PB Pandolfi LorisSc.M. 60 metres haies10,87 5 442 0 0 PB Kaell JimSc.M. 60 metres haies11,83 15 362 0 0 PB Wallig MikaM.M. longueur3,98 13 385 00 Krumlovsky Gina Sc.F.javelot 400gr11,56 17 294 0 0 Pandolfi LorisSc.M. longueur4,65 3 459 0 0 PB Kaell JimSc.M. longueur4,52 5 445 0 0 PB Krumlovsky Gina Sc.F.60 metres haies12,76 13 379 0 0 PB Wallig MikaM.M. javelot minimes 600gr18,92 6 380 0 0 Kaell JimSc.M. 800 metres2:38,91 21 420 0 0 PB 3:18,64 Pandolfi LorisSc.M. 800 metres2:55,58 34 346 0 0 PB 3:39,48 lundi 16 août 2021 Page 2 of 8 CHAMPIONNATS NATIONAUX HAIES JEUNES 03/07/2021championnat nom cat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Weber Ina M.F.300 metres haies50,09 4 479 0 0 PB Championnats Nationaux Individuels Fola 27/06/2021championnat nom cat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Weber ChristopherS.M. 400 metres haies seniors60,22 1 620 1 0 Alexander FrazerS.M. 3000 metres steeple11:32,69 4 501 0 0 3:50,90 Weber ChristopherS.M. triple - saut12,12 6 555 0 0 Rossi Sandrine S.F.200 metres25,56 3 1 549 20 Weber Ina M.F.200 metres27,75 3 2 465 0 0 PB Steffen Rachel C.F.200 metres28,13 2 3 452 0 0 PB Kaell Eva M.F.200 metres30,97 3 4 363 0 0 PB Ewert Sina C.F.200 metres32,32 4 4 326 0 0 PB Rossi Sandrine S.F.100 metres12,44 1 3 614 00 Rossi Sandrine S.F.100 metres12,46 4 finale 612 3 0 Steffen Rachel C.F.100 metres13,61 3 3 509 00 Steffen Rachel C.F.100 metres13,85 7 finale 489 0 0 Weber Ina M.F.100 metres13,93 3 2 483 00 Kaell Eva M.F.100 metres15,03 6 2 403 0 0 PB Ewert Sina C.F.100 metres15,63 5 1 364 00 Bidaine PolS.M. 100 metres11,06 1 1 695 00 Bidaine PolS.M. 100 metres11,06 1 finale 695 1 0 Baiao Henriques PatrickS.M. 100 metres12,09 5 1 581 00 Andresini MarinoC.M. 100 metres12,41 5 2 549 00 Ezard SimonC.M. 100 metres12,75 6 1 518 0 0 PB Weber ThomasM.M. 100 metres12,87 6 2 507 0 0 PB Bebon QuentinS.M. 100 metres DSQ 3 00 Krumlovsky Stéphanie S.F.poids 4kg14,70 1 641 10 Krumlovsky Stéphanie S.F.disque 1kg35,71 1 553 10 Weiwert SteveS.M. marteau seniors 7,260kg44,61 1 635 1 0 Rclub Huremovic MaraC.F.800 metres2:39,89 3 2 460 0 0 PB 3:19,86 Bertemes BobS.M. poids seniors 7,260kg21,38 1 864 1 0 Miranda Cepa Joao PedroE.M. 1500 metresDNF 00 0:00,07 Lieners YannickS.M. 5000 metres15:26,90 4 690 30 3:05,38 Bidaine PolS.M. 200 metres21,94 1 1 725 10 Andresini MarinoC.M. 200 metres24,41 1 3 603 00 Baiao Henriques PatrickS.M. 200 metres25,44 4 3 560 00 Weber ThomasM.M. 200 metres25,75 2 4 547 0 0 PB Ezard SimonC.M. 200 metres25,80 3 4 545 0 0 PB lundi 16 août 2021 Page 3 of 8 European Athletics Team Championships 20/06/2021meeting nom cat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Bertemes BobS.M. poids seniors 7,260kg21,02 1 853 0 0 Bertemes BobS.M. disque seniors 2,0kg57,04 3 769 0 0 Reuter TomS.M. javelot seniors 800gr69,28 4 757 0 0 Bidaine PolS.M. 100 metres10,98 1 a 705 00 Weber ChristopherS.M. 400 metres haies seniors58,87 4 b 638 0 0 Krumlovsky Stéphanie S.F.poids 4kg14,26 2 627 00 Weiwert SteveS.M. marteau seniors 7,260kg37,98 7 598 0 0 Challenge Tageblatt 4 RBUAP/CAD 19/06/2021challenge tageblatt nom cat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Weber Anastasia D.F.50 metres7,80 1 418 0 0 PB Mallinger Nahla D.F.50 metres8,09 3 383 0 0 PB Schmit Vicky D.F.50 metres8,14 3 377 0 0 PB Kröger Ava D.F.50 metres8,51 11 337 0 0 PB Baustert Margot D.F.50 metres9,10 27 279 0 0 PB Schiltz Dana D.F.50 metres9,42 27 251 0 0 PB Huremovic Kiana D.F.50 metres9,68 29 229 0 0 PB Weber Anastasia D.F.longueur4,22 2 461 0 0 PB Kröger Ava D.F.longueur3,90 5 423 0 0 PB Mallinger Nahla D.F.longueur3,75 2 405 0 0 PB Baustert Margot D.F.longueur3,52 14 376 0 0 PB Schmit Vicky D.F.longueur3,51 16 374 0 0 PB Huremovic Kiana D.F.longueur3,04 23 312 0 0 PB Schiltz Dana D.F.longueur2,79 31 277 0 0 PB Mergen AndyD.M. 800 metres2:50,60 8 367 0 0 PB 3:33,25 Mergen AndyD.M. balle 80gr24,50 4 195 0 0 PB Peignois JulesD.M. balle 80gr9,00 27 018 0 0 PB Mergen AndyD.M. hauteur1,15 3 289 0 0 PB Peignois JulesD.M. hauteur0,90 17 134 0 0 PB Weber Ina M.F.75 metres10,54 2 472 0 0 PB Kaell Eva M.F.75 metres11,61 17 373 0 0 PB Weber Ina M.F.javelot 400gr28,11 3 482 0 0 PB Kaell Eva M.F.poids 3kg6,25 9 306 0 0 PB Weber Ina M.F.longueur4,58 2 503 00 Kaell Eva M.F.longueur4,35 6 477 0 0 PB lundi 16 août 2021 Page 4 of 8 meeting Arlon 18/06/2021meeting nom cat diszipline resultat cl. serieDLV ChN ChCat record vitesse_km Krumlovsky Gina Sc.F.80 metres haies11,97 0 599 0 0 MPclub Krumlovsky Gina Sc.F.javelot 400gr15,85 4 351 0 0 PB Krumlovsky Gina Sc.F.80 metres11,31 0 00 BRUSSELS GRAND PRIX 12/06/2021meeting nom cat diszipline resultat cl.
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