NATIONAL HIGHWAY AF'l'HORITY· . ESTABLISHMENT WING ... '1P NO.4;::(2)-Admn/Welfare-II/NHA/HQ/19/ /olf Islamabad, the Dec, 2019 CIRCULAR Subejct: GRANT OF LONG TERM ADVAl'iCES TO NHA EMPLOYEES FOR F.Y.2019-20 Pursuant to the recommendations of the Committee for the grant of long term advances to NHAemployees, the Member (Admn) and Director(Estab) being the competent authorities have been pleased to accord approval for the long term advances for F.Y 2019-20, subject to completion of all codal for formalities. 2(a). List of recommended nominees is attached. Motorcycle advance @ Rs.I00,000j-, Motorcar Advance @ Rs.1,000,000/- and House Building Advance 40 x basic pays will be allowed subject to minimum 15 x years remaining service at credit of an employee and in case of less remaining service, payment shall be made in accordance with recommendations of the Committee. 2(b). Pursuant to Federal Government Instructions conveyed vide F.No. 3(I)R-7/2016-33 dated 30-01-2019, third time house building has been recommended by the committee as per conditions laid down in above office memorandum; that budgetary allocations shall be distributed for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd advances at the ratio of 70%, 20% and 10% respectively. 3. All listed nominees are required to complete the following mandatory formalities and forward their cases through their respective officer incharge, enabling the Welfare-Il section to issue Sanction Memos accordingly:- a. Judicial stamp paper of Rs.50/- and above (duly attested by Oath Commissioner/Notry Public) for execution of agreement/mortgage bond. b. A certificate from confidential section to the effect that no disciplinary action is pending agaisnt them. c. A certificate from Accounts Section that no advance IS outstanding agaisnt the employee in the relevant category. d. If any employee's name has been recommended for two advances erroneously, only one advance shall be given. e. The employees regaularized during 2011,2013 and as per SERA 2010 will execute an undertaking on judical stamp paper of Rs.50 / - (duly attested by Oath Commissioner) that in case of any adverse order is received from any forum concering their regularization; they will pay back all the remaining amount in lump sum and also recoverbale from their CP/GP funds, etc. 4. Sanction memos for the release of payment will be issued on receipt of documents as mentioned in Para-03 above. The advances, if not availed by any employee OR not disbursed due to any reason whatsoever, will be re- utilized for the grant advances in supplementary meeting of the committee to be held in due course. / ..... ,(" (~ i 5. After payment of advance, the employees concerned would be required to submit within 60 x days an attested copy of ownership of plot/building alongwith the mortgage bond duly registered. ! I ~ (SAQLAIN MEHDI) Deputy Director (Welfare-II) Distribution:- • All Members NHA • Secretary NHA HQ • GM (B&A) NHA HQ • GM (Internal Audit) NHA HQ • All GMs NHA HQ/Zones/Projects • DD (Accounts-Estab) NHA HQ • DD Admn& Accounts Section HQ / Region;::,s:J.'/-=P-=r~0:..LJ·e~c:::..:t::::s --, • DD (Confidential) NHA HQ - With the request to issue declaration if • SPS to Chairman NHA HQ any disciplinary proceeding is pending • SO to Member (Admn) NHA HQ against any of the employee. ~ DD (MIS) NHA HQ - To upload on website ..---- • Notice Boards '-J _c" a'.i . ... ; . NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY (ESTABLISHMENT WINGI House Building Advance to NHAEmolovces for the vear 2019 20 " . -e Place of .1stl Date'of : c:. I Date of' • 2nd I ,:-Biii:h~" Po~tiug 3rc! ";'" ,.- Superannuation' .....,;.. r I Fasiah Mumtaz Malik Malik Mumtaz Khan DO Enviroment 18 28-Mar-08 HQ 1 18-Jul-78 17-Jul-38 2 Javed Iqbal Chiragh Din AD 17 21-0ct-87 Loralai I 21-Dec-67 20-Dec-27 3 Muhammad Rehan Muhammad Ahsan LDC 9 22-Dec-08 HQ I 16-Jan-SO IS-Jan-40 4 Muhammad Fawad Khan Hayat Muhammad Khan AD 17 06-Dec-06 DGKhan I 04-Apr-78 03-Apr-38 S Siler Nabi Sher Mali Khan LDC 9 18-0ct-92 HQ 1 08-F'eb-73 07-F'eb-33 6 Farheen Shafaat Shafaat Hussain AD 17 30-0ct-06 H.Q. 1 14-Sep-80 13-Sep-40 7 Ijaz Latif Muhammad Latif Sub Engineer II OI-Aug·96 DGKhan I 01-Nov-74 31-0ct-34 8 Shahbaz Masih Sabar Masih Sweeper I 01-Jan-96 Lahore 1 OI-Jan-73 31-Dec-32 9 Nisar Ahmed Dilawar Khan Naib QasidI II-Jun-96 H.Q. I 02-Jan-76 OI-Jan-36 10 Zafar Ahmed Muhammad Shafi LDC 9 17-Aug-96 H.Q. I OS-Jan-71 04-Jan-31 II Abdul Latif Fateh Khan Lab. Tech II 27 -Oct-92 D.r.Khan 1 10-Sep-68 09-Sep-28 12 Mazhar Rehman Abdul Rehman DO (Legal) 17 20-Jan-IO HQ 1 07-May-79 06-May-39 13 Muhammad Nawaz Ghulam Muhammad Naib Qasid I 24-May-96 H.Q. I 14-May-72 13-May-32 14 Anwar Ali Aman Shah Driver 4 21-Aug-96 Abbottabad I 01-Jan-70 31-Dec-29 IS M Arshad Abbas Malik Malik Murid Hussain DO 17 01-Jan-96 H.Q 1 10-F'eb-67 09-Feb·27 16 Munawar Hussain Bashir Ahmed LDC 9 02-Jan-96 Lahore I 02-Jan·6S o I-Jan-2S 17 Jamil Ahmed Rehmat Din Naib Qasid I 26-Jun-96 H.Q. 1 25-Dec- 71 ?4·Dec-31 18 Rao Muhammad Sher Afghan Rao Irshad Ali Khan 0/ Assistant 16 01-Fcb-07 M-4 I lO-Apr-80 09-Apr-40 19 Sirajuddin Sheikh Nasiruddin LDC II OJ-Jan-96 H.Q. I lS-Sep-67 14-Sep-27 20 Ghulam Shabbir Nazir Hussain LDC 9 28-0ct-96 H.Q. I 03·Jan-72 02-Jan-32 21 F'ahimuddin Channa Badaruddin Channa C/O 16 OS-May-02 HQ I 01-Jan-74 31-Dec-33 22 Tariq Iqbal NasruJlah Khan Driver S 14-Jan-07 Kohat I 14-F'eb-82 13-Feb-42 23 Saeed Ahmed Muhammad Hanif N/Q J 01-Jan-96 Multan I IS-Sep-87 14-Sep-47 24 Muhammad Zahid Khalil Muhammad Saeed Photocopier S II-Jan-07 Lahore I 24-Apr-79 23-Apr-39 2S Ghulam Ali Said Muhammad Helper I OI-Jan-96 Burhan I OI-Jan-7S 3J-Dec-34 26 Muhammad Aslam Allah Bakhsh UDC II 14-Jan-07 Multan 1 OS-Apr-78 04-Apr-38 27 Abdul Haque Shaikh Allah Bux Sheikh Inspector 16 10-Jun-96 Dadu 1 12-Aug-7S II-Aug-3S 28 Shah Ali Haji Alman Helper ? 21-Jul-92 Quetta 1 OS-Mar-S I 04-Mar-41 ~2~9~~Q~u~t=a=b=u=d=d=in~ fS~a~1~eh~M~u=h=a=m~m==ad=- ~N=a=ib~Q~a=s~id~----+_~2~-~--~0~1~-~J=a=n~-9~6~~--Q~u~e=tt=a~~_~1--~0~4~-A=pcr~-~7~8~----0~3=-~A~p~r--3=8~----- 30 Arshad Iqbal Muhammad Maskeen Driver 4 24-Jul-96 Multan I OI-Jan-68 31-Dcc-::l7 31 Waris Ali Fa rzarid Ali Stenotypist 14 02-Sep-02 Multan I 22-0ct-7S 21 ·Oct-3S 32 Muhammad Amir Ali Sher Office Assistant 16 IO-Oct·OS Multan I IS-Dec-78 14-Dcc-38 33 SanauUah Muhammad Saddique Naib Qasid 2 24-Jan-18 Sukkur i 07-Jan-86 06-Jan-46 34 Farooq Ahmed Abro Fazal Muhammad Abro Naib Qasid I 08-Jul-96 Sukkur i IO-Nov-71 09· Nov-31 3S Ghulam Abbas Atta Muhammad Pirzada Patwari 9 24-Jul·96 Lahore I il-Jan-76 10-Jan-36 ~3~6~~S~a=if~u~1I=a~h~ fr~~~oh~i~ud,~D~i~n +D~ri~v~er~ ~~~S~+--O~2~.~J~u~n~-~0~3--+_~k~h=a=ll=e~\\='a=I-+__~1__1~1~)6~-~j~u~n~-7~~~-+_--~O~S~-J=\=II='-~3=S~--~ 37 Syed Noor Ahmed Syed Khair Muhammad Driver S 17-Sep-OS Quctta I 06-Ap,_··7=-6::-t -:0:..:S~-':.:A:.!:p.:..r-~3:..:6~__ _i J---=3:..:8=--t-:-A:,::Ii"'D=a=d=-:-:-__-,- t:K""h"'a"".;_va=n:..:_d=:-=B:..:,.""k=h"'s:..:_h:.._+D::.:..n=-:-·v.:.e-:-r__:-:- -+_;S~+_-::2'-7--~S.:cePc..-~0:..:S:-+_--Q=u.:.et:..:t=a--+__:_1,2I-!\ ug- 76 20-Aug-36 r-:3:..:9=--t-=S.:.;h=a=b-=b.:.;ir,...I:..:1.::u"'s=:sa=i:::n:.._:-:-fH"'a=-s:..:s:.:a"'n~A=l:..:_i__--:-:- -+'-N.:_:a.:.:ib:_Q=""'sl;,:·s.. t--~2:.._+_-=0-:4--:_N.::.ov.:...-~Oc::S~+_;Q=ue.:.t~t~:\--+-:._1TIs-Ju 1-77 07 -J ul-3 7 40 Abdul F'ateh Jamali Abdullah Jamali lnspector 16 13-Apr-96 Sukkur 1 T 02-.\pr-L7 01-Apr-27 or -, _./ - . - btl -- :~ ,- Date of Place of Date of Date of .- Sr' - ~ame' IL~'-~_-Father Name. Designation 2nd! , B~; .'f ,.!'-- . Appoltnment P... tiDg Birth SUpel'llD;Dua~OD , ,- -,,; .- 3rd r i: - 41 Shakeel Ahmad Nazeer Ahmad Stenotypist 14 26-Mar-04 H.Q. I 17-Aug-76 16-Aug-36 42 Mujeebullah Muhammad Yousaf Mali 3 19-0ec-05 Quetta 1 OS-Jul"S3 07-Jul-43 43 Abdul Hameed Larik Muhammad Sharif Driver 5 22-Jan-07 Multan I 01-Jan-84 31-00c-43 44 Muhammad Rashid Muhammad Rafiq UOC II 29-May-96 Lahore 1 22-Apr-74 21-Apr-34 45 Javed Saifullah Saifullah Jan AO 17 01-Oec-96 Oassu 1 03-Sep-71 02-Sep-31 46 Muhammad Akbar Muhammad Sulcman Driver 7 25-Jul-92 Karachi I 01-Jan-68 31-0ec-27 47 Chan Mehfooz Chan Mehboob JAC II 01-Jan-06 H_Q_ I 05-May-80 04-May-40 48 Munawar Ali Bashir Ahmed Naib Qasid 2 OS-Jan-96 Sukkur I 12-Jan-75 II-Jan-35 49 Muhammad Siraj Ali Zad JAC II 15-Apr-96 H_Q_ I 01-Jan-76 31-0ec-35 SO Shahid Rafiq Muhammad Rafiq Naib Qasid 1 15-Apr-96 Mullan 1 04-Mar-78 03-Mar-38 51 Irfan Ahmed Shaikh Abdul Ghafoor AO 17 05-0ec-06 Karachi 1 29-May-79 28-May-39 52 Muhammad Hafeez Tahir Muhammad Hanif Qanoongo II II-Jan-07 Lahore I 12-Jul-76 II-Jul-36 53 Mian Khan Muhammad Ali Driver 5 07-reb-18 Lahore I 07-Apr-78 06-Apr-38 54 Waseem Raja Memon Rahmatullah Memon Sub Engineer II 08-Sep-96 Sukkur I 31-Dec-74 30-0ec-34 55 Abdul Waheed Gohar Rehman Naib Qasid I 08-Jul-96 Abbottabad I 03-0ct-69 02-0ct-29 56 Mukhtar Ahmed Saee Muhammad Chowkidar 1 04-May-1O HQ 1 19-reb-68 18-reb-28 57 Waris Masih George Masih Sweeper 2 04-reb-06 H_Q.
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