FOOD SECTOR Lee Kum Kee Food Co. Ltd. Jiangmen City, China Group: Lee Kum Kee International Holdings Ltd. Wrap-around casepacker !"T$%"&'(&)**&+&(,-& o understand the dynamics T !"#$%"&$'(%)%"'(*+)#,-."- +" (%%*"# "/')'#"#$%"0,%0" !"#$%" 1%0,2"3'/%,." (%" !"#$%"4+)'%)#"0,%0)"'(" the country that, based on a complex social, economic and industrial architecture, extends among the 5%#, 6 2')%)" !"7 (8"9 (8.":$%(;%(." Macao and Guangzhou. <$%"*%/%2 65%(#" !"#$%)%"20,8%"+,40(" =%(#%,)"')"#$%",%)+2#" !"0"= 54'(0#' (" !" /0,' +)" !0=# ,)" '(=2+*'(8" government intervention, private <$%" &$'(%)%" = 560(-S)" 620(#" '(" 4+)'(%))" )#,0#%8'%)" 0(*" 0" )%,'%)" !" B'($+'" N" ?'#$" 0" 6, *+=#' (" 0,%0" !" local, national and transnational D.EFF"$%=#0,%)."')"#$%"8, +6S)"20,8%)#" dynamics. P!0=# ,-QI" This is the economic context in It has relied on SMI experience and which Lee Kum Kee was created #%=$( 2 8-" ! ," #$%" 60=>08'(8" !" '#)" and developed, now leader in sauce bottles in completely closed #$%" 6, *+=#' (" 0(*" 50,>%#'(8" !" =0,*4 0,*" 4 J%)." 6%,! ,5%*" 4-" #$%" )%0) ('(8" )0+=%)" #$%" 4%)#" >( ?(" !" :5'!2%J'" ?,06@0, +(*" =0)%60=>%,." ?$'=$" 0,%" #$%" -)#%,@!20/ ,%*" )0+=%" WP 400 model, equipped with the and soy sauce. 6,%! ,5%*")%60,0# ,)"'()%,#%,I Lee Kum Kee HOW AN INTERNATIONAL BRAND IS BORN #S)" $0,*" # " '508'(%" #$0#" 0" I )5022"=0,%2%))"5')#0>%"*+,'(8" #$%" = >'(8" !" -)#%,)" =0(" 2%0*"# ")+=$"'(#%,(0#' (02"!05%I" Yet this is exactly what happened to Lee Kum Sheung in the late nineteenth =%(#+,-."! +(*%," !"#$%"$ 5 (-5 +)" = 560(-." ?$'2%" ? ,>'(8" 0#" 0" )5022" restaurant selling oyster soup. K(%"*0-."?$%("$%"?0)"= >'(8" -)#%,)" 0)"+)+02."L%%"9+5":$%+(8"2 )#"#,0=>" !" #'5%" 0(*" #$%" 6, 2 (8%*" = >'(8" !"#$%"! *"%50(0#%*"0")#, (8")5%22" #$, +8$ +#"#$%">'#=$%(I" M#" ?0)" (2-" #$%(" #$0#" #$')" =$%!@ '(/%(# ," ( #'=%*." ?$%(" $%" 2'!#%*" #$%" 6 #S)" 2'*." #$0#" #$%" -)#%," ) +6." normally liquid and clear, had #+,(%*"'(# "0"#$'=>"4, ?(")0+=%"#$0#" )+,6,')%*"$'5"4%=0+)%"'#"80/%" !!"0(" unparalleled and incredibly delicious aroma and taste. This is how the idea emerged to 50,>%#" 0" (%?" 6, *+=#" #$0#" $0)" become very popular over the decades and appreciated worldwide. In 1888 the Lee Kum Kee company ?0)" )%#" +6" ! ," #$%" 50))" 6, *+=#' (" !" -)#%," )0+=%." ?$'=$" $0)" 4%= 5%" #$%"40)'="'(8,%*'%(#" !"50(-"&$'(%)%" *')$%)" 0)" ?%22" 0)" 0" !+(*05%(#02" dressing in Cantonese and southern China cuisine. K/%,"#$%"-%0,)."#$%"= 560(-S)" +#6+#" has gradually expanded to include 5 ,%"#$0("NFF"/0,'%#'%)" !")0+=%)"0(*" condiments, among which soy sauce, hoisin sauce and chili sauce. <$, +8$" #$%" +)%" !" $'8$@#%=$" machines, Lee Kum Kee also )6%='02';%)" '(" #$%" 6, *+=#' (" !" $%,402" )%0) ('(8)" 0(*" $%02#$" ! *)" #$0#" !+2!'22" #$%" #,0*'#' (02" &$'(%)%" =+2#+,%." ?$'=$" ')" )%()'#'/%" # " (%S)" personal well-being. The oyster sauce in Chinese cooking K-)#%,")0+=%"')"%))%(#'02"'("&$'(%)%"= >'(8O" 4#0'(%*"4-"4 '2'(8" -)#%,)."#$')"= (*'5%(#" ')" /%,-" ,'=$" 0(*" #0)#-" 0(*" ')" +)%*" 4 #$" ! ," 5%0#" 0(*" /%8%#042%)." %)6%='022-" '(" #$%" Cantonese cuisine version. M#"')"0"*0,>@= 2 ,%*")0+=%"= ()')#'(8" !" -)#%,"%J#,0=#"0(*") -")0+=%"#$0#"* %)"( #"$0/%" 0"!')$-"#0)#%."= (#,0,-"# "?$0#" (%"5'8$#"#$'(>I" M#)"2'8$#")02#-"#0)#%"* %)"( #"0**"(%?"!20/ ,)"# "! *)"4+#",0#$%,"%($0(=%)"#$%"!20/ ," !" #$%"*')$"'#"= 5%)"?'#$."%)6%='022-"5%0#" ,"!')$P"'#"')"02) "+)%*"0)"0("'(8,%*'%(#"'(") 5%" )0+# %*"! *)I CHINESE CUISINE BETWEEN PHILOSOPHY AND MEDICINE Lee Kum Kee was also named the Lee Kum Kee has a long business tradition, most popular on-line brand and has based on values such as pragmatism, integrity received prestigious awards and 0(*"= ()#0(#",%) +,=%!+2(%))I" Since its origins in the nineteenth century, the prizes. company is committed to creating high quality 6, *+=#)" #$0#" 6, 5 #%" 0#" 4%)#" &$'(%)%" ! *" worldwide, thereby building a culinary and cultural bridge between East and West. &$'(%)%" =+')'(%" *')#'(8+')$%)" P-'(Q" ! *." !%5'('(%.") !#"0(*",%!,%)$'(8")+=$"0)"2%8+5%)" 0(*"!,+'#."!, 5"P-0(8Q"! *."50)=+2'(%."!,'%*." )6'=-" ,"5%0#@40)%*"#$0#"$0)"0"?0,5'(8"%!!%=#" on the body. M("!0=#."0"R+02'#-"5%02"5+)#"4%"042%"# "$0,5 (';%"!20/ ,)"0(*"!'(*"0"4020(=%" between hot and cold. Moreover, meals have always had a strong social impact throughout the #$ +)0(*)" !"-%0,)" !"&$'(%)%"=+2#+,%."# "0"6 '(#"#$0#"#$%"620#%)"0,%" !#%("6 2%*" on a round table, sometimes surmounted by a turntable on which they are laid. <,0*'#' (02" &$'(%)%" =+')'(%" ')" 40)%*" (" 0" !%?" %))%(#'02" '(8,%*'%(#)O" '(" addition to rice and phyllo dough, the one thing that can never be missing ')"*%!'('#%2-"#$%")0+=%."4%"'#") -." -)#%," ," #$%,">'(*)I < *0-."DWX"-%0,)"0!#%,"'#)"! +(*0#' (." #$%" = 560(-" $0)" )'8('!'=0(#" 50,>%#" shares at national and international level. SOME INTERESTING FACTS M("!0=#."L%%"9+5"9%%"')"0"?%22@>( ?(" 4,0(*"%/%(" +#)'*%" !"&$'(0I" L%%" 9+5" 9%%" ?0)" ! +(*%*" '(" DSSS" '(" #$%" ='#-" !" T0()$+'." '(" #$%" U$+$0'" It has become synonymous with 6,%!%=#+,%."?$ )%"(05%"'("&$'(%)%"2'#%,022-"5%0()"P)%0" !"6%0,2)Q"4%=0+)%"'#" Chinese entrepreneurship and a ')"2 =0#%*"'("#$%"*%2#0" !"#$%"1%0,2"3'/%,."#$%"#$',*@2 (8%)#",'/%," !"&$'(0"VW.XFF" )-54 2" !"R+02'#-"0(*"#,+)#I" >5Y"0!#%,"#$%"Z0(8#;%"0(*"Z%22 ?"3'/%,)."0(*"#$%")%= (*"! ,"'#)"] ?",0#%I M("!0=#."022"#$%"4+)'(%))"0=#'/'#'%)" !" 1%0,2"3'/%,"')"02) ">( ?("0)"Z+%"\'0(8." ,"P3'/%," !"]+0(8* (8QI" this Chinese company revolve around M#)"(05%"= 5%)"!, 5"0", =>"#$0#" +#=, 6)"'("#$%"40-" !"&0(# ("0(*"#$0#"( ?" #$%" = (=%6#" !" P#0>'(8" '(# " 0== +(#" ')")'#+0#%*"02 (8"#$%"40(>"*+%"# "#$%"=$0(8%" !"#$%",'/%,S)"!2 ?I" #$%"'(#%,%)#)" !" #$%,)Q"0)"?%22"0)"#$%" 1%0,2"3'/%,"!2 ?)"'(# "#$%": +#$"&$'(0":%0"4%#?%%("7 (8"9 (8"0(*"^0=0 I" 6,'(='62%)" !" 6,0850#')5." '(#%8,'#-" The estuary is called “Tiger Mouth”, name given to it by the Portuguese due and commitment. # "0("')2%#"#$0#"2 >)"2'>%"0"#'8%,")R+0##'(8I" The two corporate missions, namely The Tiger Mouth is crossed by the Humen bridge, a suspended structure 888 “promote Chinese cuisine in the 5%#%,)"2 (8"#$0#"= ((%=#)"#$%"T0()$0"*')#,'=#" !"]+0(8;$ +"?'#$"#$%"='#-" world” and “modernize and promote !"7+5%(I its traditional healthy Chinese herbal- based products” have given the Lee Kum Kee group its worldwide success, ?'#$" 0" 6, *+=#" ,0(8%" !" 5 ,%" #$0(" 300 sauces and seasonings distributed Hong Kong but its products are sold /%,"DFF"= +(#,'%)" ("!'/%"= (#'(%(#)I"" #$, +8$ +#"&$'(0"0(*"'("50(-"! ,%'8(" The company is headquartered in 50,>%#)" '(=2+*'(8" T ,#$" _5%,'=0." Europe, Southeast Asia and Australia. 1, *+=#' (" #0>%)" 620=%" 0#" !'/%" production units located in the cities !" B'($+'." 7+0(86+." 7 (8" 9 (8." L )" Angeles and Malaysia. Innovative packaging AND HIGH PRODUCTIVITY $%" :5'!2%J'" `1" )%,'%)" ?,06@ <$%"= (#0'(%,)"=0("4%"60=>08%*"4 #$" T 0, +(*" =0)%60=>%,)" '()#022%*" in completely closed corrugated 0#" #$%" L%%" 9+5" 9%%" !0=# ,-" cardboard boxes and cardboard trays. are automatic machines that _!#%," 6+,=$0)'(8" #$%" !',)#" 60=>%," '(" 60=>08%" /0,' +)" #-6%)" !" = (#0'(%,)" 2008, the Chinese company has once '(" *'/%,)'!'%*" 60=>08%)." $'8$2-" 080'(" #+,(%*" # " :^M" #%=$( 2 8-" ! ," '(( /0#'/%" ! ," #$%" 50,>%#'(8" !" #$%" #$%",%=%(#")+662-" !"0"(%?"0+# 50#'=" product. 50=$'(%"=06042%" !"60=>'(8"DW"820))" 4 ##2%)" !" /0,' +)" )';%)" V!, 5" WaF" g to 905 g) in the 4x3 collation in completely closed cardboard boxes. <$%" ?,06@0, +(*" 60=>08'(8" )-)#%5" 022 ?)" #$%" +)%" !" 0" )'(82%" 50=$'(%." #$%" P?,06@0, +(*" =0)%60=>%,Q." # " ! ,5" #$%" =0,*4 0,*" 4 J" 0, +(*" #$%" 8, +6" !"= (#0'(%,)"'()'*%"'#I" <$%" 60=>08%" ')" ! ,5%*" #$, +8$" continuous operation without )# 66'(8" #$%" 50=$'(%." #$%,%! ,%" reaching high production speeds to #$%"0*/0(#08%" !"#$%"%!!'='%(=-" !"#$%" entire line. <$0(>)"# "#$%',"?,06@0, +(*")-)#%5." #$%" :5'!2%J'" `1" )%,'%)" =0)%60=>%,)" %()+,%" ?'*%" !2%J'4'2'#-" !" +)%." $'8$" production speed, no collision PID - PREASSEMBLED PARTITION INSERTING DEVICE The PID SBP® and relating magazine containing the preassembled )%60,0# ,)"0,%"2 =0#%*"0#"50=$'(%"'(!%%*."04 /%"#$%"60=>08%@! ,50#' (" 0,%0I" & 560,%*" # " #$%" #,0*'#' (02" 5%#$ *" !" '()%,#'(8" +(0))%542%*" corrugated cardboard separators, the PID SBP® allows you to: #" ,%*+=%"#$%"6+,=$0)%"= )#" !"#$%")%60,0# ,)"4-"04 +#"WFc"0(*"#$%'," )# ,08%"/ 2+5%"4-"0#"2%0)#"dFcP" #" 50'(#0'("#$%")05%")60=%" !"0")#0(*0,*"?,06@0, +(*" =0)%60=>%,."4%=0+)%"4 #$"#$%")%60,0# ,)" magazine and the insertion device are mounted '("#$%"+66%,"60,#" !"#$%"60=>08'(8"50=$'(%P" #" speed up the separator insertion process and #$%"2 0*'(8" !"#$%",%2%/0(#"5080;'(%.")'(=%" )%60,0# ,)"0,%"6,%0))%542%*P" #" *%=,%0)%"#$%")%60,0# ,)S")%()'#'/'#-"# "5 ')#+,%"0(*" climatic variations. 4%#?%%("420(>"0(*"= (#0'(%,)."4%##%," (Partition-Inserting Device), which 60=>08%" )#04'2'#-." %0)-" 50(08%5%(#" consists in inserting preassembled !" 60=>)" !, 5" 0" 2 8')#'=02" 6 '(#" !20#" =0,*4 0,*" )%60,0# ,)" '()'*%" #$%" !" /'%?" 0(*" ,%50,>042%" 8,06$'=" cardboard boxes in order to provide =+)# 5';0#' (" !" #$%" 60=>08%" # " 50J'5+5" 6, #%=#' (" !" #$%" 60=>%*" 50,>%#"#$%"6, *+=#I" = (#0'(%,)"!, 5"*0508%" ,"4,%0>08%" 0(*"02) "# "6,%)%,/%"#$%',"204%2)"!, 5" <$%", 2%" !"#$%")%= (*0,-"60=>08'(8" erasure. ')"( #"2'5'#%*"# "#$%"5%,%"!+(=#' (02" 0)6%=#" !" 6, #%=#'(8" #$%" 6, *+=#" inside, but assumes primary '56 ,#0(=%" '(" 0##,0=#'(8" #$%" !'(02" consumer through advertising or 6, 5 #' (02" =0560'8()" *%)'8(%*" ! ," this particular purpose. Lee Kum Kee also decided to equip #$%"`1"XFF"?,06@0, +(*"=0)%60=>%,."
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