October 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6343 colleagues to support and pass the Pro- urge the American people to call your MANCHIN), and the Senator from Ari- tect and Serve Act, a bill that I spon- Senators and tell them that you want zona (Ms. SINEMA) are necessarily ab- sored and a bill that I hope we can get this bill passed. You want law enforce- sent. passed. ment to be safer, and you want our The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 51, The Protect and Serve Act would communities to be safer. Don’t be si- nays 44, as follows: punish dangerous criminals who mur- lent. Help me fight for the men and der a law enforcement officer in the women in blue. They are counting on [Rollcall Vote No. 207 Ex.] line of duty. If they murder a law en- all of us. YEAS—51 forcement officer in the line of duty, f Alexander Ernst Perdue they will be sentenced to life. If they Barrasso Fischer Portman injure a law enforcement officer in the UIGHUR INTERVENTION AND Blackburn Gardner Risch line of duty, they will be sentenced to GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN UNI- Blunt Graham Roberts FIED RESPONSE ACT OF 2019 Boozman Grassley Romney 10 years in prison. The premise of the Braun Hawley Rounds legislation is simple: There is no es- The Senate proceeded to consider the Burr Hoeven Rubio cape from justice for dangerous crimi- House message to accompany S. 178, a Capito Hyde-Smith Sasse bill to condemn gross human rights Cassidy Inhofe Scott (FL) nals who intentionally assault or kill a Collins Johnson Scott (SC) law enforcement officer. violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Cornyn Kennedy Shelby The Senate passes legislation almost Xinjiang, and calling for an end to ar- Cotton Lankford Sullivan every day in this Chamber by unani- bitrary detention, torture, and harass- Cramer Lee Thune Crapo Loeffler Tillis mous consent, but I am sad to report ment of these communities inside and Cruz McConnell Toomey that if I try to get unanimous consent outside China. Daines McSally Wicker for this bill, we would have objection Pending: Enzi Moran Young on the floor. McConnell motion to concur in the amend- NAYS—44 The heated rhetoric and the violent ment of the House of Representatives to the attacks on officers are having real- bill, with McConnell Amendment No. 2652, in Baldwin Hassan Rosen Bennet Heinrich world impacts, and the safety of law the nature of a substitute. Sanders McConnell Amendment No. 2680 (to Blumenthal Hirono Schatz enforcement has never been at the low Booker Jones Schumer Amendment No. 2652), to improve the small Brown Kaine that it is today. Across the country, business programs. Shaheen recruitments are down. Fewer people Cantwell King Smith CLOTURE MOTION Cardin Klobuchar are applying to go into service or into Stabenow Carper Leahy Tester The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Casey Markey law enforcement academies, and retire- Udall to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Coons Menendez ments are up. We are seeing our law en- Van Hollen Senate the pending cloture motion, Cortez Masto Merkley forcement ranks dwindle. It is sad, but Warner which the clerk will state. Duckworth Murphy it is not surprising. Durbin Murray Warren The legislative bill clerk read as fol- Whitehouse Law enforcement officers put their Feinstein Peters Wyden lives on the line every single day. lows: Gillibrand Reed CLOTURE MOTION Every morning, they wake up, they NOT VOTING—5 kiss their spouse goodbye, and they We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Harris Murkowski Sinem don’t know if they are going to come ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Manchin Paul back safely. But when they spend all move to bring to a close debate on the mo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this day being disrespected while doing this tion to concur in the House amendment to S. very difficult and very dangerous job 178, a bill to condemn gross human rights vote, the yeas are 51, the nays are 44. and politicians harass them or allow violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- them to be harassed, I should say, by Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary sen and sworn not having voted in the violent mobs and protesters, there is detention, torture, and harassment of these affirmative, the motion is rejected. communities inside and outside China, with no wonder morale is at an alltime low. The Democratic leader. Fewer police means more criminal a further amendment No. 2652. Mitch McConnell, John Barrasso, Susan activity. It means hard-working Amer- SUPREME COURT NOMINATIONS M. Collins, Lamar Alexander, Thom ican citizens who go to work every day Tillis, Todd Young, Pat Roberts, Chuck Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, Lead- just to make their lives better are liv- Grassley, Deb Fischer, Rob Portman, er MCCONNELL has argued that what ing in communities that are less safe. Richard C. Shelby, Michael B. Enzi, the Republican majority is doing by We cannot sit idly by and allow the James E. Risch, Kevin Cramer, Lindsey ramming a Supreme Court Justice streets to be filled with dangerous, vio- Graham, Roy Blunt, John Boozman. through the Senate mere days before a lent criminals who face no con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- national Presidential election is com- sequences. Instead, we must speak up imous consent, the mandatory quorum pletely normal, that it is perfectly con- and show our men and women in blue call has been waived. sistent with precedent. This is not that we respect them and we back The question is, Is it the sense of the true. There is no precedent in the his- them. Senate that debate on the motion to tory of the Senate for confirming a Su- They put their lives on the line to concur in the House amendment to S. preme Court Justice this close to an protect us, and we should do the work 178, an act to condemn gross human election. There has never been—never in Congress to protect them. In fact, in rights violations of ethnic Turkic Mus- been—a Supreme Court Justice con- the last Congress, Speaker PELOSI al- lims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end firmed after July of an election year. lowed this bill to be voted on. She sup- to arbitrary detention, torture, and President Lincoln, a great Repub- ported making it a law. But now her harassment of these communities in- lican President—one of our foremost conference is run by radical leftists side and outside China, with a further national heroes—rejected the oppor- who want to abolish the police or amendment No. 2652, shall be brought tunity to nominate someone for the defund the police, and she is not even to a close? allowing this bill to be brought to the The yeas and nays are mandatory Supreme Court close to an election. I floor. She won’t speak in support of under the rule. dare say every single Republican Sen- law enforcement officers despite the The clerk will call the roll. ator already knows this because they rising tide of violence against them. The legislative clerk called the roll. all argued that exact position 4 years That is why the responsibility lies here Mr. THUNE. The following Senators ago. in the Senate for us to show our sup- are necessarily absent: the Senator Republicans all argued that the Sen- port and let law enforcement commu- from Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI) and the ate shouldn’t confirm Justices in Presi- nities across the country know that we Senator from Kentucky (Mr. PAUL). dential election years because of the have their back. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the supposed principle that ‘‘the American Let’s protect police and deputies, and Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS), people deserve a voice.’’ Senate Repub- let’s pass the Protect and Serve Act. I the Senator from West Virginia (Mr. licans made that argument 8 months VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:16 Oct 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD20\OCTOBER\S21OC0.REC S21OC0 abonner on DSK9F5VC42PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 21, 2020 before the election. Now they are rush- [Rollcall Vote No. 208 Ex.] payers in the middle of the income dis- ing to confirm a Supreme Court Jus- YEAS—51 tribution saw their tax bills reduced by tice 8 days before the election, while Alexander Ernst Perdue an average of more than 13 percent. My Americans wait in line to cast their Barrasso Fischer Portman Democratic colleagues and former Vice ballots. They are waiting in line. They Blackburn Gardner Risch President Biden have made no bones Blunt Graham Roberts are voting. Millions of Americans—tens Boozman Grassley Romney about their plans for tax reform. Their of millions—have already voted. I have Braun Hawley Rounds tax reform would be in tax increases. If no doubt Republicans would confirm a Burr Hoeven Rubio they prevail in the upcoming elections, Capito Hyde-Smith Sasse Justice 8 minutes before election day if Cassidy Inhofe Scott (FL) they will seek to reduce and undo the it meant they got their Justice. You Collins Johnson Scott (SC) 2017 tax law and impose trillions of dol- could not design a set of circumstances Cornyn Kennedy Shelby lars in tax hikes on individuals and more hypocritical than this. Cotton Lankford Sullivan businesses. Cramer Lee Thune The truth is that the Republican ma- Crapo Loeffler Tillis The former Vice President has jority is perpetrating the most rushed, Cruz McConnell Toomey sought to deflect accusations that he most partisan, least legitimate process Daines McSally Wicker would raise taxes on low- and middle- Enzi in the long history of Supreme Court Moran Young income taxpayers by promising plans nominations.
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